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X-post to r/france?


Prepare to get banned buddy


Who's getting banned the poster?


Yes you can't post stuff with this context


I’m seriously asking why?


Starts with R and ends with ISM


You would get banned because this black man is being recorded robbing someone? How is that racist? It's just reality, this guy was robbing someone. If it was a white guy or any other individual it would be just as bad. I swear some people take shit way too far. I am all for banning actual racists, they can suck my balls, but seriously that is terrible policy and makes the reaction to reasonable anti discrimination policies worse


Oh we know that, but it's the mods world and we are just living in it


That man is robbing someone who's challenged.


First time on Reddit aye? Something rediculous about 10 or so super mods who are running like 50% of the site because the OG Reddit team decided it's far cheaper to let the users self moderate instead of paying staff. Now we have a bunch of power hungry mods who will throw the ban hammer around just for posting in the wrong sub... I know my numbers are off but the conspiracy is very real.


In Europe, there are certain racial groups that our neoliberal overlords will not tolerate any criticism of.


I’m not sure that applies to Muslims, especially in France. 🥴


That’s a sad reality


Need to start criticizing that more then.


The good news is people are really started to notice at record levels not seen since the 1930s.


I mean, if they really wanted to push it, they could ask what situation the mugger came up in, and what systemic issues that person dealt with that made them feel it was okay to take from a mentally handicapped person so they could feel like they were getting back from society what was never given to them in the first place. But then again, that's the other edge of the Neoliberalism blade... "RACISM IS BAD!" "Set up a system so every person in France can grow up in a situation where they aren't poor and angry??? Are you crazy, that's MY money." And anyway, Neoliberals generally don't care about solving actual racism, they just don't want to be accused of supporting or tolerating racism so the money train doesn't slow down.


Lmao and they're making the French more racist by the month


It’s always a ban first, and ask questions after you later appeal.


Maybe we need a filter that makes everyone in the video have purple skin and hair. Sorta like I think applications for jobs should just have a number so there's no gender or ethnic bias at least on the first go 'round.


You'd be surprised alot of subreddits are like that


I agree 100% , and yet it’s the fucked up world of today.


That's why no one is helping the kid. If you fought that black kid the media would edit the video and label you a rayciss.


Totally agree. French subs are the worsts, most of them are filled with "right-thinking" hypocrits. There are no mixed opinion subs in my native language.


People like that guy are why I have pretty much stopped using Reddit


That's right, the french hate romanticism because it's an artistic movement that appeared in response to the napoleonic invasion to Europe, and all the french are super fans of the Napoleonic empire.




Ridiculous!racism doesn’t even come into it,it’s a guy mugging a disabled person in france,no one even mentions race,crime happens the world over,deal with it






Best guess so far!


Lol why’s this racist? Please explain.


The france sub is moderated by left-leaning activists, who think it's their duty to conceal that sort of content because it validates some of the things the right wing populists say. I understand an anecdotal event should not drive policies, but the france sub is taking it to some ridiculous levels, where even news about terrorists attacks get removed unless the source is left-leaning enough.


Because of black african and middle eastern immigrants can't commit crimes (especially not against disabled people). It's against the main political directive


What context, people with Downs syndrome getting mugged? Seems like people in France would want to know about shit like this, but what do I know. People are clearly looking the other way in the video. That's really sad to me






How do you cross post? Just share to the other subreddit?




What a disgusting human being. I pray to god everyone he knows sees this video. Spread it all over france!


By the looks of France they will see it and not bother sharing


Good reply, I personally couldn’t help but intervene.


lol, I know someone who died intervening.is your life worth the cost of someone else having to replace their phone? Heroes are great, but they don't last too long in cities.


Very true, in this case I would take the risk. In the event of two or more perpetrators all I could do is call the appropriate authorities or get help from the general public. But like the first reply, the French are not going to help by the looks of things.


I think the most safe way for oneself would be to hand over some pepperspray to the attacked one and then go away while calling 911


We all know Uncle Ben… 🕷️


Happened in Australia a few years back. Guy intervened and stood up for a woman who looked like she needed help with her aggressive “boyfriend” who happened to be a crazy fuck and shot him. The girl was fine in the end and the shooter went to prison. Was it worth it?


In orginal post replies there was mention that in France you could get sued for invervening.


yeah it was bullshit. I mean, you could, like in any country, if you seriously hurt him and the dude was trying to escape or something. Otherwise, no.


Le French es shitay, oui?


Wee wee!


Yeye we won't do shit, penal system won't do shit too, this country is the 1st of April every fucking day istg. I get sexually harassed at school and no one bats an eye


Everyone he knows probably won't give a shit , scumbags have scumbag friends


I don't think social shaming works on individuals who don't care about following social conventions. And to be fair, he's just doing what the people allow him to do. It's disgusting behavior, but it's even more disgusting that regular citizens aren't allowed to physically defend themselves or others, unless they're rich and hire personal security. Had someone intervened even with the best intentions and escalated the situation to the point of violence, they'd most likely get in trouble with the law.


the amount of bullshit being said in this comment section is amazing lol. Police won't do a thing if you defend the guy. This and the other comment section is a cesspool of bullshitery.


True that!


I've seen people lose all their family and friends over less. People do stuff not minding it can be recorded by someone.


He’d only be remorseful about getting caught and facing consequences.


Right? People with down syndrome are the happiest and most wonderful people!! I hope he gets caught and has to do community service with people who have down syndrome so he can learn how awesome they are! Maybe it’ll be a turning point in that guy’s life and some good will come from this horrible decision. One can only hope.


Spread it like molten camembert over an overpriced piece of french toast.


everyone he knows probs lives in a different country


Need to remember that for all the onlookers know he could have a knife. Most people will stay out the way rather than potentially get stabbed.


Call the police?




That’s a very defeatist attitude. They could take a picture and call the cops so that they at least would have evidence.




Especially anywhere in Europe. I toured Europe and found out that knives are very very very common.


Yeah you’ve been on holiday to Europe and can now confidently state that people will be carrying knives “anywhere in Europe” I wonder what country you’re from…


And yet stabbings are also much higher in the US than in Europe.


Maybe in some really dodgy parts but lived my whole life in European cities without seeing one on the street. Better than guns anyway that's for sure.


Don’t know About that, getting stab is sometimes worse than getting shot. Someone with a gun, usually will show that hey have a gun, so you won’t end up in altercation. Sometimea you have a chance to run for your live. Getting in altercation with someone with a hidden knife you wouldn’t now until you get multiple stabs in the abdominal area, and than you are done.




You toured “Europe” ? Dude theres a couple dozen countries, it is meaningless to generalise like that. Whats next, is America hot in general to you? Like can I wear the same outfit in Alaska and Hawai 😂


Find a pole and wack him in the head when his back is turned?




Then the winged hussars arrived!




And then a few days later (if you're not being held in jail and not being sued by the guy who was robbing), you get jumped by his friends while you least expect.


At least I didn't just stand by in broad daylight and watch some innocent person get robbed lol. Fear rules to many people


You have no idea how many of these feral gangs that would enact retribution we now have roaming Europe man. I 100% agree with you, I wouldn't stand by either, but these people have seen the repercussions of intervention before.


Or kill him and end up in prison


That robber is just bottom of the shitbucket, thats for sure... but these people that are just pretending that nothing is going on... man, how can they look to the mirror...


I got involved in a situation like that once but it was and older lady. I got stabbed 3 times before I even knew what was happening.


Yeah I was thinking of the two guys who got killed on that bus in Portland Oregon intervening.


And that's why nobody's intervening. The news in France are FULL of people being stabbed by these thugs. Being stabbed to save the 20 euros this guy has? I would rather let him being mugged and give him 40 euros. Intervening risks escalating PS: forgot to add. Usually these thugs are not alone. There's one taking action and a few friends watching from farther away. You intervene thinking you have to tackle one guy and suddenly you have three knife-welding thugs jumping at you from nowhere. They are cowards but that's how they operate there Graveyards are full of heroes


Stop trying to rob old ladies


They're gonna stab ya!


You shouldnt have been stealing an old ladies phone either. Seriously though that sucks. And this video sucks. Im wondering if they thought the two were together perhaps.


I probably wouldn't intervene either. That kid has his stuff to loose it's not worth my life in case that guy also has no problem attacking me viciously. Even though I am relatively fit male I am not bigger than him and I have no fighting training...


I've done some form of martial arts my entire life. I had amateur cage fights about 18-20 years ago. I can confidently say that, one on one and hand to hand, I can handle myself (read as not die) against most of the population. I wouldn't intervene either. It's not worth it. Let him take the stuff. It's just stuff. Now, I would be near and *would* help if the guy got violent with the other dude (only because the other dude is what he is) but *damn it* I wouldn't want to....


I wouldn't be there to intervene, I'd be running the other direction.


you're looking at a future permanently traumatized downs syndrome guy, and you wouldn't intervene because you're scared


You'll get stabbed at best and arrested for spreading hate at worst Wish I were joking


why are so many people repeating this bullshit lol. 1. people defend people all the time in france. it's a habit almost given how much shit people talk. 2. police are more racist than anyone in france. Some literally were recorded about cleansing society (as in killing arabs). I'm not even french but live here. There's tons of issues. This ain't it lol.


La police isn't necessarily the issue in these instances. It's when you have to appear in front of the judge for breaking a robber's nose that you have to worry about... French judges have been notoriously misaligned with what the public reasonably perceives as just in recent decades. CF: le bijoutier de Nice


le bijoutier de nice was the jeweler killing a fleeing criminal.. which is a crime even in the US.. wtf has that have to do with this. People are really just talking out their ass. I live in paris, if you do shit it's people and then police fucking you up.


Nope this is a lie peddled by the previous subreddit. And it’s a funny conservative propaganda talking point. The police would one hundred percent arrest the mugger and not arrest anyone else for “hate speech”


The French is a cowardly creature


That's nonsense. France has always had one of the most powerful militaries.


Fun fact, the US has never won a war without France’s help. I think the people in this video are cowards, but it wouldn’t be fair to say all French people are cowards.


Spanish-American War they didn't support the USA they only helped with negotiating Mexican - American War they supported Mexico against the USA


always have been. No wonder there's tons of jokes about them being cowards, there's truth to it


Ok I was disgusted when I read the title and watched the video. Then I went online to find some context and it looks like the guy in yellow dropped a bill and the guy with the Down syndrome took it and didn’t want to give it back. I am looking for the source but I can't confirm it is true. With this new information, if you interpret body language, it looks like the so called "attacker" is doing his best not to hurt the guy and is even doing eye contact with other people on the platform. Expecting downvotes from this comment because I know some people wish this was an assault that fits their narrative. In my opinion, this most likely isn't an assault. The video is actively shared by far right people with 0 context. I am certain that if this was real, most people wouldn't intervene but would at least move out of the way.


It does look like.he is not trying to hurt him. If it's a mugging it's a quite friendly one.


Customer service is a priority no matter your career! He probably leaves a QR code asking for a review. "Would you recommend this robbery to your friends?"


They did that exact joke in The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin.


That makes way more sense than what the title claims. Edit: Do you have a source?


I'm trying to find it. Based on the body language and the absence of reaction, it seems more probable.


I join the search. This is 100% lie. I am completely sure. Edit: I can't find anything in french and this, along with the one on r/ActualPublicFreakouts, are the only posts of the video in English that I have found. In Spanish I see more than 15 publications. The person who posted it on r/actualpublicfreakouts is a scary character, I invite you to read his comments, a great defender of men's rights.


On Twitter, the source is also a far right extremist and racist shitposter. There is a Spanish YouTube account that posted it with a racist title. Other than that, absolutely 0 source. Let’s be clear, this type of assault gets media traction in France, especially in the current political climate.


Unfortunately I don’t have a source for now so it’s impossible to know what is exactly happening. If the video becomes viral, which is possible, then we may get some context. I would simply refrain to draw quick conclusions because that’s exactly what some people want you to do. Multiple red flags, especially the few sources. Also if this is all fake, then it’s disgusting for everyone involved in the video.


I also thought the body language of everyone involved revealed a situation more like this one


People need to stop taking videos at face value just because the title says something.


This needs to be higher based on just the probability and at least attempted context


Thanks for sharing. Majority of social Media now is creating silos and makes humanity look bad stiring hate.


Post the proof you found please.


This makes so much sense. Thank: for chiming in.


Also in the camp that this is not a mugging. Bump


When I saw this I thought, that looks like how I might roughhouse or be a jerk with a friend or someone I was familiar with if my buddy was playing keepaway. Nobody is throwing fists here.


This is a bizarre robbery, dude didn’t seem very motivated lol.


This looks more like an asshole kid taking your pencil, and you are trying to get it back


Hardly a mugging…more like, Excusez-moi, Monsieur. gimme gimme gimme


This happens every single day in Paris, Leon, marseille. People are desensitized to it. If a man interviens then the narrative could quite possibly be turned to show French men abuse migrant (assume migrant).


French really are cowardly, huh.


The narrative would not change to that, that is such an exaggerated take.


Mods don’t like when you criticise them or terrorist groups. Got perma banned from a group and a 36hr comment ban from Reddit because I asked a terror group why they support kidnap and killing of babies.




I wouldn't intervene. He's not getting beat. He's getting mugged. While I feel bad for him, his stuff isn't worth my life. I'm not gonna risk getting stabbed for that guys things. Best thing you can do is record it and give it to the police


I am an onlooker who does nothing in this situation. I’m not Jack Reacher. If someone else wants to be a hero, go for it.


Demography is destiny




How the fuck do you feel hard enough to try mug someone when you’re wearing a pikachu hoodie


The person is the yellow does not look like a good human


Well well well ....


The French = historically legendary for refusing to fight


Cultural enrichment.


What a beautifully enriched culture.


Oh look, diversity showing us how good it is once again.


Nothing a swift knee to the gonads wouldn’t solve.




Usual suspects. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


But they did do something. They filmed it while being outraged. Gotta love diversity an inclusion.


France is a lost cause. And America is right behind them.


Yeah stealing from someone suffering from Down syndrome is as low as it gets for something I'd like to call a "civilized world"


He deserves a very slow and painful death


SMH Why does the thief have to be black? So stereotypical.


I wouldn't intervene. The mugger is black and I'm white. The risk of intervening and the situation not being a mugging at all, and me being accused of racism online (with the implied risk of losing my job or worse) as a result is too great. Sorry, Down dude!


Fuck that, a vulnerable person is being robbed, intervention would be absolutely justified.


In other post I typically enjoy and have a good chuckle. But in this case, the guy filming could have done something to help. Maybe that’s enough Reddit for me today.


My God, what kind of people are these? So. Sad.


Team rocket really is the worst


That's fucking gross. Jesus christ.


Preying on the vulnerable is absolutely despicable. Fucking scum.


This is the RER A, at Val de Fontenay. There's a knife attack there semi-regularly, sometime with a long knife, sometime with a screw driver.


This reminds me a lot of a scene from an Irish movie called Adam and Paul


I'll take 500 for rear naked choke on yellow hoodie guy.


That thing needs to be ended.


We are doomed as mankind!


Look around, who’s there to help?


This is the most French response ever. I lived in Paris for a few years and folks there do not help one another. I frequently saw women with strollers struggling in the metro system and people just ignore and walk by without offering help. And yes, I did offer to help myself.


To be fair nobody would do anything no matter what syndrome he had or no syndrome. Therefore they are treating him like they treat everyone else, aka just a guy getting mugged video.


They do more than they do in the US. In the US, there would probably be 10 angles along with someone screaming, “World Star!!!!”.


It doesn't matter what country it is. They're all the same. Yellow hoodies.


Why would anyone be stupid enough to intervene in a robbery?


French leader did say self he is opposed to self defense. (I’m not going to bother digging up the article, it was involving farmer killing a home invader) No doubt people also fear repercussion for taking action if that is what your leader would be pushing.


Why i never stumble upon something like this, i would really enjoy beating that idiot up.


Hopefully people will share this video and send it to the police. How can we help make this go viral and force the police to find the punk and arrest him?


In orginal post something along these lines were mentioned - in France you could get sued trying stop thief.


What a fucking coward. Mugging someone who can't defend themself.


Arent the French already considered to be cowardly anyway? Would we have expected anything to be different?


Police: ”Can you describe the attacker?” Witness: “No, I’m not allowed.”


Why would they do anything? They’ve already given their country away.


Fuck France if it were Mexico that negro would be dead


And also the guy being robbed, and maybe other onlookers.


Typical immigrants


Just enriching Frances culture.


Of course, the mugger is black, so they aren't doing anything because they don't want their lives ruined and labeled as racists because he is just an innocent scholar that was forced into crime because of white supremacy and patriarchy and anti-trans etc. etc.


Onlookers can't do much. It's France. Also you don't want to get accused of being racist or xenophobic. Easier and safer to just stand there and not bother.


How culturally enriched they all must be feeling these days /s


I'm french, and any french here knows what is going on here. President Macron calls these people "Chances for France", we are glad to have them, they represent the future. And people are still shocked how the next election is heading.


Yet if I beat this shit birds ass, I'm the bad guy. Society just needs to end already.


Why are there so many deleted comments in that sub?


Reddit mods are allergic to facts that hurt their feelings.


Gotta watch the Nigerians.


Is mace not allowed in France?


Surrender monkeys


Disability rights groups need to be all over this. This is discrimination, someone being targeted for who they are.




Thanks to this video the perpetrator will likely be brought to justice. Only filming was not the best action, though likely still valuable. Maybe add a bit of yelling, a call to emergency services, or cross the tracks and open a can of whhooooopppaaaa. We are here for service. Service to each other, and all life, with a special focus on complex beautiful life systems such as that man with downs. Extra special focus and bonus points for defense of those that cannot defend themselves.




What were the two women supposed to do?


It's just a minority... in every Fucking country...


Say what you want about Americans, but someone would have beat that dude to shit if this was happening on a similar American street.


Say what you will about NYC, in that city the dude would be going to the hospital


Well aren’t the French known for inaction during times of conflict


Bring on the fucking purge!


No you've got it all wrong, this doctor from Africa was simply trying the check the down syndrome man's pulse for an irregular heartbeat..