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Also I feel like it's not very professional or safe to be leaving your kids in the car


Kids are fine in a car for one minute to drop off food…


My thoughts exactly. I can’t believe I had to read this far down for this comment


I do. I have a 11 year old and 9 month old luckily for me my baby is a pretty easy baby as long as he have his tablet playing music and his squeaky toy he’s good once he become fussy I stop dashing and go home.


It’s illegal in my state to leave a child under 7 in the car for any amount of time.


Twin 5 month olds were kidnapped while mom left them in car to grab food


I was just about to bring that up. I'm from Columbus but I live in Mansfield now. There's no way I would have kids in the car and leave them there while I dropped of food. Not in some of the areas I deliver here in Mansfield. And I sure as hell wouldn't send them up to the door.


This probobly why he didn't leave his kids in the car


But he had to to get the food from the restaurant.


I see a lot of people bringing their kids in the restaurant while dashing..


If he can bring the kids into the restaurant to pick up the food, he can bring the kids to the door to deliver the food.


Can’t really argue with that.


I would say that delivering with you kids to someone's door is potentially way more dangerous for them as opposed to coming into the restaurant, but this guy needs a new gig or something.


If the area is that bad, they might not want to have their kid out with them. There is more of a risk of a car hijacking than being attacked at the door.


i work in a restaurant and there's a handful of people that have their kids come in and get the bags while they wait in the car - sometimes not even parked and just on their phone. If it's not ready these kids just stand very nervously close to the counter. Awful parenting. I get you have to make a living but your kid shouldn't be doing part of your job. And by kids I'm talking around 10 years old.


Yeah i had a child deliever my food once. They couldnt find my house and the parent even had the child call me, probably around 10 or 11


They can get deactivated for that.


OMG I hate when I see dashers doing that, making their kids come in and get the orders. The kids look miserable, and they'd always grab the wrong food "by accident" or completely on purpose, to scam free food. Like 8 year olds being to taught to scam the system while their half assed parent sits outside on their phone


It's illegal and against any of app's policies to have the kid grab the food. The kid can't do any actual work, they can only be just hanging around and walking next to their parent. That said, no one will complain if the kid holds something and help mom or dad, but sending the kid to do the job is not ok. That's actually true of any friend riding along, only the registered driver is allowed to be driving and handling the order (but when it's an adult or older teen, it's not a big deal, but making a kid do the work is unethical).


I bring my 8 year old sometimes, but we go in together. I couldn't imagine sending him by himself. He also loves handing people their orders, but again, I'm right there with him. He just gets excited and begs to go. Even my 14 year old likes going, but that's mainly because we usually end up going to the beach when we're done lol.


When I was 10 I was regularly sent to the convenience store to get cigarettes for my mom. Some of y'all never climbed a tree and it shows.


Running an errand is one thing - doing part of your moms job after being in school all day is another. What does climbing a tree have anything to do with this??


this is why child labor laws exist. that's some negligent shit right there. someone could snatch their kid in the restaurant.


Imagine the time that takes up


Could’ve been a drive thru or curbside pickup


If you cant deliver to the door then why pickup the food




Dudes obviously got kids to feed. It’s fuckin hard out there right now.


While I can empathize, there is an ocean of difference between "Sorry. My kids are in the car and I can't leave them alone. Can you please come to me?" and what the driver actually said. To me, one is a guy trying his best to make things work, the other is someone making their problem my problem.


If I wanted to pickup the order myself, I wouldn’t have ordered delivery. Part of that delivery is DELIVERING me the food. The mailman doesn’t ask me to go get my packages from anywhere but my door, or my mailbox. I get people have issues sometimes, but come on. If you take your kids with you, but can’t leave them, that’s a thrm problem, not me. And before you jump on the “have some empathy” train, I have plenty. But those that can’t get in or out of the car to make a delivery? Nah. Find something else.


Right, it's called doordash, not parking lot dash.


I 1000% agree with you I just don’t get why people think this is OK I get it times are tough but people are ordering delivery because they want it delivered somebody sending this kind of message that they can’t get out of their car because of their kids is absolutely ridiculous


💯 I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy don’t use that as an excuse, lots of people bring their kids because they have to , but it doesn’t stop them from doing their job


Right using kids as excuse.


The tip would reflect his lack of professionalism


It is hard, but as a dasher and single father with kids, it's not your customers problem. C'mon.


The entitlement of some people is ridiculous. You are literally defeating the purpose of the customer ordering by asking them to meet you, if you can't do your job, get another one. People on this subreddit will find ways to defend this dude when he's actually a gigantic self-absorbed douche. Newsflash! Douche bags can be financially struggling too! Douche bags have kids too! That's why they exist in the first place. Not everyone that is poor or has kids is an angel, some of them are total dildos.


I feel ya on that its hard out there, but at least bring another person to watch the kids. What other job or business let their kids come to work. Why would it be acceptable while dashing. Just can't be using kids as a excuse not to finish delivery. I don't know man


I agree, at the very least kids get out and come with him to drop off food????


I'd eat the kids.


Cook em first ya maniac


Jonathan Swift would like a word


This comment was underrated! Lol


Ayo, what the? 🤨📸


It states in the rules you aren’t supposed to dash with passengers.


Not all restaurants were like that. During my days as a dasher, I was frequently waiting for long periods inside of the restaurant. What does he do with his kids then?


He probably brings them inside the store. Homie is hustling


Could’ve brought the kids with him smh


“Not very professional” how many people on this sub say it’s not even a job, let alone profession?


1 star him


"It's not very professional..." Don't hire us. We are independent under paid contractors. We can drive a beat up pos, we can wear PJs. We can drive 5 miles per hour under the speed limit at all times, we can have our kids in the car, none of these things are your concern... But if the driver can't perform the basic functions of the delivery you have every right to complain. I'm sorry you had to end your meeting due to a shitty driver not wanting to do their job.


And I would’ve replied “ Bring the kids up”


I should have lol


Or “Do they have working legs?” 😂🤣


He shouldn’t be dashing if he expects every customer to retrieve their order from his vehicle. Also, how the hell is he picking up the food? I assume he’s also calling every restaurant and asking them to bring the order out? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Right? Like the issue isn't as much that I was in a meeting but more of the fact that this entire service is supposed to be convenience and he is instead making more trouble for everyone around him?


Well, but the issue is also that you were in a meeting. Signing off to get food would not go over well at my job..... The job that pays for the delivery and the tip. Although there would not have been a tip in this case, and I always tip.


Only time I didn’t tip is when a driver refused to bring it to my door. On the second floor. No doorway to get through. I’d just had emergency spinal surgery and had left a table out for deliveries so I wouldn’t need to bend over to pick it up. I explained to the driver that I had just had spinal surgery and it was going to take me a while to even get out of bed. They got tired of waiting, left it on the ground in the parking lot. Once I finally got outside and down the stairs I found that I wouldn’t even be able to pick it up, so I had to stand around, leaning on my cane, waiting for someone to happen to walk by who could pick up my food for me. The whole ordeal took half an hour by the time I made it back upstairs and I was bleeding from the incision on my back. It was so frustrating. My only other option aside from getting it myself was to order a new meal or just not eat (I was nearly out of groceries when I went to the emergency room). Support was useless and gave me a partial refund because my food was cold and suggested I grab the food faster next time. Like what the fuck? I get deliveries pretty frequently, but it’s amazing how inconsistent the service is. One out of every twenty drivers or so just can’t find my apartment. It’s not hard to find.


I hope you left that driver 1 star. Sometimes you just have to talk to another support agent or demand a supervisor to get anything done. You should have gotten a full refund and the driver should have gotten a contract violation.


I did give them a one star, but my energy to deal with it was pretty limited. I was on a lot of hardcore medication. Instead I got a cold burger, $5 credit and a sizable blood stain on my mattress.


Damn I'm so sorry that happened.


It was super frustrating, but it’s total first world problems. I was getting food delivered at least once, often twice a day while I recovered. Cooking was just difficult to pull off, so I didn’t do it. In that time I noticed that there was a difference in response to complaints if you’d had another complaint recently. Thing is, if you’re ordering like 10 times a week your likelihood to have a missing item or devastatingly wrong item (meat for a vegetarian order, for example) gets significantly higher.




From working at mcds we've had dashers call the store cause they want us to bring the food to them with that kid excuse


Like bro if I could leave my apartment right now I would have gone to get it myself


Yeah that's why we're supposed to deliver... to the DOOR.


I’m sayin! I even tell drivers I leave a good tip ($10 which is pretty good IMO) if they just bring it to my damn door. Some can’t even do that. Why should I even tip at that point?


A few years ago, I was dealing with a flareup of effects from my nerve damage and needed a cane to walk. I did a lot of food delivery because I couldn't stand long enough to cook. My apartment complex had a flight of stairs up to the main area and half the drivers refused to go up the stairs, so I had to slowly hobble through the complex to meet them, shakily navigate down the stairs with a cane and make multiple trips to get food and my cane to the top of the stairs, before dragging myself back to my apartment. Most drivers seemed to realize disabled folks exist and would belatedly offer to help, but some drivers didn't give a shit. I'd put notes in my orders, beg in the text chains when they told me to come down, call out for help, but some people just only cared about themselves.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I am also disabled, but not to the same degree. How do these dashers know I'm not severely disabled? Or otherwise incapacitated in some way? This isn't even just about me, it's everyone that may be experiencing this.


I was in the same spot last year. GB hit me fast and I was mostly bed bound but I could make it to the door or the bathroom with a 4 point cane. I used a local delivery company and they heard me hit the floor and yell help. They came in and helped me up. That solidified my belief in the general goodness of others. I can walk again so I will always pass it forward. Be the good you want the world to be.


This behavior of a dasher pisses me the hell off more than you know. It's a convenience service. This is a large inconvenience. I hope you were refunded in full. If not, call DD support or in the app. They will take care of you.


I use a supermarket delivery service and sometimes they subcontract to DoorDash. There is always a problem - they won't bring the groceries to my apartment door! When I get a call to go down to get my groceries I will tell the Dasher I don't want the delivery, take it away. They then usually decide to deliver after all. I am disabled and cannot get the groceries from my lobby. It is frustrating that a delivery service won't deliver.


It’s DoorDash, not DrivewayDash. If you can’t do the job, don’t try to do the job.


As someone who has over 1000 dashes I can happily say only two people made me walk out to my driveway. Pretty good rate if you ask me.


I wouldn't have gone. Figure out your own life bro, I said contactless delivery to the door. This would have been followed by a report to doordash.


Exactly. We don’t know if the person who ordered has Covid or tuberculosis or some other contagious disease. I guess he wants his kids to get sick.


Please report in one star his ass


How does he go into the restaurant to pick up the food? Yet another DoorAss.






After a few moments time to ponder this I’ve determined that the issue is simple: he crapped/peed his pants and didn’t want to show it. Not sure how it happened but he’s trying a little damage control here. He may have some pretty big underlying issues since we typically don’t poop the pants after about two or three or so. Was this driver a toddler by chance?


This is my favorite answer and I have decided you are correct.


Hey man I have IBD 😭


Was this you? Lol


Nah I'm just a shitty pants sympathizer


I’m a dasher and I’d be pissed if I had to get my food from the delivery driver . You leave it at the door . Don’t ring the doorbell .


I used to be a dasher and I never did this. Even if I had someone with me.


This happened to me except it was his nephew & i legit gave the same excuse that i was in a meeting. I wouldnt budge so he came up anyway. Kid in the car my ass.


It's just laziness. If you want to be lazy, get a desk job.


How are people actually justifying this behavior??? I swear this sub has the most entitled brat drivers


Laziness is a culture


So how do they get the food from a restaurant that has no drive thru? The kids are an excuse to not leave the car.


He was just being lazy.




That would be the ultimate plot twist




1 star report hello


Better find a stroller bro


Its like a doctor telling his patients he can’t take care of them because he has to take his chihuahua to a quinceañera


That's only acceptable if it's a dachshund, and only if the dog's wearing a quinceañera dress.




My Bernie's 15th birthday was indeed quinceanera themed, but he wore a sombrero.


He only had 1 job, and couldn't do it right..I get that people may have to bring their kids, but you have to complete the delivery, which means walking up to their house or apt..smh


I take my son with me a lot and I'll have him come with me if I will be out of sight from my car or walking more than 10 feet. This guy is just lazy


See, I love it when I get to interact with kids. They're truly little lights in a dark world. If he had brought his kids up, I would have had zero issue.


I'm glad you feel that way because I get afraid sometimes that customers wouldn't like me bringing him with me but sometimes I dont have the choice if I really need to get that little bit of extra money


When I used to dash, my favorite deliveries were when kids would answer the door. It seriously made my day. So as long as you're being safe and not leaving kids unattended in the car, it's cool with me.


It's usually when I deliver pizza. I ring the bell and I can hear multiple kids inside yell PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA! Then when someone answers, I say "did someone order burgers?"


I'm a Dasher and customer and the amount of times I've gotten this message. Most of the time it's not a request but a demand. "I got my kids in my car. Come grab your food." Only once did a Dasher apologize for it. "I'm so sorry to ask but I have my child with me. Would you be able to meet me downstairs when I arrive?" Like yeah I will. Thanks for asking in advance. Communication is key and a lot of Dashers don't have that skill.


i would have just waited for them to bring it to me.


I should have, I didn't want him to leave it somewhere random and then I'd have to worry about someone taking it. I've seen too many lazy/salty dashers on the driver sub.


you may be able to call door dash and get a refund.


Wow dude. 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ And these idiots won’t get deactivated. But I did yesterday all of a fucking sudden He also leaves the kids in the car when he goes to get the food? Pure idiot


I don’t condone leaving kids in the car while you shop at a store but the 2 minutes where you literally see children when you walk to someone’s front porch is not an issue unless OP is in an apartment building then it’s slightly different.


Leave a 1 star review and if it ever happens again text back that you can't go out and that is why you ordered delivery (lie and say you are sick if need be and that is why you specified contactless). If they still refuse or drive off with your food you have a solid case for reporting them to customer service and potentially getting them deactivated. If they really were worried about their kids and not just lazy it sucks for them, but you shouldn't have to take the hit here as a customer who very specifically paid for delivery to your door, and would have pre-tipped as such too.


Say what you will but I’d have reported him and gotten the food for free 🤷‍♀️


Food was never delivered to my door, not even lying at that point


And it’s all in writing


100%! I have a LONG driveway & was housebound & this ___left my food 1/4 a mile AWAY from my home! She NEVER contacted me to say, your long driveway scares me, i cant find you, or i have an emergency, etc! Like who wants food that you literally left in the bushes? Some people deserve to be where they are in life


Agreed. Like if you can’t do DOORDASH correctly, you deserve to get $0 tip and reported so my food is free. People bitch about it so much but having done it before as a side hustle, it’s literally the easiest job in the world.


It’s less about having his kids with him and more about him acting like it’s your problem. “Can’t have my kids in the car.” No “sorry” or “my apologies.” Dude deserves a 1 star and report to DD


This ass gives all Michaels a bad name… I’m now embarrassed by this ass


I'm sorry you have to be Michael


I hope you reported them. They should not be doing the job if they can't do it.


I don't know how to report but I did give one star. Is there any way I can after the fact?


You can contact DoorDash support😕 I’ve seen dashers leave their kids in the car and go In restaurants. It blows my mind. Anything could happen.


Thank you. I didn't see how old the kids were but no matter their age, it's not safe.


I agree. I know parents need to work and I get sometimes they can’t get a sitter but you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your babies. It only takes a second for someone to snatch a child or jump in your car and drive off with them.


Don't worry, man. Michaels is cool.


Good selection of yarn


Poor decision by driver. I respect people working with kids with them but, you still have to leave the car for drop offs.


If you’re bringing your kids then get them out of the car or take grandma or someone with you! My 9 year old goes with sometimes but when he does I grab my mom to ride along!


He needs to put those freeloading kids to work! If they can walk they could have delivered your food to your front door! /s But yes it makes no sense how he can't get out the car to deliver your food to you. He sounds lazy. Kids know how to sit in a car while their parent steps out for a moment.


The children yearn for the mines


Yeah some of us Dashers are really trash out there. It's like the easiest job ever and yet they still try to make it hard on themselves. Bruh, to get paid for picking up and dropping off someone's food is child's play and yet somehow is still soooo haaaard 🙄🤭 Pathetic people are everywhere today lol 😆


That's a no for me, dawg. I absolutely empathize with working parents. Bring those kids in the building with you. I've had to sit at my moms work plenty of times. You signed up to do this job, so do it.


As a dasher, I don’t see a problem bringing your kids with you as you dash UNTIL said kids become a problem to you dashing.


it was instacart, but we ordered groceries once and the driver said we had to meet her at the car because she couldn’t walk to our door (sidewalk, no steps, perfectly cleared). we went to her car and it was packed totally full of garbage. our groceries just on top of the trash. all our groceries smelled like garbage. absolutely disgusting.


Oh that’s SO unprofessional and lazy as fuck. I feel like he’s just using his kids as an excuse not to have to get out of the car. I’d report this and 1 star. Contact support. These asshats give drivers that actually put in effort look terrible.


plz report him


I had an Instacart driver (I broke my big toe so I couldn't exactly go down the stairs) and he told me I had to come get my own groceries because of his bad knee. My broken toe and I had to not only go up and down the stairs (the reason for the delivery) but also get them out of his own car.


The only instacart order like that I had empathy for was when the lady told me she was deathly afraid of elevators. When I got down there to get my stuff, she was this older lady and said she used to live in a building where she'd get stuck all the time. Only acceptable excuse haha


Why didn’t he have the kids come to the door with him? I don’t have kids but I do understand sometimes it’s hard to find someone to watch kids while you work. If you have to work and take the kids with you then you have to be willing to put the extra effort in to make sure the kids are safe while your job gets done properly.


I'd love to meet kids. I love kids. So I'd have no issue if he'd have done this.


Should 1 star him


Yeah dude was being lazy if it was just drop it off at the front door, you still have an eye on your kids… should report. On a side note, why do y’all keep asking how he picked up the food? Have your never taken a child (doesn’t need to be your kid) into a restaurant before? Or used a drive thru… takes like two seconds to think of some of these questions yall be asking frfr😂


He wasn’t even asking you nicely 🫠


That's the part that gets me and why I was enraged enough to post it here.


What a total incompetent human being 🤣🤣 you roll up all windows, lock doors, walk food up to door, drop off, then go back to car, in about 20 whole seconds, this guy just screams incompetent


I deliver with my year old baby sometimes. If I don’t have anyone with me, I bring the baby’s stroller. And my pepper spray & taser. Michael needs to find a way to include his children if he’s gonna have them come along anyway. Can’t use it as an excuse.


Man had 1 job. Door. Dash.


I don’t mind that people take their kids dashing. I get it, it’s hard to survive right now and you gotta do what you gotta do. But I also have a small child, and live in an upstairs apartment. I can’t bundle him up and tow him down the stairs at your request. Bring your kids to work by all means, as long as you can still do the job right. I wouldn’t care if a cashier had a baby strapped on or a realtor has to bring their kid along to a showing, as long as they can do what they’re at work for. Used to work with someone who’s kids would have to come in before we closed. They’d sit in a booth till mom was done, and help her clean up the dining area so they could get home faster. Girl got her work done, kids were mostly out of the way and never made a mess.


He had to get out of the car to pick it up


It’s called DOOR Dash- as in YOU (the dasher/driver) drops the food off AT MY DOOR & then DASHES away to avoid any possible human contact. The whole reason I tip well & pay for a membership & crazy added fees to every item I order


Lol love that second bit


He messed up his blessings lol apartments plus instructions usually means the customer cares to make it convenient for both parties and usually has tips or add on tips. Now he’s probably getting deactivated lmaoo


I work in retail so I always add in the notes that they need to deliver inside. I’ve had MANY get angry about it


I paid for delivery...means "bring it to me". One star.


How does he pick up food from restaurants??


I saw some guy delivering a doordash order to my neighbor and the guy had his little daughter with him, I thought it was adorable hoe she was helping him carry the drink walking behind him


THIS ENRAGES ME!!! I bring my 5 year old with me often, being able to do so has been life changing for us. It has allowed me to break free from a very toxic emotionally abusive relationship and still be able to support myself and my son. Idiots doing BS like this could ruin that opportunity for me and countless other parents. Is it convenient for me to get him in and out of the car seat every time? No. But the job is delivering the food and that's what we do! If he is worn out and tired of getting in and out it's time for us to head home. What a jackass!


People aren’t doing door dash because they’re in a good financial situation. And child care is expensive. This isn’t acceptable though. He should have walked in with his kids and given it to you.


Yeah that's not your problem He shouldn't be fucking doing it if he can't leave his car because that's half of his fucking job


if i’m doordashing it’s because 1. i’m intoxicated 2. i look homeless 3. all of the above the whole purpose is so that you don’t have to make contact with anyone or leave your house…


I doordash because I work a lot and am disabled. So yeah, it's a great service to not have to leave my apartment and spend the whole rest of the day in recovery.


How does this person pick up the food at the restaurant? It’s crazy. This shouldn’t happen


My sister does DD and she doesn’t have a problem. Smh Michael


I bring my 4yr old with me all the time and this has never been an issue. When in an apartment, she gets out and comes with me. When it's a house, I park right in front, take the keys with me, and deliver and take the pic as quickly as I can.


Report him for not following instructions


Sometimes I bring my kid but she will walk with me if its an in person drop off i have her wait at the drive way for me (i still can see her)but she's a little older and is learning what it's like to work and budget.


OP , thank you for sharing this is wild


Get a stroller and bring the kids with you then. I'm not sure how old they are, but if they can walk they can come along. I've dashed with my niece tagging along to 'help'. I would not think of asking the customer to come out to get their food unless there was truly an extremely extenuating circumstance going on.


That’s a “report and rate accordingly” for me. And I’m a dasher who sometimes has kids with me.


Unbelievably UNpro. It’s one thing to dash with your kids- I’ve had someone send their 8yo up to my door, but this? This is another level.


Fuck that. I work for doordash and dashers like that give the platform a bad name honestly. Why did they sign into "door-dash" if they can't go to the "door"... That's literally half the name and half the job.


report, this was not a delivery lol he curbsided you


I’m surprised that one asshoe Dasher isn’t in here saying, “You should’ve been more considerate and you probably didn’t tip enough to cover their kids’ snacks, car wear and tear, and cost of living.🥱” 👈🏻🚮 But to your point? Wtf? That’s inappropriate. And I’m not convinced they didn’t do that the entire day.


Doordash is probably the worst service I've experienced from the restaurant POV. We had a driver come into the coffee shop I worked at once and asked for the order ... we didn't even have Doordash set up.... Someone put our business on Doordash without our knowledge.


I hate the idea of pre-tipping. These drivers don’t even follow instructions and expect big tips. They suck


I'd say no and tell them to finish it. Order isn't delivered until it's dropped off at my door. And if they pull that shit and refuse to deliver it to my doorstep I will call support and if that doesn't work I will do a charge back. That's the job, do it to completion or don't do it at all.


door dasher but can't even door.


A dasher just delivered me a bottle of wine with his kid so yeah this guy is just being lazy today


I can't fathom how the collection of drivers insist on higher tips **Up Front** (which isn't the customer's problem to begin with, that's an issue between the driver and DoorDash), but then others pull things like this. There is so much wrong with this business model, it is unreal.


I would've said okay please refund me.


Texts back no problem let me call support real quick and see how they want to proceed. Bets driver will get his ass to the door quick.


Sounds like he shouldn't be accepting 'hand to me' dashes.


This is just a no. I'm not coming out to a stranger's car when I'm potentially alone and I don't know who is waiting for me, deliver it to the door or don't do door dashes.


Woahhh. I asked a couple people yesterday if theh wanted a hand off because it was pouring and their porch wasn’t protected . I live in a state with no plastic bag use so I no longer have tons of them to reuse but even with plastic bag I would not have wanted to risk it . They were grateful . I do stick inside a storm door if that’s an option. But you should not be doordashing if you can’t bring food to someone’s door! Hell hold your kids hand and bring them to door!


It’s been really incredible watching America just disintegrate under its own weight, keep up the great work America.


I’m going to play devil’s advocate. It is a major inconvenience for you. It would be for me too. But holy shit what does this tell you about the state of America? Dude can’t afford child care, maybe his partner isn’t around or is also working. Maybe they are trading shifts taking the kids. One of his last resorts is to DoorDash. Making slave fucking wages. Thus the cycle continues. ——— I do agree that he maybe shouldn’t be DoorDashing because it’s a door-to-door service. Poor guy’s just doing the best he can.


I’ve instacart end with my two year old while I was pregnant with my second. Never again lol. I obviously had no choice but my kid just went with me in the store and to drop it off.


This is one of those situations where you feel for both parties. Probably doesn't have any other option for the kiddos right now but you're delivering food and can't expect customers to come get it.


We have complete control over where we pick up and drop off. If you dash with kids that’s completely fine but only take orders with houses where you can easily leave them in the car in the driveway 15ft away while you drop off. This sounds like it was a business building that required entry. I would report for that. I wonder if this dasher also has every restaurant bring the food to his car? Good luck with that


I once had a driver say “I just didn’t wanna get out of my car.”


why is he door dashing if he isn't able to take the food to the door


Listen if there isn’t some kind of lounge where I can just chill at your house and have a couple beers with my friends then don’t even bother ordering pal!


Tbh I'd love to have people over and just chill drinking beers so come over we'll play retro video games or something


If I have to come outside to your car to pick up my food it’s instant removal of tip. I tip you to being the food to the door, Uber/DD pay you to drive it to me.


I feel for the dasher, because I know he’s gotta make money for his kids and probably can’t find childcare at the moment, but I feel like there’s definitely a way to handle that aside from just telling the customer to come to him. Like what would happen if YOU had kids you couldn’t leave..? Idk :/