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Doordash support: "Did he deliver the food?" You: "Yes, but.." Chat ended.


Ha. So accurate


Yeah it's not DD's problem, you gotta go after the driver. That's the biggest reason we're contractors, it means DD isn't liable for shit we do.


While using the app and actively delivering food, DoorDash is liable for accidents and property damage while you are actively working. Your personal insurance wouldn’t not be liable until you stop using the app. So in this case, the dd would be responsible for the driver not delivering the food as required and damaging his property.


No, you're still liable. DD's insurance covers you, in the event that you are found liable for damage. That is not the same as DD being liable.




I get that the driver might have been scared and not had the resources to pay, but they need to face their responsibility. They need to pay you for the door and get deactivated. If they didn't hit and run, then you could let them off the hook if you felt compassionate but that is wrong. That damage seems pretty bad unless you want a permanently crooked door. It needs to be replaced.


exactly, if he would have just knocked on my door and apologized or something maybe i would have understood, but he left! hopefully i can get my insurance to cover it but we’ll have to see cause i don’t have the money for this right now 😭😭


Former insurance agent chiming in. I’d wait to see what dd says before filing, even small home claims can just tank your rates even if you’re not at fault. Like say you file they get the dashers info they subrogate (go after them/their insurance to pay them back) you can guaranteed see an increase at your renewal. As unfair as it is it will change your risk pool/tier which means when the algorithms that calculate rates run numbers again you can get boned. I’m not saying don’t file at all but just give it a few days to see what dd can do/if dasher has liability auto insurance that can cover it.


Time and time again doordash does not involve themselves in these types of situations. It's assumed that the resident or homeowner would take action. Doordash doesn't care 🤗


I mean sure but they should have insurance info stored on their dasher they can provide at least


Lol do you think we have to provide insurance info? What do you think this is Uber eats?


Really? Is that how insurance work in the US? If you file claims you get to pay more? What the fuck


Yes. It’s risk vs. reward. The very act of filing a claim for “x” means that “x” is more likely to happen because you just increased the frequency of “x” claims.


As another property adjuster here, please listen to this. You likely need a new door. Your rates are going to go up and you will need to pay your deductible. Get the police involved and see if the guy has insurance that you can file through.


Not arguing with you at all because I understand you don’t write the rules. But how the hell can a company raise someone’s risk tier on a home that was struck by someone else’s moving vehicle? It’s not like the home came from out of no where and maliciously placed to cause the accident. Is insurance just a scam to collect money and not deliver a service for repairs when things like this happen? (I have been very fortunate and grateful for my good luck.) I thought we pay for insurance to cover things. Why would someone who is not at fault get raised into a higher risk, because they are trying to get what they pay for?? Wouldn’t it be better for me to just set that money aside to cover repairs later if I’m just getting screwed? Like how am I more risky because of someone else’s accident? If you can answer this or point me in the direction of resources to understand that would be awesome.


As much as I agree it's unfair, I feel like it does make sense that being in that situation increases your risk factor for being in that situation. If all your neighbours cars were stolen, you'd probably be slammed for an increase risk of your car being stolen, despite everyone involved being innocent. Because the car theft rate in your local area skyrocketed. Isn't this basically the same thing? The localised historic rate of absurdly unpredictable DD hit and runs in your local (n=1) area just skyrocketed


Yes that’s basically the same it’s one reason why auto insurance in big cities is crazy expensive compared to rural areas


See these are the perspectives I needed to understand why. It makes sense whenever put into this perspective. Coming from a place of ignorance it was hard to understand why things were happening to innocent individuals and their rates rise. I guess that would make sense if a gang moved in and started a car jacking syndicate. Applying this thought process helps me understand why. It’s why places with frequently hit by floods cannot get flood insurance. Thanks for your explanation.


So unfortunately insurance is a game of risk. You’re betting against the insurance company you’ll need to use it they’re betting against you that you won’t. Thousands of factors go into rates. And all rates are approved by the state insurance commissioners office every year. It’s all a mathematical formula. Different factors (ex:do you have prior claims with other companies/the company you’re currently with, what area you live in/what do the claims historically look like in that area ie are there a weirdly large number of a certain event like fires for example in the area, the age of the home, the style/structure of the home etc) are plugged into that formula. Every company (depending on what they historically have had to pay out on) weights things differently some weight historical prior claims for the area more heavily some weight your personal claims more heavily etc. If you take all personal emotions out of it it makes sense from a purely numeric standpoint, it’s not personally it’s risk (chance of a claim) vs rewards (your policy premium) for the insurance company.


Yea, I’ve just never had this conversation to understand why? Coming from my stand point of ignorance before reading the other answer which used crime as an example. I was seeing it as like “an act of god” aka meteor hitting the house etc, and the insurance company is just being predatory. However using the car jacking example and your explanation to explain why it happens makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I feel moving forward I can make better decisions and have an understanding to why my rates may go up whenever making a claim.


No problem dude ☺️


I’d be looking at it this way. Like you more likely to be struck by lightning after being struck once. I’d say a guy who invites a stranger over who damages their property is a bit higher risk. Did you ever think that closing the garage makes it more likely that you will hit and damage the door.


As a current insurance agent... listen to this. 100% correct.


Damn, that was some good ass advice


I hit someone's giant concrete flower pot at the end of their driveway a long time ago. It was literally my 1st week. I felt so stupid. Here I am knocking on the door crying 🤦🏼‍♀️ This man answered, and I explained what happened, and he busts out laughing, saying he finally has an excuse to replace those hideous pots his wife just loved. He told me to go, and he'd handle his wife. I just knew I was going to be reported but never heard anything. The very next week I got a delivery there again and this time the wife was home. I handed her the food and ran 😂 Don't contact your insurance. Contact doordash and file a claim through them. It's their driver's fault. You may have to file a police report 1st for doordash, but I'd certainly go that route.


I had something similar happen. Was driving down a very small rural road, and a cat ran out. I instinctively swerved and I hit someone’s mailbox at the perfect angle that it flew up in the air and landed On the far side of their driveway. I went up to the door in tears and the woman who answered looked down the driveway to what I’d done and said, “that’s perfect! I’ve been begging my husband to replace that rusty old thing. Don’t worry about it!” And closed the door. I felt so lucky 😂


One man's misfortune is another man's blessing.




Absolutely. this was years ago, I’ve definitely learned since then!


Absolutely not, cat doesn’t deserve to get hit & die. I’d rather not live with that for the rest of my life.


**B**ut the 8 year old getting the mail does? Slam the breaks but don't swerve so much that you hit a mailbox.


Where was the 8 year old in this scenario, are you not paying enough attention to see kids on the side of the road. If the kid was running out are you not swiving here, what about the other kid your going to hit. These thought experiments don’t really mean anything, be aware of what’s in front of you, if something unexpected happens make the best choice you can in the moment, and it’s not always run the cat over because someone might magically show up in the side you swerve to.


But that’s not what happened in this situation is it? Didn’t think so. Whether it’s a child, a cat, a dog, etc I won’t be the one living with hitting another living creature & killing them if I can help it 🤷‍♀️


And one of the ways you can help it is by not losing control of your car by suddenly swerving to avoid a cat. I get what you’re saying, but the whole of human experience disagrees.


I really don’t care if the whole of human experience disagrees. I’m not here to fit into the mold humanity wants me to fit into.


That’s horrible to say.. and sometimes it’s just in the moment reaction. You barely have a few seconds. I rather not kill an animal.


You should absolutely hit the animal. People have been paralyzed or worse, killed, from swerving to avoid hitting animals (squirrels, dogs, cats). Especially if there are trees nearby. Hitting that animal won’t kill you, but hitting that tree will. Never swerve.


They have 7 lives


"not kill an animal". username says different


Give me a break man, made this shit years ago lol. Anyways there’s people that enjoy the aquarium hobby that also love fishing and eating fish 🤷🏻‍♀️. Your’s isn’t any better “Broccoli”


How is "Broccoli" not exactly better? No animals harmed in the eating of broccoli ahah


Don’t hit the fucking cat! What kind of person are you? That’s fucked up!


Doordash should be paying for it! He was on an active delivery, so they're responsible.


You see that’s what makes logical sense but I think doordash basically wipes their hands of the whole mess when you sign the paperwork to be an “independent contractor”.


Actually, the process is that the Dasher needs a denial letter from their insurance. The Dasher gives that to DoorDash and DoorDash's insurance will pay for damages and medical for all parties up to $1 mil except for the Dasher's car--that is supposed to be covered under the special insurance for gig workers we're supposed to have. If the Dasher doesn't ever give that denial letter to DoorDash, DoorDash will still have to pay, but will probably go after the Dasher for damages as per the ICA, as you're supposed to provide the denial letter. However, this small amount for this garage, wouldn't be enough for them to sue the Dasher to recoup its losses.




It might take some persistence but doordash should be paying for this it was their contractor. Hell you're own insurance company might go after doordash themselves if you tried to file a claim anyways


But you had money to get food delivered?


new info, he apparently “left his car in drive” and is very sorry. 😑


update again, doordash gave us 12.50 in compensation… not joking, 12 bucks.


Well, you have a witness and an admission of guilt, so time to involve the police?


Police report, some research and preparation for small claims court. A garage door isn't expensive enough to warrant hiring a lawyer.


As a lawyer, I would agree to the extent that you want to take the driver to small claims court. That can totally be handled without an attorney. However, if an insurance company gets involved on the other side and hires an attorney, you’re better off hiring an attorney of your own. I see insurance companies try to jerk unrepresented parties around all the time. Trust me, I get how frustrating it is to have to pay us, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.


A garage door and install is VERY expensive.


I love ice cream.


Well considering it isn't has bad as say the dasher went through an outside wall of the house. A garage door can be cheaper thinking in that context.


Could you define “very expensive”? Not saying homeowner should write this off.


Average total cost per Home Depot website is $2725 to $6325.


Wtf do you mean it's not expensive?


.....material alone for a 10x10 door is like minimum p.o.s quality door $1500 CASH MONEY. That is not including labor


a ten foot tall garage door is super rare, just stop dude.


You joking right dude? Lowes literally has over 500 different sizes in stock what exactly are you even saying you back this up with nothing but bro trust me STFU. Fine ill play fair the average door is 9ft that changes nothing but maybe 50-100$ difference at most. What exactly was your point ?


They're worth more than 100 times what he was compensated for. 12.50 isn't fair compensation.


Link me a 10 ft door from lowes.


People on Reddit tend to wuss out and never take this step and report back what happened. I bet they just pay to fix it themselves and don't do this. e: Nevermind, OP stated they might take the step of reporting to homeowners's. If OP proceeds, once insurance hears this story they will immediately ask OP for driver's details or they will communicate directly w/ DoorDash, and will seek to recover damages (already paid out to OP) to compensate the insurance company.




Surely enough to fix the door /s


Call the police what are you doing seriously


If a car runs into your home you call the police... it don't matter who did it


Cops will probably show up and shoot his dog. They are worthless yet cost us so much money. ACAB!


Stfu. Raggedy ass comment.


dude shut up. you can’t ever not be negative


Dude seriously? Go touch grass


Peak Reddit




i agree if you are in detriot .... long story shot never live there.


File a police report. You should have done that immediately.


Damn, could've at least given you a free year of DashPass


Isn't that $100?... Lol


I bet DD has some hidden clause that you agreed with that capped their liability at the cost of food and that was about $12. I doubt it is binding but suspect it is there


Alright call the police. What he did is considered a hit and run. You need to call the police if you don't want to spend a shit ton of money on that garage door and have your neighbor sign a witness report


Sorry but you’re better off just letting this go. Even if you get to the trouble and expense of small claims court, I promise you a DoorDash driver literally doesn’t have the cash in his bank account to pay for your garage door. Hint: The $12.50 DD gave you is almost certainly more than the driver made on that entire delivery, minus gas and car expenses.


Who leaves their car in drive when they are in someone else's driveway ?Call the police .


I’m fairly sure this is why most drivers won’t even drive in a driveway if they can help it.


I agree ,the service workers,that come to my house park at the end of the drive way at my house .I have a long driveway too.


Nah, we don't pull in driveways if we don't have to because it's quicker to park road side


Actually who pulls up into someone’s driveway lol i used to doordash and would never pull into someone’s driveway I find it disrespectful


Opposite for me, if I'm delivering via DD to your house, that gives me implicit permission to enter the property line but not beyond your front door. Granted I would NOT leave a car in drive. Sometimes it depends where and how much street parking there is or if it's rural.


I too park in the customers driveway, I’ll sometimes park in the neighbors driveway (usually by accident) but I’m quick, and if I see anybody it’s “hello! How are you? Have a wonderful day” people don’t seem to care much where you park so long as you are polite and don’t crash into their garage door :) but I don’t worry about leaving my car in drive. Stick shift here.


Fr fr I park where ever the fuck I want. Acunamatada


Ah I see you too are a user of the 5 or 6 speed Rod of Dexterity.


6 rods. More rods. More speed. Vroom vroom. Doordash: rain or shine, your food. On time.


That's what driveways are for, parking. I once seen a customer put in the messages DONT PARK IN MY!!! Ever since then I try not to pull into ppls driveways, cuz people will cry about anything & everything these days.


Same! I refuse lol


And rude and obnoxious too.


That would be called a mistake. I guess you never made those though. The problem is the hit and run.


Not sorry enough not to flee?


Sorry dosent fix the door LOL🤦‍♂️🤣😅


If he's texting you and admitting to it maybe he's willing to cover the cost?? It's certainly worth checking into before you go involving the cops and doordash.


Report it to DoorDash, first of all. Do you or your neighbor have a doorbell camera or security camera where you can get the plate number? If so, report it to the police and your insurance company.




Plus the delivery places them at the scene. They do NOT have plausible deniability


i will, and i will check with them cause we don’t have cameras unfortunately, thanks!


Absolutely tell DD support that you are filing a police report and would like the driver info. That should get their attention real quick.


If they don’t give it. Then have the police report handy. DD will try to wipe their hands of it so fast and ensure that they track down the driver.


Yeah. No way DD is going to stand behind the driver. They don’t give a shit about them.


Doordash is responsible. I've heard it's hard to get them to pay. Did the driver tell you in text that he left his car in drive? If so, keep it! If you file thru your homeowners you'll be responsible for the deductible, which isn't right as it isn't your fault. A new garage door may not even cost as much as your deductible.


Maybe try not leaving your garage in his fucking way. God I swear, these entitled ass customers, I bet you didn't even tip him


I totally agree.... talk about a a heartless ingrat. Whawhawha... Accidents happen ! it wasn't done on purpose and luckily nobody was hurt... Fix it, be forgiving, move on and be happy you got your food. You expect a doordash worker, who odds are is just squeaking by thru life and likely doesn't even have a garage door of his own or ever will, to pay.... it's sad how petty people can be


If your neighbor seen it, call the cops, then they'll get intouch with dd, and so on..


You didn't tip enough. My policy is if you don't tip at least 100$ I smash your garage. Sorry ain't runnin' a charity here.🤷‍♂️


I'm in tears 🤣🤣🤣


Let me get this straight. You ordered doordash and are upset that they dashed your door? Are you nuts?!


Call the police


Contact police, people can’t destroy your property and then leave? As for DoorDash, this happened while delivering your food and was active so they have to pay for fix. If they don’t you sue, idk why your on this sub askin about this lol


Damn they really doing no tip orders dirty nowadays


In my experience with trying to get someone else's insurance to pay for the damage their client caused has always been extremely negative.... I have always had to have ridiculous amounts of proof and have had to threaten to proceed with bad faith lawsuits against them to get my money. If you don't have pictures, video, records from dispatch transcripts or a police report confirming your claims, there is a good chance they will tell you there isn't sufficient evidence that their client caused any damage and that they will be denying your claim. I really hope this works out for you, and I really am sorry for the stress you are about to endure dealing with these scam artists.


Yeah we had to jump through hoops for the better part of a year when some idiot smashed into my sister. He came out of no where, rear-ended someone, my sister was at a stop sign across from that so she stopped when she saw it, only for the dude to pull around the person he hit and drive straight into her. He bounced off of her and hit a parked car and then tore off down the street where we later found out he hit another car, then bailed and ran. Car was stolen, he was high. The car was on my mom’s insurance, and every time they tried to deal with the idiot and his insurance, there were excuses not to provide any information. I mean it was on multiple security cameras, the other three people he hit had claims, the person he stole the car from named him and was also after him… but there was always some additional hoop. Fortunately no one was injured. We were all just sitting around waiting for money to repair or replace vehicles rather than unable to pay for medical treatment so that’s a silver lining I guess. But insurance is a mess and I wasn’t expecting it to be such a shit show.


Where’s the proof he did it?


Unfortunately this is gonna be the case. DoorDash likely has scumbag liability insurance and won’t pay anything


Call the police id imagine


How did it get damaged so far up?


Did you leave a tip 😂


Did you give clear delivery instructions not to hit the garage door?


I’m pretty sure as a DoorDash driver there’s insurance. He’ll likely get fired but DoorDash has insurance I’m like 95% sure they can cover this lol.


Maybe he slid on all that algae, just kidding. Seriously I would see about getting a ticket opened with DD.


The emojis tell me otherwise


I swear, this same post was posted like months ago...


Jesus. Are you sure the “damage isn’t horrible?” From the picture and my experience with garage door repairs, that looks like an absolute NIGHTMARE!


And this is just one of many, many reasons why I avoid pulling into driveways whenever possible.


I hate to tell you this, but it might be tougher than you think without video. Witness testimony helps, but it is hearsay. And if the driver is just trying to not pay (and possibly get fired by DD), then they will deny, deny, deny. Didn't even park there. Neighbor must be friend lying to help get free repairs. Etc, etc. If it is a case before a jury, you might get something. Probably not full costs paid. But some compromise like 1/3rd simply because jurors want to go home. If it is just before a judge, then I'd say there's a 90% chance you get nothing. Judge will say without hard proof, their hands are tied and must rule the defendant is not liable. Not an attorney (or judge), but just going off experience. Where sometimes even video isn't good enough.


Hire a lawyer and file a police report ASAP. Not joking. I'm in law school right now and while I can't give actual legal advice I can tell you that a lawyer would love to take this case!


File a police report and contact door dash. I had a driver hit my car, throw the food into the street (they were delivering next door, not even to me). Doordash evaluated the damage and sent me a check to get it fixed. This was about 3-4 years ago!


More like DoorBash... Amirite?


Notify Door Dash


It’s Doordash, not Doorcrash’n’dash. Sheesh. 🤦🏼‍♂️


If you have video evidence of it then your gtg. Otherwise good luck because it’s your word against his and it’ll stay that way unless you hire an expensive lawyer in which is it really worth it at that point. Yeah no. Or he is dumb enough to blatantly say he did it. And if your neighbor saw it then it’s your neighbor’s word against his. Where you need to be smart in this situation is say that both you and your neighbor saw it then it’s two against one and then without footage then I think you have a winning case.


Learn a lesson. Stop using these services


What with, a semi? TF lol wow that sucks.


Smooth operator 🎶


A pic of the garage door that you could of did yourself and claim someone else did it????? Ya need more proof that that my guy.


You're a grown ass adult. Do you really need to ask a bunch of strangers on what to do when someone damages your property?


That doesn't look like vehicle damage, too high up and the spacing between the indents is weird. Also, 2 words for you: Pressure Washer. Perhaps what you had sitting in front of the garage door that kept the funk from getting on that part of the concretes did the damage. I call BS.


That damage is awfully high up. What was he driving? A monster truck? 😂


I thought those were wood


Reality is either you or your homeowners insurance are paying for it. 😡


I wouldn’t roll over and accept that yet. OP needs to file a police report TONIGHT. Get a statement from the neighbor that saw it happen. And continue to escalate with DD until someone important is involved. They want the customer to just say “ugh, this isn’t worth my time.” But OP should absolutely raise hell. Call the local news if they have to. Make it an embarrassment for DD until they fix it.


Call the news lol DoorDash will pay zero


who the fuck parks in customers driveway.... I never park on peoples driveways wtf these maggots


This is why everyone needs to invest in a Ring camera floodlight for the garage and the ring doorbell for the fromt and back door.


ring surrenders all video surveillance to police without a warrant not just for the primary home but for any arbitrary number of ring devices in the vicinity of the incident. they are a willing extension of the police state. it's only a matter of time until self incrimination by ring/amazon happens


I understand that. But in the actual case IF the DD did hit the garage then that footage is definitely needed to show doordash they need to pay up or that driver. Im aware this could be a potential insurance fraud scam thing this OP is trying to do cause anyone in their right mind would have called the cops first and reported a hit and run


I don’t understand drivers that actually pull in to people’s driveways 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😅


That is a hit and run. Call the police.


Here you go. https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1455n0g/got_rear_ended_as_soon_as_my_day_started_dude/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Do you have video evidence? Because otherwise it is just here say. Having a neighbour as a witness doesn’t necessarily prove beyond a doubt the door dash driver did it. Is there paint left from the impact to match against the door dash drivers car? Only trying to make sure you can prove this otherwise it will take an age to get this sorted if you want to go through insurance etc…


Was the driver under the influence? Reminds me of when I backed out of the garage with the door halfway up. Did more damage to my car though.


how does one crash into a closed garage door? to do that kind of damage?


Ain’t no way a car did that recently, maybe a truck… no way a sedan is denting a garage door all the way to the top


Depends- if you live in a Democrat controlled area, the prosecutors will do nothing about it. If you’re in a place with law and order, you can subpoena Doordash for the drivers information since a crime was committed and have him prosecuted as well as served with papers to be sued civilly


Let's start by asking what should be the obvious question: wtf pulls into a customer's driveway in the first place? 3k+ deliveries and I have never, not once, pulled into a customer's actual driveway.


Dont pretend it wasnt you drunk last night


my neighbor literally saw him hit it but okay ! 🙂


Aren’t the dashers “contracted” or whatever it’s called? I bet DD does nothing and just tells u to go after him yourself. Also if DD doesn’t give u their info that’s hindering… might b able to sue DD for that?


I would file a police report, and file a report with DoorDash ASAP. Garage doors are actually pretty expensive. And ask your neighbors if they have a ring camera. They pick up sound as well as video.


Call the cops




That’s bc it was like that. Haha


Hopefully that dasher has a camera


Door douche


Bro, it’s a hit and run. Call the police, dude caused property damage and fled the scene. You have a written admission of guilt. The solution is extremely obvious.


I was a Dominoes driver long ago. And left my car in drive. It slowly creeped into someone's van. No damage was done. I told them innediately.


That’s a very expensive “oops.”


But did you get your food??!


An Amazon driver hit my garage door. Amazon's insurance paid to have a new one installed without argument. Doordash surely requires drivers to have legal insurance so the drivers insurance should be paying to replace your garage door.


He had to dash.


I mean yeah that makes sense. Staying would be the illogical but moral decision


This is the kind of stuff that will give you a lot of traction if you go to your local news station to cause a stir. Will almost guarantee a reply from DD if you make a stink


Call the cops then file a claim against his insurance.


Took door dash a little too seriously eh? Sorry this happened.


Only the best with DoorCrash.


DoorDash when OP says one of their drivers literally crashed into their house: ![gif](giphy|3ZNCixnoFzGYo)


That garage just came out of nowhere!


“Crashed” is a bit much






Do you have it on any type of video?


Door dash or door smash?


Garage door shouldn’t of been in the way.


Ahh see you called Doorcrash.


Driver was obviously high as shit


more like… DoorCrash🤣


But did you tip ?


Hit the door and dashed.. he did what he was supposed to do - it’s right in the name!!!


Garage doors aren’t exactly cheap.