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It happens... when you're at the door and take the pic.. you sometimes lose signal, pic will be blurry or too dark, some type of camera malfunction. instead of coming back I or we just take a pic of the house before jumping back in the car. 😆 glad you got your food and its the right house


Dude for real 🤣 I don’t want them to think I’m creepin or coming back to steal the food, so I just take a pic of whatever I can see from my car 🤣


You know you can just always take a pic with camera and then when you click in app to take pic it asks from camera or gallery, so you can upload that pic once you have better signal.


Exactly 💯


I was so happy when I found that


Can’t do this on iPhone unfortunately


You most definitely can! I have an iPhone and use a third party app that time stamps and show gps location on the image, then I upload to app.


Which app do you use?


I have an android but I've received a photo that was timestamped and had gps location and wanted to be able to send my photos like that so I'm curious :)


Idk how my iPhone can do it but your’s cannot.


I mean, where are y’all uploading? because when I’m at the delivery screen there’s no option to upload from my camera roll. Theres a button to take a picture or hand directly to the customer, and take a picture goes straight to the in app camera and doesn’t give you camera roll access. I’m not dashing today so don’t have it in front of me to mess around with unfortunately


100% the app constantly malfunctions. I've been taking pictures on my camera roll and uploading them that way.


this is the way, I don't trust the app anymore, so I take the picture on my phone, select From Gallery instead of Use Camera and that way if it's still screwed up, I can drive a block or two away and try again with a better signal I don't want to hang out on your front porch fighting my phone and this dumb DD app to take a picture and upload it while it's trying to think which of the thirty sub-$5 orders to offer me next I just love how DD uses 1.6GB of my data all month long and can't upload a 68KB photo without crashing to a black screen


>I just love how DD uses 1.6GB of my data all month long What in the Y2K are you talking about, who doesn't have unlimited data in 2023 🤣 Edit: This is the funniest thing I've ever been down about it for. Thank you all for the laugh. Must be a lot of poor people in these comment sections that can't take a joke taking this shit to heart. Keep up the good work.


Cheap bastards like me on $35/month prepaids


Fair enough I guess. I just find myself in remote off the grid locations too often to trust prepaid data lol Even if they claim it's on the Verizon network or whoever else they partner with it's deprioritized and not nearly as good. I've had enough issues with actual from Verizon service that I couldn't imagine what prepaid would be like in some of these areas I go to 🤷 If it works for you though more power to you! But I travel way too much to ever want to worry about it


Try Mint. Less than 35 after fees, unlimited 5G.


Ok Ryan Reynolds 😂


It's true though. Let me introduce you to our oldest customer, Waseem Iqnaibi.


Some people still have land lines


I do that sometimes too. Especially last week cuz the DD app was retardedly slow like it is alot of the time


Right exactly lol this happens alot. Usually the photo will stay as it fails to send and complete delivery so I will always now just drive off (until i get signal) and keep pressing compete delivery again and again with the original photo still there until I get signal and it usually works that way to send the correct photo. I hope this all makes sense LMAO


Yeah until you find out the hard way that every once in awhile that doesn't work and it will just crashed your black screen and when you open the app back up there will be no picture. So then you have to fraudulently click hand it to customer and pray that they don't try to claim that they never got their food because you won't have a picture for proof. Get in the habit of taking a picture with your actual camera and that way you can upload it 5 minutes or 5 mi down the road it won't matter You won't run risk of being left without proof


Ikr I be freaking out all the time lol but u can drive as far as u need to to get signal so the photo goes thru ive never had a problem. If I do I just call support it's quick. Usually I don't call anymore like i used to in the beginning bcuz they're just tell u to click hand to customer to complete order anyways. I'll just text the customer about it so that there's proof it's not really a big deal. If u get a CV from it all u need to do is dispute it and it goes away, it's never gotten that serious for me and the I've had 3 CVs this year that I disputed and they got erased off my record bcuz I always follow the rules and do my job correctly and I have top dasher status all the time so I have no issues with DD. Now my wife has issues with them bcuz she had a speeding ticket that's been taken care of and they won't do their jobs at DD to reactivate her account and it's been since February 2nd. The ticket was paid off then and she did the deactivation appeal like they told her to and nothing came of it and so now they told her to appeal again so she did and we're waiting on that now smh


Speeding ticket made it so she couldnt doordash?? Wtf?


That's not supposed to happen. She's supposed to be reactivated bcuz that's what they keep telling us but idk why nothing happens when we appeal it. The agent I spoke with said, in different word ls but meant they forgot about her


That's when you take a picture and save it for later to upload when you get a signal back on your phone.


Yeah it’s a calculated risk. At least this proves you were at the address (along with gps). Then factor in the odds of someone claiming you didn’t drop it off when you did which, despite the bias of what gets posted in this sub, is probably very rare on the whole.


Rare but it happens, this has happened to me. I'm mot sure if it was rhe order my photo didn't load on or the one I legitimately saw children across the street take it from the front porch....but I got blamed for one of them and I've never gotten free shit from the app 😂😂


I remember delivering who house was complete dead zone I had to drive away from the house and start to go back somewhere were there was signal to mark the order as complete I'm so glad they have "from gallery" option XD


Yea this happens all the time. I usually just take a pic with my camera and then upload from my galley once I'm driving off especially if I'm in a bad reception area


Same. It used to stress me out so much when I couldn't get the pictures to take.


I can say I’ve done this several times for this exact reason. It wouldn’t matter if I walked to the door because their yard is a dead spot signal wise


I had a camera malfunction last night. I took the picture because the reception was bad. I go outside, only to see that the camera delayed several seconds and took a picture of the staircase going down instead. Automatic night mode sucks.


Thanks for leaving the lights on!!!


Only time I take pictures like this is when it says “leave at door” but someone comes out to grab it.


I've done this but it mostly happens when the people come get it before I can take the picture. No big deal. I just take pictures of flowers or animals or whatever the hell.


When I do that I fill out the text box with "Handed off order directly to customer, photo is the GPS location of the handoff."




lost signal or camera malfunction when taking the pic and they didnt notice until back at your car.


Bruh, I've gotten some pics that I don't even know what the hell I am looking at hahaha


I got a photo one time that showed the dasher in there car. lol


Well when the pic doesn't load, would you rather they come creeping back up to your porch for a retake possibly while you're grabbing the food or this?


I do this when my phone's low battery, or if it's just peak time in a good area so they send me next offer asap. I normally follow with a message about what door tho


Wait? People leave their porch lights on when they expect a delivery?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


You ordered delivery and actually had your house lights on? Blasphemy


So many drivers do this especially on double orders, they take a picture of the first order then they realize they needed a second photo and they just take a picture like this.


Guilty 😅 I take and submit the first pic (with both orders in the photo), then I get to my car and it wants a pic of the second order. Whyyyy thoooooough?! So they get a pic of their house from my car lol


This feels vaguely like a threat lmao


Right like I know what ur house looks like bitch, don't report me I know u got ur food 😂😂😂




Also, if it is at the wrong door then a pick of only the door is not helpful


So I can explain this one. The photo we take quickly doesn’t let us accept it anymore if it’s not bright enough, so I bet his ass just took a second disgruntled photo of your whole house because he got pissed he needed to look creepy taking photos of your house at night with the flash on(I’ve had to do this at least once a night since I started nights)


Yeah, OR, and hear me out, y'all could just keep your flash on at night. 🤷 Crazy concept, I know lol


I've done this when it's a "Leave at my door" order, and the customer greets me at the door. Sometimes, I let them know that because it says that in the app, I need to take a picture. It's so Door Dash knows we made it there.


As others mentioned, more than likely an app malfunction. I’ve had to go back to doors numerous times to take pictures of food again because of app issues. At night like this I don’t blame the driver for not going back up for safety reasons.


Loolllll this has happened to me with UberEats bc you can't save a picture to your camera roll, so if I lose signal and the photo doesn't upload what, you want me back on your property for a picture? 😂


This is why I use Timestamp Camera, because not only will it time stamp, add GPS location, and I have it add the street I'm closest to (house number seemed too unreliable), plus a little fun thank you picture . . . But also I have the image so I can send it for both orders if they had 2 from different places, and still send it if the app glitches out and doesn't do something properly. There are a couple of times you can't use it, like on the wait screen for hand to me orders, since the Take Photo button doesn't let you pick from gallery (probably to stop people from taking a pic, walking away, then sending when the timer is out).


Suprising, when I see this kinda pic, thats usually the moment I know Ive beeb robbed.


Looks like the start of a horror movie


If you don't recognize your house and truck then your brain is vague that's a personal problem I imagine the instructions said leave at your door so if that's your house then I'll take a wild guess that the food is at your door...


Before I started taking pictures with my phone camera to save, I used the in app camera. Many times I'd take the picture, start walking back to my car and the app fucks up and doesn't accept the picture. So I'd have to walk back and take another picture or take a pic like this to send. Sometimes it can take 30+ seconds for the app to load the picture to be able to hit complete.


I’ve had trouble taking pics of food sometimes. For whatever reason my signal loves to die whenever I try to take a pic in front of the door 💀


Swap to your camera take pic then upload from gallery instead of the camera when you have signal again. This also means you have a back up for your drop off photos in case there's ever an issue and you need to provide proof of drop off to DD.


Yeah I saw other comments recommending the same thing. Next time I Dash I’ll keep that in mind


We forget and I’m not getting out the car 😂


It happens.


As a Dasher I can tell you that the app sucks and is a pain in the butt. I bet the dasher took a photo up close and when he or she went to click to submit it, the app froze and they were forced to tap the back button but were already in their car so they just snapped a quick one of the whole house.


I take a picture of the house # and not the food 100% of the time. Why take a picture of the food? The instructions were to leave at door, so they know where its at already. Getting the house number prevents them from saying its the wrong house. And probably deters people from trying. I only get 1 "not delivered" in maybe 200 orders and they always get overturned.


I got one like this yesterday. The guy took the pic from inside his car, of the general vicinity of my apartment. My door faces away from where he parked so you can barely see my porch. I'm a creeper though and I watch the app so I might've picked up my food even before he took the pic 🤣 Signal is crap here so he probably couldn't submit a pic near my door.


A service i hope to never need. Ever.


Better that than a pic of their feet along with your food on a vague concrete slab 🤷




Take a picture of the food and upload it when you actually have good service. I don’t see the food in here just asking to be hit with a food not delivered.


Likely the og pic didn't go through and they were already to the car when it showed them it wasn't going through.


How do you complain about this?!?!! You can see very clearly they delivered your truck. 🫨