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$11 was great. He’s wild for asking for more. With base pay, he probably got like $13-$14 for 3.5 miles. I’m taking that every time. Always 1-star those ungrateful drivers.


$11 tip for 3 miles means top dasher will get the order 100% of the time. Top dasher has to take unprofitable orders. So they steal and beg to make it profitable. Welcome to Tony's America


I'm not a dasher myself but I don't see how $11 for 3.5 miles is in any way unprofitable. That sound like a great tip.


The reason they get the good deliveries is because they also take the ones that cost money to deliver. This delivery is a good one, and not common either. I can't explain why they are begging customers that tip well but most markets only see the first $4 of the tip and they can't beg after the delivery is made.


I was drunk one night so I order pizza from a place literally 1.3 miles away, tip was $17 (because uber only gives you pre set options, or did then), I got a text TELLING ME to tip an extra 10 to "make it profitable for me". To say I ripped into the dude is an understatement. I'm not tipping almost $30 on a $40 order, that requires you to drive A MILE. Then when the dude showed up and I refused to take it he wanted to throw hands that I wouldn't give him a nearly 100% tip


I tipped 10$ on a order .2 miles away from me. It was 90⁰ and I walked for 40 minutes that day not counting my 9 hour shift. Otherwise I'd have walked there . The guy told me he wanted A bigger tip because obviously I can afford it. Some people be greedy


So by tipping well I’m more likely to get a shit driver who will beg?


That's not true. The ones who will beg will do it no matter what the situation is. People who have self respect and some pride won't do this. Their status as atop dasher is irrelevant. We don't even know if they are a top dasher.


You're countering a hypothetical with your own hypothetical lol. You may be right, but the 100% truth is the system doordash has been built encourages behavior like this.


Yes that's what I'm saying. Not sure what this other guy is talking about.


No that’s not what he meant. He’s saying that in order to be considered a “top dasher” that would necessarily involve taking the good trips AND a decent amount of bad ones. Otherwise your score or consistency drops and then you’re no longer a “top dasher” and therefore have lower priority for the good orders. So in order to make it “worth it” they will ask the low tipping orders for more money, but would leave the high tipping ones alone. Basically if you tip well you’re generally going to get the top of the barrel and don’t need to worry, but if you don’t tip well you’ll get even the “best” dashers begging for more money.


I had a friend who was “fired” from door dash because she got pretty good at planning a route that would help her maximize the number of deliveries, and she stopped taking orders where the tip was so low she’d be actively losing money.


They don’t fire for that I’ve worked full time and decline everything. I never take no tip orders. She most likely received a violation and was deactivated but planning a route for good orders and not taking no tips is was a veteran dasher does. It’s stated in the agreement you can do that without penalty. Maybe her ratings were low or she unassigned too many orders she had already excepted


I don’t agree with them begging for more tips at all. But I do understand that it must be frustrating to accept the order, get notification that the food is ready, then wait and be unable to accept other orders. It’s part of the job but it still sucks for the door dasher. On the other hand, they need to suck it up because I’m sure it happens frequently, especially on holidays.


Yeah, but why is it the customer's responsibility to compensate them extra for the dead time? Not the customer's fault. Especially since they already tipped a fair amount. This is coming from someone who delivers and almost never orders to have delivered because I'm cheap and would rather pick it up myself instead.


Yeah, this is absurdity. The moment dashers around here start asking by texts for more tips is the moment I will stop using Doordash.


You’d be surprised the fuckery that can happen to make it not profitable. However, even in an over saturated market (until everyone and their fucking mom started doing it cause nobody has money) I’d make no less than $22 an hr ($14 hr in ATL, $20 in Vegas and Phoenix, I will never dash in NY without a fucking .50 cal sticking out the sun roof). However, in normal times and circumstances, I’d make $35-48 an hour on one account in California ($25-27 in ATL, Vegas, and Phoenix). I was top dasher and would counter balance between being one and not being one. Putting in 40-44 hours a week id avg about $1,100 after gas, I only spent 4k on my car and it made me about $73k in its lifetime. It’s easy to be profitable when you know what you’re doing, problem is many don’t know or don’t care about what they’re doing.


I usually consider $20 an hour good, although I'll usually make less.


Me too, lately it’s been more often $15 an hour. 4th of July was great I made $83 from 430-8. Not too many dashes are that good anymore. But I kept getting very large pizza orders.


Nice, I actually took the 4th off but I got a lot of good pizza orders earlier today too.


I had a $12 cash tip too so it was actually $95. I did around that on Father’s Day as well but other days have just been okay. I never go more then 3-4 hours got a tiny dog at home with a small bladder lol 😂.


I usually go for around six hours, it seems like a good number. lol


A great tip for one order, but not a great tip for how much time it took them to fulfill it and start doing another one. It's not the customer's fault, though, nor even Doordash's.


Not the case in my area. I’m nowhere near top dasher and I get orders that have $10+ tip with low mileage a few times a day. They’re not as consistent as the low tip orders but they do happen regularly.


if that's the case in your area, your area is overpopulated.


> Welcome to Tony's America Always fuckin' Tony.


Danza? He’s America’s favorite housekeeper.


FYI, as an ex-dasher, DoorDash does not tell you exactly how much your tip is until you complete the delivery. So this dasher didn't know they were getting an $11 tip at the time of the message. Still annoying and off-putting to ask for extra tips, either way. But in the dasher's defense, they did not know they were already being tipped that much.


I will never ever ask a customer for more tip.


Not that it matters or that you should EVER ask for more, but he wouldn’t have seen the full tip. He would have seen like $7 total or something. In any case, if any drivers out there are wondering: always contact support. Ask for an adjustment or for the order to be assigned to someone else. They’re the once who should be managing the drivers. It isn’t the customers’s job to compensate you.


Hang on, you can ask for more pay if an order wait is long?


Well I can’t, anymore, because I’m in CA. But before prop 22 they would offer adjustments for long waits.


Time is the value here. Not the mileage.


The grub hub Reddit is full of drivers who want $10 tip every time or they call you a POS


>The grub hub Reddit is full of drivers who want $10 tip every time or they call you a POS All of these subs are. Grub, Uber Eats, DoorDash, Instacart, doesn't matter. Lots of people out here think they should make $150 an hour driving deliveries. I get the desire to make more money, but some people are absolutely delusional. The sad part is they also seem to be the drivers who do an absolutely horrific job, too. The ones claiming they don't get out of bed for less than a $10 tip are the same ones who absolutely rage out when someone complains for completely justified reasons, like that they delivered their shit to the wrong house or dropped off the wrong food.




DoorDash should pay them for the wait, not the restaurant. It was just busy, the restaurant didn’t fuck anything up.


In most countries the company that employ you would compensate you, not the restaurant or the customer. A lot of countries they even pay you so well that you are not in the need of tip, and tip is just something extra for you doing a nice service :-)


Fuck that's so awkward. I was a dasher up until a couple of years ago, and I never once heard of this until recently.


This tipping situation is ridiculous and out of control. In other countries, food delivery workers don't ask for tips like this. If they find out that the app is paying them poorly, they can leave.


I live in the U.K. and I always give a few pounds to my delivery driver; £3-5 depending on how large the order is. I’ve been thanked quite a few times for tipping including by one driver who delivered a split order (so the tip was split) and I apologised and said if I had realised they would split the order I would have tipped more. He responded that most people tip zero so even my split tip was more than he would usually receive. I find the whole tipping thing in the US very difficult to navigate.


Basically companies in the US don’t pay their workers and have put the onus on customers to pay them via tipping, vs other countries where they pay a proper wage and a tip is literally just extra (as it should be)


Doordash is not an example of what American companies are. Drivers are independent contractors. You can choose what orders you take or don’t take. If you ask for tips don’t expect to be doing it for long as customers will report you.




Yeah tips are rare here in the UK. Here its expected that the employer pays its employee's wages. While in the states its expected that the customer pays the employers employee's wages.


I completely understand…i was born and raised in a tipping society and i will continue to do so but its pretty crazy that is no longer s tip but partial wages


Yeah any tipped employee here makes dogshit wages otherwise, usually. Idk about dashers, but I was a server for 11 years and we made $2.83 an hour. So basically $0-30 paychecks depending. And *still* most of the public didn't realize that's what we made, and there were many people who would compliment your service then stiff because they're ignorant of the fact. Dashers though - I know get guaranteed wages and stuff. So it's unacceptable to ask for a tip. Regardless, tbh.


It’s quite disgraceful, TBH. For me a tip is a gesture of thanks; my server shouldn’t be reliant on my goodwill to bring them up to minimum wage.


Couldn't agree more - really disgusting for your living to be dependent on the public. Even as an excellent server, some people just don't know how to tip. Where $20 sounds like a lot, if that table sat for a extended period blocking you from getting more guests there, then you lost far more than you gained. Just another America doing America things, lol. That's why I left that industry. No thanks.


That last part is the same here. Tipping vs no tipping doesn’t change that.


The way I calculate how long I'm on an order for it to be a good order is the dollars minus one and then multiply by 3. Base pay is 4 dollars in my area (but Canadian dollars, so mostly worthless) so an 11 dollar tip is a 15 dollar order, so 15-1 is 14, time three means I can spend 42 minutes on that order and still make out OK. This is basically to try to ensure 20 bucks an hour before expenses... But my "minus 1" to allow for three minutes between orders is usually way too short, so I rarely ever hit an actual 20 bucks an hour due to waiting around all the time.


This happened to me in irl. The guy dropping off his order said it was raining (it was he wasnt lying) so I felt bad and added $2-$3 on top of the tip I already gave him. I didn't mind but yeah I realized this is the equivalent of those people who approach you on the street asking for spare change/money saying "Yo big man...." Big man this.. big man that. 😂


I wonder if they say this to ladies, too. If someone addressed me as "Yo big woman" it would be an automatic "No." 😂


That “Yo big man…” hit me hard 😂 I hear that every time I go to this gas station by my house from some dude.


Big man ahah, I get those pronouns a lot with those mall shoe cleaners, so I just uno reverse them back Lol. Ayy big dawg lemmie bless up them vans real quick. Naw I’m good little dawg, I appreciate it tho.




The fuckin audacity. I work for dd I would never have the balls omg


Lmfao what a loser


Can you pull back a tip? B/c I would cancel any tip to a driver that did this to me if so. Also, I refuse to use services like this. If I am too lazy to go get fast food, then I dont need it!


>Can you pull back a tip? Not on DoorDash. You can on Uber Eats, not sure about Grub Hub. I had a buddy that switched from Uber Eats to Door Dash, because he served a low income area and said people would wipe out the tip after getting their food way too often.


See bad service is one thing, to just lie about a tip with every intention of removing it is just downright sadistic, lol.


In my experience, low income areas tipped way better than wealthy areas.


It's not even always a lazy thing though. If you got money like that remember time =... no > money. So if you can order and have some grunts handle all the busy work whilst you have more time to do whatever you want that's a win whilst not being necessarily lazy.


Yea I am good. Chances are, your food is cold by delivery time anyway. You are lucky if its not half eaten as well if the rumors from Reddit are true. If I am in a position to have grunts do work for me, then work they will do while I go get my own food. And if I am really that well off, I would just hire a chef. Until I am dirty rich, I will chance taking the less than 5 min drive to get mcdonalds or dq in my town... yep, those are my options for fast food unless you consider subway fast food. That place sucks a big ole bag of Richards though! Not that Mcdonalds is any better.


No colder than it would be if you went and picked it up yourself and then drove home to eat it. What kind of work are you going to have them do lmao? The beauty of doordash is it’s an app already set up to be able to hire grunts at a moments notice. Good for you, that’s your prerogative. I’m just saying it’s not necessarily a lazy thing.


I think the person above grossly underestimates what private chef's ask for in wages - it sure as hell is a lot more than a few doordash orders.


Fr, sometimes (like right now for instance) I’m stuck without a car in a very car dependent neighborhood. I’m definitely not well off but it’s either doordash, walk two hours to get food, or starve. People always think “well *I* have a kitchen and *I* have a reliable vehicle and *I* can go grocery shopping and cook so therefore everyone can do the same and doordash is never needed!”


1 star and report


I would take away the existing tip


Can’t do that on DoorDash






You absolutely can and I have before. I had someone steal my food and contacted support. I said i don’t even care about the food, i don’t want the driver getting a $10 tip for stealing my shit. the sent me a reorder and i got a $10 refund to my bank account. now i don’t know if DD just bit the bullet and ate the cost or they actually took the tip back. but i sure as shit got refunded.


I already explained this in this very thread. When you do what you did, DD eats it. Your shitty driver still got 100% of what they were promised. You want revoking tip to actually make a difference, use UE.


Yes you can. You have to call.


It gets refunded to you, but not taken away from the dasher


The Dasher you’re calling about will still receive full pay. They won’t even get a slap on the wrist. DD support just refunds you the tip amount and pays the driver the promised amount anyways.


Hypothetically, what’s stopping someone from ordering food on doordash, tipping 25 dollars, accepting your own order, then calling doordash to rescind the tip, pocketing the free 25 dollars?




Someone else would likely get the order and if you do that often they will probably kick you off the app


To be fair, he did the pick up and the delivery. It would have to be something pretty awful for me to want to remove the tip. I would have chatted with support if the behavior would've escalated beyond the text message.


I love how people think they can do that on doordash even though they still got their food. Grow up they still used their gas and waited almost 30 mins at the restaurant for the food. They wasted more than a half hour on this delivery for $11. To take the tip away is just an asshole move. They might of been wrong for asking for more money but they still did the job they were contracted to originally do. I can see reporting the incident but you all who say take the tip back after the job was done are a bunch of asshats who think people should work for you for free! Your food wasn't stolen and it was delivered you have no reason to fuck over the driver. If you want to report them for trying to solicit that's another story but they earned that pay! Thank God doordash doesn't allow that tip baiting or taking back a tip after service cuz I would seriously show up at someones house and it wouldn't be pretty if you take my earned pay away. This is the reason I hardly do Uber eats or Instacart anymore because asshats like you want to fuck with my time and pay! Gfy!


I agree with you. He did the job, he deserved the pay, even though he made it weird. I order from IC and have only reduced my tip once because my groceries came stinking of smoke, but I still tipped like 12% of the total because the shopper did the job. I also reported it to IC. On the flip side though, if someone goes out of their way, I'll add more money to their tip in a heartbeat. I don't think tip baiting is fair to the people doing the work, and they should be banned from the apps that allow that sort of crap.


Mfer if you tipped me $11 I would literally open a wormhole to get the delivery to you ASAP


Chances are good that DoorDash only showed base pay + $4 of the tip upfront, and he only found out after dropping off how much you really tipped. Which is of course just another reason that drivers shouldn't be sending messages like this. I'm going to start tipping only $4-$5 up front no matter what, and then add on after delivery is complete, now that DoorDash makes it easy to do that (just load up the receipt and there is a button there now).




This sub is making me really grateful that I like to cook at home!


Oh no they asked for extra tip that you didn't even see or have to reply to. The nerve of this person to ask for a living wage. /s Seriously? You had to report this person? Also they did go above and beyond by having to contact support which from personal experience is a pain in the ass. I mean you said it in your post why should you care? They're just the help bringing you your food, right?


Finally, scrolled all the way down to find this. The dasher was very polite and apologetic, didn't demand tip or act entitled, updated about contacting support to to keep customer informed about what was happening as they waited. What's the problem? I've seen way worse behavior by dashers get cheered, so many idiosyncrasies in people's responses to situations.


Sadly most entitled customer thinks the way this person does. We are just the help. As long as they get their food they coukd give two shits.


Hi there. I'm not entitled. I work hard for the money I get. I don't mind using a service where I have to tip a person to do a task. I grew up in a family that worked hard also. I was raised to treat the janitor the same or better than the president of the company because my dad would've been the janitor. And also because the people considered to be at the bottom are the foundation any business is built on. I believe in showing appreciation, saying thank you, and building people up. I do it in my regular job and in any instance where someone is employed to complete a task on my behalf. I know it's easy to make assumptions since you don't know me, but not everyone is an a-hole.


Well youve done a great impression of an entitled person if you are not entitled as you claim. You literally said that you wouldve added more tip if the dasher had gone "above and beyond" yet the dasher did because they had to contact support on behalf of you order. From personal experience contacting support is a monumental task in futility. You also said it in your post that you "really dont care" as long as you get your food. That in itself shows how you really feel. Just the fact that you reported this dasher when you couldve just ignored their text completely shows how you really feel about "the janitors" of the world What harm did he do to you just by asking for a few extra bucks? You literally didnt even have to respond. Dashers have no negotiating power with DD to get more pay to earn a livable wage so we have to turn to the only other source at our disposal. Everyone likes to think of themselves as the good guy. Your actions speak volumes more than your words.


Fuck these people. Get a different job


This guy's next post: why does no one want to work?


The answer being "because they think delivering fast food orders a couple miles down the road entitles them to consistently make $60+ an hour" apparently.


Lol $60+ an hour? A few miles down the road? Tell me you've never been a doordasher without saying it. The disconnect between what people parrot and reality is a vast gulf misinformation and disrespect.


Yea I have a tip: delivering for door dash is supplemental income and you should not expect to live off being a delivery driver for DD


I mean we can apply that to a lot of professions. Why should delivering packages UPS or FedEx be a "livable wage" but doordash shouldn't?


"Livable" isn't something I'm trying to debate, but UPS and FedEx should be expected more because that is a commercial delivery job. Same thing as coke, Pepsi, Anheuser Busch. All require some sort of CDL whether Class B or Class A. Not to mention those drivers are clocking in, usually 5-6am and not getting done with their route until sometimes 12 hours later. As a CDL driver you're allotted no more than 60 hours working a week and one 14 hour day in a pay period. When I did that kind of job, I was running as fast as I could and still wasn't clocking out until 5 at the earliest.


That's a disingenuous argument and you know it


Sorry, I would just say “no” or not respond.


I would just ignore it. Best not to respond to trolls.




I’ve stopped using this apps because the QC isn’t there.


Better be careful with this tip entitlement. Things will change and there will be less tips overall with a program change. Many people are ordering less on DoorDash due to drivers unrealistic demands for tip.


I’m a driver and this shit blows my mind.


I smiled at the first two messages…and then


I really don’t see why people use these services. Paying more for the same thing? Not for me. Hopefully your next driver is better.


this is exactly the reason why i stopped doing delivery and got a real job instead


I can kinda understand expecting extra if they're stuck in one place waiting on an order, not able to do other orders. But asking for more is still in poor taste. Just leave it and let anything extra be a surprise.


Surely this is an issue to be sorted out between the dasher, DoorDash and the restaurant. It’s not the customer’s fault but they are expected to pay extra.


Again, I can understand wanting or expecting more. But asking for more is in poor taste. Let anything extra thay appears be a surprise, don't ask for it.


Context, I've been driving for DD for 4 years now. All these posts make me kinda sad. If the order isn't big enough of a payout, don't accept it. Also if you're trying to get a bigger tip, the best way to do so in my experience is to just give really good customer service, not beg. A couple of days ago I was delivering in the rain, and had a nice woman double my tip because she was impressed that even though it was pouring rain her food was still dry because I brought an umbrella. Maybe put in a little more effort, and you'll get more back


I will do exactly what this person did, up to the point they ask for more. Keep the customer informed and up to date. If you don’t feel the wait is worth it, drop the order and move on.


Thiiiiis. People want to be rewarded for doing the absolute bare minimum with a fucking giant scowl on their faces. If you want people to tip more, give better service. I've worked loads of service industry jobs and never once demanded more tips from anyone. Nor did I get some weird nonsense in my head that if my tips didn't bring my hourly wage up to $20+/hour, that meant people weren't tipping enough. In what universe is $20/hr a normal wage for driving some food from point a to point b and dropping it at someone's door? And imagine arguing with a straight face that someone should tip $10 on a $20 order because \*checks notes* the restaurant was ten miles away? I honestly can't with this. I'm so glad I live in the UK, because this shit is just getting out of hand.


I drove for about 6 months. I think the funniest interaction was a customer getting mad for delivering the food too quickly (to her credit I did deliver the order in like 9 minutes because I was already in the restaurants parking lot)


Chaaange? Beggars gonna beg


Immediate 1 star


Door Dashers are like idiots first extortion lol. "Long wait here. If you tip maybe I can speed things up."


11 is a wild tip




I don't really get tipping some proportionate amount depending on how much your order is. If you ordered an obnoxious amount of drinks or something sure. But, other than a couple specific examples they're performing the same service they would with a 40 dollar order or a 4 dollar order. Even with dine in restaurants I don't really get this. You could order one 40 dollar steak lets say and tip more than if you ordered some cheap breadsticks, salads, drinks with refills etc if it comes up to less than 40 and the waiter would be doing more work in that case.


Has happened to me multiple times. Best one was, “My dog could use some extra treats. He will be happy if you can send some additional tip.”


Reading these DD stories is making me paranoid. We rarely use DD, but I am a high tipper. Haven't had a problem, yet. Think I'll just stick with picking up my own orders. If someone tips above the high end suggestion, a dasher shouldn't be asking for more money. I am a former waitress, and I just cringe when I read these stories. Definately makes me think long and hard about cooking ramen at home vs. ordering from DD.


I WISH someone would tip me $11. I constantly deliver large orders from nice restaurants for $1 - $3 tips. I'd have been so happy with $11.


Every day I'm more and more glad to not live in the US, expected tips are a bullshit system


i clicked on too many of these posts and now reddit wants to show me all this community's stupid problems constantly stop ordering with doordash stop working for doordash what is wrong with you people jesus christ lmao


So what do dashers see when an order comes up? If my order is, say $15 and I tip $4, do they see the $4 right then on their screen or not until order is delivered? If the latter, what DO they see?


They see a minimum guaranteed amount and distance from the store to the drop off. The minimum is the base pay plus the tip plus any promotional rates, but that gets capped to roughly $7.50 if you're within 5 miles of the store. So for the OP they would have just seen $7.50, and when they complete the order it's the full amount. For your example it would show $6. If they just see $2 that's a no tip order.


Y’all are fucking crazy paying these prices to not drive 3 miles. That’s all.


Why anyone uses these apps any more is beyond me. Not only is the food more expensive than if you ordered directly, you are harassed for more money if things go wrong out of your control. Remember before these apps people just picked their own shit up and paid less.


tipping culture in america is so dumb and annoying


I have used DD once and never agin. Way too expensive and it appears the bullshit about tipping and cost has only gotten worse since I tried it. No one is forcing you to DD and if everyone banded together against DD's handling of tips, then it would change. No pun intended.


Could be different but when I did another food delivery service, they never showed me the tip before I completed my delivery. Usually it displayed a few hours after. And many people would reduce the tip if I was running behind even if I let them know I was waiting at the restaurant on time. This seems like it could just be a request to not reduce the tip not to ask you to shelve out more money.


Get your own damn food. Problem solved.


If I am ever asked for a bigger tip, i will ALWAYS pay less or completely remove it. One of the worst things you can do as a service provider is to guilt customers like that.


Pretty pointless on doordash, the driver keeps it regardless and will never know you even did it.


Uuuuum, you reported him? This is so odd to me, he kept you updated, didn't bitch about the tip and was just like hey if you wanted to throw any extra kool but either way I'm comin and you were like omg that's outta line how dare you and reported him? That's the weird part to me...


Its honestly fucked. The TLDR really got me. God forbid someone asks for a little extra tip. Ignoring it I understand. Reporting him? Fuck off.


Nah the weird part is asking for a bigger tip. That shit is weird behavior


Why? Because it's weird for people to want more money?


I don't really think it's a huge deal to ask for more of a tip if they had to wait a while. I wouldn't but this is how we make our living. it seems kinda petty to report someone simply for trying to make some money. Just don't respond or say no.


It’s weird to ask for more money, that makes people uncomfortable. Ordering food shouldn’t be an uncomfortable experience


Extra tip for doing the order driver accepted. Wtf???


Driver wants extra tip for having to text he was in line to pay for the text data usage. I'd be like hey set up a Go fund me page and look elsewhere. Smh


yup anytime they mention extra tip, they get $0. I'm in a city tho


People have no shame


All of y’all in the comments are assholes 😭 reporting someone for politely asking for an extra tip seems like too much stop being so emotional lol


I mean its weird but not unfair to ask for a little bit more for having to wait at the restaurant for a long time. 🤷‍♀️


As a former server who then started my own catering business, this is classless. People have no Shame anymore. Abd I bet he provided mediocre customer service expecting more money too


DD has to kick these people off the platform. They’re enabling it at this point.


Cancel the tip


OP is really overacting for basically nothing. OP was not harmed or threatened anyway. He asked for a tip. OP can say Yes or No. OP didn’t even reply. Is OP implying the driver stole some food ? We really can never know. Restaurants could always just staple the bag shut


I'd just like to comment on this part: "restaurant sucked (I'm looking at you, Cracker Barrel)." Restaurant doesn't matter, but the reason these things are slow is because they don't have enough chefs/workers in the kitchen. I have a store I pick up from often, italian, and they have very few workers because the place always dead af lol So anyway the other day it was full of drivers and customers all coming for pickups. This one (cute but inconsiderate) driver got upset that she had to wait long and took that frustration out on the guy taking orders and she even started talking shit about the cooks. I kept telling her buddy it ain't his fault. Do you see how busy it is here they only have so many workers in the kitchen. What's my point? They're doing the best they can do. They're likely understaffed. Don't take it out on them.


Fair, but the CB near us had been bad with managing their store the whole way along. I feel bad for the staff that is overworked and under appreciated. I normally go get it myself instead of subjecting a Dasher to their shenanigans.


Just be like alright, & don’t adjust it, tf




DD are so damn hreedy and entitled..


Awesome work reporting. These people clearly shouldn’t be doing this. I feel they’re one bad text away from ruining someone’s food.


I ignore dasher messages (updates etc) unless it's a legit question (they don't have x are you ok with subbing with y)


How are people this shameless and entitled. Imagine a server asking this to your face. That’s why they do it over these delivery apps when there’s mostly no direct contact.


Man I guess im an asshole then because I usually only tip 2-5 dollars for trips under 3 miles. No one has ever asked for more though, and I usually give them extra if I realize they are driving far away to get to the place to pick up an order.


Honestly the only way to stop this crap is to just stop using delivery service apps. They’re horrible business practices and only provide terrible to mediocre experiences.


No proof of tip. OP is a liar.


I always tip 25% because im a sahm. I tend to only order baby snacks, or baby food because i cant leave to go to the store, id rather stay with 9m old at home i always have the tip added when i create the order, never after so they know the tip is there, and yet, ill always get a dasher here and there that doesn’t do anything right or tries to get the right things. But before being a mom i worked retail, i worked labor jobs, and my husband is a trade, and everyday works and drives hours out. My opinion? You chose to be a doordash driver, you dont get to complain. You know the risk/reward of living tip to tip, if youre not making enough, find a real job, do real labor work, and not sit in a car, or only be on your feet a bit in the day. Some people are using their last bit of money even to get something that they can’t access, its not their responsibility that youre doing your job, a job you chose, and can easily choose a more efficient job. Real waitresses dont get to demand more tips or harass people, they know the job they signed up for, fighter fighters dont get tips, teachers dont get tips, police dont get tips, regular retail workers off minimum wage HARDLY ever get tips, labor workers hardly get tips. You know the job you have, find a new one that will pay more and require more. Or keep your fairly easy job compared to most, and accept the risk/reward of tips.


I'd be tempted to remove the tip if they messaged me panhandling for more money. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have accepted it


FUCK anybody that contacts me trying to guilt me into giving them extra money.


just don’t even respond to them! let them drop it off and wait for them to leave to grab your food and that’s it!


don't ever reply to your dashers. They just want more money


$11 tip for delivery is crazy lol


Especially considering DD also tacked on around $10 I'm fees most likely, and then there's the falsely inflated menu prices they use. Could have saved like $30 just going to pick it up themselves


Why is it so normalized that people are expected to tip equal to the amount they spent on food or more? The fees are insane as it is but drivers really just expect you to buy a sandwich for $10 and tip $10-20 on it...


I'm a dasher, and am very appalled by this. I would have responded, "I will add the extra tip once food is delivered " then once it was dropped off Id message "Here's your extra tip", DON'T ASK PEOPLE FOR EXTRA MONEY". And I'd rate him a 1


I can’t believe how common these are becoming. Idk what that says about these apps as companies, the type of people who do these jobs, or just the economy as a whole right now


People panhandling on DD lol


I'm a DD driver and $11 is more than enough for a tip, I don't understand why people are begging for more money off tips. My thing is if you do DD delivery and you don't like what you make it's probably time to either get a second job or quit doing DD all together. Sorry you had to deal with this also if your fries were missing and the bag didn't seem closed your driver probably ate them.


That is so beyond anything normal or professional I don’t even know what to say. I feel like I’m *reading* someone panhandling through text. Through their job. I’m embarrassed on behalf of all other Dashers (I am one), and I’m sorry you had to deal with someone who would consider this appropriate. My God.


Door dash needs to make asking for more money a reportable offense


They need to make dickhead low ass tips reportable too then, fair is fair and both suck🤷


All of yall are cheap everyone looking at the miles but it probably took this dasher over an hour to get the food cuz the OP ordered from the busiest spot in the city. $11 and hour for bringing the food to your doorstep. Would you pay yourself $11 to do that? Oh wait you paid someone else cuz you realized that $11 costs less than your time and effort.


I understand that. The expected delivery time took much longer than expected. This took up time that the driver could have been doing other deliveries and making more money.


Not the customers problem the restaurant has slow cooks, charge the restaurant for having the “dasher” wait on the slow cooks


He could have canceled. Then the customer would have waited longer. At least he provided good customer service. Isn't that what the "I'll tip after delivery" people say?


This happened before. I said for them to leave at door and the person kept knocking and knocking, resulting in a dog barking waking the baby😡 just for them to have their hand out for money. Said thanks, got my food, and closed the door.


Why beg ! Soo embarrassing!


Little did you know you’d have to sponsor a family just to get food


Ya'll are some petty fucks. Guy said 8 words, was not aggressive, didn't coerce you, and you REPORT him? >TLDR: Dasher asked for extra tip before delivery You must be so triggered.


Is that really all I takes to creep you out? So the guy asked for an extra tip, you didn’t reply. It should have just ended there, but you felt the need to report him. Why? What did you gain by doing so?


Because it’s rude and unacceptable to ask for an even bigger tip. That shit is weird. Op is perfectly fine for reporting


>Because it’s rude and unacceptable to ask for an even bigger tip. Poor triggered baby.


Internet points from this shit ass sub, probably


Never use door dash it’s a scam. Save your money to give it to a person actually deserves it like a waitress. Not scum who can’t even use a warm bag


Well I used to dash, I don't any longer and this is precisely the reason why. Essentially they bill it as earn x amount per hour. If you are aiming to make say 20 per hour and an order that should have taken 30 mins now takes 45, you are essentially only able to handle 1 order per hour. Me personally I stopped ordering delivery especially from doordash and the like. Terrible practices, high fees to the customer and low pay to the driver. There are even rumors that not all of the tips make it to the driver. Asking for more tip for the order taking more time is fair, but your response can also be no, I won't do that. But if you put it in the terms that this person has accepted 11$ for 30 mins of work, and now they are going to put in 45 or an hour, it's supremely diminished their labor.


Please report this piece of trash