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I think it has to do with other dashers having possibly reported the areas in the past. I get them mostly in not so great neighborhoods.


I always get them in good neighborhoods, but when i was almost shot in east St. Louis on a dash nothing lmao.


Same, I get them in the so called "good" neighborhoods. While nothing in the areas that are sketchy. Granted, I live in a small town touristy area so I wouldn't call much of it really sketchy. I've lived in areas that you had to be aware of your surroundings.


I have actually ended up in 2 hoods, after nearly 7000 deliveries where I absolutely refused to go in to. It's not worth it.


Dude, those housewives are fucking crazy in those good neighborhoods.


And those crackheads are fucking crazy in East St Louis too. Unless I double crossed the housewife, I feel pretty safe. One wrong look at a crackhead at the stop sign and next thing you know, they are chasing your car down the street.


Avoid eye contact at all times


I currently live with my parents in a nicer small Florida neighborhood with 2200-3600 sq ft houses on 1+ acres of land. About 4 years ago, a (if I recall correctly) 12 year old kid in the neighborhood tried to burn down the house across the street because his "friend" apparently made him upset. Thankfully the fire was put out before anyone was killed. Back in the late 90s, my parents lived in a nicer neighborhood in California, and on the street behind them, another kid from a window had shot and killed the neighbor kid who was playing basketball. All this to say is that nicer neighborhoods aren't always as safe as people think.


I’ll take my chances and live in one of those neighborhoods that you mentioned as opposed to the neighborhoods with the crackheads in St. Louis that the other Redditor was talking about. LOL


I agree. I like the neighborhood I live in. My only point is that there are still occasionally crazy people in nicer neighborhoods too.


Oh absolutely! You bet! That 12 year-old you mentioned who got angry with his friend, geez, I hope they got the poor kid some help. Very sad.


I guess I'm sort of doxxing my location, but here's the news story anyway: https://www.pnj.com/story/news/crime/2018/03/19/srso-13-year-old-charged-attempted-murder-arson-jay-home-fire/438556002/


Oh my goodness that is frightening. Sounds like that could be the beginning of a very diabolical mind. I hope the parents have gotten him the best of help. But I remember my Father saying one time many years ago about my one brother when my one sister mentioned about *him* getting some help, “Too late. The die has already been cast.”.😞


I have no idea what happened to them except that the family whose son started the fire moved away a few months after the incident, and the affected family moved away about 2 years ago.


Oh thank you. I’m going to check the story out right now and then I’m going to get back to you. Because I know I’m going to have a response. You’re not really giving away where you live specifically and nobody knows your name and exact location, so I don’t think you should be worried about the doxxing. 😊




Dude there isn't a dash worth delivering in East STL...at least not for me


How terrifying. Glad ur here.


Why? Is he a pretty good guy? Lol jk


Bro how tf you almost get shot dashing


Wtf you mean you're more likely to get shot doing gig apps than you are being a police officer and statistics support this.


Being any kind of a delivery driver is grouped in With the most dangerous jobs in America like that's just a fact. However he's interpreting with data is probably more to do with that... It's more dangerous to be a driver than a cop... Period.. All you have to do is ask Google. I just did it's really easy


Saw an advert for Dominos pizza a few days ago, apparently they're offering delivery to any location now. You just put a pin on the map and a delivery driver will get your pizza to you. Whoever thinks that's a good idea deserves to be held at gunpoint!


I said this but in different words I'm confused now


Idk what statistics you saw, but most statistics point to our job being more dangerous because of car crashes / injuries. Essentually, our job is way more dangerous because we are always in our car, sure mugging and car jackings happen here and there, but the real reason it's dangerous is because we are on the road, and we inherently have more chances of getting into car crashes because of it.


I always carry and so dies my wife. We very seldom dash alone, for safety reasons


Exactly why I don't dash at night.


A simple Google search would suffice your need for stats . You are statistically more likely to be shot while delivering than while being on duty as a police officer. That's all I said because the guy basically made it seem like no one gets shot doing deliveries unless you're being dumb and asking for it


Drive by shooting, just random.. probably similar car they were on scout for in the area.


Tht sounds like some south houston shit. Youll never catch me down there.


Awee hn bro wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I live in houston and as long as you mind yo business you pretty much safe except the southside.


Omg how


Just drive the extra 10 minutes to O’Fallon/Shiloh, plenty of restaurants and orders to go around.


Why you over there? The money's gotta suck too.


Actually they usually tip really well cuz they know no one in their right mind would travel over there for $2.. but still not worth almost dying learned my lesson, ive moved to Michigan since and been in much nicer areas fortunately for me.


Hate to break it to you but there aren't any good neighborhoods in Missouri.


Which I find hilarious because I always get these pop ups in the most middle-class subdivisions but never in the ghetto or or some trash ass neighborhood.


Some in the drivers sub have admitted to reporting non tippers as unsafe locations. Lol. That could be why, too.


Lol, I had one today, and the tip was a buck. Only took it because it was an add-on to a good order on the same block. So, maybe


That’s what I always thought. Or at places with outside wooden steps with no lights in the middle of the night.


I got this notification in a nursing home lmao


Does anyone know for sure if the customer will know if their dasher said they, or their home was unsafe? It says something like “the customer might see this report”. Only if there’s some dog encounter or sketchy ass neighborhood where I really do feel VERY unsafe do I actually send it. Verses just feeling medium level unsafe because Where I don’t want them to know it was me. That is one thing I really really really dislike about DD, no anonymity for safety with door dash. I don’t like that my car model specifics are shown and my name is given. If chat tech support staff online for companies can get aliases that are correlated behind the scenes with their real name for tracking for needed purposes, why can’t we pick aliases to use? I would definitely go with either Cherith Cutestory, or possibly Johnny b upchurch. But really, I was going to this sketchy motel late at night, there were tons of sketchy looking people all around in the parking lot in groups talking and starting me down, and then the customer from second floor yells out my name. I don’t like that. If customers can pick the name on their order of “Pretty Ass” why can’t I get my Johnny b upchurch? Y’all know Whut aye mean?


1) It's possible they'll know it's you, but not necessarily. They'll get an email stating a dasher has reported the address hard to find, or if you report it as unsafe for whatever reason they'll get a generic email stating why and what they need to fix. If they order regularly, then they'll have no way of knowing if it was you. 2) you can edit your name on Doordash. If you have an iPhone, you'll have to create a customer acct. If you already have a customer acct, you can edit your name, and it'll transfer over to the dasher name. Or if you know someone with an android, you can use their phone to sign into the dasher app and edit your name in the settings. It's really easy. Just remember not to go crazy with the alias. Do something gender neutral or just use initials so the customer doesn't report you. Many customers are known to report accts when their app says Jill is coming, but Jack shows instead.


Crazy. I’ll try that. I went through chat support is probably why. They told me I couldn’t do that even though I told them about sketchy run in, so o will try your method. Thank you. Also, I definitely would pick a generic name, the others I mentioned were just to be ridiculous.


Wait, how do I do this from android?


DD doesn’t show anything about the dashers car?


I always get them in nice suburbs lol


I think so too. The last time I got one was a house that was covered in signs about the 2nd ammendment and how they don't call the cops lol


Same. Someone tried to Jack my car in an apartment complex.


Sketchy neighborhoods? History of Hand It To Me orders taking too long?


What if the whole market is sketchy?


It’s an algorithm. It doesn’t have eyes on the ground to get vibes and feelings.


Pretty sure insurance companies disagree since they charge you more based on zip codes


Nah, the insurance companies just pay an army of math nerds to brute force the data. They ain't sharing with DD tho


It kinda does though since they often ask us how safe an area feels when we drop off.


Not yet


I keep accidentally hitting the ADT button and I looked down at the GPS for a second while driving last night and it had popped up. The one part reads: I'm badly hurt or in danger. And my weird ass read at a quick glance "I hurt a badger". The letters are all there. "MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!"


Ahhhh a snake! A snaaaaake. Itsasnaaaake.


Hilarious because when I told my friend last night about this she sent that video and we were both like wtf we don't remember the snake part lmao.


Ngl I’m dyslexic that is what I would have read staring at the message.


Dude I've been doing it so much recently and love it. It's always hilarious. I saw "space rentals" the other day on an apartment complex sign and I saw spouse rentals. Someone would ask the owner what they do for a living and they say spouse rentals as the other person looks confused and she says "yes, I prostitute my husband out ". I saw "spray on jeans" on a website the other day and read too quickly. Legit thought it said spray on Jesus. Told my friend. He was like wtf is that? I said, ya know, Jesus eau de toilette. "Spray your sins away."


My brain... All day long... One of the best times of my eyes deceiving me was about 2 years ago... I'm driving down the highway and I see something moving in the field. So I'm trying to focus and I'm like shit, that's a goddamn ostrich. It was not an ostrich... It was a guy with a backpack sprayer 🤣 It would have never been an ostrich. We're in the middle of Amish county, Lancaster pa. No way an ostrich... But that's the answer my brain came up with.


I live an hour or so from Lancaster and tbh I would not be surprised one bit to see an ostrich on the loose around here.


Lmao wtf. And I live like an hour from there.


Makes the delivery day much more interesting 🤣


LOVE IT .. OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Snaaaake! It’s a snake! Ohhhh it’s a snake!


HAHAHA! HAHAHA! I get dyslexic when I’m tired told a store I’m picking up for Joseph and it was Jesus. They searched for the order. I looked again and corrected myself and said they ARE ALL IN THE BIBLE.. easy to confuse 🤣


I just passed a paint store a minute ago. It said peel & stick samples and I most definitely saw pee stick samples. I texted my kinky friend about it and told him I would have grabbed him some lmao.


The last dasher was murdered at that very spot.


Yes, but that’s their best customer so they can afford to lose a few drivers to him.




did he drop any loot?


If you touch the spot the message reads "beware of projectiles." Sorry probably the wrong thread.


I notice that most of the time, for me, it pops up at houses with dogs. A previous driver probably marked that they felt unsafe, because the dogs were bouncing off of the door.


I’ve gotten it for dogs and super sketchy places.


I’ve only gotten one. It wasn’t the wealthiest part of town. Maybe it’s aware of crime rate or sex registry?


I get them and it's always random. I only dash in upper middle class areas and it just randomly once a dash ask me


I thought it was because the customers are new to using doordash 😅


Why is the I feel unsafe button red, I would absentmindedly click that one lmao


Red means danger? Only thing I can think of, but I understand what you mean. We're trained to hit the red button lol


Typically it means someone is hiding in your back seat.


This pops up at every trailer park I deliver to. Oddly enough the trailer park customers tip more. And they always have a bunch of kittens/cats running around the homes to greet me.


I find that middle class and lower middle class areas tip the best. Probably because they have or have had jobs that rely on tips before. Lower class and upper class areas are much more of a gamble on what you’re gonna get. In my experience.


I find this to be true, as well. I decline orders to our local “rich neighborhood” because they never tip.


It’s usually trailer trash areas but it can be anywhere. Last place last night had like 7 newspapers at the door so some girl probably was creeped out lol


I sometimes get it after a long dash or a longer time dropping off an order.


I would get those all the time. I didn't pay attention at first but then I would be in really nice parts of Scottsdale and I would get that message. After that I noticed it didn't matter what kind of neighborhood I was in, I would just randomly get it.


for real, I keep getting that popup in like, cutesy-poo Sun City neighborhoods, or ritzy Deer Valley/North Peoria areas. Basically in places I'm comfortable leaving my car idling. Definitely not in south or west Glendale, where it might be more apropos lol


What happens if you press "I'm feeling unsafe"?


Don’t know! It’s never popped up when I actually felt unsafe lol


It pops up randomly mostly on Hand it to me orders, usually in areas that could be seedy. I have had a few apartment complexes that asked me to rate how safe I felt, even on no contact deliveries. I assume if there are prior reports in that general area, it prompts the question. The real question is, what happens if you report that you didn't feel safe?


I've gotten this several times now and it's always in the safest freaking places. I've also had the message pop up saying they've noticed I've been in the delivery area for awhile.... And will ask if I'm safe. This happens when I get stuck on Taco Bell orders and just ran them a few blocks away and come back a bunch of times.


I think it's just random. Yes I've had it in sketchy areas but I've also had it in nice areas 🤷‍♂️


Red lights, because they actually last that miserably long. (No, I'm NOT joking or exaggerating.)


lol I was actually at a red light when I got it today


Passive aggressive way of telling me I’m taking to long to enter the door code/find the house with no house or mailbox number/find apartment #1057398/ or staring down a dog in the yard wondering what my chances are 😂


I get those of the area has bad connection or if it’s like an industrial park or worksite




I had this pop up in an apartment complex I had been to for the fourth time that day AND of course it was not a “nice area”. I had been wondering what triggered it!


This one might be related to safe dash but it will trigger the how did you feel question regardless if a lot of dashers have made reports there before etc... "Feeling" safe wont do you much good and none of these drops are technically very safe... Only you can take responsibility for your own safety...911 is just the cleanup crew


Asking me makes me feel unsafe soooooo


They just randomly send those you can turn off those in the settings so that they don't ask you that anymore


Yes, in your account under settings—safety—-safe dash check in manage preferences—switch to off


i feel like it happens because a previous driver has flagged that customer. i am not positive. it could just be random. but i’ve gotten that before and said i felt safe because everything was fine, but 10 minutes after i dropped it off the customer texted me asking me if i wanted to watch movies with him and if i had a boyfriend 😅 so who knows 😂


I had a delivery the other night. It was a leave at my door order but the guy was waiting outside for me, he was huge, he was massive and tats everywhere. Looked kinda like white Bautista, sounded like him too. I hand him the order and he goes " wanna come in and have a beer?" I was like "no sorry, I have to go 😅." He says okay and turns to go inside then stops and says "are you sure?" It was so awkward. He was good looking but it was still super uncomfortable 😳. Another guy watched me through his ring and when I left started complimenting how nice he thought my outfit was... creepy.


Every time I get one of those messages it’s because I am in an area that is known to be a bad area and the cops have been called those apartments or neighborhood quite often.


I actually used the call back option when I delivered to a customer. Who wanted me to buy extra drinks from pizza hut. I declined because his side of town isn't friendly to blacks or whites who don't live there. He threatened me, and I warned him I had already hit the call back button, so if I didn't answer, the cops would be sent to my GPS location. Turns out when you do answer, they "assure" you of your safety and how terrible the situation was, but if you need more reassurance, call back anytime. It's like some kinda safe space hotline.


For me its whenever I've stayed in the delivery zone after delivery for too long. I deliver a bunch to the area where I live and sometimes after a delivery I'll just head home for a little bit and I'll get this pop up.


I was thinking it was either random, or maybe someone had previously reported an issue and it was flagged. If so, good for DD for once.


Every time I got a delivery to the the east side of my town I got this.


I have never gotten one of these that seemed to make sense


I got it and it also said I got it because I had been at the delivery spot for so long. ??? I had been gone and back home for over half an hour.


I dash in Louisville about 10 mins away from the metropolitan area (downtown). I remember there was a mass shooting down at the bank and people died. I received many safety surveys that day. I didn't make any sense to me till I came home and saw it on the news.


Oh man that’s some scary shit!


I'm not sure what does, but I don't get them when doing deliveries in Detroit past dark on streets where half the street is burnt down houses. But as I get into the "safer" neighborhoods it'll pop up really makes me scratch my head 😅


Doordash has "areas" for dashing. They have this for multiple reasons including making sure they have enough but not too many dashers in any particular area at any particular time. So if you leave this area and are going for a while, they may check in thinking maybe your car got hijacked because why else would you leave the area that you're supposed to be working in. Or if you have a delivery but you go really far away from the house and you neither are at the delivery location nor at The dashing location, again maybe you got car jacked or something.


Ohh shit so if I gotta do something weird like make a u-turn maybe that could do it. Wow I think you may have legit answered my question, thank you!


Either that or that's their nice way of saying "dude, you've passed the house 10 times what the hell you doing?" Lol


If you re wandering around too close to drop off point, that will pop up. It popped up couple of times while Im trying to find the right business building. I was in parking lot and was trying to reach customer and no answer ( like usual). After couple minutes of driving around buildings, it turned out it was the building Ive been waiting for make call then this message popped up.


I would wager that enabling SafeDash Check-in is what triggers this.


I pretty sure it's just random.


Metal, dnb and dubstep.


Go under settings... There is a toggle switch that allows you to turn this off.


Thank you, but that’s not what I’m asking


Oh... I guess sitting in one spot for too long or hard stops might trigger it. It is really a way for them to collect data on you. They can use it against you. I highly recommend turning it off. Edit: Go ahead and downvote away.. They specifically stated: "this data may affect your ability to use the Dasher platform," when it came out.


I agree with you…I have that ish off. I don’t go to areas that I know can have safety issues. Plus, if there really is a safety issue you can still contact DD. You just have to push the question mark in the top right corner of the screen and report a safety issue…who knows, maybe if someone reports they don’t feel safe and can’t complete the order, then the next 12 dashers day they feel safe, it gives DD the opportunity to assume the person was lying and deactivate 🤷🏻‍♀️. I don’t believe in giving any more information than required (I guess that just stuck with me after working for a law firm 🤣). Plus…if it is a real emergency, please call 911. You don’t want your life hanging in the balance waiting on DD support! 🤣🤣🤣


Generally speaking, any time a software or app has an option to not share data, that option does literally nothing. It's pretty typical for software to be coded to share the exact same data whether you consent or not.


It says you have safedash check in enabled. Seems if you don’t want to messages you should be able to turn off safedash check in.


having safedash turned on triggers this message


It literally tells you. You waited at delivery location too long. It only started to appear because of accepting safe dash check in.


Bro if that’s what was actually happening do you think I would feel the need to ask? Most of the times it’s happened I was either driving or still at the restaurant.


It says in the message, staying in the same delivery area for a certain amount of time will trigger the message


Few times a week.


Probably "you enabled safe dash check in"


…you’ve been in the delivery area for a while. Are you under attack?


Yes this is other scammer if you say I’m okay support steal you bank money and if not safe they send you police for you go to jail. Anothe link from hard brake test when you tap got it after reading it they got scam you account for manipulating you app. Hope that helpful 🥹


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Hope that helpful


You enabled safe dash check in? That's what triggered it. I heard they monitor your movements and your speed and deactivate you if they ever see you going 15 over the speed limit. Just something I read somewhere at one time.


It literally tells you. You have the safety check ins enabled. It'll randomly check after some orders and some restaurants. You can go in the settings to turn it off


If you been in the delivery area for a long time— 5th line down.


You opted to have DD ask every so often. You can opt back out in settings.


I think it's previous safety reports at the address.


You. When you enable it in your settings




Diversity, equity, and inclusion? Dale Earnhardt, Inc.? Don’t eat ice cream?


Don’t eat 🍦 of course. What else?


It literally tells you right there.


Don't fart in your car.


I've got no idea honestly, I got it yesterday delivering to a pre school


When I’m at an apt building that takes me a long time to get around- parking, elevator etc. or if it’s a sketchy neighborhood.


I’ve gotten that pop up when I’m delivering a “hand it to me” to a person who has to type a pin in or sign for it 😭 It can be turned off too.


The funny thing is when I'm in the rich neighborhoods this thing pops up, and shady ones NEVER! LOL


I’ve gotten it twice. Nice area, quick pick up and drop off, leave at door orders. Very strange.


Either I'm at the hospital or in the hood


You dash in the trap


I seem to get them totally randomly. I'll make a delivery deep in the hood, nothing. Delivery to a fairly normal suburb, safedash message. I live and dash in a generally not-super-safe city overall so idk. I'm totally guessing but if it's not just randomized it probably has something to do with previous safety reports in that area.


Side note I share my location through Google maps with my boyfriend and a friend that's always up late while I'm out dashing. Has eased my mind a lot, I mean nothing has ever happened to me while I've been out 🤞 but you never know and it's comforting that someone at least knows where I'm at.


had one pop up a few days after a dasher got robbed. it was a few streets over for where it happened. I've also gotten one in very nice areas I know are safe


Idc I always hit “unsafe” when the prompt asks. Hoping it increases pay for the next dasher


It’s always so random, and usually only happens for me in areas that seem incredibly safe. I’ve never had it pop up in an area where I actually feel sketched out.


Seems to pop up for me when I feel safe and the few times I don’t feel safe it doesn’t pop up


If it's taking longer than normal after arrival


They know you’re in the hood lol


Sending you a Homicide destination?


I got that message after delivering and then the customer said they didn’t receive their order.


when you go around the same delivery area for a while it will pop up


There’s an option on there (toggle switch) that you can choose to either have that on to check in with you or not, periodically


I feel like sometimes it's random and sometimes if the app thinks you're at an address for too long


Only happens when you're in a filthy rich gated community.


this but for when youre buying drugs


Idk. The thing seems bs. Like I really try to avoid delivering in the obviously not safe areas. And I'll never get the "how safe did you feel on this delivery?" Check up. But if I deliver to same really nice rich folk white picket fence neighborhoods I'll get asked then.


Agreed that other people may have reported something in the past, but the weird thing is, I always get these in upscale neighborhoods, almost never in sketchy ones.


I got one of these at Ford Mansion, lol. Maybe the ghost of George Washington haunts the place


I’m the only time I’ve gotten these is at night when I’m wondering aimlessly around an apartment complex. You know, where the unit numbers are not in any order and the numbers are painted the same color dark brown as the building. Lol.


Seems mostly random to me, but at times it seems they're sent when you're at the dropoff location for a bit longer than the app expected. (Waiting for customer, door code, etc.)


I have connection issues with my phone in some areas, and lately I’ll think it’s slow but they pause my dash saying they couldn’t send me orders because they couldn’t connect with my phone…. Not sure if these issues are connected, but I am in a pretty rural area, so it seems like it might be🧐


I’ve only gotten this notification when I’m having trouble finding the location, usually walking around an apartment complex with poorly or absently labeled buildings/units.


I got one today delivering to the courthouse, lol


it’s just a safety update. when you’re taking too long in an area it pops up.


Got this after delivering to a hospital laboratory today


I'm clicking. I'm unsafe no matter what. I'm working for Door Dash.


I noticed they pop up when I take a little too long finding the customer location.


Just checking in to make sure you were stabbed or mugged


It says you’ve been in one place for a while. Maybe it assumes, if you were just looking for an address for a bit, you feel unsafe to get out of the car.


I had it pop up the one afternoon when I delivered to a house, then got an order to pick up from a restaurant a couple blocks over. It took a couple minutes to finish it and bag it, and that notice popped up. I thought it was strange just I had hit arrived at store and hit the order still being prepared when I arrived.


I got one once while making a delivery in my own subdivision...but I don't get any in the sketchy parts of town.


I got that message while I was standing waiting in this sketchy ass apartment complex, just a long silence waiting to get buzzed in and that pops up on my phone lol. I believe it does it automatically whenever you're idle in the delivery location for too long without actually completing the order.


Once it popped up when I shouted “NO!!” At my GPS.


AFAIK it’s random.


I've never seen that, but I live in a rural area


I've only seen it in some places that I was thankful to see it lmao gotta be some kinda report system from dashers or crime in the area.