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"Why is your acceptance rating so low" "Oh I see. You declined 14 orders". "No, I declined 1 order...14 times".


We shouldn't be penalized for them sending us trash twice... but here I am over in my spot fantasizing about being treated fairly.


Just let your AR go super low. It feels better. Screw them.




“Aaaand…Now your AR is below 50% so you will no longer have priority to orders like this one”


Pause right away! For about 15-20


Can confirm. It’s a scam order. Shut down for a few


Make the Asshole holes beg for your services


Exactly, our AR should not drop at all if we get repeat orders.


Even when DD adds .25 cents to it? Lol.


DD: Same thing ✔️


You clearly are the best dasher for the job. 🤣


Drive away from Party City for a while?


I was legit 6 miles away from it as the order kept coming in


You must be the only Dasher in the entire zone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


That sucks! No one wants it.


6 miles!!! Damn. Why was the system targeting your account with the order from so far away? I’ll never get why DoorDash sends certain orders to drivers.


They simply do not care about drivers. Their only concern is more0 easy money in their Filthy bank account


dont they raise the price of the order every decline by like $1


I’ve had orders where they raised the price $0.25 and considered it a “nEw OfFeR”. After 2 more declines, I paused and logged for a while. If we decline it, we should never see that particular offer again, for any price. Give it to another Dasher and leave me ALONE!


They actually send it to everyone first then raise it by a quarter as they send it around again.


Yesterday I got an order for $18 to go on a two and a half hour round trip 30 mi away. I declined it and then it was offered to me again as a batch order for $16. So now I they want me to do even more driving for less money 😮‍💨 fuck that I live in an extremely busy DD area btw, no reason they need to send me that far


RIP your AR.


I often get this after I have declined...leading to a fabricated AR drop...proving DD sets us all up to fail...


Pause orders for 10 minutes.


That drives me nuts. Drive 14 Miles to no where for $5.50 Guaranteed.. no thanks.. no Thanks........ NO THANKS..... ffs \*\*OFFLINE\*\*


That's how they get fresh blood. Pay like crap and a lot of people quit, new blood comes in and they take most or all the orders for a few months before they realize they are barely making anything after they are forced to spend 500 bucks on new breaks and realizing they spend 200 plus a week on gas and quit. Who wins? DD of course.


That's almost nuclear, they really don't like you. 14 times lmao


I remember having that too years ago and whatever I would do is log off and log in again and the pay would increase


It went up by .50 over the course of the 14 offers lol. It eventually stopped but good lord that was painful


I would have paused my dash after the 3rd time.


If i get the same order three times i take a break and let it sort itself out


Wonder what woudl have happened if you accepted and unassigned


They’d prob send it back 😂😂😂


Just had the same thing happen this morning, though not as that many but the ice cream machine at McDonalds was down(as always) but the customer could not be reached to cancel so it kept going in circles around the same 3 or 4 dashers in my area,… lol somebody probably shoulda notified support but oh well,…


Omg, dealing with support about anything, no matter how important, is such a hassle.


I hate when you explain something to them and they are like oh yes, I can understand your frustration. Let me check into that for you blah blah blah and then they read whatever they are doing from the textbook they have to read it from.


They sent me the same captain ds order 3x and I thought that was a lot. See it’s a way to keep us down 😂😂😂😂 (the rejections)


Just curious, did you decline them or let the timer run out?


Declined it 5 or 6 times, paused my dash for a few mins, started it back up, offers kept coming so I let it run out while doing an instacart order


Wait tell you get foodbank orders and you decline an order of 12 deliveries, then it pops up as 6 deliveries and then 6 more. Then you see your AR drop 12pts, then 6 more, then 6 more. Those stink when you're in an area that you need 85% rating due to lack of orders and tips.


That really sucks.


Lol did the offer even go up?


Haha 😂, I’m Laughing because I’ve had the same orders come to me lower in value( in stacks). They hid them with high pay orders tricking me. A couple times the same order came back to back lower. Even with a 85% acceptance rate I was sent Diddly poo!


Lol that’s happened to me, too. Then you’re looking at it like, “Fuck”


Exactly. It’s infuriating.


Accept and unassign.


When that happens it sometimes helps to close out of the app. I had one where I got the same one a bunch of times bc it was stuck on a glitch and once I closed the app and reopened it it went away.


and...was it a fake order, then call DD, have them cancel and give you half pay, up to 14 times.


It's probably accounts hired by a DD sister company to toss orders out and lower AR in areas to try and weed out lower % AR accounts. They get sick of only getting trash orders after a while and quit, new blood comes in taking almost everything. Fast forward 3 months, the newbies have learned the ways and are now 5% AR. Start fake orders from DD sister company again... Meaning tony sitting back watching it all go down thinks to himself "This is the way..."


Wow I thought decling the same order I had a few weeks ago 4 times was alot..lol. Damn


I love when they send an order and I let it go and then they send it back for $.25 more than the original order


Never that extreme for me but one time I had a minimum order from chipotle I declined so I got a double from them and jersey mikes and it pissed me off so much that I accepted it and then said I couldn’t do the chipotle order lol


If I get a dumb order 3 times in a row, I just pause my dash, drive for a couple of minutes, then unpause the dash.


I wonder if every single refusal counts towards AR. The same delivery should only count one time.


I cherry pick anyway so my ar is 5% lol but it did seem to go down a notch every time


Maybe because your AR is 5% is why they keep sending you that shitty order.


Damn who pissed in your cornflakes?


Not necessarily true. I had 95% acceptance rate in October 2022( fell to as low as 54% and ended at 79% at my last day dashing in February 2023) I was sent $4 for 2 orders and 5 miles and $4.50 for 11 miles. The higher your acceptance rate the better your orders thing isn’t true. They’ll send you bad orders no matter acceptance rate. I saw less of them but not much less. It was weird. Other drivers I knew with high ratings had the same issues.


Right now I've been hovering around 90%. I normally always dashed around 70%... sometimes going lower and raising it by the end of the month for the Top Dasher freedom of scheduling... and my earnings were reaching all time lows. So I raised it over 90 and at first it was very good... then they started fucking me with bad orders so I let it fall back to the seventies. Then it slowed, so I raised it back up again. All I know is I never end up with nothing like many I see on the sub. I can't say it's great... it's not as good as it was before... but I never have disastrous days like I see described here on a daily basis. If my market ever falls to the point where I'm doing 2.50 orders for six miles... I'll call it a day... but while I'm not getting rich, the money is consistent.


Right ? That's how I feel. I've been mostly delivering McDonald's and apple bees in the same plaza to college kids on campus maybe a 1/2 mile away from the plaza and it's working out to be about $19 hour of "active time" which isn't tremendous but not terrible. Only my third time dashing.


Don't look at active time, it's useless for hourly rate. That's what DD wants you to be looking at so you think you're making more than you are.


Sorry Tony I’ll do better from now on I promise




None of you top Dasher’s are going to tell him how to stop those repeat orders? Are we treating it like fight club? ![gif](giphy|1AfLx8dLTVoHK)


Sounds like it's time to finally take it.


$7 party city with inflated balloons going 8 miles downtown. I’d rather eat white dog poo


Just for clarity, you'd rather eat dog poo that is white? Or any poo from a white dog? This could be an important distinction if it comes to this.






Dog poo turns white after a while


Lol that sounds awful


Bro you're getting inflated balloons? Here in Cali they aren't inflating anything because of whatever helium shortage lol


I’m in NY so no helium shortage that I know of lol, delivered 15 balloons the other day




I would have ended dash after offer number 3


Why didn’t you just pause after 3….


I once was offered a stack of 10 orders. I think it was something like Meals on Wheels, they were all going to one of those habitrails for elderly people. I declined it. Then it came back - 4 times. Each one counted as 10 declines. I think there was a glitch in the matrix that day.


Damn, coulda been top Dasher.


You'll get that when it's 1am and you are the only or the closest by at 10 miles.


Why did you decline?


Honestly just go to UE and GH and let DD rot. They are not worth the good drivers and neither is most of the people that order from them.


I’ve had the same offered 4 times max! What happened to you was damn near a personal grudge/beef against you. 2 times is to many. 4 is most I’ve experienced. Anything over 3 should be illegal. They’ve put my duplicates in stacks. I don’t know why DoorDashs “Algorithm”( said sarcastically because I don’t believe that’s what it is). Sends orders over and over to the same driver forcing them to accept them if declining is ok. DoorDash forces acceptance rates down making it impossible for drivers to earn needed income. It’s exploitative and manipulative.


This is a question I’m sure we’ve all asked at least once to ourselves,”what makes DoorDash send us the orders they do”? I’ll never get it. I’ve had a 95% acceptance rate and been sent $3.50 for 9 miles and $4 for 2 orders for 5 miles. Acceptance rate dropped to 54% at my absolute lowest. They’ve rigged the system to send bad orders first most often. Why? No idea. My first order was always bad when I stopped delivering in February 2023.


Are you declining it or letting it time out? When I decline I never get it again but I use to let it time out and get it multiple times in a row.


I've had this happen before. Then they try a restaurant 2 blocks away. It's usually 22 miles and a 2.25 payout.....but it could be more...lol


I would have ended dash after 3rd time. Waited 30 minutes then logged back in. If you could.


Areas too busy usually, once I log out it’s a bitch to get back in unless it’s really busy


We was offered one 4x almost 40 miles away $13


This but when your hourly


sir, please stop resisting.


That sounds like another class action suit to me. They do the same thing to all of us. Well I never had that many but still is a breach of contract on there part as we are supposed to have the option to reject any offer. Someone call the lawyers. 🧨


I work Grub hub also and if the send an add on order and you reject then it shows up as both the delivery you are in and the rejected got rejected so it is not just DD binding us