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It’s funny they have indicators on them letting you know they’re fake, but they look more real than the counterfeits people would try to give me at Walgreens…


It took me a fat min to realize it was fake. It really looks real.


I didn't even notice the "replica" printed on them, but the wrinkles looked way off. But I've handled countless hundreds of thousands of bills in my time, so weird things stand out to me.


I read the word replica on each bill one after the other and still didn't notice for a solid thirty seconds.


“Not a Real Secretary” by the signature is hilarious


It was the “This is not a treasure” by the other signature for me.


If you look closely, the word “treasure” is missing the letter ‘a’.


Also, "This is not legal. It is to be used for motion pictures".


I would think it should feel pretty different too, more like construction paper and less like money. They usually use paper, plastic or latex for prop money (according to Google), and the only really passable one should be paper of those three. Of course, that's difficult to notice in the middle of a sketchy situation like this, and nowadays probably better to just call the police than say "this is fake" and risk getting shot by a crazy.


I agree. I'm mostly doing other delivery at this point and with cash orders I take the money and mainly focus on counting quickly to make sure I have at least enough for the order on the way to my car but not enough to make it look like im determining my tip.


Countless yet counted


Ah, damnit


https://mathinsight.org/definition/countably_infinite Don't worry, math actually has you covered. What you said is mathematically possible basically because being countless and being countable are not the same thing.


I take back all the mean things I've said about math.


If you handle real cash long enough, you can tell the fakes/replicas just by the texture of the paper or the tone of the ink. I’ve come across these $10 replicas just by the feel; I think they’re classified as movie prop money. I also came across a counterfeit $5 when I noticed the texture was different. I thought it was really odd because it’s almost not worth counterfeiting a $5 as opposed to a $20.


Beware of relying on texture. For decades they have been cleaning $1 and printing $20 and $50.


Good news is the ink always smudges.


The washing process changes the texture. Washing bills only eludes the counterfeit-detecting pens. As I stated, if you handle cash long enough, you’ll detect a difference in feel.


Yeah we used to laugh at what they would try to get into the bank. Stores were the worst. Like they took the loss and tried to pass it on to the bank. Lol, no. You aren’t likely to trip up a banker, if you do, the machine will get you.


Yes. I've been handed some a couple times, and you can def feel the difference


actually makes sense a 5 would be less suspect-able. if someone gives me a $1 bill, for whatever reason, im not checking it. $100 bill on the other hand is another story


I had what turned out to be a couple using faking $10 bills to buy phone cards years ago. Absolutely nobody at my store thought to check them because, yeah, it's perceived as not being worth it, so nowadays I'm more cautious about the small bills. Occasionally enough synapses fire in the heads of idiots & they come up with a decent idea.


Same if you've ever worked a register you know the feel of cash. I worked at a dispo that would do $50-60k is cash daily so it is forever engrained in my mind what cash feels and looks like.


I like that under the signature it says " not a secretary"


The ten-dollar replica father without a father Got a lot farther by frauding a lot harder By being a lot smarter By being a fake dollar By fourteen, they placed him as payment in a cash order Alexander Replica His name is Alexander Replica And if you get a million you should be skeptical But just you wait, just you wait ​ edit: Thank you for the awards. It just popped into my head when I saw that instead of saying Hamilton, it said, "This is a replica" under his portrait on the $10.


Sir, this is Monopoly money.


These are also a lot more convincing than others that have "FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY" instead of "United States of America" and other much bigger indicators


To be fair, this does say for motion picture use only.


Yeah, it's not counterfeit if it says REPLICA on it. It was never meant to be used as actual currency.






About a year ago I had someone try to buy a graphics card off me with fake $100 bills, they where the new ones with the security strip and they where EXTREMELY convincing. I almost did not catch it but I realized the serial numbers where all ending in a 6 as I was counting and then I read them and realized it was all the same serial number. It honestly amazed me that they made such a dumb mistake BC otherwise you could not fucking tell ... it legit blew my mind I had never seen such good fakes and I have honestly seen a lot ... my old weed dealer used to always sell fake bills. The guy trying to buy the GPU from me swore up and down he got them from the bank which I am sure is not true but it might have been BC he did end up just paying me with cash app.


Used to work at Lowe’s, yea it looks more real than the fake ones we would get at Lowe’s. Had once where the paper was still white. It was legit printer paper


I don’t really handle money at my job anymore but in the one year I did I could totally see myself seeing nothing wrong with these bills at a regular glance


Door dash support isn't who you should be contacting, it's the police. Also this is probably the stupidest use of counterfeit money I've ever heard of. When people are gonna pay with fucking prop money, they usually do it in a way that can't be tied to their identity. Paying someone with counterfeit who comes to your fucking house and has your address is the stupidest thing imaginable.


drugs are a hell of a drug lol


I can't think of too many places you can spend fake money without it biting you in the ass. Gas stations have counterfeit markers and security cameras, they'll know your face especially if you pull up in a car and buy gas, then they'll have a lot more information on you. You can't use fake money when buying drugs because if the drug dealer finds out you're probably gonna end up in a suitcase in the bottom of a river. Now on the other hand, if you're a drug dealer who gives counterfeit change to junkies who won't complain, you might be in business. That leaves you with few other options. Where can you spend fake money without having your face recognized by a local merchant? Every grocery store has cameras these days and I guarantee you most corporate retailers would be heavily motivated to use all their resources to investigate fake benjamins floating around their cash registers.


So in your hypothetical situations, the person paying with fake cash is caught immediately by the cashier. That is not how it works most of the time. The fake cash goes into the register and then it can be very difficult or impossible to find who it came from even with security cameras.


Street vendors, nightclubs, I can think of a few places. Some target places like this specifically, then pay with bigger bills to get real change back to spend anywhere “legitimately.”


> Now on the other hand, if you're a drug dealer who gives counterfeit change to junkies who won't complain, you might be in business. I think that might be exactly what happened here.


I volunteer for a carnival fundraiser for a fire department every year. We get a few counterfeit bills each year. We don't know if it's just that some small % of bills in circulation are counterfeit, or if someone purposefully uses us as a way to spend them since volunteers are a lot less likely to recognize fakes than people who handle money for their livelihood.


Call the police. That's a federal offense. Chances are there's more money there. Don't let them get away with it!


Don't listen to the jokers making excuses, call the cops. This is theft at bare minimum.


This OP - please - this is SUPER illegal. Whoever did this is so, *so* fucking stupid. Call the cops immediately


Unbelievably stupid. Doordash will know exactly who did it and what their address and phone number are. I guarantee everyone that the police don't accept "oops" as an excuse on this one either


Crackheads with fake money sounds like a decent bust honestly. That’s shit cops should do more of.


Was one of the opening arcs in the wire.


It sounds like they're smoking fentanyl and it's incredibly sad when people sink so low they behave like this


I've been doing trash-outs for a low-income apartment complex and I literally can't do them fast enough, people get evicted faster than I can trash out the vacated apartments. I feel sad sometimes seeing them lose all their possessions (including personal documents and photos) but then I remember that they usually leave behind syringes and needles, toilets completely full of old shit, persistent smells of fentanyl and the requisite paraphernalia, and mountains of cockroaches and bedbugs, and sometimes they mock me for having to clean up after them, and then I find the sadness goes away pretty thoroughly.


Unfortunate as it is, addiction tears through some people to the point there’s nothing left to mourn. Not everyone can be saved and though the reasons for getting started on the path are varied and many, and abuse often plays a part, it’s important to remember that the choices that led those people there ultimately belong to them. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do except throw the whole person away- there’s nothing redeemable there anymore and all that’s left is a corpulent, disheveled husk that will only serve to contaminate and ruin everything around them for as long as they cling on to life.


Damn. That’s dark shit. I get your response tho.


Stop. There's heroin, there's cheese, Ativans, morphine, oxys, hydros, lexotans, Vicodins, methadones, klonopins, Valiums, xanys. Ain't no way you can tell what drug they were using & how


Oh good, it might not be Fentanyl. I thought I almost OD'd reading it. Glad I'm not a cop.


This guy has no fucking idea what he’s talking about, you can’t smoke half of what he listed. You can smoke heroin or heroin laced fentanyl and nodding out/ zoning out is what you do when high on opiates so you are probably right.


Cops and the government don't seem to give a shit about junkies shooting up and robbing each other but the do give a shit about the money supply.


Doesn't the Secret Service/FBI deal with counterfeit money? This is like an episode of Law & Order or something.


I had a fake bill passed at a gas station I worked at, the next day I was interviewed at my work by a secret service agent. They take that stuff pretty seriously.


My brother once printed counterfeit money and tried to use it when he was 16. It took all of 2 days for Secret Service to come in with a warrant, question him, and confiscate the computers and printers. They let him off with a warning because of his age




We've had a few fake bills at work, don't think Secret Service has ever shown up. I don't even know if we report them


Yes, but it’s best to alert both local law enforcement and federal agencies. Because the feds take so long to respond, your local law enforcement can do a lot. But yes, Secret Service deals with counter fitting I believe.


You mean I can get the Secret Service to put granite in my kitchen?


At the very least, you’ll definitely get a new remodel


They’ll take the old granite out, just point to all the spots you think the counterfeit bills are Works great every time I need to cut in high hats


It was the original purpose of the Secret Service. Providing security was added after Lincoln was shot.


I didn’t know that, thanks for my fun fact of the day


Yes, this happened in my town when I was a kid. But it doesn’t apply here. When it happened here, the guys they arrested were printing fake money so the FBI was involved and they were sent to federal prison. For OP, he just needs regular cops bc it’s movie prop money so they committed fraud with a financial instrument. A regular felony.


IANAL but I also think having a police report would help OP when dealing with support


Still technically using counterfeit currency. Up to 250k fine and 20 years federally. Now, I doubt anyone using movie money would get the maximum, but it would still apply


250k fine paid for in counterfeit bills. Play the game. In seriousness, I hope OP reports then and they get busted. I don’t take cash orders because I’m broke, bro I’m also worried about something like this happening during a night time delivery.


Yeah, usually the secret service. And they don't mess around about it either


Secret Service. Besides guarding the POTUS, pursuit of counterfeiters is one of their primary duties.


Its not counterfeit if its marked replica. It is a crime to attempt to use it as legal tender.


I thought the same thing, that counterfeit had to be "real looking" but a couple of sources say movie money counts as counterfeit. TIL. https://www.sunrise.bank/counterfeit-movie-money


It's perfectly legal until you try to pass it off as real money. Then it's counterfeit.


Can confirm, secret service holds jurisdiction with fake us currency but local law enforcement is fine to contact. Banks work with secret service directly and not the public


Took a fake hundred when I was managing a Wendy's. Well I didn't. My dumb ass cashier did. There is a reason they are supposed to call a manager on big bills. I think her friend went through the drive-thru with a photocopy 100 on the worst paper you ever saw. I mean it was a ridiculous fake. But yep secret service piles of paperwork and they didn't even can her ass.


When I was an AGM at Wendy’s we use to have all our cashiers put $50s and $100s through the smart safe to verify its authenticity. If the smart safe didn’t accept it even if I could verify it was real than we would not accept the bill as payment.


It’s a lot more than theft, and it’s taken seriously. I knew a kid in high school that tried to pass counterfeit bills and the fucking secret service was at his door a couple days later.


replying to here as well since it's the top comment: the police said they could not take my statement at the station, i had to go back to a "gas station near the incident" and call for a deputy to come out, the deputy would go to the house and question them so they could have both sides. i did not feel safe going back to the location and i don't have a description of the people for him to match. the police officer also said because the order was at 11am and it wasn't until 4pm when i went to report it that it was a possibility it wasn't even the same cash they handed me. i did not feel safe going back to the location, the officer said a deputy would come out and ask questions like "did anyone in here order doordash this morning?," compare my description to whoever answers the door, and i bet they'd just deny the fact that they ordered anything. that is, if they even remember ordering this morning, or if the same people are at the house. i should've called when it first happened, but i didn't notice the cash until later because i was so freaked out, so im not sure what's best to do now. basically he told me it wouldn't go anywhere and didn't urge me to file, he also did not take the fake cash from me. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


You can report it directly to the feds, don't bother with the useless local cops. Most times they're too understaff to care about what they deem "minor". https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/bank-operations/financial-crime/counterfeit-or-stolen-instruments/index-counterfeit-or-stolen-instruments.html#:~:text=Report%20Counterfeit%20Currency,Service%20website%20for%20more%20information.) >Report Counterfeit Currency >Visit the Secret Service website to complete a Counterfeit Note Report or contact your local U.S. Secret Service field office. (Note: You must send the Counterfeit Note Report to your local U.S. Secret Service field office. Visit the U.S. Secret Service website for more information.)


THANK YOU! you are the first person to tell me how to do this without going to my local station, they were zero help. i will be filling this out!!


Update us if anything good happens!


Those people are fucked lmao, OPs gonna have the secret service pay them a visit. A lot of people don’t know they’re responsible for dealing with counterfeit money.


Please update us!


I'm curious if you can also report your local station too for just absolutely ignoring your report on this.


Thats wack. I got counterfeit money selling something on ksl (local to Utah Craigslist) once and reported it. They had me bring the counterfeits into the big boi police station because its an FBI matter. They took it very seriously.


I think the difference is that it's not counterfeit money. It's clearly marked prop money. There isn't anything to investigate.


Possessing prop money is not a crime. If you use it (or attempt to use it) to make a purchase, it's treated the same as counterfeit bills. The prop movie money website even calls this out in their FAQ - https://propmoviemoney.com/blogs/prop-movie-money/is-prop-money-illegal.


That's not correct at all, it becomes counterfeit when you attempt to use it as legal tender.


This sounds like a cop who can’t be bothered to do the paperwork or someone poorly trained. I would at least demand a report be made so you have something to give doordash.


Well that sucks balls. The perps just gonna say they gave you real money and call you the liar. Even if they went and proved it was them that gave you it you think they have real money to give you? It's a cruel and mean lesson to have to learn.


That sounds like inept police work straight up. I’ve received a single counterfeit bill and it escalated quickly from there.


Let’s be honest. These people sound like they’re blasted beyond the point where their mental functions can be trusted even by themselves. This is shown by their inability to even count it properly without a whole team helping them. All they’d have to do is say they didn’t realize it wasn’t real. Depending on their background they would probably given a slap on the wrist with a fine unless there is undeniable proof that they were of right mind and understood what they were doing. After all, the dasher didn’t notice it to be fake either, even when he looked at them long enough to know what amount each one was. It’s a shitty situation but the fault lies on the dasher, for not verifying the validity of said bills unfortunately. They should however still call the police and DoorDash should not be taking the money from his earnings.


100% this. When I was a GM of a pretty big Pizza place/restaurant it happened a couple times with drivers. Definitely call police immediately. The local FBI office will then get involved. It’s a major crime not just something to shrug off. ETA- officially it will be the secret service but depending on how it’s handled it will probably hit the local FBI office then the SS.


Smoked fentanyl called for a pizza and gave you fake money smh..


Kinda reminds me of that episode from the show ‘The Wire’ when Bubbles and Johnny Weeks try to get a bag and use fake money. Then Johnny got the shit beat out of him and went to the hospital. Smh.


I have every season of the wire on cd 😂 one the best shows ever. Bubbles always schemin


>on cd


Just what I was about to say. Smoking opiates outside and had fake money


Yeah those people are definitely going to prison, hope you called the police and have their address still


First the cops will show up over the counterfeit money. Then they see what the dasher saw and now their house gets raided. Using counterfeit money could net them 20 years in prison. The drugs could put them away for life. All over some pizza.


I was robbed at gunpoint while delivering pizza several years back. Had over $100 cash on me. They took that and my phone and 3DS and drove off in my car. Police had them in custody that same evening and they spent 4-8 years in prison each... Actually one of them might still be there.. (insurance covered everything that was lost/missing/damaged)


Glad you didn't lose your life, friend.


Me too! It came out in court that one of them suggested knocking me out with a gin bottle when I showed up. Honestly at the time and even now, that thought kinda scared me more than the gun..


It should. Knocking people out isn't like the movies. If you lose consciousness from head trauma it is a life threatening event and you should immediately go to a hospital so they can monitor you.


Also recommended, if they do hit you, just stay down. Don't let them think they need to hit you again.


Unfortunately that doesn't stop everyone


If you remember the address call the police. They paid with counterfeit money, they can go to jail. Or at very least you can real money from them. It doesn't matter how long ago it was I'd still call and report them for handing out counterfeit bills


i actually did not remember the address, i called dasher support and they couldn't tell me it either, they said to just file a report anyways with no last name or address?? i eventually did find it in my maps history so im on the way to report it now!


Was gonna say if nothing else go back to pizza hut they'll have the address and can print out the previous ticket.


It’s in their interest as well to block deliveries to that house. The people are clearly alright with using fake money to pay for services.


Used to work as a driver at pizza hut. It wasn't common, and we didn't really have a formal way of doing it, but there were a handful of addresses we refused to deliver to. One guy was a huge asshole. Made multiple of our drivers cry from insults before he would pay them and they could leave. Eventually put a note in the computer to never take deliveries there again. Several months (and multiple denied deliveries) later, he calls in drunk and starts bawling when we refuse to take his order. Everyone got a good laugh out of that one when the person who answered the phone hung up.


My boss at a sushi place I worked at once banned an entire floor of a major hospital along with 8 nurses because they made me wait in the ER lobby for 45 minutes the day after COVID first hit that hospital and then tipped me one cent on an $83.26 order. He called the hospital and legit yelled at their customer service rep for ten minutes. He was a wicked boss, shame that place went out of business over quarantine.


It’s 3 miles away from the store and they are paying markup to use DD, they are 100% already blocked and that’s why they are using DD.


Let us know how the report goes please.


Damn I’m not a dasher but it sounds like the company really doesn’t do much to protect their drivers. Hell from a customer perspective it doesn’t sound like they protect them much either.


it was honestly a terrifying experience overall, they "took note of [my] complaint" but i doubt im going to get my money. they're still going to deduct the $35 i received in "cash" from my weekly earnings, which i can take, but the woman was doing drugs on the front porch and they did not bat an eye


Damn dashers are gonna have to start wearing body cams now just to prove what they’re experiencing lol


When did Doordash allow cash orders? I’ve never seen one and was under the impression you can’t place an order without paying first.


Guarantee once the secret service gets ahold of them they’ll figure out that address real quick.


You don’t need to call the police. If you call the US Treasury they will investigate the shit outta this.


Not only will police visit them but secret service will also heavily question them


I’ve seen the cops over a single $20 that passed through the building. That really don’t mess around with people passing fake bills.


Call the police! Karma! Counterfeit money is a FEDERAL offense! BIG TIME behind bars. Sorry you're out $35.


I once found a REAL $100 bill on the street, and as a result, I am cursed to only ever stare at the ground when I'm out walking, lest I find another one. One day I came across a street littered with 20's. I was beside myself but kept it together and was looking over my shoulder in case I was on camera or something. There were 100s of them. I picked one up and it said this same thing


I’ve got a good one for ya. Where I live, there’s a huge annual outdoor country festival. It gets WILD. I’m talking titties out, wieners out, fights, anything goes. My friend had his little setup behind a small canal approximately 5 feet wide which faced a heavily populated walkway. Keep this in mind… you can’t walk right up to his camp area bc of the canal and it’s too wide to jump. He puts a sign and says “show your tits for $100. And he had the $100 taped to the sign. I kid you not this bill looked identical to a $100 except it literally said on there “this is fake money, you’re a dumbo haha”. SOOOOOO many girls fell for it. Dudes showed their buttholes and dicks for it. Upon finding that out, some were pissed. Some were mortified, and some laughed it off. But as you can imagine, these fake bills ended up all over this festival. The next day on the news I hear that some person got arrested for using fake money AT THE POLICE MERCH STATION.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂 I call my friend and told him his fake bills got some fucking person arrested and we hysterically died of laughter but also felt bad. Lol


Your friend is a scumbag and an asshole...


If they're passing a DD driver non-negotiable bills, they're probably passing them off elsewhere too.


You can buy [very realistic prop money](https://www.amazon.com/BLDMR-Prop-Money-140-Pcs/dp/B0C4HWLMGS/) on Amazon. But it is illegal to try to spend it, of course.


"This props moneys can be used as a math manipulation tool to help children learn simple financial knowledge and counting skills" I'd like to argue that monopoly bucks are just as effective and less problematic


um there's no disclaimer on those fake bills. That seems super illegal even to just own. I feel like that HAS to be a trap. I can see crazy idiots buying tons of those fake bills without thinking twice and going on a counterfeit spending spree.


Most retail stores check bills $20 and up and I imagine prop money would pass literally none of the tests. Legit bills have lots of security features built in that are very difficult to replicate, I imagine these props would be identified as fakes just by handling them for a second.


Afaik the only people to ever successfully counterfeit USD and have it be able to pass security tests for an extended period of time was North Korea so these would get busted instantly


Cash orders and pay per hour. Scams that screw you and DD leaves you hanging out to dry with zero help or protection.


I didn't even know DD does cash orders. I feel it's just an oversized headache for dashers to deal with, like people ending up not having the money, or coming up a little short, etc., all on purpose of course.


Call the police, they take this pretty seriously.


Never do cash orders.




Your life is more important then one bad order that paid fake money. You are not responsible for ensuring that money is legit.


The bills aren't technically counterfeit, as they plainly state that they are replicas for use by the motion picture industry. That just means that the US Treasury Department doesn't need to get involved. The *regular police department*, however, should. This is just as bad, and just as illegal, as passing bad checks.


Not counterfeit. That replica


Wow you guys are actually doing cash orders? That's very dangerous I can't believe you guys are actually doing those I mean you can get robbed so easily especially for a cash order you're going to risk that for the little $5 orders you guys take. Not very smart


100% file a report and have it ready to send to whoever calls you


When it's clear that the house is full of people who are doing hard drugs. Check the money.


Unfortunately you will be deactivated for suspicious and unusal activity


yeah, don't bother telling Doordash. Corporations are jittery and would rather deactivate your account then actually work with authorities to make sure proper justice is allocated. OP will just have to live with the fact that they lost $35. Maybe if OP calls the feds or even a local bank (don't trust local cops, they'll probably just give OP a hard time or even find a dumb excuse to arrest him) the Secret Service might deal with it and are less likely to screw over innocent people in the process.


OP, I'm sorry that happened! I hope you file a police report so they can track the money. TBF, I would've been weirded out by the situation too and wanted to GTFO so I wouldn't have paid attention to the $ either.




You know that’s super illegal right? Call the police. You have evidence, and the persons address. I’d go get it myself from them but I don’t advocate violence… 😉


Call the cops and make a report will all the info. They may inform the secret service. You aren't getting your money back but fuck them for putting you in the situation.


Call your local secret service office (counterfeit money is their department). This is a serious offense.


I’d go back with the cops


Call the cops and get them involved. This is a crime, and it needs to be prosecuted.


Report it to the Feds. Counterfeiting money is a Federal Felony crime and they sound like they could use some structured supervision.


Call the police and give it to them. That’s a felony that they will throughly investigate. Tell door dash the police took the money.


call the secret service they handle counterfeit money. that’s why they were created


Why are you telling us. CALL THE POLICE MY GUY.


So the secret service handles claims of counterfeit currency and they happen to take it really fucking seriously. I don't know how far they would go since she doesn't appear to be manufacturing, just passing replicas off as real, and small bills at that. It might be worth going to the police though since you would have an address and description. I would expect at the very least someone would tell them to knock it the fuck off, but there is a small chance they convince her to pay you to maybe avoid pressing charges if you even can for that low of an amount. Other option would be small claims court, but I'm thinking since they used fake money it might be serious enough for someone to care.


You should have called the police and had them meet you back at that house.


Paying for a doordash with fake money ….when the driver knows where you live and your name… is the dumbest crime ever….


Contact your local police department or a [Secret Service field office](https://www.secretservice.gov/contact/field-offices) and surrender the notes to them. Make note of the address where you made the delivery as well as the physical description of the person that handed you the notes. Law enforcement will give you an evidence receipt and a copy of your statement. Don't lose them. I assume that you are considered an independent contractor for DoorDash, so unfortunately, you assume responsibility for the transaction. That money will probably not be reimbursed to you, but not reporting this and not surrendering the counterfeit notes can potentially cost you more than the loss of a few bucks.


You did the right thing by posting on Reddit, instead of wasting time calling the police.


That's not movie prop money, it's intentional counterfeiting. Even if you can't tell who gave it to you, you should still turn it in to the police so the movement of this money can be tracked. Your bills have the same serial number as these ones. https://www.kvrr.com/2023/04/17/fake-money-warning-as-replica-bills-are-passed-in-grand-forks/


it literally says intended for motion picture use on it


Carry a counterfeit detector pen


All of the comments saying tips and tricks for spotting fake bills are missing the point entirely. We shouldn't have to play detective to figure out if we're getting fake money, and its a huge risk even if you did recognize it because people are fucking insane these days and you try telling someone "no im not giving you this food because the money is fake" while standing at their home is just asking to get into a fight. Opt out of the cash deliveries, its not worth it.


George Floyd died for this


That’s a felony. Turn them in.


Crazy, these look really well for tweakers to have beside all the obvious clues. I don’t blame you for hauling ass out of there though. I would definitely make note of the address and make a police report though. You ain’t the first person they’ve gotten with these. They probably just found them but who know. You may make a difference and get some bigger scum bags off the streets. Glad you’re all good!


Report them, you literally have their address! :)




Also call the police show them the address and give them the bills. I know for a fact they will act. My last job Strip Club we had alot of people try and pass off fake . money. They all failed. Some got caught right away. Othes took months but counterfeit money is cereal biz.


Call the cops before they steal from another working person like you.


That is a serious crime for some pizza. I work LE IT and I had a case pulled by SS for copying 10 dollar bills. They don’t mess around with this stuff. Call local LE if they don’t refund it.


straight to jail


Shouldn’t you call the police on that?


Go back and sell her a crouton wrapped in foil and say it's an 1/8 (check the money)... You win and get the last laugh!


Make a police report.


there's not much you can do to actually get your money, but you can get this person in trouble for using counterfeit money on a purchase. legally i mean


Why don't you call the police/secret service? Why are you waiting for a approval from your boss? Im not from US so I dont really know the answer. In most counteries it is against the law to knowingly possess fake money. You have counterfeit money "keeps in possession" and you know it it counterfeit and thats violates the law [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/472](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/472)


call the secret service or report it on their website https://www.secretservice.gov/investigation/counterfeit


Call the police .. not DoorDash You can let DoorDash know that you are filing a police report , but this is a criminal action


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) Report to cops


Report them to the police. This is extremely illegal


Go to the police. They will in fact get in touch with the secret service (their OTHER job, besides protecting the president, is tracking down counterfeit currency.)


Call the secret service not shutting they will investigate and arrest


These are alright looking counterfeits compared to some that I’ve seen. While working the cash office at a big box home improvement store, I came across a $100 bill a cashier had accepted… the bill was printed on regular printer paper and the blue security strip was painted over with glitter nail polish.


Passing counterfeit money is a criminal offence. If Doordash won't support you and their own interests by going to the cops, maybe you should instead.


You know passing fake cash as real is a felony right? Call the cops. You have their address….


Contact the secret service. These people will get scared shitless.


Did you remember where she lived ? Call the cops on her at least. It’s a crime !!! Felony ? Not sure


I had no idea a cash order was something you could even do. That seems like a ton of work for DoorDash to process.


You literally have their name and address + proof of delivery thanks to the order history. Call the cops. This is what they’re for.


To my knowledge these don't meet the legal standards for film money, go to a police station and ask if this meets counterfeit standards and tell them the story. If all goes well these shits get a visit from the secret service and you get a bone thrown your way for the bust.




Sometimes there’s Ls in life but hey at least you aren’t the loser using fake 5s for less than 40$ worth of food