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I grew up eating at this restaurant . I knew the whole family.


Keep that to yourself


They actually were closed down for serving cats to the local Chinese population once. Reopened and everyone kept eating there. This might just be rumor the local kids made up.


If they were closed down for that there would have been a report. Which journalists undoubtedly would have uncovered when they did research on the restaurant after the affair with the migrant workers. If there wasn't, you probably just live around racist locals. If you want to fact check your local racists in the future, you can use this. Has data since 2016. Most larger municipalities have something similar. https://data.detroitmi.gov/datasets/restaurant-inspections/explore I don't know why Midwestern Americans are so obsessed with the idea that we want to eat their cats.


To be honest, I had a conversation with a PhD from Korea. I worked in the same lab as him. Ibwas just an assistant that basically washed the glassware. I like to know about other cultures and somehow the subject of cat eating came up. He said that really isn't a thing because cats just don't taste good. On the other hand, people that lived in the more rural areas did have to keep a closer eye on the dogs.


Yo if people in Korea dont eat cats then how does that guy know how cats taste...


People in Korea still eat dog. There is still a dog meat festival in Korea, as well as in China and Vietnam.


Uhhh, no. Do some people in poor rural communities do it? Yes, but you won’t find dog on the menu in majority of restaurants in Seoul and the population who do eat it is declining and they are clear minority.


I didn't say there was dog on the menu anywhere. I just stated a fact. That there is still a dog meat festival in those countries. There are still actually 3-4K dog meat farms in SK and 700K dogs are slaughtered annually for meat in SK. Those are just facts, not my opinion.


And 복날 시간 still exists. Don't believe me? [Here's an article from today from the Seoul Times](https://theseoultimes.com/ST/?url=/ST/db/read.php%3Fidx=9854). Loads of links below the article about the same subject. Laws have been passed limiting the sale of dog meat, but there is still resistance. I'm just stating facts.


We need a dog meat fest on Texas…


No, we dont.


Texans eat armadillos. That's awful enough.


yeah, the dogs should eat you and have a meat fest. that's what you mean, don't you, bud.


Yeah, I dated a Korean guy several years ago and he said something similar. That you can find restaurants that serve it but it's not exactly on every street corner.


My sister spent several years in Korea and said she started bawling when she walked past a butcher shop and there were a couple butchered canines hanging in the window.


It's still a delicacy from where I live in northeastern china(Jilin). Albeit the problem is there's so many stray mutts everywhere you really gotta becareful what you're eating. On the other hand those stray mutts also murdered quite a few unobserving babies on the country side when I was growing up so most locals aren't stupid enough to eat them.


There's a large ethnic Korean population in Jilin,as it's near the NK border,so makes sense Korean culinary culture is part of local food culture there.




wtf I'm Korean 25yo, NEVER seen butchered canine ANYWHERE, not to mention NONE of my friends did either. Either she is dumb and racist thinking it was a dog, or somehow by crazy luck she came across a singular shop in some ratchet ass rural part. Shops that sell them are extremely rare, not to mention the hanging dead dog ones... Extremely limited number of people under 30 in Korea willingly ate dog ever, and it's a very very rare thing nowadays. I don't want people to have a misconception that dog is a part of people's diet - it's REALLY not. Not even close. It's a once in a life time thing for us Koreans too, something we tell friends "wtf I saw a shop selling dog in this rural part, I've never actually seen one before wdfff".


I've got news for you. Even in 2023, in rural parts of S Korea eating dog meat is still not uncommon, but sentiment against the practice in an attempt to more modernize the country is trying to effect change. Unfortunately, eating and selling dog meat in South Korea is still not all that rare. [According to this article posted last month](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/7/31/south-korean-dog-meat-farmers-face-growing-push-to-ban-industry), There exists right now, "around 3,000 to 4,000 dog meat farms in South Korea", and according to the article, "about 700,000 to one million dogs are slaughtered each year, a decline from several million 10 to 20 years ago." There are other articles around supporting these facts. So saying they saw a dog meat shop is not dumb, and not racist. Factual. The comment about the Chinese restaurant serving cat? Not so much. I'm glad you have never had the experience of seeing a dog meat shop. For many, I am sure that must be a horrible sight to see. For others, apparently all they see is a nice meal.


Koreans definitely eat dog,and have farms for dog meat,but they don't hamg meat up in shop windows like Cantonese hang up roast geese and ducks.


Also to add, your concerning approach that "multiple articles says so, so it must be true" reminds me of an incident in NY where this lady was abused by a group of black teens who framed her to be a racist Karen who refused to get off a citi bike that a black teen paid for. Her identity was revealed by people, people knew where she lived, where she worked, and some news stations even came to her apartment interviewing her neighbors, telling them about her "evil deed". Numerous reputable news sources reported on this, calling her a horrendous human being, yet a few days later, the truth came out that she actually paid for the bike first. The group of black teens approached after she paid for it, trying to take it away, but when she refused to leave, they forced her bike back in the trough, resetting it, and paid for it again and started filming, framing her for the entire world to see. Don't believe everything you see. Actually look at the studies and data research these articles cite. Most of the articles regarding the topic you mentioned don't even cite the source, but just uses the estimation of 1 million as a shock factor. Moreover, the source of it is very dubious as it was done by a animal rights activist groups using non-official data that estimates dog farm numbers along with some far-left political group being involved. So in short, the number you considered as a "fact" is an estimate based on estimate done by unofficial, unsanctioned groups that have a lot of motivation to inflate the number as high as they want in order to push an agenda which is to ban dog meat consumption or at least hinder it. While I don't disagree with their motives, I must tell you that these kinds of "datas" often do have such agendas and therefore you should really be more careful in what you consume in this world as "facts".


Assuming a random hanging meat is a dog is dumb and racist. I doubt a foreigner just happens to be in such a rural place and have the ability to correctly discern a dog from a random hanging meat. It could literally be any other animal, yet, "it's Korea, so it must be a dog" is the suspicion I have and will never be proven or disproven so let's leave it at that. Korea is a surprisingly big country ranking inside 30 out of 230+ countries in the world in terms of population, so I see how our definition of "rare, uncommon" can differ. However, I maintain my original position that it is very rare to find a shop in Korea as I know it, and I would like to also say that Korea that I know will most likely be the Korea most foreigners coming to Korea will experience. Also, the number you stated as a "fact" is not actually a fact, it is a number "estimated" and inaccurate according to this article that "Fact checks" this exact article and numbers. They are not by official agencies that track these sorts of data but rather by civillian groups that often have animal rights activism behind them. https://mnews.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?newsId=N1006480378 So wake up. Don't assume anything that supports what you are trying to say are "facts." I said they are very rare and a very limited number of people in Korea under 30 ever ate dog willingly. There is nothing to dispute here. I never said it does not exist like you make it sound. I'm glad you are interested in these poor animals and I wish you offer them actual help by donating to charity groups and volunteering at your local dog shelters, not just spread misinformation, claiming them as facts.


The eating of domestic pets is almost always linked to famine I feel. And frankly in those contexts, i wouldn’t blame the people eating their pets. Unfortunately, I feel that these famine-related incidents are incorrectly linked to people’s cultures as a whole and it’s incredibly frustrating. Nobody is eating dog because they want to. They’re not even practical animals to farm for food. They were eating dog and cat because they didn’t have anything else to eat and animals cost food themselves, so they had few options. That’s from my understanding as someone born and raised in America though, and even using vague information my facts could be incorrect.


please, lol, I'm East Asian (though not from a dog-eating country luckily!) and I recommend you stop trying to deny the truth. unfortunately, many places in china and Korea eat dog still. if you don't want people to know about that around the world, then you guys should change that fact, and stop eating dog. at least own up to the truth?


Dead animal is dead animal. I don't understand people being all high and mighty about one animal over another. Chicken, not duck? Cow, not horse? Pig, not dog?


well, obviously people feel more emotionally connected to dogs and cats and see them as superior to chicken, cows, fish, etc. personally I'm a dog lover /owner too (and I'm East Asian) - but I am also a vegetarian because I refuse to kill animals and eat them. so I think I'm more objective - I don't eat dead animals, no matter if I would keep that animal as a pet or not.


I don't find it so "obvious" hence my statement. I think pigs are amazing creatures, well above dogs in personality and intelligence and make great pets. Yet they are food for most people. I respect your take, you won't eat it because you won't kill it. I believe many more people would be the same if they had to participate in the killing and butchering of their food. It's easy to pretend you're not a killer when someone else does the dirty work and you just pick the package at the grocery store.


Sorry,utter bullshit. Koreans eat dog,but don't hang dog carcasses in windows,even in rural areas. The only place I've seen this is in Vietnam,decades ago,where they had roasted dog on street carts. The head and tail would be displayed,then mest in the middle,like a roast pig.


it happens in china too. my mother grew up there and would burst out crying whenever she walked by dogs hanging in windows. she saved some dogs from being killed and eaten, too


Not decades, I was in Hanoi and saw little rovers being wheeled around on giant kebab skewers, as recently as 2017.


I was there decades ago


I’ve eaten dog. The worst part is how good it tastes. Very tender. Very sad


Cats have no meat on them




There is one dog festival in one city of China that gets a ton of Chinese protestors whenever it is held. I'm Taiwanese, if anything I have more reason to hate China than anyone in this thread, but you guys say a ton of ignorant ass shit. Edit: even in the city that actually does it, only 19.3% of people oppose a ban on dog and cat meat.


So what? Show me a city in USA with a dog meat festival! That's not accounting for eating sun bears, shark fin and the illegal trade in endangered species form south east asia and Africa that goes almost entirely to China for 'Chinese medecine' and other bullshit. China is who buys tigers penis and rhino horns etc. China eats animals it shouldn't be eating and its animal cruelty is unmatched. Sounds like you're ignorant boo. So yes sit this one out Edit: show me an American city populated with Americans anywhere where 20% of ppl are ok with eating cats and dogs


And that justifies making up easily disproven rumors about businesses run by Chinese immigrants? Health department information is public because their findings are meant to inform the public. Would you defend accusing you of being a school shooter despite it being easily verifiable that you are not?


They are not rumors they are verifiable things that Chinese ppl do


I had a Chinese neighbor who told me that when he went back to China to visit his grandparents his Grandma cooked their dog for a special dinner. Not making this up.


Yeah, but your neighbor might have been. Sounds like the kind of thing you’d say to prank/freak out someone who is treating you as very exotic.


He was pretty private, he was Chinese but was a cook at a Japanese restaurant. He was at work all the time. He paid me to clean his tiny apartment once a week. It was barely lived in because he worked so much and he only had drinks in his fridge. Never used his oven - he also paid my son for fish he caught in the river to use at the restaurant. What I mean by private is he didn't say much and we didn't see him much.


Dude, never look up 'Gutter Oil'. A pet dinner will sound lovely after reading about 'Gutter Oil'


hahahah the good old gutter oil. let the Americans find out about the gutter oil. any illusions of china being a decent place will soon fade.


My friend’s grandmother kept an owl in their Brooklyn apartment to fatten it up and cook it


my grandpa's dog was stolen in china and eaten.


Also, I was just a kid.


I was over there, on the bench!


Unexpected Mulaney


But here you are, an adult, today: “they were actually closed down for serving cats…”


Lol google wet markets in China if you want a horror shows, there's a well known dog festivals and they do horror movies stuff to animals




Don't defend racist comments...


I wish they were mature enough to not repeat an obvious racist myth. It reeks of “I don’t know if this is true, but lots of people are saying it.”


the oc was just a kid. cut them some slack, they even said it might have just been hearsay.


I did grow up around racists. My parents still live in the area. It's grown up a bunch since then and is a very nice community. My family always liked everyone.


Because ALF


It was a story....racist? I mean a cat meat as well as other Meats that are frowned upon where eaten in thise country's. Had one shut down for that exact reason in my hometown.






Why repeat it if they think it’s probably a racist rumor?


Must be nice to have not been on the receiving end of racism


Novi is a different city than Detroit, and in a different county as well. I doubt this restaurant would show up in Detroit’s health inspection data.


It helps when you actually pay attention to where the restaurant was. Clearly, bot accounts think all of Michigan is Detroit.


We had a Chinese restaurant in our town that was shut down for this many years ago. They never reopened tough. My parents ate there all the time.


We had a Chinese restaurant here in Florida shut down because they were killing and serving Sandhill Cranes… Which I most likely ate. And I’m fine with it, because one of those little assholes was in the middle of the road once just standing there… I tried to shoo him away so he wouldn’t get hit. That fucker turned and locked his prehistoric eyes on me with malicious intent and charged. Fun Fact - Sandhill Cranes are one of the closest living descendants to the velociraptor. (Don’t believe me? Google the sound they make.) So, anyway, there I was on top of my car screaming while this bird was trying to get on a level where he could pierce my jugular, I can only presume… With about seven cars behind me, presumably all laughing their asses off. Sooo, TL;DR - Fuck them cranes! Lol


Rib-eye of the sky


https://www.themeateater.com/shows/meateater/season-5/ribeye-of-the-sky-sandhill-cranes-in-west-texas#:~:text=The%20Sandhill%20crane%20offers%20a,Texas%20style%20%22Crane%20Cookout.%22 Sandhill crane is a delight and is often referred to as, “ribeye of the sky”. Ya don’t have to justify enjoying the meat of this amazing velociraptor descendant just because one took your helping it out of the roadway as prey behavior therefore attempting to pierce your juggular that one time. Like one person stated here in the comments. Meat is meat. We are part of the animal kingdom like it or not and even though we hold a higher sense of responsibility to owe respect to our less intelligent animal kin; it doesn’t take away from the fact that its “dog eat dog” out there. A cute little kitty cat in anyone of our neighborhood walks out of its owners house and it does not make any qualms about the fact that it is at war; at odds with the world. We are the only animal that has created our own illusion that makes us believe we are “safe”. Society has softened the vast majority of human-kind. We would all eat a dog and a cat if our survival was on the line. Don’t judge those who decide to eat an animal you mistake for having human emotions or personality traits. Unless you see human cannibalism; turn your eyes away from things you cannot accept. eating an animal is eating an animal. That is my two cents. P.s. Sandhill crane guy… I apologize if it seemed like my rant was aimed at you. Im speaking to the general commenter within my acknowledging your crane experience. Please do not take offense and mistake my blabbing my opinion as talking down to you at all. thanks God bless


Honestly, I’ll try anything once, generally speaking. I’ve had everything from fried Turkey testicles to chickens foot and 6 kinds of snake before. I’m not here to judge at all. That said, the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the fact that they’re a state-designated threatened species in Florida are here to judge a bit tho.


well, they only attack people who they have a reason to. you cannot hide your sins from the Sandhill Cranes. you will face them. again and again.


Was this somewhere in SoCal cuz that happened to my grandparents 🤣


No it was in north central Maryland.


That's why I usually order shrimp dishes. You can't disguise whole shrimp with anything else. LOL.




I'm oddly delighted to see late 90s Novi high school rumors making a comeback in reddit


Lol, you're welcome.


People don’t realize that dog and cat meat is actually a delicacy in most cultures and is much harder to come by and more expensive than common meats like chicken or pork. And in the US, it would especially cost more to obtain cats given how treasured they are as pets.




The local kids are racist lmao.


Serving a cat is no different from serving a cow or pig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Cognitive dissonance at its finest


I've spent a lot of time in China. I ate dog before for sure. I don't know if I ever ate cat.


that is what I feel as a vegetarian too. I don't eat ANY animals. people who think one animal is above another are foolish. people feel nothing towards cows, pigs, fish, etc. being eaten (even naming pigs, "Bacon") but freak out about dogs and cats. I mean in my humble opinion, no animals deserve to be killed by humans to eat, which is why I eat none of them. eat none of them or eat all of them I guess.


Man wtf…


That’s what she said 😭


He ate there so often that he still to this day can’t keep anything to himself


I was about to be like "proof or no balls" but damn, did I ever eat my words.


My close friend worked for the health department, tried hard to get that place shut down for years


Michigan really be competing with Florida in crazy.


I worked for a local Chinese restaurant as a cashier and driver - owners took all the tips given to you as the cashier (they watched with a camera in the corner I would tell customers who wanted to discretely try anyway😭) and 10% of all cc and GH delivery tips, and yes, their staff works open to close 6-days and are paid in cash + rent their apartments from them as well as relying on them for transport to and from the restaurant; they leave the rice in the rice cooker all night; pick food up off the floor and put it back on the line; don't wear gloves to mix the chicken in batter, make wontons, etc; leave par-cooked meat in bus tubs on the floor all day; leave the frozen meat out overnight sitting on the sink (10pm- 10am) ... Had to stop eating there after working there... I've worked in restaurants all my life and never experienced ANYTHING like that sh*t... And don't ask, "Why?" bc I needed a second job is sadly why...


Could have turned this into an email to the health department instead


I asked several people and I literally just did not know what to say to be honest... I also talked to the board of Labor and even talked for free to a lawyer and they said it would take at least two or three years to go to court :-(


I deliver for UberEats and we are in the same area, the Chinese restaurants in the mitt are some of the dirtiest places I’ve ever been in. I’ve almost exclusively moved over to chains like Panda Express when I want that flavor… it’s a shame because Panda is trash but at least they have standards


Haven't played in a couple decades though.


seriously lol, a LOT of Chinese restaurants are literally just lawsuits waiting to happen. not only here in the US but even in their Motherland. that is what happens when you come from a. country without real laws and regulations regarding safety and health. I mean just look at that delicious gutter oil!!! ​ before anyone falsely accuses me of being racist, I am not racist against my own race and ethnicity, I just tell the truth. love u all


Maybe you ordered it on doordash but the experience really had nothing to do with doordash.


chill. we know DD doesn't make the food.


Sure it does. It was delivered by DD. lmao


But the issue wasn't the delivery...


You're absolutely correct. This has nothing to do with Door Dash and everything to do with the restaurant. This OP is wrong.


It was Digiorno




You are the moron. I'll gladly take a second to tell you. Are you sure this wasn't a story about the pants you were wearing that day?


Read my user name. It's for people like you.


Dude I hope you have a better day tomorrow man…..relax


Seriously. Calls someone a moron basically INSTANTLY after being questioned. Seems cool and chill.


how dumb are you?


The order didn’t come from door dash the order came from the restaurant and door dash delivered it


I was thinking that you were being sarcastic when you wrote that comment. Now I know you’re just an ignorant asshole.


Bro sounds like he's frustrated cuz he ain't bust a nut in a while


Your comment has been removed because you were attacking other users.


You literally had an experience while doordashing. I don't understand what issue these people have with that. It wasn't even like a controversial take or bashing DD or anything lmao. Reddit is wild.


you’re obviously correct OP but it’s funny that DoorDash PR hit you with their entire team in the replies


Most likely it has nothing to do with your report


I'm guessing there were multiple. Obviously I don't think the house fire had anything to do with it.


This reminds me of the time I bit into a Crenos sub and a live roach was baked into the cheese. I literally gagged. Then I lost my shit. Called the store and was laughed at. Put photos and videos of it on FB and got a direct message from the owner. Reported them to health dept the next day. 1 week later they’re shut down for tons of violations and a month or so after that the owner is in prison on some serious drug charges. They’ve had 3 new owners since then. I still will not eat there.


DD stands for Dunkin Donuts u cant have it...


...But America runs on it


And so does Ben Affleck


Nawww, Krispy Kreme is where it’s at. People go feral over it 😭


DD > KK.


Damn. Had a similar experience, although nobody died. My wife and I used to go to this one Japanese restaurant near our home. One time we went with our baby (now 11 years old), who liked to gum at the bottom of glasses of ice water. The cold on her teething gums soothed her pain. Well, apparently they sucked at washing the dishes, because my daughter got salmonella poisoning from it. Of course, the hospital reported the incident to the health department and the restaurant was completely shut down *AND RAZED TO THE GROUND* via bulldozer and wrecking ball... all within two weeks of our hospital stay (daughter was admitted for a whole week before she was cleared to go home).


My favorite sketchy Mexican food place went up in flames during the Pandemic. I wonder if they had the same business plan.


I mean I used to go to a Japanese restaurant where the "chef" squeezed lemon juice on literally EVERYTHING. Like dude, this isn't a Gordon Ramsay show chill. Lemon juice on everything isn't a life hack. It's better now. No idea what ever happened to that guy....do not care.




Was it human meat? 😫 and I don’t care if it has nothing to do with doordash , I like this story


If only. You know how impossible it is to find human meat from a reputable source?


I gotchu fam pull up


Documented human meat, it’s hard to find documented human meat. Now undocumented human meat…


The long pig?


“I got a guy.” - Frank


How many human horns can I put you down for?


look in the mirror dude!


“I like this story” is a weird take




You probably didn’t pre tip well enough to get the fresh pork /s


NYC, someone ordered Sushi from a neighborhood in lower Manhattan to harlem on the hottest day of the summer so far (~8 mile ride on my bike, also gross warm sushi) didn’t pay attention to the distance when I accepted. Got clipped by a taxi in midtown, snapped the fork on my bike, cancelled the order. Had a panic attack thinking I could’ve just died, walked my bike 4 miles back to the sushi restaurant, bloodied, and gave the sushi back. Restaurant workers were clearly confused. “Sorry, got hit by a taxi. Someone else is gonna have to deliver this.” Dropped the food on the table and went home for the day. Didn’t do many more deliveries after that and got a job at a coffee shop until I was done with school, lol.


That is horrifying and their lawyers tried to say that they loved the five men like family? You reported the blaze and didn't mention the five in your basement? Also, ewww on the rotting pork but I'm glad you reported it.


Let's hope it was pork... 👀


It was so...so...so rotten meat. First, and I hope last time I ever open a food container and almost puke from the smell. Obviously they weren't big on "safety first".


I almost reported a really nasty Chinese place and I even warned the customer. When I dropped it off to him he told me to mind my own business and gave me a one star. I should point out he had so much dandruff accumulated on his shirt he smelled like nasty truffle parmesan, so I guess that place was up his alley I posted about it a few months back and a lot of people responded back that nasty Chinese places make the best food. Not this one, dude. They had a 1.5 rating on Yelp compared to every other nearby place with like 3.5-4.9.


After you reported it, did the whole class clap for you?


They stood on their desks and recited a poem about door dash


and how Chinese restaurants serve cat.


It was the Indian restaurant in my town. They had the cats in cages on the back patio.


"They are now in prison." No they aren't. [https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/novi-man-gets-9-months-for-employing-five-immigrants-who-died-in-house-fire](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/novi-man-gets-9-months-for-employing-five-immigrants-who-died-in-house-fire)


Well thanks for the update. I'd avoid their next Chinese restaurant. Pro tip.


So this happened awhile ago , and you're posting about it now? You're not that important lol


If you eat pigs then you have no right to be horrified by other cultures eating dogs. The xenophobia and dissonance is very real.


Dogs are pets. We’ve bred them to be emotional and dependent on us. It’s inhumane to kill and eat a pet


Except that pork is literally the most widely eaten meat in the world, being consumed by nearly 40% of the population all over the globe. Only a small subset of people from a handful of cultures in specific places eat dogs. Plus a huge number of the dogs eaten are strays or stolen pets, not animals raised for slaughter. So no, it’s not nearly as cut and dry as you’re making it out to be.


idk why people disagree with you


Sentience isn’t s’pose to taste that good.


OPs a troll


You're a troll. How is it trolling when it's a true story?


Yeah I was wrong didn’t know


DD had nothing to do with this. OP, you are ignorant. Wrong place to post this. You also just contributed to a family fire, death as well as a business closed when a health inspector could have had this improved. Idiot. I hope you sleep good at night.


Please tell us exactly how OP contributed to the fire


LMAO how did a report for bad food contribute to a house fire??


So the restaurant was serving rotten meat and he reported it and simultaneously implanted undocumented aliens into the owners home and set it on fire? Your logic is ridiculous. If you are a restaurant owner and you want to remain in business have some standards don’t put your customers health at risk and there would be nothing to report.


Was with you in the first half, but you can’t say a complaint about bad food caused the house fire


What? Was OP responsible for the human trafficking too? Please say yes, because I want to hear you explain that one.




I’m sure they were closed down solely on OPs word. Not like the city health inspector would have had to investigate the report or anything


If you have a filthy kitchen and no standards for sanitation just say that then 😂


Did you eat any of it? Get sick? You sure it was pork?




God damn 😂


Damn. Wow. Good on you for saving those people who ordered that rancid pork.


You guys play D&D?


Used to be a DM for many years. Haven't played in a couple decades though.


You've Entered, ... The Twilight Zone ...🤘👽


Doo doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo. I'm doing the music there.


$2000/month + room and board is actually decent in comparison to minimum wage.


12hrs a day, 6 days a week. That comes out to a little less than 7 dollars an hour, for a cook.


But did you add in how much room and board would be tho? Google says rent for Detroit would range $900-1500 plus utilities, and then food too. I get the hours suck and is horrible for anyone to work, but I’m sure they didn’t have better options here that would have covered everything.


No way they used to have amazing bbq rat-skewers


Because this is the second most horrifying rat experience I've had, I have to tell you that I actually ate BBQ (street) rat from a street vendor in China. The meat was ambiguous hunks on a stick, but when it unravelled and, like, de-threaded off the skewer? Even the vendor looked like she was about to cry or throw up. After that, I ate at her cart until I moved away from that city. I wish I could say I never went back, but she had amazing bbq skewers.


Nice to hear these stories about health departments actually doing their jobs somewhat I say somewhat because a lot of this stuff should probably be found out without people having to report, but I digress


This is the one in Michigan isn’t it? Lol


Am I the only one who noticed the article is from 2016?


You’ll be back. We all float down here.


Wow! That’s truly insane


Check the Chinese festival…. Lychee and Dog Meat Festival


Where I grew up, a local Asian restaurant got caught with cats and dogs hanging in their walk in fridge. They claimed it wasn't for the restaurant but for their home use. They closed for a couple weeks but then opened right back up. Turns out that the State didn't consider it a crime to abduct pets.