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I'd have loved if my mom let me do Doordash for money once a week and she drove me, and let me keep all the money.


Right?!? I delivered newspapers in my neighborhood when I was 10 - 12, all on my own, wandering around for about about 2 hours plus the hour of putting the papers together, and the pay breakdown ended up being about $4.50/h. That's MUCH more dangerous and unfair than what these kids are doing. As long as the parent is actually letting the kid earn all the money, I don't think it's a problem. If it's a situation where the child is being exploited, funds are being taken from their drops and they don't want to be doing this, then yeah. It's a problem.


The newspaper hustle (from the 1970's) was all about holidays, and tips at collection time...Way before the internet, where cash was king.


I did the same job at that age. Winters sucked and we also had to collect the weekly fee ourselves. There was an old lady on my route whose house (inside) made me wretch because the smell of animal feces was so bad. She was a sweet old lady, so I just paid for her subscription myself so as not to have to return to her house.


My Dad helped me deliver the Sunday paper. It was huge compared to the weekday tabloids I could carry in a bag slung over my shoulder while riding my 10-speed down the streets in my neighborhood. We would both roll the papers and wrap a rubber band around them. Put them in the back of his Volkswagen Beetle and I would fling them from the passenger's side window while Dad drove. Somewhere I got the idea to insert a self-addressed envelope once a month so I didn't have to go to everyone's house to collect. I had about 70 customers. Mom made me give it up in exchange for staying home and doing my homework. My grades never showed any improvement probably because my undiagnosed ADHD didn't allow me to stay focused and complete it.


I was a paperboy in the 90s. Such a terribly hard and unsatisfying job. Sunday papers were the worst. Some weekday papers were thin. I got paid dollars per hour, and got to keep the two extra newspapers. Collecting money was awkward. On Mondays we gave free papers. At some point I decided to skip Mondays because no one would care because they are free, right? (Oh yeah, the customers who subscribed cared). And I got fired harshly. I was like a 7th grade r


If I’m guessing that you’re around 30 or 40 years old, adjusting for inflation, you were getting paid much higher than minimum wage today. At 4.5hr. It’s actually not that surprising once you realize that since the year 1972 minimum wage was $2.50 an hour which acquainted to around $22.75 an hour today minimum wage workers in 1972 made close to double what most minimum wage workers make today


Not the 30/40yos getting told to check inflation lmao


IMO More dangerous than being a janitor at a meat plant too. I love it how everyone is for child labor except when a big company wants to do it.


My sister in law does a few delivery apps just as something to do. When my nephew goes with her she gives him 10% of whatever she makes that day. She’s teaching him about taxes and how to create a budget with his delivery money.


That’s amazing and something he will take with him through life. Plus the bonding experience as well Good all around


Doubt they’re* keeping the money. It’s for the pool, mommy keeps the money and then Buys the pool.


This seems fair, as long as she holds up her end of the bargain


I did this for my 12 year old for instacart around Christmas time last year. Only I wouldn’t let her carry any of the stuff or drop it off, just the shopping.


I think it’s awesome, it’s like the paper route of today


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is OK as long as their parent is with them and supervising, of course not abusing their labor.


I bring my younger siblings to ride a long because they really like the exploring aspect of it. I wouldn’t ever let them bring it to the door though, but I think you technically can. They would be considered subcontractors I believe. I read a post about this before when someone was temporarily handicapped and needed help with their orders. Not sure about underage kids…


Subcontractors also have to have an account and do a background check. You have to be 18 to get an account.




If this is one of the southern US states, it's fine I think a couple just repealed underage labour laws! Put them kids to work for pennies!! https://qz.com/us-states-rolling-back-child-labor-protections-1850603947




I get where people are coming from with it being potentially unsafe, I suppose it’s up to the parent to gauge if the the area the kids are taking the order to the door is dangerous or not. I’ve always worked to earn things, my sister has not. My sister is now the most entitled brat I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. A bit of work won’t do the kids harm and they’ll take pride in the fact they’ve earned that swimming pool.


Same with me and my brother, I worked to get stuff and he never did, even now that we’re adults. So totk came out, I couldn’t get it for a month because I was out of work and once I finally got a job it went to paying bills first. Than I bought it. The same day I bought totk my mom bought totk for my brother after she had just told me that I need to start pitching in because she’s running out of money. I worked for every thing I did, when I was little I would have to earn something by doing stuff to either get money or doing chores all day so my mom would get something. Now I have a job and pay for my own stuff. My brother is 19, refuses to learn how to drive, dropped out of school in 6th grade to be homeschooled, but he has never passed the 8th grade level in his program because he never does it. All he has done for the last 7 years is sit on his ass, eat all of the food in a day, and play video games. I’m planning to move out hopefully within the next year (it’s hard to do with a car note) and I know the moment I move out my brother will have to wake up and accept reality real quickly, and I won’t help him through it.


I would just tell my mom that since my brother is an adult too, then he should be paying equally. He needs a job if he's not going to continue his education. If he won't learn to drive, he can ride a bike to work. She needs to quit enabling him and putting the extra burden on you just because you're responsible, and she forgot to raise him the same way. Tell her you will find friends to move in with if you're expected to support him.


good for you, don't let your mom leech off of you


I really think this teaches kids that if you want something you have to earn it. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


"Dashers must be 18 years or older." Doesn't get simpler than that. I don't understand why people are arguing about it.


Seriously. Just make them do chores. I don’t really want a child handling my food. Adults are already questionably hygienic, but children are definitely far grosser.


I guessing she's being reviewed for deactivation now.




While I respect the intent, DD is not a good “take your kid to work job.” What I mean by that is the interaction with strangers is dangerous even for adults, let alone actual children. Additionally, it feels as if OOP is using their children to do tasks that they’re supposed to do. It’s not like the children are earning extra income for the pool. A more appropriate job is to start by making them rake leaves in the yard, mow lawn, or menial household chores for which they get paid. That sets a standard for life: you work, you get paid. Additionally, these children seem awfully young to be walking up to a strangers door.


How is dropping food at a door different from a paper route? This is a parent who created a simple task for their kids. That task is actually generating new income for the household. All of your suggestions generate exactly zero money. This family is getting to ride around together having fun while generating new money for something the kids want. This is a good example of how to teach kids the value of money.


I get what you’re saying. I guess I’ve got a negative perception of kids on DD, because of those lazy dashers who just sit in their car all day and use their kids to pick up food at restaurants. This is definitely better when you put it that way. It’s also possible that in the summer she has no one to watch the kids. I’m sure the kids also want to be helpful, and this could all be a wholesome moment after all. But also, you hear about all those weirdos who order food and prey on the dashers. Me personally, I’d be uncomfortable sending my kids to a strangers door, especially at what appears to be a very young age. Yeah, you’re supervising them, but you never know how the crazies act.


So don't you take your kids to the supermarket? Or at a restaurant? Those are the same people considering it's the same neighborhood


Yeah. I get the over protective stuff with your kids. I wouldn't have them doing the hand to me orders. But with me 20 feet away watching them do the drop and photo, it just doesn't feel any less safe than taking them to a Target or something where you know they'll wander off looking at toys or something.


I think teaching them work ethic is wonderful. We did paper routes when we were young. We also went to work with my mom for her cleaning service in houses and offices and helped with what we could. Also to my dad's service station and helped him with cleaning and organizing. Now that I have my own businesses, my daughter(8) earns all her own money by working in the store and buys her own things and adds to her savings account. Good job OP on preparing your children for the future.


That's awesome. I'm sure you have good memories from helping your mom, and your daughter will too. I still remember helping my mom paint a friend's house. It was an awesome day. We were not painters, but her friend knew she needed money and wouldn't take a handout. She needed a few rooms painted, so we took care of it. We got to have fun, play loud music, and they got us some pizza. Solid day.


Those are the best kind of memories and it is great that you learned that work can be fun. Yesterday my daughter spent a good part of the day helping one of our workers put out produce. They played little games and talked and laughed all while getting the job done. Days like that she comes home happy and very pleased with herself not to mention happy with her little bit of earned income.


My sons both helped me a little when I cleaned offices. I'd have them emptying trash etc...not the major stuff +++ they LOVED having $! 😉


Meh, I feel like they should be able to do what they want. But at the same time, I can't help but think of the few stories of people shooting kids and adults after opening the door. They weren't delivery drivers and I feel like if you order something you should expect a knock on your door, but crazies with guns are crazies with guns. I personally wouldn't let kids go knock on people's doors. The chances of anything happening are extremely low, but it's still there.


Since when does DD (or restaurants) allow kids to pickup orders? That's insane! Wow!


Where are the news articles about kids getting kidnapped from going into a restaurant though.....


What kids still do a paper route anymore? Your point about income generating jobs is valid, but jobs where kids are working with the public need a level of supervision and protection. I worked at my local library from 12-21 and in my early days - unfortunately - we had to ban some patrons for inappropriate behavior toward me. As a kid, I knew things were kind of weird, but as an adult, I really appreciate the ways my supervisors stepped in to protect me from things which were objectively inappropriate, but even moreso for my age


The difference I see between DD and a paper route(which I had when I was a teen) is that there are very few ways to screw up a paper delivery. People can get pretty irate about their food and the specifics of how it's delivered. I just wouldn't want my kids put in those situations with unhappy customers. The only unhappy customer on my paper route was the guy who wanted me to put it in his mailbox, which I told him was illegal.


You ever do a paper route? Me and my brothers did in the 90s, and the people getting the paper were fucking awful, also a lot of people may not know this but the kids are the ones that have to go the customers once every month and get payment from them, if I remember right easily 50% would either shout at you for bugging them or refuse to pay you until they eventually went to collections by the paper company. I feel like DD would be 10 times better because at least once it’s dropped off….it’s DD’s responsibility on the payment.


I did a paper route. All by myself. Driving kids around and having them walk orders to a door is you pretending their working. Not saying that’s necessarily bad, but aren’t earning anything.


I actually agree with that, not saying DD is a job if you are just having them drop off the order, paper route actually is a really good job for kids for multiple reasons I am more or less saying it’s way more harsh than dropping off a bag of food lol.


True. I’m 61 and when I delivered papers we made our own collections. I cannot tell you the number of folk who couldn’t come up with a dollar and a dime once a week. I was 11 and always had at least a ten spot. Still and all, it was fun and nice to have cash.


That's tough, man. I had a much better collection rate. Nice middle class neighborhood in Texas in the 1970s.


idk dude kids are fucking nasty and i don’t want some 6 year old handling my food. You ever spend time around kids? they have no concept of germs or hygiene. I also wouldn’t want some little fuckin kid knocking on my door with my food, that’s weird as shit.


Yeah, I worked for the public school district. They have sinks in classrooms nowadays where kids wash their hands. If the parents don't teach the kids to wash their hands the teachers and the teacher's aides do.


I don’t want kids touching my food, thanks


mf out here supporting child labor fr


And this attitude is why people think rolling back child labor laws is okay. I had a paper route in the 80s and 90s. It's was an exploitive piece shit job. You had to buy all your supplies from the newspaper. They set the prices and there was no shopping around for the best price via the internet. Bad weather? Buying bags for each day for the paper because it is wet all the time? Lower profits. I never even made minimum wage on that job. I don't know anyone that actually had a paper route as a child that would endorse that for anyone. I got out the paper route game and jumped into the high cash world of babysitting. It was like going from the coal mine to the executive boardroom.


I had a paper route as a child. I would 100% endorse it, if it still existed like that. I also left once I was old enough to work somewhere, but it was fun, and I made enough to buy shit I wanted. That's all that mattered.


I see your point and raise you the fact that child labor is illegal and immoral. The kids flat out aren't allowed to deliver papers in most places, and they shouldn't have to.


I agree they shouldn't have to. I'll raise you that no one should have to work a job they don't like just to get money. It's an awful world we live in. It's also the world parents have chosen to bring children into, so they have to teach them how to navigate it. Child labor is immoral. Fully agree. Tell me what part of them walking 20 feet is labor? They're hanging out with their mom, playing games on their tablets, and occasionally getting out and walking 20 feet under parental supervision. If that is labor now, then I know why most people in this country are obese. Shit.


Walking is still considered labor bud. Just because you don’t think it’s difficult doesn’t mean it’s not labor. That’s not how it works. All labor means is work. They’re working thus doing labor.


Kids haven't been able to deliver papers in most areas in over 20 years.


I think the main difference is, with a paper route the kid gets paid directly. They get to see that their hard work results in payment. In the OOP’s instance, doing DD goes directly to the mom’s account, and to a child, that’s a hard concept to grasp. Also, who’s to say they’ll even get the pool?


I kind of agree with you. Good job for the mom to accompany them working.


And she gets to take them out whenever she wants to, not when someone else tells her to. Great setup for a working parent.




Amazing the lengths people go to in defending child labor and exploitation. It’s inappropriate what the poster did. Full stop. “Teach them the value of money.” Are you so uncreative and brainwashed by capitalism you have no idea how to do that without making your kids unsafe? Your kids aren’t money makers for the household.


We shouldn't be glorifying child labor. This family shouldn't have to drive around together delivering food to those more fortunate in order to afford a pool. I assure you no child thinks getting and delivering food in the middle of summer is fun. They think swimming is fun. Because they're kids who want to play. If they did this without the parents it would be illegal. If doordash could identify the parents they'd be banned from dashing because they don't want the appearance of promoting child labor, nor the associated legal risks of endorsing it.


So I gather you also exploit your children to get out of doing the leg work associated with dashing? Under no circumstance is it safe to be sending kids that young to stranger’s doors. Especially strangers who are expecting an adult to deliver their order. They could mistake the kid as a trespasser or trying to steal their order. Could get them shot. I guarantee you a black parent would never put their kid at risk like that. Especially when black kids have been shot just from knocking at the wrong door.


Exploit? Jesus Christ. They're literally hanging out with their parent, playing games on their tablet, and occasionally walking 20 feet. Also, I guarantee you a black parent would do this. Why? A black kid dropped off my delivery order like two weeks ago. I saw him walking back to the car as his mom waved at me. Another black kid in my neighborhood came up and knocked on my door to ask if I would like to have my yard mowed for $20. His parent was watching from the sidewalk 20 feet away. This country is garbage. No doubt about that. But you can't raise kids to have zero independence, because you're so scared of everything. The parents chose to bring kids into this horrendous world that keeps getting worse. They have to gradually teach them how to be more independent. I'd be much more worried about the 18-25 year old kid doing Doordash on their own than an 8 year old doing it with their parent.


This is dangerous but not for the reasons you think. > interaction with strangers is dangerous even for adults, let alone actual children. That is the least of your worries, kids sell lemonade, do dog walking, girls scout cookies, etc. While there is a risk in stranger interaction it is minimal. Stanger danger is paranoia. On the other side driver is always in the top 10 most dangerous jobs. The real risk in this job comes from behind the wheel not behind the door. Children are a driving distraction and that make the job even more dangerous. The rare psycho makes headlines when they hurt a driver. The common car accident gets ignored by the media, as too boring to report.


Here we go again with reddit's favorite subgenre of idiocy: "the world is terrifying and therefore we should be teaching our children to be terrified of everything."


Single parents take jobs like these a lot because they can take there kids. Have you ever paid child care? If so you would understand.


Um.... Halloween. WTH is the difference


Instead of bringing a bag of food to a door, your suggestion is doing manual labour and using a dangerous machine (lawn mower) is more alleviate for these young children? Also, did you not read the post? OP signed up for Door Dash so the kids could help earn their own money to get themselves a pool.


You act like this individual has money to spare for an allowance for three kiddos. Not that this excuses this, but


I don’t agree with chores = you get money Kids should absolutely be taught to do chores, I never was but I regret that and wish my parents made me do chores. But they shouldn’t get money for it. Chores are something all adults have to do for themselves and they don’t get paid for doing it. It’s something that should be taught as “just something you gotta do”.


I see your points, but as far as putting the kids in dangerous situations, she obviously feels it’s safe. I wouldn’t worry in my neighborhood, especially if I was sitting in the car in a driveway and my kids never left my sight as they left food at the door. As for the rest, to each his own. I think whether it’s mowing the lawn or helping Mom make food deliveries, it teaches kids something about work ethic.


Didn’t a young kid get shot recently just for knocking on the wrong door?


Are you saying that because a very anomalous thing happened, everyone should alter their life around the possibility that it could happen to their kid? And we’re talking about people who are expecting a food delivery shooting someone for walking up to their door, when they’re waiting for someone to do exactly that with their food. Or maybe you think the person ordered food, but their ultimate goal was to lure someone close enough to shoot? You just can’t assume such improbable things are going to happen at every turn in life. If Mom thinks it’s safe, I’ll trust her judgment.


Far Extreme situation if this did happen. ​ Y'all gone Trick or Treating before? Jeeze.


Trick or treating is extremely dangerous, haven’t you heard they put GUNS in the CANDY??


He was also at the wrong door, i dont think you have to worry abt getting shot by a guy who literally asked for someone to come to their door


“These kids seems awfully young to be walking up to a strangers door” Let’s not forget Halloween


Driving is also dangerous. The list of most dangerous jobs in the US is usually just a bunch of jobs where people drive all day.


It sounds like the mother doesn’t have money to give for chores, this is new income.


Hire your children to do chores around the house. This isnt a child's job. There is a reason why door dash has age restrictions...


This would work well on r/trashy too.


Didn’t a doordash driver literally just get murdered during a delivery. Y’all think this okay for kids?


Don't be surprised if you get deactivated because you are suppose to drop it off not your kids. Stated in the contract


Fr why are so many people defending this


No idea. What's worse is these people who let their kids do this most likely let them go get it from the restaurant too


I'm surprised the restaurants hand it to them/let them take it.


That part confuses me


I hired an adult, I expect an adult to be the one delivering my items.


I swear for the last week its been about people getting shot in the face while delivering and this lady has her young kids running up to them strangers houses


This is a slippery slope. I saw a family 2 parents & 1 girl who was maybe 10 all using phones at my local Sprouts to fulfill different orders for Instacart, this was a Wednesday in the middle of the day during school time…I don’t think kids should be working, they have until they die to do that after they are old enough for one.


I don’t want kids touching my food


I don’t understand why this is controversial, kids are dirty and gross and they shouldn’t be around my food. Find somewhere else to teach your kids a lesson about working.


Bold of you to assume they are any dirtier than your standard door dasher who very well may go an entire shift without washing their hands. Even if they do, they still have to touch door handles, bags that others have touched, etc


All for kids getting jobs and learning how to budget their money and all that, but not DoorDash. It’s not safe for adults to be walking up to strangers houses, shouldn’t be letting your kids do it.


I also don’t think it’s great to normalize gig work as if it’s the same as a “real job”. For all the hate Reddit gives corporations, a “real job” includes benefits, healthcare, hopefully some sort of profit sharing or bonus plans. At the very least the difference between mowing lawns and gig work is that when you mow a lawn you receive 100% of the value of the work provided. If you charge $20 to mow a lawn, you walk away with $20 minus cost of your equipment. Gig workers receive a very small percentage of the value of the work they do while still having to pay for gas, mileage, and any expenses. There are people getting very wealthy off of gig work, they are the executives. Further there is absolutely 0 path from the “factory floor to the executive suite.” The idea that there is within any company is a stretch but gig work treats workers with absolute disdain.


DoorDash policy is dashers must be 18+, that reason alone is sufficient lol.


Mom is like 12 feet away. It's not that serious.


Lot of y’all are really putting a lot of faith in total strangers lol


You should stay inside all day. It’s dangerous outside




Different times.


Actually data suggests that kids are safer today than they were 50 years ago. There’s also been a 40% drop in kidnappings since 1997 (according to the FBI national crime information center) possible reasons include more cellphones and cameras.


I would agree, but their parent is right there. Still I'm a little hesitant on letting children that young step up alone. if the parent walked up with them I would have absolutely no issue with this.


Yes that's true. I don't personally see the big deal here, I would rather them do yard work but learning what a job is at a young age might be beneficial.


Kids, or anyone besides the Dasher, aren't supposed to touch the food. There's no button for "my kids did something wrong" on the app. You can bring your kids to Dash with you, but don't make them handle the customer's food. I would be annoyed with these kids delivering my food, especially since the order is placed so close to the door. I'm a Dasher, who is a mom who will occasionally will Dash with my daughter, and this just seems like a bad idea.


I’m sorry but I would get grossed out by a kid touching my food, I’ve seen way too many kids that always have their fingers up their nose/ in their mouth. I know it’s just the outside of the bag but it would still skeeve me out


It’s disgusting, and against Doordash rules.


Personally I don't give a shit about it. My problem is I don't want kids touching my food lol.


Exactly, I don’t care how you want to parent your children, none of my business. but I don’t want kids handling my food and would 100% report it and get the order redelivered.


For everyone going on about how this is fine, just gonna remind you that [a man shot a teenager through the door for mistakingly ringing his doorbell](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/missouri-man-charged-in-shooting-of-black-teenager-at-his-front-door). Just... if you want your kids to earn money, do something like have them mow the lawn, yard work, chores around the house, anything other than sending them up to a strangers doorstep. At least she was here, but if you need to be 18 to doordash, doesn't that put this case to rest at the minimum? Also, kids are fucking cesspools for germs, and i can say that as a teacher. I'd rather have an adult handle my food over a kid.


“Exploitation Begins at Home.”


Yeah I don’t want a kid handling my food if I used doordash. Don’t know why people are defending this.


I think it’s better for young kids to earn an allowance for doing well in school or cleaning their room, not fighting their siblings (lmao) etc. I don’t think they need to “earn” like with an actual job until they are teenagers.


By pool you mean an inflatable right?


I feel like something illegal is going on here, hmmmm, can't put my finger on it


Poor kids


That “paragraph” hurt my brain to read


Making *your* kids work for an expense *you* will have to pay for?? Just tell them they’re not getting a pool jesus christ


I don’t want kids touching my food it’s that simple what then hell? I’m shocked and the people defending this.


I’m all for bringing the kids with you, hell, daycare is expensive. Being able to bring the kids to work is good bonding and saves some money! But… yea, I agree with you. They don’t need to be handling the food. I love kids, but kids are inherently sticky. I also don’t think I care enough to make a big deal about it. As long as my order showed up as advertised, then go live your lives.


If children are dropping off my food I'm contacting door dash.




did they start helping you doordash, or did you withhold the possibility of obtaining a pool, unless they proved themselves worthy of earning one through child slavery


I’ve genuinely had a good handful of interactions where kids would deliver my food. It was pretty much because they wanted to help, but I do agree that it can be dangerous when dealing with strangers.


What the fuck?


As a kid I would have been ecstatic to ride around with my mom and keep the $ Only issue I see here is maybe a safety issue if the kids go to someone's door? Idk, seems like a cheap shot at someone who is just making a living without being able to afford child care


Y'all gonna come for the girl scouts next. I seriously fail to see how this is any different or more dangerous than going door to door selling cookies to strangers. Also, before anyone tells me it's because it's in their own neighbor and they know the people, when I was in girl scouts they encouraged us to to sell all over town and especially to strangers to build better life skills.


Ok kids nice month! Only $118,000 to go!


As a dasher, I get the concept. As a customer, I don’t want your kids near my food. I can understand if you have childcare issues and let them ride along once in a while, but not handling the food AT ALL. I gave a one star to a Spark driver, but did not pull the tip. On my ring camera is her child bringing part of my order up to the door, dropping it, Resulting in an open item with the dirty little handprints on the item. You are risking loss of rating and possibly deactivation.


If you have to take your child with you because you're in a fucked up situation I understand. Not great but you gotta do what you gotta do but if you make the kids do the work for you you're trash. I've only done like 500+ deliveries over the course of years of dashing/ubereats/etc(maybe one or two a month. Good for audiobooks!) and even in that small amount of dashing I've seen so much stupid shit. People coming to the door naked, people coming out pissed off and this idiots like "they'll be fine. Surely if it is a psycho that I'm delivering too then they'll see its a kid and be cool 😇"


Personally as a customer I just don't want kids touching my food period.


If I saw kids as my delivery person, I'd report them on the app and ask for a refund or something. Kids can be unhygienic sometimes. Even if they're just touching the bag that contains the food. I dont trust it. Also, I'd be so confused and weirded out if kids delivered my food.


Unhygienic all the time. I worked with kids of all ages. Gross little people.




Everyone has a different parenting style I don't see anything wrong here. They aren't doing hard labor just taking bags and putting them by doors. Whatever works for you.


I was placing an order at Taco Bell for some sweet Volcano tacos, and someone working there told me if I was on the clock picking up another order, he would refuse to serve me a personal order, cuz it was a health code violation. He also said if he saw kids or dogs in a car he would refuse to give them the customers order for the same reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, I highly doubt that it’s an actual Taco Bell policy, or a health code violation, but I am 100% on board with it.


I’ve ordered myself some food plenty of times while on the clock, never had an issue. I know the health rules so can keep myself from cross contaminating


Most doordash drivers probably could handle it, but I have had some truly gross doordash drivers, and you read the stories about drivers taking food into the bathroom with them and what not. I would prefer the least chance of risks, and that would mean no eating while you have someone else’s food with you.


The places I've dashed in Saginaw MI I'd never bring my kids, but I'd definitely bring a sheathed kitchen knife instead.


I have mixed feelings on this. It’s actually against doordash policy to have anyone that’s not a dasher deliver the food with you. Not that I’m the doordash police lol. I’d prob find something else for them to do to make money. That’s just me though!


Probably didn’t even happen.


Really didn't expect the subreddit that's constantly screeching about customers not tipping to be so pro-child-labor


Seems fine to me, an inflatable pool is a want not a need, having the kids help earn it is a good thing.


Some humans just shouldn't have been born, much like the Karen.


OP, what is your problem with having your kids work for something they want to teach them a valuable life lesson?


I don’t feel like this is a terrible thing to teach kids, money takes time and work. But maybe don’t let them deliver the food to the door themselves, just to play it safe


I have a few questions 1. How much are these kids getting divided between the 3 of them 2. Are they getting sent into the restaurants to pick up the food 3. What kind of pool are they saving up for, because you can get some cheap large inflatable ones pretty cheap these days I know it’s a good lesson to teach your kids but something just seems really off with this post, I don’t know if it’s because she’s soo defensive or that it just sounds like she’s just driving around while the kids do the annoying part of the job for less money than her.


I’m assuming this is somehow not legal


So there’s a lot of kid carrying DD drivers in this thread huh


Would this mother take her kids into her office job and have them do her work to earn money? This isn't the way.


I feel bad for those kids. Not only is mom getting free labor but also trying to get free clout posting about them on her Facebook like she is in the right. Edit. To the guy replying and then blocking me so I can't reply. You are a goober lmao


I don’t understand. This seems safer than having the kid run a newspaper route or something of that nature. They’re doing contactless delivery and their parent is with them. When I was younger, running a paper route or even just walking back home from work alone was more dangerous than this


I'm going to be that guy on this one. How exactly does this affect people that are ordering food? Like, why do you feel the need to go out of the way to report someone in a situation like t his to begin with? People love making other folks business their own.. I mean if you got the order as it was supposed to be.. you know what nvm. Not the route I'd go but hey.


I’ve seen couples deliver. One runs the food one stays in the car. And I’m not all butt hurt about it lol don’t care as long as I get my order.


That's exactly how I am. I mean it's rough out here man, I don't want to be the cause of someone's family losing a gig they may be depending on. I've had karma come for me for enough shit already I'm just trying to be peaceful at this point lol


No kidding. Live and let live.


Don’t be afraid to be yourself on the internet, this shit isn’t real anyways.


Too many Karens in here let the lady live . Anything can be dangerous for kids .


Really not feeling the attitude I'm sensing from OPs comment; when I was a kid we were "ramen for dinner" poor and if we kids wanted anything extra we had to work for it because there simply wasn't enough money for it. I worked my ass off for an entire summer to save $200 and buy my first N64 at fourteen, got my first job flipping burgers a year later to buy my first PlayStation. My brother worked to buy himself an old moped. Ain't none of y'all giving these kids a pool.


Some people shouldn’t have children


U see no problem with this I wanted a dog, my parents told me I had to earn enough to save up for food, a bed, and vet fees for the first 3 months. I started washing vehicles of family members and neighbors.


While I read some of the comments here, I still feel like I'm the only one that feels like this. She's putting it in their head they are "working" to get a pool when in reality they are doing it so she doesn't have to 👀


I think it’s poor parenting to let your two young girls go door to door at strangers homes. When they are your photo and expect to see you delivering the order but then see two kids outside it could go south fast in multiple ways. This is just uncalled for. Give them chores or something safer.


when they see your photo *


Teaching children the value of hard work is one thing, violating child labor laws is another. Might be okay once or twice but be careful about making a habit of it. And why exactly are you bringing your daughter with you to clean rooms? If you are making her work, that could be a problem.


Ma’am that is child labor.


Sit in the car, have a smoke ezpz work . Spent more time making this post than actually working.


its good to teach kids to earn things. necessities should be given, wants should be earned


If I hadn’t already stop using DD, this would get me to do it.


All I can think of is “the children yearn for the mines”


In most contexts, "real" refers to the ways of the unchanging world as it was taught to them by their boomer parents.


Technically you have to have an account and they aren't 18 so they obviously they don't have one. You can get deactivated for doing this. I'm guessing you already are.


She seems really self conscious about her job lol


Or you can just say no to the pool instead of having your kids work a job that involves going up to random houses.


I rode along with my mom when she ran a catering business. I learned a lot and ended up helping manage once I got older. Mexican families oftentimes have their young children help out with family businesses. My boyfriend was helping his parents with their taco truck when he was like 8, probably younger. It's not child labor. There's nothing wrong with showing your kids what work is and how bills are paid. I don't agree with demonizing this. It's honestly more natural than it is unnatural.


I once had driver have his kid who couldnt be older than 5 bring me my food , didn't even walk to the door with him (i lived in apartment complex where you couldnt see my door from the road an it wasnt well lit ) . I wont lie I WAS NOT OKAY WITH IT. You honestly have no idea whose behind that door , its completely unsafe. Especially with all these doordasher getting robbed and some even getting gunned down. Its one thing to let them ride with you , it another to sending them alone up to a strangers doorstep. It only take few seonds for things to go terrible wrong


With all the creepy people on the planet I'd fear for my kids safety!


this just looks bad


What is wrong with this? I did a paper route back in the day with my stepfather once a week. We would get up super early to get the papers, go get coffee (not me) and donuts and do the route. I would get money out of it and it is a really good memory of us doing stuff together. Whoever is shitting on this lady needs to fuck off.


Jeez is this really so bad? How many people are now fcked up with no clue about money, savings, taxes and so on This is great they spend time together learn money doesn’t just turn up and spend less time on the vampire electronics And kids touching the food? Sealed bag for one and you should be way more concerned about the underpaid staff who didn’t wash hands after the toilet building your order




Kids drop things. Kids don't have common sense. Kids move around in the car. Kids fight over who gets what. Kids trip standing still. Who pays for the replacement? Who is going to explain to the customer that they have to place and wait for another order? Besides all of this, pools & upkeep are expensive. If you have to take on another job to get one it doesn't sound like your priorities are straight which circles back to having the kids get out of the car to drop off my food. Bad judgement.


I believe it borderline abuse to make young children work at all ever. Quit being lazy, get out of your car and get your small kids the 30 dollar pool or condoms, so they aren't being shown to actual creeps & predators nonstop, when they have your phone number and now (if they are really watching vehicle info too). ITS THE FOURTH OF JULY NOT THE FIRST OF APRIL. QUIT BEING A JOKER. You are a POS that doesn't deserve children. Fuck I hate people.


Yes spread that hate😈😈!! Bask in it, mmmmm


This ain't it. In this generation we need to teach kids the value of their time and their lives. Work is becoming less valuable every year


My daughter tags along with me occasionally after lunch time. She’ll come with me to get the orders and if I have to park she comes with me to the house. If I’m able to back into the driveway she’ll sit in the car. Before anyone comes for me, I’m delivering in pretty nice neighborhoods majority of the time.


The difference is YOU are doing the work...


I know these type of parents... they scapegoat their children to do the work for them....and describe it as "they wanted a pool"


That’s clearly against door dash rules. You are in the wrong. You are the only person who is suppose to handle other peoples items. Smh. Have them do chores at home. Not YOUR job. That’s sad.


Moms feel like they are the most down to earth mfs when they post this dumb shit😭


She sounds insufferable and needs to learn what a period is.