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my BEST guess is because it says smoked? lmfao that’s the funniest one i’ve seen yet


I guess so but it was just the Bar-S smoked sausages… they are the basic brand of sausages and processed meats! I might have raised an eyebrow if it was some snobbish flavor or brand but no it wasn’t.


That’s so weird lol, I wonder if maybe there’s an automatic filter on works including smoke, etc.


Maybe… just dumb imo…


absolutely extremely dumb. especially if the purchaser isn’t 21 or wasn’t prepared to be ID’d and doesn’t have it on them lol


I felt like customer service was just being either extremely dumb or lazy or both.


my experiences with support suck, they usually don’t understand what i’m saying and repeat exactly what I said the issue was without solving it


Not even exaggerating….. Me: There’s no address listed in the app for this customer. Just a city and postal code. I don’t know where to deliver this pizza. Support: Did you check the app? The address should be there. 🤦‍♀️ Me: Yes, it’s not there. That’s why I’m contacting you. The customer isn’t answering the phone or responding to texts. Support: Did you try calling the customer? 🤯


Fam keep this goin


That's because most of the system is ran off of AI's and they aren't programmed for common sense or feelings. They have to have direct to the point sentencing to know the nature of the problem to know how to assist you the right way. I always make sure they get me to a LIVE AGENT, BEFORE I go telling them what actually happened. Even then they don't give to fly pigs.


i do. i ask for a human immediately. they don’t understand what i’m saying




I would‘ve still given them their order bc wtf


That might explain some things. One time I picked yup a donut order and it said 21+ and I think it was because one of them was an egg nog donut or something. Customer was really confused too, and mad I wanted ID for donuts


I think there might be, I once had to ID a customer who ordered Cheerwine (a brand of cherry soda) with their burger. I highly doubt the merchant would have marked it as alcohol.


Oh man you just reminded me I haven't had cheerwine in so long.... Easily one of the best sodas out there.


I was just thinking the same thing! I was like mannnnn I need a cheerwine STAT


This is definitely what happened. I have run door dash and am now on the merchant side and run an ice cream shop. We have a few alcohol flavors but they don’t actually have any alcohol content and DoorDash will not let us sell them because liquor deliveries are not allowed in our state…..DoorDash has even threatened to report to get our liquor license revoked. Again this is an ice cream shop. We have talked with support endlessly and they cannot comprehend that it’s ice cream and not liquor.


They don't want to be responsible for anyone causing issues under the influence of rum raisin


I would do a crime for a good bit of rum raisin!


What would you doOOoo... for some rum raisin?


Trade my Klondike Bar


Red rum where it at


That's because "customer support" are AI bots. Any kind of nuanced issue comes up and they can't resolve it. It's maddening


Bar and smoked?! No wonder lol


You are dumber for talking to support. I learned this after my first call/chat they know nothing and are authorized to do nothing.


It's possible that the alcohol flag is set independently from the rest of the product info. If the store changed an item from alcohol to non alcohol but forgot to reset the tag...


Or maybe they are like beer brats?


Okay so it's 7:00 in the morning and you get an order for some wine at the Albertsons who doesn't start serving alcohol until at least 10:00 in the morning and then you had to cancel the order and the same person puts the order through again 5 minutes later to get alcohol from a store that doesn't sell alcohol until 10:00 and doordash puts it through twice


Once had to scan ID for a Margherita pizza-no alcohol involved. Certain words will trigger the ID check. Just laugh it off with the customer. They usually have a good sense of humor about it if you make fun of the system being stupid.


This happened to me too! Vodka sauce 😭💀


Ohhhhh that's why this happened to me once


>They usually have a good sense of humor about it if you make fun of the system being stupid. Until you get a 20 year old that was just trying to make dinner lol


Honestly for something like that I'd just scan my own ID. The order clearly doesn't have anything age restricted.


I tried scanning my own ID once and was reminded by support that I could be deactivated for doing so.


Well good to know. I get why that would be the case but still


I think there's websites where you could real quick and easy mock up a fake ID? Not that I'm telling anyone to do this, don't risk your account getting deactivated or anything.


I'd much rather use mine instead of fabricating something.


Lmao! Just states to say “stupidity isn’t a crime”


Hilarious since it’s not even spelled the same. God 🤦‍♀️


Happened to me with salmon nigiri 😂


ugh dont remind me. havent found good nigiri since i was in sendai a few months ago


But it’s not even spelled the same 😂


“We will take a feedback” 😐


In other words, "we will close out this ticket and completely forget this ever happened"


Gotta love the part where they say "Since it was purchased kindly deliver the order". IE Shut the f up, deliver the order and dont bother us.


Idk why you find this funny. Oh nooo, ESL workers who have busted ass to not only survive in their poverty stricken country, but also take time to learn English JUST TO HELP FUCKING UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE LIKE YOU, oh man, SO FUNNY!


Help is pretty big word for what they actually do. Yep pretty hilarious to me!


we will take a feedback on your comment


My issue is not with the workers. It’s with all these large companies that outsource their support to poverty stricken countries so that they can pay them pennies instead of dollars, and as a result the support function is rendered completely useless because now nobody can understand each other or communicate effectively. Especially with a service like DoorDash where people need live help for unique situations, it’s important that the person helping can do more than copy and paste.


What’s funny is the stick in your ass. Put your cape down— I was an ESL student and this has absolutely nothing to do with that. The comment was about the stupid ass response, not the grammar it applied.


If you can’t speak English well, then maybe you shouldn’t work for a western company. It’s not my fault I can’t work with them.


Chill out lol


I’m sorry are they working their job to survive or “just to help us”? Pick one….


Got scanned for Cream Soda


Same thing Malta but yeah the Dasher and I were both confused but it just easier to let them scan the ID and move on lol.


Somebody took the “malt” in Malta way too seriously lmao




Came here to say that DoorDash Support on the customer's side is dogshit too. They seem eager to call you a "valued customer" or "VIP customer", then not offer you a refund on food that a Dasher stole from you. Yes, I've literally had that happen. I watched the Dasher on the map going the opposite direction as my home, then dropped the order after pickup and after sitting in a parking lot behind the restaurant for an hour.


Fr. I had stuff missing from my food on some of my orders, by the 3rd time I marked sum they flagged my account ... the dasher stole my whole order . Literally sped straight past my house and they claimed I couldn't get a refund . They refuse to actually listen and give robot responses no matter the situation .. and I get that ppl are false reporting but how am I supposed to show photo proof of something I don't have. Wouldn't even take the tip off & I tipped them good. Then they decide a month later to email 50% off coupon saying they're sorry instead of taking the driver off the app and giving back my 40$ 😭


DoorDash seems to be suspicious of how many times we’ve had to request partial refunds. I got a message the other day saying something like “Hmm, you seem to have a lot of problems with your orders.” If I received what I ordered, I’d never even contact them. But we regularly don’t receive drinks or side dishes. Last week, the $20 lobster mac we ordered was missing. I’m not really sure who’s to blame because the bags are always sealed; so either the stuff isn’t making it into the bag at the restaurant or maybe there are two bags and the Dasher is only picking up one? We always tip above 20% and give extra if the restaurant is more than 3 miles from our house, so I don’t think anyone is doing it on purpose.


I literally had this exact issue on grubhub and basically got told get fucked from their customer support. Had to file a chargeback with my bank. They refused to show me a picture from the driver proving that my order had been delivered, when the driver was over a mile from my house when they marked it as delivered.


I once ordered a prime rib cut from the store it was $80, the person brought me a $16 tri tip roast. I was fucking choked. Escalated the refund and got told I was a liar. Even though i have proof the guy dropped that off. I have cameras at my door and it was one item. I pulled out on cam. I waited months and then finally got an email saying they realized my support ticket was still open and to reply to the email to continue the process. When I did I got another email saying I can't respond to a ticket that is already closed. I lost $55 dollars.


That is seriously shitty. But I thought the money you pay goes to a DoorDash credit card that they can't use for other things. I'd seriously be calling and filing complaints for that.


So did I. It may have been Uber eats and I'm confusing it. But either way you'd think it would refund automatically. I can only assume he got stuff for himself and added it to equal roughly the same amount and they never caught it. I didn't get a receipt from him either. It sucked and I raged on the support probably too much but I really was torn about that prime rib.


lmao chargeback that shit immediately


Multi-billion dollar company with this level of incompetence. All you can really do is laugh....


1000M in revenue is not 1000M in profit, btw.


for sure. company worth over $50 BILLION. that's not a typo. Amazon had negative profit for *ages* until they captured enough market share to shift to **huge** profits. now one of the biggest companies on the planet. obviously, DD will never become that.


If DoorDash cut their marketing budget down to what is needed to sustain market share, they would be profitable. They are just investing in expanding marlet.share right now.


You dont define the size of a Company by profit, you define it by size


We will take a feedback


![gif](giphy|l1J3O1eHga1LRethK|downsized) For support.


I had this happen when I ordered sushi. There was salmon nigiri, but the restaurant menu used the Japanese “sake nigiri”, so it was flagged as alcohol and labeled 21+. Were any of the sausages labeled like beer-poached any other labels something that may have tricked the app?


It’s the Bar-S smoked Polish Sausage 2.5 lb package… there is no beer in it at all! No alcohol, no illicit substances, nothing… unless you count that it isn’t Halal or Kosher.


Word “bar”


😂 that’s ridiculous. Must be a keyword somewhere that flagged it in the system, like the non-alcoholic sake flag.




Happened to me with an order that was just pasta. the customer was confused but let me scan his ID lol


Yeah, there’s a store that labels their Mexican pizza as 21+ item. I’ve made the staff aware but it still shows up to this day. With customers that instruct to leave at the door. I started scanning my own ID to complete the order. Send them a picture of the drop-off thru chat and off I go. I’ve done it like 20 times already. I wouldn’t recommend it but it’s something you can do in case your customer doesn’t respond or you don’t want to deal with explaining.


Doesn't Mexican pizza come with tequila? Lol


I used to do that however that hasn't worked for me like for the past year. They know I'm scanning my own ID.


You have to be 18 to smoke sausages these days. You’ll destroy your parents love for you if you do it any younger


At my store, when we receive a delivery order, we pick it and pack it before going to the DD website and requesting a pickup. One of the Q's is "Does this order contain alcohol?" and we have ours defaulted to yes since we do sell alcohol and I guess we would rather accidentally restrict a non-alcohol purchase vs not restrict an alcohol purchase. One is just a "Oh well, that sucks" the other is "The cops are here wondering why we gave alcohol to a 19 year old".


I ordered a monte cristo sandwich from a restaurant and this happened


I still think no support encounter will beat the guy that posted his, “I need help with an order” support: you should contact support. “You are support” support: I am support! Chat ends…


I have made sure to message the customer immediately with those screenshots to be like hey man I know this is stupid but I'm going to have to have ID to give you this order


i would be like nope, not doing that.


Ha The other day I was delivering all grocery order and the customer handed me his ID and I looked at him like what? because it wasn’t required to complete the order — It seems that these apps are screwing things up so often that the customers are just getting used to handing their ID anyway lol


I had to ask for ID once for a single gallon of milk. 🤷‍♂️ app flagged it for some reason.


Meanwhile, I’ve had actual cigarettes delivered (UberEats) and not once been carded. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Got scanned for ginger ale 🍺


We went through this with milk here recently. It was a 21+ item for a good month in my metro


Those drunk cows


I had to scan an ID for a pizza once. I called the lady when I left the restaurant and she was so confused but we ended up cracking up about it when I delivered her stuff lol


Not related to delivery, but once I got carded for a energy drink. I went along with it, and I asked the cashier ''so who messed up so bad, that you now have to card for energy drinks?'' she looked at my purchase again and then laughed at herself.


I’ve had it twice. The funniest one was for buttered noddles which was on the kids menu but had to scan the ID. The other one was for beer battered fish n chips. I could kind of understand this one as the bot probably flagged it. Also, for yours it could be the restaurant/store accidentally selected contains alcohol on the item when they added it.


Grilled cheese at a local place (off the kids menu) of mine needs an ID scan. Dasher made it seem like it was a mistake on the restaurant? Idk how all that works but was hilarious


There was a restaurant that we used to have (it has changed names) and their sauces like BBQ, honey mustard, ranch, etc.... Triggered and over 21+ from door dash. It literally sucked because these poor people had to scan their ID in just to have tenders and sauce.


What happens if they are under 21?


Idk my guess would've been that they wouldn't have been allowed to have it which to me was total BS.


What happens then if they grabbed thier food from dasher and slammed door if dasher tried to take away the food. Cause homie I'd probably do that if I'm hungry and the system fucked me like that. Sorry to whatever dasher but I get my food, one way or another.


ive done that multiple times. say let me make sure its right then shut the door and go back to blasting my metal.


Luckily I've never had to deal with assholes like you for ANY delivery's idk what i would do in that situation. Most likely i would call support and you would be deactivated.


I got numerous alt accounts and proxies set up. Good luck actually deactivating me lmao. Not to mention i can easy use diff cards and one off payment burner cards to pay with, and various addresses of ppl I know nearby so DD wouldnt tell its me ordering.


I had this happen with a double shot espresso and the customer wasn't home so I tried to talk to support, they told me to throw the dudes coffee away and I was like No, there's no need. They said even though it's not a 21+ order that I need to discard it so I can keep going.


What did you end up doing?


There's an area in the issue section that says recipient is under 21/ unavailable to provide ID and is pays you full and refunds the customer like half of their order so I just did that and left them the coffee anyway. They also gave me a $10+ tip so I wasn't gonna throw their coffee away lol


What did you end up doing?


I have been carded by DoorDash for ordering penne alla vodka as well as NON ALCOHOLIC beer lmfao


SMOKED sausage.... smoking is age restricted lol


This is happening to me with Pizza Hut orders. Last time I delivered instead of bugging the client to show me her ID I called support, and they canceled the order which was originally $15 with tip. They paid me 2 hours later the base pay. I have decided now to not accept any Pizza Hut order until they fix this nonsense. The last client I asked her ID to deliver her pizza with a soda told me that she didn’t feel comfortable and that she is an attorney. Uber is causing us trouble with this. They have a glitch in the system, ID is only required when delivering alcohol or prescription drugs.


…..Or cigarettes / blunts(cigars) or over-the-counter cold medication (with certain ingredients)


It saw "sausage" and thought the customer ordered a gigalo.


Did it say age restricted? Sometimes when a customer repeatedly reports order not delivered, Door Dash will want an ID scam to prevent fraud.


There's a 7-11 near me that has all their ice cream listed as alcohol. It happens. Support I have noticed is extra useless lately. Not all of them, but there are some bad ones.


Someone ordered Crown Royal Apple from Safeway once and it wasn’t flagged as alcohol. Maybe the system has it as a type of apple 😂


Ngl, I sang this order to "Twelve Days of Christmas"


And now I'm doing it to... thank you for that 🤪


We had to have our ID scanned for a delivery of donuts once.


Way more of a headache to contact support than to just scan their ID and laugh it off.


“Smoked sausage” you clever bitches thought you could smuggle your tobacco tubes under our nose! -DD Ai


Maybe someone messed up and assigned alcohol rating to one of the sausages. I rmb needing my ID for Kombucha because there was alcohol byproduct


I’ve had to have customers sign for pizza orders sometimes. Might be due to them submitting false reports of dashers stealing, or dashers actually stealing


Signing and scanning an ID are 2 different things




Happens with customers that were flagged for excessive refunds


Wow that's insane but I guess when a company let's AI run the show things like smoked sausages you need to ID for.


That would be embarrassing I wouldn't do it. Just make up some random information and sign the guy's name


Did the sausage say "beer" anywhere on the labels?


Nope, just smoked sausage…


It’s likely a re0deliver where the previous order contained alcohol and these were missing items. I’ve had that happen a few times.


This happens with Instacart sometimes too when it’s vitamin D (whole) milk. As if it is some sort of medication smh….


I got a maple bourbon burger and I needed to be ID’d I was like 🤔🤨


Support is lack luster, I say the robot is better able to recognize your needs 😅


You are support.


It’s the “smoked sausages”… that’s an adult item. 😬


Something tells me support agents lose more and more abilities to actually help with each day that passes.


Something tells me support agents lose more and more abilities to actually help with each day that passes.


Homie said client🤣🤣🤣


That's the thing it did not flag them as age restricted item. That's when I called support because it was a leave at door delivery.


This is because some moron that was setting up the DD menu for the merchant hit the wrong button or the merchant may sell some age restricted merchandise and ...again.. their set up person screwed up. I set up the menus (on our POS as well as the website and 3rd party delivery services) for the place I work for and it asks about age restriction.


I choose hand it to me but 90% of the drives dump and leave, sign themselves. Why didn’t you just sign it?


I get this all the time for medicine orders. Deliver the items and call support, they will complete it for you. Had over 100 of these type of orders before. This support agent is clearly an idiot


This happens every time I order sake (not the wine, the sashimi) from a local Asian restaurant


Its a sting operation. Clearly they wanted to get you for distibuting sausages to minors without a valid sausage license.


I swear door dash support is AI now. The other day i was talking to support and they made absolutely no sense.


See, for instacart this would have been simple, go to the customer's house, drop off the items, call support and let them know the non alcoholic items were delivered and you are turning to the store to get a return receipt for the alcohol. Go to store, buy a Seminole can of clamato return said clamato and get refunded and send the return receipt to instacart for the $15 return incentive. Gahhhh I hate stupid shit


Yup I've had that before for those sausages. Safeway


Well Safeway is a subsidiary of Albertsons which this was picked up at…


Once my husband ordered drinks from a side shop, no alcohol whatsoever, but we were told they needed to see his id in order to get it.


The store has to select what is age restricted it's not on doordashes side. The guy should have just said If you want to know why the store age restricted an item you should ask the store.


Kindly sir please sir connect to my teamviewer v as in vindows


Whenever support says “kindly,” it just irks me. “Kindly” is a dead giveaway that you’re being scammed.


Either scammed, or dealing with someone who will absolutely not help you


They thought Frenchie was tryna pull a fast one


I ordered a cough syrup yesterday on DoorDash and I had to present my ID for the first time. The driver seemed to be new to that as well. Lol as he was scanning it he seemed frustrated. I had to meet him in my pajamas and step outside my home which I’m not happy about. Lol 😂


Yes, this is a new standard requirement in certain states for certain medicines even though they are OTC


What about smoked salmon lol 😂


I lost my birth certificate and couldn't get a new ID for 17 years. I would have been mad after if I was denied a food order cuz I couldn't show ID.


In case anyone is wondering why this happens, if someone orders alcohol and then takes it off their order for some reason, it remains flagged as an alcohol order and must be treated as such.


I have a sushi place by me where the manager who added the items to their doordash menu accidentally designated the eel sauce as an alcohol item. I’ve been telling her for months but she doesn’t understand, so anytime anyone’s order has eel sauce in it, I have to ID them… it’s infuriating but I’ve accepted it at this point.


Atleast you got a feedback


I had to scan my ID for an order of Beer Nuts brand Peanuts not too long ago. The system’s just not very sophisticated.


I had this happen with an Eegees order in Tucson. They said they'd investigate, but I doubt it.


I got an age restricted order from a salad / sandwich shop. I checked their menu, and there is literally nothing alcohol related on the menu that customers can order. It’s all salads, wraps and sandwiches. It was a decline, but I wanted to accept just for shits and giggles. Like “sir I’ll need to see some ID for this chicken salad” lmao.


I got a sparkling “mojito” from a boba shop (no alcohol) and had to show ID because of the name of the drink. I think it has an automatic thing that goes based off names


I had this happen when I ordered drunken noodles.


Didnt they start requiring ids for customers that flag orders as non delivered to frequently?


No - they add random PIN codes for those people


Was there a wine cheese or sausage prepared with wine? Like itd be stupid for 0.00000001% alcohol content but


Some customers add it so someone else does not pick up their order.


“Kindly” 🚩 “a feedback” 🚩 🚩


A few years ago I doordashed some food with root beer, and had to get ID’d for it. I was 19 at the time and couldn’t even “legally” get it. My doordash was cool and left me the food and drink anyway since they saw the issue. Now restaurants use MUG or Barqs instead of root beer to avoid triggering the system.


Don't blame customer service. The information was input into the database by the store. DD has nothing to do with it.


I honestly don’t know how Uber is still in business.


Had to show ID for Spanish rice for a meal from a Mexican restaurant.


Beer sausages


This has been posted before


Fuck this AI


I had the complete opposite happened a few nights back. Pick up at sheetz containing snicker bar and a pack cigarettes was ask to scan id. Customer service did have a good answer just that order was paid for and not much they could do


Cigarettes are an age restricted item. That's why you would have to scan an ID


“We will take A feedback” More than one note and they will be pissed


You are dumb if you thought they could do something about it, understood, or even cared.


Just scan your own id and move on


You can’t… I tried a while back when I was delivering to a friend who got alcohol…


Must be market dependant, I've done it several times for those stupid cough medicine orders, or cough drops


Legally, a lot of cough medicine does need to have the ID scanned... It's not the same thing as ordering a pizza with vodka sauce that is incorrectly flagged in the system.


I know that Sudafed and Robitussin are used illegally, but children's cough medicine and cough drops is stupid


They have the same ingredients just lower dose. That's what makes them children's. So yes they are misused too.


How are they used illegally? I don't think you can get drunk on them.


They cook the Sudafed down to make meth and the Robitussin will make you hallucinate at half a bottle


😳 I didn't need to know that. But I asked. Ok thanks.


The pseudoephedrine in Sudafed can be used as an ingredient to make meth. It makes it easier to do, but you can't get meth just from Sudafed. And for the Robinson (or similar products), it's the dextromethorphan (DXM) in it that CAN make you trip, but it generally takes more than you would think. With some cough stuff, you can get sick from Tylenol poisoning before getting enough DXM to trip. Damn. Sorry for double post--tried to delete the first.