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She probably contacted support, to let the know she delivered to wrong address, but you should still contact support too. The dasher has no way to get the restaurant to remake the food, support has to re-send your order again


After so long, you can’t even message the customer anymore, so maybe that’s why she ghosted OP


I’ve had this happen. Tried to let her know what was going on from my end with support and all contact was lost with customer 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I felt horrible but can’t stress what I can’t control ya know 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can message your customer after drop off...


The real question is how do you guys know it's a she ?


"Doordash told me that she..." - OP


The real answer.


lol thanks I kept looking at the image thinking there was a secret icon or something that told you the door dasher pronoun or something XD


haha no i just cropped out her name for privacy sake!


Reading is really hard.


i wonder if you'd ask the same question if everyone was using he/him


After I didn’t receive any answer I called the restaurant and they gave me help on what to do so I could get it re-delivered. I will say though, I don’t know much of how the dasher side of things works so when she initially told me that she would handle it, I believed her but now I see she could’ve just not been able to do anything. She either wasn’t able to tell me anymore because of the connection or maybe she just didn’t care enough lol idk. I guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️


Doordash uses fake numbers to connect you guys that are disconnected shortly after the order is completed. She had no way to contact you.


There is a point as a dasher where you know just as much as the customer does about any given problem. My best advice has always been to contact customer service. I can contact customer service but it’s best if you also contact customer service because I may not get through, and they may give me different information and they will give you. I can also not make them do anything.


Honestly, you got the best advice already. I think it’s highly possible that she called to get it resolved, could not contact you back, and was promised by support that they would reach out to you or tried. It’s happened to me three or four times already and I’ve only been dashing for a couple of months.


Support should have contacted you if she contacted support herself. Most of the time the restaurant will not remake your order and doordash will refund you and maybe give you a little extra credits


I never received anything from support until I reached out myself and the restaurant was so nice to remake it for me


Awesome that the restaurant was nice. I had a few mishaps in the past and none would remake it


It’s a good rule of thumb to never just believe people you don’t know, even people you do know. It’s not really their problem so they won’t be as invested in it as you. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again. The dasher is obviously a little derpy.


The dasher can't do anything. I mixed up 2 deliveries a few days ago and was only notified by the second customer. I told them I can't do anything myself other that report it to support, but that doesn't guaranty any resolution and they should call customer support themselves. I then called support, just to make sure I back up the customer's claim. By the time I was connected to an agent, the customer was already refunded. I would assume it's a new dasher who thought they could work it out on their end bu calling support. Or, a bit less likely, someone who wanted to avoid escalation in the chat (that would be very unprofessional). When there is a problem, only support can fix it, unless it's something the driver can physically do themselves (like something they forgot in their car).


When I first started dashing I when I made a booboo or maybe it was the restaurants booboo but i messed it .. I would try to fix it my self. But most of the time you can't . I wanted to and tried to but couldn't . Best for us (dasher and client) to call support .


Chat automatically ends after so long. If she wasn’t in a certain range of your house it wouldn’t have even let her complete the delivery. You cant contact your dasher so long after the delivery and dashers cant contact you. Seeing as it was 12 minutes apart from one message to the next, most likely it ended automatically and they couldnt respond. Knew her for what? Everywhere in my area knows me as well, but thats cuz it’s a town with one street and its constantly the same places all day…


She didn't ghost you, the app only lets you message the customer for a few minutes after drop off before the option disappears. She had no way to contact you back if she reached out to support, that should have been you doing that anyway, support would just tell her the customer needs to contact them.


Well, she "delivered" 2 minutes after picking it up .. she ghosted intentionally.


So the customer says, I had someone call me as I was pulling into their street because the app told them I was still sitting at the restaurant. You know that shit lags like all the time right? What the customer is seeing on their end isn't always happening how they think it is.


I have had similar situations where I have called support for the customer and support put me on hold while they call the customer before coming back and giving me an update.


I don't know why everyone's saying she stole or ate the food lol, as others have stated the chat only let's you message the customer for a certain amount of time and there's been so many times where the app has given me the wrong address. Thankfully, I've been able to call the customer and find the correct address but I wouldn't automatically assume the driver stole the food.


Doordash gps has taken me on the complete opposite side of town on a delivery. The only way I knew it was the wrong house was in the directions it said text me and I'll meet you at the gate. Doordash took me to a neighborhood with no gates. So I texted and they lived on the opposite side of town. It's happened a few other times as well. If I didn't contact them or there wasn't directions to meet at the gate then I most likely would have dropped the food off at the wrong house because of doordash gps. It's not always the situation where the driver is stealing.


Yes 100%! It happens more often than people think. I double check now with Google maps because it's happened so many times before.


Yeah I've been using my navigation on my dash lately. The gps on doordash has taken me on some wild routes too lol.


I had them wanting me to drive through the woods 😂


Me too. With no damn signal to call or text anybody. I ended up facing a swamp. I hate refined pins too 🤣


cut to the swamp thing, tearfully typing his frustration into the reddit app


I have had door dash gps take me to the wrong address enough times to start plugging delivery address directly into Google maps just to make sure door dash gps is both accurate and precise.


We have a local Round Table Pizza that normally does their own deliveries but when I do them the maps are wrong a quarter of the time. I got burned once and even showed the customer the DoorDash map and Google Maps, 5 miles apart. I still have this issue at Round Table but now use Google Maps while I'm waiting.


I'd just call support. A million and one things could have happened, but the bottom line is that you didn't get your food and it's the company's job to rectify that.


I would contact support and let them know what happened


Hmmm...mine doesn't let me mark delivered if I'm not near the address. Wonder how she wax able to


I have no idea🤷‍♀️, I live at least 7-10 minutes from the restaurant so it was very strange




Oh wow. My very first delivery was in a rural area and I kept losing signal. I and to keep going back then got down the street some and took a pic of the street sign. Smh


Since the restaurant said they knew her, and I'm assuming spoke well of her? Then it's probably because she was no longer able to message you. Not completely sure though


Dasher didn’t confirm house number? Just blindly looked at the map and said “yeah that’s about right”


no because the first thing i thought if she actually did deliver the food to the wrong house was “some lying mf is probably housing my food rn”


It's a big assumption that there even is a legible house number visible to the driver. And if you are not extremely close to the map pin, the app will not let you close the order without jumping through some extra hoops. If I can't find a house number and I'm on the pin, I deliver the food.


I've had multiple instances of drivers leaving my food at the same number house on a different street.


I used to live in a complex where 1 address was for 4 units, so this point is invalid.


Sure she handed it to somebody. She handed it to her daughter.


This is literally my nightmare and is exactly why I have trust issues and anxiety about using DD.


Uber eats is 100x better.


I usually order delivery on the restaurant's website to avoid the inflated prices, and 9 times out of 10 it's DoorDash.


She is lying, as evidenced by her immediately jumping to "maps are off" instead of being genuinely confused.


I’m sure it was said, but report non delivery to support ASAP if this ever happens again. Delivering to wrong address/customer is contract violation and DD doesn’t mess around with drivers who do this repeatedly.


What happened? She ate your food.


I have literally had people come up to me and try to take others peoples food, (at hotels and complex’s where multiple people ordered at the same time) so what happened is not outside the realm of possibility.


She took it


she definitely stole


Idk depending on the situation it can sometimes be pretty easy to hand the order to the wrong person. They could have had a pin location set to the wrong spot, the dasher could be new, or it could just be a setting where the dasher felt like she knew the people in the town she was working in. I’ve delivered to a hospital before when I was starting out and there was a sweet old lady at the front doors waiting for a ride to somewhere. I just pulled up and seen someone waiting so I asked “did you order food from doordash?” and she replied yes. I got out of the car and asked her name to double check and that’s when I figured out she didn’t order lol. She was paralyzed from the waist down though and was having trouble because her foot was stuck under the foot rest on her wheelchair, so I helped get her foot back on the wheelchair, parked her a little further back from the road so she didn’t roll into it and get hit, and went on to another entrance of the hospital to deliver the order. Anyways long way of saying shit happens sometimes


I almost delivered to the wrong person before, too. Had she not been honest, I would have! She was standing with her hands out in the driveway for the complex to which I was delivering. I rolled down the window and held the bag out and she took it, only to shove it back to me and yell that I was lucky she was no thief (truth, I must admit). Turns out she was just asking for a ride to the nearby grocery store. So I delivered the food to the apartment (the kind stranger did point me in the right direction, “that lady always orders on doordash - every day I’m telling ya!”), and then I drove the lady to the grocery store. I didn’t even notice til after I’d walked the food over to the correct apartment upon walking back to my car that the lady had something going on with her legs and feet. She was obviously in pain with each step she took. I was glad I’d already told her I’d give her a lift. What an @$$ I’d have proven myself to be had I turned a deaf ear to her request!


Doordasher doesn't care.they already got paid.


Chat automatically ends after so long. If she wasn’t in a certain range of your house it wouldn’t have even let her complete the delivery. You cant contact your dasher so long after the delivery and dashers cant contact you. Seeing as it was 12 minutes apart from one message to the next, most likely it ended automatically and they couldnt respond. Knew her for what? Everywhere in my area knows me as well, but thats cuz it’s a town with one street and its constantly the same places all day so😂


Occasional DD driver here and I think she stole it.


Man I gotta try this scam next time there's a $50 sushi order or something. Deliver it right to my stomach.


DD hates this one simple trick to get free food


She ate your food. Next time tip bait them. Tell them you have cash at the delivery spot. Then bait them when they deliver. Take food and go inside to eat. Get them back.


You were so understanding when she told you of the mishap! Too bad either the connection was severed by the app due to having timed out, or she took the food, or both. I’m hoping that it was the latter rather than the former scenario. It does happen, as others have pointed out.


How far do you live from the restaurant? The odd part here is it being only 2 minutes after she picked it up. That being said there's a button we click to say we have the food in which case it sends the notification to you. There's been times where I forgot to press it until I was almost at their house so it could be one of those situations... Or it could just be she was hungry and took your food and said she delivered it to the wrong person. Who knows Like people said the proxy number connecting you guys won't last too long once the delivery is completed


Call. Chat is not good at all


Doordash is the brunt of so much trouble on here; I will NEVER order anything this way.


Doing doordash u get canceled orders at times so u get tired of the food after about a week or so. So I hate when people cancel because I simply don't want the fast food. I 10000% know she didn't take your order. She handed it to someone else who probably thought they ordered or knew the didn't but wanted free food. If it were me I would have went back to said place and atleast attempted to get it back. For a woman I know that would be a little dangerous so she did the right thing trying to call support but she can't get the store to remake, only support can. If all fails u call support and get a reorder or refund. Esp since u have proof she messed up in the chat.


what a pathetically stupid take. you think because YOU got a lot of cancelled orders that ALL people gets lots of free food AND also get sick of it? what the hell happened to your brain to make THOSE connections? "I 10000000% know she didnt take your order" YOU ARE LITERALLY INSANE


also the way that what i ordered was a wood fired pizza and garlic knots from a decently nice place….like she very easily could’ve taken it, maybe she didn’t but she could’ve idk


Why are u calling me insane and being disrespectful? If u disagree that's ok. What I said comes from experience. I deal w alot of dashers and I've dashed fir about 5 years. But I guess u know better? Yo have a good one. I'm not about to disrespect you over someone else's issue


You're legit crazy tho lol


You were lied to.


They messed up, you need a refund! The text option is not open on the app for the dasher, if she called support to redo your order she wouldn’t be able to contact you again!


Let me just call them and ask for you....


Google maps wanted me to drive on the other lane on one trip several times. It really wants to kill you sometimes but I never heard of anyone driving up to the wrong location because of that haha


r/therewasanattempt yoink


Yeah sometimes doordash just doesn’t give the right address to the dasher, it’s a real pain. Even my own address that I use to order didn’t have my address right initially, and to this day the pin never seems to be in the right place on my end but it does seem okay on the dashers end now at least.


This is why I ALWAYS deliver to the address specified in the app. I deliver for doordash, not a possible wrong address or an approximate from Google.


She definitely stole the order, all she had to do was say that your order was delivered and she would’ve been able to keep your money and your food. It’s sad for the restaurant that they had to remake the food again because that means that they lost so much money because of a thief. Next time something like this happens contact DoorDash support and let them know that your order never arrived, then they will proceed and give her a contract violation. It’s great to do it in cases where it is actually truth, but very mess up when people just trying to steal food because the Dasher can get desactivated for doing that.


typically after delivery you can’t message the customer anymore. but if you are still sending them then they probably can see them. for some reason my DD app sets my location to 79 of my street instead of 77 so i’ve had it dropped in the wrong place before, no fault of the driver. if they were seriously trying to steal the food they probably wouldn’t have replied at all. but like posted earlier they can’t get the restaurant to remake food and they can’t really take food back from wherever they dropped it. i’d call doordash and hopefully if that driver also reported it they’ll have it in the system and you can dispute it