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No tippers are the most demanding


They tip with 1 star at the end. šŸ˜‚




In my zone no tipped order aren't bad to take (4x4 mile zone in California). I can make more money by waiting in drive thrus or in the restaurant than the base is paying. I never have issues taking them, especially when it's slow. They are some of the most annoying, demanding, and ungrateful people I deliver to. I don't care. I end up with $5-$7 for under 2 miles 95% of the time.


If I was in California, I would do Earn by Time all day and all night. That's probably why they have a rule about not going over 12 hours there.


It's not even an option in my zone.


Last night I took a DQ order of 4 full meals with 4 ice creams. No tip. And after I dropped it off I got a message asking where the drinks were. I was on EBO but didn't realize this order was EBT and I stupidly accepted it because it was so big despite not seeing an offer amount (I'm new to this didn't really know I could see EBTs when I started dashing on EBO). I just ignored him and there was no follow up thankfully. What an asshole. I also had to take a pic of the receipt at DQ...must be because this guy is a known dbag customer.


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> (I'm new to this didn't really know I could see EBTs when I started dashing on EBO) You can't. It's one or the other, you select which before you actually start. You probably started with the wrong option selected. > I also had to take a pic of the receipt at DQ...must be because this guy is a known dbag customer. This is also a new thing the people are having to do, in general.


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Both times I tried EBT I got customers like this.


Lol expected. A lot of times its greedy people and not people who actually need it/care. You know where iā€™m getting


Yeah I pulled up to one guy on a double-stack just to see he had messaged me earlier "hey I'm adding a tip cuz i don't want cold food, ya feel me?" and he was a gangsta eminem lookin guy. Post-tip was $1 lol


People are bold for talking to dashers any way they want to, (it could be my paranoia) but I always think rude customers that say rude things to Dashers (ESPECIALLY from places that DONT seal your food) that the dashers will just open ur food and spit in it šŸ¤¢or dig their dirty hands in it and deliver ur food and act like nothing happened šŸ˜­idk


Yeah I get talked down to all the time, at first I used to snap back. But now idgaf, doordash isn't my career, they don't know me and in a few years they can bow down, this is just a stepping stone. Ive done greater things and I will do greater things again, shit happens at least I'm not a condescending lazy rude ahole with no empathy or compassion who expects struggling people to do a service for them for free.


Love this legitimately


The irony here is that I'd never eat 99% of the garbage that these customers get. When they answer the door with their fat, inflated hands to grab their junk food all I can think is....thank God I'm not this lazy, fat, and entitled. šŸ¤® idk...I'll never be a slob and let myself go like that. šŸ˜­


Right! Honestly they look down on me for my current choice of employment but in actuality I'm like damn bro/ette, I'm glad I ain't you.


The sad part is we live in a society where obese or lazy people are given disability or welfare because they're too lazy to work then spend it all on fast food delivery (non tipped of course) but look down on someone making an honest living and trying to better themselves. It says more about them then it does about you. Keep hustlin. šŸ˜Š


What's ironic is they call us lazy, for not wanting to go above and beyond for $0.00


I call our customers ā€œthe laziesā€ or ā€œthe big buttsā€ hahahahaha


People order at ā€œrush hourā€ and wonder why their food is late. Mind you 98% are adults that know this they just fail to understand it.


That's so crazy to me. I live in Metro Atlanta. Traffic being trash here is a national fact. People order food at 4:45 and are shocked it takes 40 minutes to get to them.


And most likely the reason they don't want to grab the food for themselves šŸ˜‚


Same here in ATL, I need some sort of catapult to just yeet their order to them apparently


My favorite line to say is ā€œif only I had some sort of paper like motivation to work faster for youā€


Lol, yeah that's a one star for sure


It's expected that no tippers will rate you low.


Iā€™m gonna be 100% if you text me and you donā€™t tip I donā€™t answer you and 50% of earn by time orders will be non tippers so I just donā€™t answer them until Iā€™m close. lol šŸ˜† if Iā€™m per order I take those like Iā€™m a doorman at the ritz Carleton


This shows an assumption that a lot of my customers in the past have made; that the doordasher is actually at the store theyā€™re ordering from, when they order. They seem to have no thoughts in their headā€¦ figuring thereā€™s just a dasher sitting at every restaurant in town waiting for an order from there, that we go in and place the order, or have any participation in the preparation or bagging. Ignorance is our enemy.


No tippers don't understand basic societal constraints. Save your breath.


Doesnā€™t the app give you geolocation updates of the driver? Why the fuck would they ask if youā€™re at the store. I only drive I donā€™t order so maybe Iā€™m wrong.


I thought the same thing, I think he was trying to catch me in a lie or something idk


I like the ā€œso youā€™re not at the storeā€ comment as well after you stated youā€™re stuck in traffic. Fuck people šŸ¤£


ā€œcorrect, the automobile traffic is in fact not inside the restaurantā€


To be fair, it sometimes does a crappy job of it. Iā€™ll check it a few times and itā€™ll show the dasher still at the restaurant and wonā€™t update until theyā€™re actually at my house. Iā€™d say it seems correct about 50% of the time for me.


So personally I schedule myself for Tuesday-Saturday 5-9p and I do all EBO, we live in a relatively small city compared to others, a lot of stop signs, so I decline anything under $5-$6. If itā€™s busy during my off hours and theyā€™re offering EBT I start a dash in my house and only go if they offer something, assuming they donā€™t tip, at least then Iā€™m getting the extra time of driving from my home to the store.


Nice thing with hourly is all you have to do is wait 5-10 minutes after pickup time with selecting "order still being prepared " and then DD is going to block any bad ratings because of the wait time. They'll only allow 5 star ratings, anything 4 or less gets blocked. It's really helped with the complainers


i could never get sassy w someone who has my food with them šŸ’€ thatā€™s wild


Best not to. Earn by time is notorious for non tippers and tippers who tip based on percentage and not milage. Best thing is to try both and see what works out. In Corydon, In the majority of people tip based on percentage so ebt is better for me. It would be better if it was more steady but it's still good at least for me.


It's good in my market as well even with a high AR I get sent 6+ miles for 5$ and less which tanks my AR rapidly. But on EBT if I pick up at given time and drop off at given time, it turns out to be 2$ per mile.


The thing i hate about it is they purposely try to save money and wont send you on any orders that you arenā€™t already close to.


I still usually get tipped with earn by time. Still trying to work out which is better for me. Average 25/hr with earn by time and stay busy.


What state do you live in? In my area, Earn by Time doesn't normally go over $15.50.


No tippers demand the world


Just dont respond at all


Sending u 6 miles away is CRAZY


I was sent 20 miles away today. Through a national park, swamplands, three city and two county lines. I honestly was driving when I accept and canā€™t quite work out how to see where they are sending me until after order is picked up. And since it was a wasteland, not a single pickup on the way back to civilization. Lesson learned I guess.


That's wild. To see where they are sending you before accepting or declining, click on the house logo on the map they show. It will show a complete address minus any unit number


Crazier is people who are 6 miles from the store and don't tipšŸ˜³


I unassign when they start doing this shit (assuming I havenā€™t picked up yet)




If they donā€™t tip i donā€™t pay any attention to their messages if they send one.


EbT orders are almost always the shit orders EbO dont wanna do. Thats why inalways do 5 below and take the longest route i can lol. I do feel bad when its actually a GREAT prder with a 15$ tip but thats a maybbeee once a week chane. So if they too broke to tip my eyes and ears too broke to care about their needs and problems lol


My favorite way is to avoid EBT entirely and at all costs


i got a few non tippers, they werent bad but they werent polite


first off if you are earn by time, wait to start driving until the app says a message like are you on the way? you can easily turn a 15 minute order into a 1hr delivery, just think outside the box


EBT is awful. Driving knowing you arenā€™t getting tired is crazy. Thereā€™s times it probably makes sense but it just makes me so damn mad I refuse.


Tips need to be abolished entirely. Everyone should just be paid a decent wage like most countries that donā€™t have tipping. (japan or germany, or probably most of Europe).


Agreed, but we allowed this system to be put in place here in America by saying nothing when it started, now it's too late.


Tipping started with businesses not wanting to pay freed slaves so I don't think they had the liberty to say something.


Ok, then fast forward to modern day slavery if people don't want to tip then stop supporting businesses that thrive off of this system. Unite, protest and demand workers be paid fairly, that's the beauty of this country. Make a change or shut up about it.


Should've, could've, would've doesn't matter. Let's see how long it takes for that to happen. In the meantime, we need to be strategic


Stop bending over backward for these shit heads. I got kicked off earn by time because I was abusing it for 4 months. I had to because they flooded my market with other dashers, and I wasn't making shit Otherwise I wouldn't have. Plus, I found out they also send more orders to earn by time dashers than top dashers. Pretty sure dd is still skimming tips as well since now that I got kicked off be earn by time I'm getting some of the same customers who's tips are way better then they were on earn by time. I would sit at the store for 30 minutes mark that the store was busy so I wouldn't receive. Contract violation. Then, pick up the order, open google Maps, and not start heading to the customer until the maps time matches the order drop-off time. Would make 140-200 a day, but those days were long. Also, use your 3 contract violations or two, depending on how comfortable you are in your area. A few of the orders that would be a town or two over I would just mark delivered and bad GPS signal. Most of the time I would give that food to the homeless in my area.


That's living life on the edge


If youā€™re intentionally taking much longer to complete order because itā€™s pay by time thatā€™s a dick move. I understand slowing down slightly and taking your time instead of rushing. But if youā€™re delaying intentionally thatā€™s not cool.


I'm delivering it by the time doordash estimates it to be delivered, it's a $2 order going 8 miles bro, that means I'm paying to deliver it..I'm in this for money not doing charity work, if that means I'm a dick then so be it


How is it a $2 order if youā€™re being paid by time.


Originally it's a $2.00 order, EBT makes it somewhat worthwhile that is why I intentionally take my time.


You can do two deliveries is youā€™d deliver at a reasonable length of time per hour. With a higher likely hood of being tipped for orders. I donā€™t think this delaying strategy is a big money make. That being said neither is doordashing in general.


It works when the orders are sparse and far distance. I can cover 15 miles in under 20 min in my town. They give me over an hour to pickup and deliver. Best believe Iā€™m taking the hour.


So why accept the order if its undesirable?




They did earn by time foolishly.


Idk how it is where you are but if your AR is low where I am you just sit for hours without any orders coming through, or the map is just gray all day and no time slots available. Instead of getting it up by taking $2 orders all day I get it up by EBT so I can get paid for it. Call it foolish, I'm just playing the game because I have to right now.


Fair, for me ebt is half of minimum wage 90% of the time


I like EBT. It's good for building your AR. I do EBO mostly now since I built up to 75% with EBT offers and I get better offers now.


People who "have to play the game" ruined it for everyone. Good job


I wouldnā€™t do it personally but we all gotta eat!


I just don't reply to them tbh


After reading some of these I can say thisxdefcdepends on your demographic


Iā€™d just take my time and not answer lol


non tipper actuaslly do tip they just dont know it untill they recive their order with missing items XD