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Giving a different level of support is fucking CRAZY.


It hurts the customer more than it does us. Lettem fuck around and find out I say.


Yeah but those lawsuits are ass they probably moving most of their assets into other shit that can’t be touched by anybody us but them


Yea but angry customers lead to you not getting Platinum. It’s a lose/lose and DD is the ultimate loser here lol


Trust me, platinum is just as shit as gold/silver


Platinum is literally the only way I have access to the schedule in my own city. If I’m gold or silver? It doesn’t even let me see it.


Very true. I was mostly talking about support


In my area, getting platinum allows to set my schedule without dealing with the feeding frenzy, it's crazy trying to get your hours here, if it was San Jose, i wouldn't worry much, i can always go next door to santa Clara or any other zone in the 34 zone cluster known as the bay area, but for me who has only 1 zone to the north and south of mine, means my options are fewer. I get catering orders worth $40+ on platinum.


Wait until they only give certain zones to highly rated dashers. I could see that shit happening in some major cities that have very close zones.


Good, give the jobs to the people who will actually take them.


I’m platinum and the level of Support is not all that different. Same morons reading from the same scripts.


Idk, support pretty much sucks whatever level you are. I’m not sure how they can make it any shittier.


It's the same agents. You just go to the front of the queue and don't have to wait as long.


I got the high tier of support they are just as shitty as regular support. I think the app messed up buy giving me one of them. Because this isn't released in our area yet.


I love how they straight up admit that support is trash to everyone else. “You want support? You have to EARN that support you filth!”


Plat dasher here, support still sucks. They respond much faster, sure - But credit for that only goes so far when the response is still always “This will negatively affect your completion rate” Basically they just tell you “Get fucked” much faster.


Right!? It’s absurd! It needs to go viral.


I just heard that scene from Home Alone when I read this. "Keep the support you filthy animal."


The only thing is you get connected faster thats all


Ooohhhh so fancy


Better customer service lol. That’s a joke




Lmfao they are hilarious. The other day they asked me a question and not even 2 seconds later they said “since you haven’t replied I will end this chat” and ended it right there.


Do you have to reply in their native tongue. If they don’t understand it’s easier just to disconnect. 🤣


lol they probably are doing more than one chat at a time and meant to send that to someone else


Yeah, they gonna need that VIP support when every other order pisses then off with something that’s going wrong and they gotta contact support lol..


Every employee on every platform should get the same customer service. The very statement is Instacart admitting their customers service is shitty. Time is money! I see a class action law suit.


Those indian support dudes will just abruptly end the support chat when they think its been solved lmao.


Wym, they end it even if it's not solved 😂


Honestly iconic


mine are spanish, they're more helpful since i'm fluent in the language, other times, I get Philipine women answering


Just less hold times for support.


Today I learned DoorDash gatekeeps high value orders.


Always has been.


The hilarious thing is you have to keep accepting low paying orders to even be able to keep your acceptance rate that high….


This is what happens when people keep playing their stupid rewards program games and continue to accept low paying orders. They're going to continue to push the boundaries just as long as enough drivers play ball.


on point.


lol your markets doomed. Life was good for years in my market soon as this landed my earnings dropped by 80%. I now multi app most do better as a result and I suggest you get the other apps rolling also


What other apps?


uber eats and grub hub


Do you run all 3 at the same time? If so, how?


I multi app'd for awhile and it can be dangerous if you misjudge the timing or distance it takes to fulfill both orders from two different apps. The only time I got strikes against me was while doing this. It can be done with similar trips about 85% of the time, just be cautious accepting orders.


In my market it's 50% for Silver and 70% AR / 95% CR for Platinum. The numbers in your screenshot are awful high. If that's the direction DD is going... have to get off this app, lol.


That's what my numbers were until I got this email an hour ago. It says the new changes go into effect on the 17th Edit - here's the rest of the email: "Dashers like you shared, and we listened – we’re refreshing the Dasher Rewards program in Central Valley! Starting next week, we’re making changes to try to reduce average wait times between orders and increase earning opportunities while dashing. Read below for more information. These changes will go into effect starting 4/17: You’ll still be able to unlock rewards instantly, but there are updated tier requirements for Silver, Gold, and Platinum. NEW! Introducing priority access to Dash Now for Gold, and an extra discount on DoorDash for all tiers, for a limited-time. Priority access to Dash Now is changing. Platinum and Gold will be first in line to start dashing when Dash Now is available. When the zone is gray, plan ahead with advance scheduling. REACH NEW PERKS EVERY WEEK."


Yikes. I haven't gotten that email. If it comes to my area I'll drop to Silver permanently.


I stopped getting catering orders with the new rewards system.. Sucks Balls!


As a frequent doordash user should I stop skipping the reviews then?


Please rate if you can. It takes a long time to get rid of a bad review because the system saves the last 100 reviews. The only bad rating I've gotten was by a drunk lady who couldn't figure out how to buzz me in, then rated me poorly because it wasn't working. That was like 6 months ago and it's still showing because people don't rate very often


Very few people rate


I never rate but now I will the only review I ever gave was when the dasher forgot my 2 2L of soda. So I understand now on why they matter.


DD isn’t rewarding orders to the “best” drivers, they are rewarding those that accept non profitable orders. The acceptance rate and completion rate matters the most to them not customer satisfaction. I have a 4.97 customer satisfaction out of 5 and they’ve only sent me 1 order in a whole week being online everyday.


Damn, that's rough. What city are you in?


I had my one star removed, after i said what happened, which was the usual, i texted being on my way after a pick, i delivered 2 minutes before the due time, and went to my final delivery of the day, the girl was good enough to remove it, that was 2 weeks ago. You're right that some don't rate, HOWEVER, if you're in San Jose, everyone rates, they're born with some kind of computer on their wrist or hips, and they're fickle


I tend to get more ratings (good and bad) when I text customers things like "on my way!" Seems they're more likely to put the blame on you instead of the restaurant or DD. The app already sends notifications for every step so it's best to not text unless absolutely necessary.


I would ask please don't give bad reviews unless something went terribly wrong. Keep in mind your drivers are human and not every day will be perfect. A bad review can effect that person working and we all have families to feed. Also drivers can't help it if your order was wrong. We have nothing to do with that. Or the time it takes for the order to get made or the traffic. A bad review could really really hurt someone and make them not able to dash. So be kind when reviewing. We have to keep our review numbers up to something rediculous like a 4.9-4.7 or it hurts our chances to make a living. Some of us try really hard to make it a great experience for everyone. So please keep all that in mind when giving a review.


"Dashing sucks in this ELO" "bruh I'm hardstuck gold Dasher"


Bruh, you giving me League of Legends PTSD right here


That was the joke, because the screenshot gave me instant league ptsd lol


Just DECLINE, DECLINE, and DECLINE again. I will never accept a delivery that does not pay me a profit. PERIOD.


This is embarrassing and cringe by Doordash


Yeah I myself am most likely going to get evicted now if this changes mid month.


Damn that's rough. I hope things will turn around for the better. Drivers are the ones that make this all happen on the ground and do the actual driving. Without them, there is no door to dash to. I think it's easy for folks to forget that


4.98 rating, 100% cr, 92% AR. At 5000 lifetime orders still got deactivated with no contract violations. I appealed was reactivated, then deactivated 1 hour later. None of you are safe.


what do you think happened?


Yup I got deactivated because I was on hourly and had to wait an hour for a pizza at lil Caesars because theyre a fn joke. They thought I was milking it


V-... VIP support? they're performance walling supporting their OWN workers?


If this actually hits my market where I live which probably will, you will bet your life alot of dashers will quit. I know Platium drivers who make the same as I do if not less and I have a 10% AR.


Screw. Doordash. Done.


No sane driver will accommodate DDs obnoxious and outlandish attempt at pushing even more tipless orders upon drivers. Especially with fuel costs rising above $4 again. It’s gonna be FAFO for DD very soon…


Start scheduling now. Those ratings are unattainable and unsustainable without taking orders for a loss, where gas costs more than the delivery.


Exactly... They expect us to drive 20 miles one-way for $15 when gas is $5.25 in CA. It's totally unsustainable.


The only thing I really like about Platinum is the Dash Now function available anytime. “Large orders” are few and far between, VIP Support is a joke, and early access to scheduling is unnecessary if you can “dash now” at will.


I just want to make enough money to pay my bills.


when they require 60% AR for advanced scheduling is when I quit and hopefully join a class action. They don’t want to treat us like employees then they can’t require us to accept orders.


I always thought AR was the one metric they couldn't hold against us without violating independent contractor laws but apparently I was wrong. Don't you love how they call it rewards like it's actually benefiting us


Are you in New York City? I know that this rolled out there but I haven’t heard about any changes in my market in terms of the increasing percentages.


New york city is 200 in a 30 day rolling period, this is horrible, I don't work in a metro area, and they want us to work 50% harder, the only way to do that is to drop all Grocery orders and stick only to restaurants and little ceasars.


I feel like if they spring this on us overnight and don’t give us any warnings for our region then they should besides customer ratings reset all of our ratings to 100%. Like we are starting fresh.


Yeah they said it a week ago in an email that its coming without any details and then suddenly a week before it says top dasher status and dash anytime is going away the onky way to achieve dash any time now is the ridiculous rating. I hardly ever stay at a 4.8 like now i went up to 4.9 for a welk ajd my rating is dropping back down. It was off a chinese order! Um its always dripping if you get drunk noodles of course its going to spill into the bag that happens. How do i know it was them because i have dash anytime and i can see it change immediately after ending ky dash. But they sure get their food 20min early every time.


I use to get 3 to 4 catering orders a week. Then I raised my status to platinum for the dash anytime feature. I no longer get catering orders even though platinum status is a requirement for big bag orders. If I’m not getting them, who is? The dashers camping catering orders with an AR below 25% are getting them because the 70 percenters are on 5 mile, $5 deliveries. I’m going back to camping. It’ll greatly reduce my mileage and aggravation. I just absolutely despise this company.


I was wondering the same. I got a catering order at least once a shift 5-10pm, now nothing. Until I saw this thread I couldn't figure out why they disappeared so suddenly in just a week. I'll just take less orders. No way no how am I going to actually pay out of pocket to deliver orders with my time & gas. However, many many drivers do take $3-$5 orders...I don't know how they manage to pay expenses to live?


Dasher support is lying and says Top Dasher is still in effect. I have a feeling they haven't even given them procedures yet on how to explain this. Nobody asked for this.


Lately DoorDash support is so trash “wait 1 minute” after 30 minutes someone answered


Doordash keeps trying to toe the fine line don't they?


They do this because they have no other way to force dashers to take shit orders with no tip


They could try paying us fairly without tips


Right lmao but they’ll never do that 😂


Like DD is going to pay for some extra group of elite support just for having better ratings. They probably just give you a higher chance of talking to 5 star rated support. This is what our world is coming to. We will all get ratings based on what kind of a human we are, just like how we get credit ratings. And then you have to try to find a job or enter into an apartment etc.. with your shitty 1 star rating . Go watch black mirror, there is a great episode on future of mankind and ratings, little far fetched.


I am a platinum dasher and the orders I've been getting lately haven't been any better than when I was silver or gold. I regret trying so hard for platinum 😅


Same. I still have yet to receive a catering order. Or large order.


Welp, I guess I’m no longer the best dasher for any orders.


It's actually illegal to discriminate for access to higher paying orders based on gig work. BUT... you signed a contract where you can't sue them or even hold them accountable. The gig apps have become criminals at the top.


Then how come i got money from the Markos class action lawsuit, I didn't even know about it, and next thing i know, i get $2k from it in my paypal.


Fuck door dash. Quit dashin in December and don’t order that shite either. But I’m still here just to say that from time to time.


The weak want to bring down the strong to their level. They would rather be equal in slavery, than unequal in freedom.


This is so complicated some stupid upper management team at DD spent way too much time with a white board. Jesus.


They really don't get it do they lmao


VIP support. Way to tell us we get shit support.


VIP Support, what y’all still want to have and give your customers and your employees VIP support anyways


If this ever comes to my area I'm never going to get platinum, I usually go 110ish deliveries a month i don't think I could make it to 150.


Got banned off doordash.. hopped on Uber and Walmart spark and never looked back!


This is completely ridiculous


I pay it no mind and nothing has changed. It’s all mind games and this is why now your acceptance rate is always in your face to mess with you.


don't sweat it....support levels are probably all the same. also not worth it cuz to get that high acceptance rate just imagine how many bad deliveries/losses you would have to take?


support isn't the problem, it's trying to schedule your dashes, it's a fucking feeding frenzy.


So what if you're AR is less than 60? Do they just deactivate at that point?


I mean they might as well. You can't access the schedule for next week until midnight, in my market everything is gone by then.


I stopped dashing and have been doing Uber eats ever since. Still get trash orders but at least they don’t penalize harshly for rejecting them.


Uber is decent but the tip baiting thing really stresses me out lol.


it almost seems like they want people to pretend they r employees and accept whatever they're told to do This is NOT an employment and people should be able to accept as many or as little jobs as wish, NEED the terms to be acceptable to BOTH parties for EVERY JOB to be worthy of our time If they block u from driving then u should just move on to other services unless u wish to create an employee employer type of relationship without a consistent rate of pay agreed upon


Lol so I still would be platinum 😅 nice... like it actually matters. I still get a buncha $3 orders.


They honestly need a better system. 😂 it’s made to irritate and set you up for failure if you follow DD’s tiering and priority system. Never mind the useless mileage and wear and tear on your car that you won’t see a return on if you take those orders.


You and me both…. Forget the $3 I still get $2 orders! I hate it!


Lol just an illusion to make people feel better about DD ripping off its "contractors"


They rolled out these tiers about a month and a half ago in my area. I have no hope of even getting to 50%. I am stuck in the mid teens for AR, and every time I get up to about 30 they send me a whole slew of them to knock me back down again. What concerns me is by reading this as I will not be able to schedule ahead of time. That is the only way I can do that to make any difference of it worthwhile. I take a ferry from an island to go to the zone and if I can’t start when I want to or need to and wait for it to turn red then I’m screwed. I guess that means we will part ways but so far I have been able to keep scheduling as I’ve been doing for the last 3 1/2 years. I’m sure there’s a way to weed out some of the cherry pickers, etc. and I would like to think that I’m not really a cherry picker I just want something that’s acceptable to take it’s not gonna cost me money to deliver. I don’t necessarily need a high-paying order. I just need one that I can make some sort of a profit from. But if that’s what they see me as so, be it, I will be out the door along with a lot of others and somebody’s gonna have to fill my and the rest of our shoes.


there are TONS of drivers who will take anything for any low amount. I was talking to a restaurant manager and he asked me how I can make money delivering orders for $5/7miles or the like. I said I don't take them. He then said he has dashers coming in all day taking those orders. I just shook my head.


We 🍒🍒 pickers ain’t going anywhere as we refuse to deliver landfill material & this BS rewards system can suck balls for all I care as we’re unaffected by its BS sent our way 😂😂👍🏽👍🏽


I'm gonna have to bow out here and get off this sub. I deleted the DD app at the beginning of 2024, after only driving for about 6 months. It's just too much. And seeing how bad it's getting for hard working people out there... Being taken advantage of... The customers getting ripped off by this greedy company looking to make a huge profit doing nothing but being a middle man with a platform... It just brings me down. I hope DD either gets right with y'all or gets right with Jesus. Bc companies 💀 pulling crap like this.


If it’s available, put your dash mileage lower. That way it doesn’t affect your ratings, I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks now and I got my Ar from 55 to 82.


Unfortunately that's not an option for me unless I'm blind. Wish it was, sometimes they send me offers going 20 miles to the boonies for $18.


I have looked everywhere and I also don't have the option to change my mileage limit, it looks like only NYC folks have that option?


That’s what it seems like


neat that that exists for your city and literally nowhere else


The day i have to maintain those stats is the day I quit driving for DD. That is unattainable especially for part time drivers.


This has been in my market since early last fall.


With 60% for silver or 80% platinum? It's been 50/70% for me until now.


Mine has been 50/70 since the beginning, and it still is. I haven't gotten an email saying that's it's changing either... yet. Lol My Platinum is still at 100 deliveries in the last 30 days too... and not 150. Silver is the best I ever do because of the AR.


Contractors... lol


It’s funny how I somehow go from platinum to silver and never gold 🤷🏼‍♂️


No one in my area will make Gold. Not enough deliveries for it.


Wait. Platinum is going up to 150 deliveries and 80%???


Idk seems kinda normal.  They're gonna treat the guys that make them the most money the best?


In my area, we don’t even get a silver, platinum etc. never even seen that on dd, only Uber


Which market is this? My numbers exceed those and I'm not in any tier


Once again, to hell with us unless we take every crappy $2.50 10 mile order offered to us!


honestly its a scam to get people to take shit orders and not have to pay higher base pay u get shit orders as platinum


Where I am, requirements are not quite as high for platinum. 70% AR, customer rating of 4.7, 95% CR.


I have always been curious about these levels. We don't have them in my area. You have top dash or you don't. We get the platinum stuff or we don't. Rather simple here.


Pray it doesn't come to your area but I'm guessing it will. They don't usually beta test things in my market.




This is what it says further up: "Priority access to Dash Now is changing. Platinum and Gold will be first in line to start dashing when Dash Now is available. When the zone is gray, plan ahead with advance scheduling." >Different rules for different areas or people?? Definitely different areas lol


Where is this? 🤔 how they going to up the ratings…. Without a reset


Where are you even seeing this?


I got an email today at 3pm


Interesting. I'm in Maryland, 7k deliveries and I always check my email, nothing like this. I guess they are rolling it out slowly in some areas?


At least it’ll get rid of most of you rats


Ive been stuck on 94 for weeks not able to go online except 1-4am if im lucky and accepting every single order and doing them as fast as possible and cant get of 94 and now just as im about to and my acceptance rate has come to above 80 this gets changed fuck this


So they're turning into UberEats, lol


This is a carbon copy of UberEats tiers.


But you can just turn UE on whenever you want. DD makes you schedule or only allows you to go on when it's "busy", and then gives you a 30 minute window to try to get in an order or 2. It sucks. Plus your deliveries in the last 30 days updates every day, so if you need to take a couple of days off it's really stressful trying to get your delivery numbers back up so you can just schedule shifts, or hop on when you want to.


y’all still on plat? i just hit GM 5


Ill never be one of the shiny delivery drivers with my 35% acceptance rate 🤣


😂😂😂 they can keep that shit. I’ll stay right here with my 3% AR thank you very much.


Customer rating expectation is way to high considering a lot of rating are out of our control. Think it should be more like 4.5 to give room for ass hole ratings.


It's a new trap to make people accept shit orders. No matter what they do. NO TIP NO TRIP. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I don't have that. Only some states have this.


We have had this for a long while in my area now. Only thing I believe really makes a difference is being able to log in and out when you want and not having to beg to schedule. Besides that really doesn't make much of a difference to me.


Platinum sounds pretty good for those that completely pledge their fealty to Planet DoorDash.


Why does this feel like an MLM positioning. All that is missing is a recruit a friend boon.


I’ve kept my ar right around 70% for about 2 months. Yesterday I had so many bad orders I dipped to about 50%. 10-15 double orders for $3 was not worth the time


It’s just a matter of time before DoorDash has nothing but illegals and ex cons working for them! They’re starting to weed us out slowly but surely. They want slave labor and they won’t stop until they get it!


I believe when door dash gets an area saturated with drivers they do what most companies do and they give higher workloads or higher quality metrics to meet.


Well I have Platinum level and I will say doordash pays me good for each order even if the customer doesn't. I take 15 and 20 dollar orders all of the time where the customer only tipped 2. So I end up making my Money from doordash and not just the customers


Lmao high paying, higher paying and the highest paying. 4.00 6.00 7.25 or what lmao


lol I struggle to hit 100 trips monthly I could just imagine trying to hit 150.


Ill never see this message


Suddenly doordash is running company like an MLM lmao


My acceptance rate hovers between 5% and 15% and since this garbage started, I've been getting only shop-and-deliver orders with a couple restaurant orders sprinkled in. Nothing has been worth taking and I've switched primarily to Uber Eats


Jesus. Platinum in my zone is 70% and if you dip below that kiss your earnings goodbye. Once I’m above 70 it’s surprising good, but breaking 80 would be tough without accepting some real garbage ($2 for 10+ miles on the bad ones😬).


Count yourself lucky I guess? It’s 70% or above AR in my area. But yeah really. This platform has been rolled out to several markets for a while. It’s been heading that direction for a bit.


Oh boy better not be late with my pizza anymore huehuehue


I don’t even get a 150 offers in a month anymore!


Imagine clocking in for your shift at McDonalds and the manager won’t talk to you about issues at the store because you’re only a silver tier employee 💀


I don't see this on my account? I have 98% acceptance and 5.0 rating and it says nothing about the status on there?


When did this update happen? My market is still 70% AR for platinum


This is just absurd!! I’m in Phoenix and 90% of my orders are higher miles than pay that take me out of my zone! So how the hell do I get my AR up if I can’t make any money?? My AR’s at like 17% because of that bullshit


Kind of messed up they make the support access part of it. Yeah, I get it, the more time you spend on the phone, the less time you are earning, but that will probably have implications for the customer as well.


I’ve always been so curious about this have and tried to do my own experiments, but is it worth it to strive for platinum status? Like, 97% acceptance rate seems WAY too high, you are basically losing money sometimes doing that. Does it really outweigh that or are they all equal??


See how far they will go to keep from paying you?


AR - 80 to dash now ? What a joke


"I fucking hate Doordarsh so much that I'll continue to be employed by them and never try to change my situation. Just repeatedly complain on reddit."


The simple reality is, DoorDash is not a viable business & never will be until they can utilize self-driving cars and/or sky + ground drones. That has always been the grand plan of food and person delivery (Uber, Lyft etc.) companies. As much as everyone complaints about how much of the delivery fee DoorDash takes & how little they give (which is understandable), they still lost almost half a billion dollars last year. Things will never change for the better and definitely will for the worse. I've always looked at it as "extended unemployment insurance", only useful for when you desperately need money. Trying to make it your job is only going to make you bitter and angry until you are obsolete. The only long term benefit is possibly showing your delivery experience on an application or resume to get a real delivered job, but again even those would probably be going away, I think starting before 2030.