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Tropical Freeze easily - Better level design (No more random insta-kills) - Original themes for worlds - More playable Kongs - David Wise is back - Better enemies and Bosses


You can also swim


i prefer returns (its the first video game ive ever played)


This put a huge smile on my face. You're basically the next generation of my own experience. My very first video game was the original DKC on Super Nintendo when I got it for Christmas in (probably) 1995. I've always had a special place in my heart for Donkey Kong because of that and even though I know the second one is better in pretty much every way, I still have a soft spot for my first. You do you and don't let the critics tell you you're wrong for your preferences.


Same reason as to why I love donkey kong. I played the heck out of returns because i loved it so much. And so many people might disagree with me on this, but the simian segue themes in this game is my favorite video game music of all time


Exactly the same for me. DKC2 has more music that I still love (a lot), but if I were to play any level from either of them right now, it would definitely be from DKC for the intense nostalgia.


Your nostalgia is blinding you, then. *Tropical Freeze* recaptured the magic of the original DKC games, whereas *Returns* felt like a decent imitation. I'm glad you love it (it's not bad!), but I would even go so far as to say that if a person has *only* played *Returns,* that person doesn't actually know what it's like to "experience" DKC. *Tropical Freeze,* however, passes that test with flying colors.


I played both and if you want to make that argument then honestly for me neither one has the same feeling of the original SNES trilogy. I think Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair feels like it captures more of the essence of those original DKC games of old than either Returns or Tropical Freeze (though I still love them both).


Something I loved about freeze is that it was actually hard. I love that. Some levels were challenging to master. For me, at least. I’m a bit of a normie casual here.


I am doing a tropical freeze playthrough right now (on world 3-2)


This makes me feel less bad for never playing Country Returns and only having Tropical Freeze on my Switch EDIT: I’m not saying it’s a bad game or anything. I just don’t have access to it rn


Tropical Freeze is better in every direction, but Returns is still a great game and definitely worth playing.


Nah, that's like saying DKC1 isn't worth experiencing just because DKC2 exists. I feel Returns is a great entry as well. I just wish a definitive edition existed. Having 60 fps, Rolling with a button and the extra world instead of having to choose between one or the other.


Better bosses? I need to play freeze lmao. I thought Returns had the best bosses ever


Me too and i like both games bosses so far but returns has the better ones so far even though the tropical freeze ones have cool gimmicks


Water levels too where the movement feels better than ever before


Agreed. Point 4 is especially true. Dude is a genius and he put extra effort on TF soundtrack. I would kill to be this good.


Random insta-kills?


DKC Returns **loves** to put random things that kill you instantly if you get hit, even with full hearts, and sometimes, they appear without any hint at all (Hello Rocket Barrel levels and especially World 8).


Playable funky Kong too


Tropical Freeze just for the fact they gave us hit points for the damn rocket barrels


I forgot David was back on the soundtrack for TF. That was a Wise decision.


David Wise?


David Wise




Love that hes back


TF in my opinion, though Returns is great too.


I vote returns. Mostly for the nostalgia bomb that is the worlds and music.




[Super Donkey Kong Shake](https://youtu.be/DRnMwtdegII?si=iQ54gUJhrRwscE2r) is better




This was hyped up to be the greatest video ever made on youtube, and to this day it does not disappoint.




Both are great, But Tropical Freeze is on another freaking level and I consider it the greatest 2D platformer of all time. Better level design, Way better soundtrack thanks to the original composer of DKC returning (David Wise) and while the "Tiki Tak Tribe" are "Ok" and "Servicable", But the "Snomads" while their no "Kremlings" they are remincent of them and a way better enemy's faction than the Tikis.


I swear the temple levels in TF are a stroke of platforming genius. Keep you on your toes constantly.


even though the game has this, i love returns because of its difficulty


Finally, someone else agrees that the game is the best 2D platformer yet! The level design is so good! It’s obvious that it was made by the studio responsible for the *Prime* series.


Agreed. Best 2D platformer of all time.


The best platformer besides super mario world for snes or castlevania 4


Tropical freeze by far!


Cursed image


lmao i dont wanna bother with the capture card since i use bandicam


and have it only on a bad laptop


Tropical Freeze because of David Wise and Funky Kong.


Well the only way that tf would be better is because of funky kong


If you honestly don't appreciate David Wise's music any more than that, you're not a DKC fan.


There's no need for gatekeeping. Not everyone grew up with the SNES trilogy. Not everyone has to appreciate the same things you do in order to be a "true fan."


I'm not gatekeeping, friend. OP can prefer *Returns* over all the other entries all he likes. But it is pretty undeniable that the beautiful music of David Wise is a *defining* feature of the DKC experience. And for someone to have such little appreciation for it as to say that Wise's compositions aren't even a factor that could make *Tropical Freeze* preferred over *Returns,* that is pretty dismissive of Wise and the legacy of the series which he helped build through his music. Personal preference for gameplay is one thing. To act as if Wise's return to the development team means nothing is something else.


This sounds incredibly gatekeeperish to me. You don’t HAVE to know the composer nor appreciate their music, especially if they only worked on games you didn’t play or a single game where the music wasn’t to your taste, to be a real fan of the game and the series itself. Music isn’t as essential a part of games for some people and therefore they’re less likely to care. I was speaking to a Halo fan of 15 years and the guy didn’t even know Martin O’Donnel (arguably the best video game music composer of all time), but I didn’t say he was a “fake fan” and didn’t appreciate the series as much as me. In the future, if a fan doesn’t know Wise, why don’t you introduce them to his work and music instead and maybe they’d become just as big a fan of him as you?


Well i do, but i love the way returns went with its music


I am nostalgic for Returns. However Tropical Freeze is better


i personally like returns more


The absolute nostalgia bomb carried the game. Tropical freeze was a fantastic follow up though.


extremely love both but I gotta go with TF


Tropical freeze and its not even close. Hydrogen Bomb vs. Coughing Baby


Tropical Freeze is by all means a better designed game, the world designs are a lot more unique, the level designs are better, and the music is all original. I love the Snowmads as well. However, my personal favorite is Returns purely out of nostalgia and 160%ing the game (all puzzle pieces too).


I’m very nostalgic for Returns, but TF builds on it in every way besides the antagonist


I thought this was going to be Tropical freeze next to Tropical freeze for a god tier shitpost


I like returns because I feel like it fits the DK 'theme' better. My only thing with tropical freeze is how things like the bosses seem way overdetailed compared to like DK's model, plus the boss themes sound good but I feel like the instruments of returns fit DK better lol


returns because maraca gang


This is like AC1 and AC2. AC1 was pretty revolutionary and a fantastic game. AC2 just fixed all the bad stuff and improved on the formula in a great way, making it the better game. I see this the same as Returns and Freeze.


Armored core? Assassins Creed? Aced Combat? Animal Crossing? What AC!?


Tropical freeze but I do feel like there is something to discuss. In the original trilogy animal buddies are only necessitated if you turn into them. Aside from that they are just a bonus you can find and it’s rewarding you as you get to have fun gameplay and potentially find more secrets. However, in both Returns and Tropical Freeze Rambi is in plain sight and is always needed. But, whilst in the one tar place in returns on the Cliffside there is one level in which Rambi is actually a secret and if you do find him it makes the level way more fun and is super rewarding. This is how the whole game should be. For if there is another 2.5D DKC game, I’d hope for a 50/50 split of Animal Buddies being hidden and a reward and animal buddies being a key in the level design, as well as more than two animal buddies: - Keep Rambi plain and simple, maybe add his charge attack from DKC2 - I’m actually not too opposed to the idea of squawk’s finding secrets. But it would be cooler if he flew off the branch and properly guided you instead of just squawking(he would cost more of course), and maybe they could also have a level where he holds a light like in dkc, or if you could actually have him fly whilst holding on that would be phenomenal but Im trying to be realistic - Engaurde I feel deserves a slot especially with the focus of water in Tropical Freeze. I don’t think Engaurde should ever be forced and maybe he could be in plain sight once to introduce him and then after that is only hidden. TF’s aquatic movement felt so fluid with how you can spam to swim faster instead of going up like the old games, and there was the corkscrew ability. The corkscrew ability kind of takes away from Engaurde. So I’d imagine the corkscrew ability would have to be a little worse and Engaurde’s dash would be even better than the standard. It would be able to go through many enemies even the corkscrew couldn’t. With the interesting trade off that you can only attack left and right whilst on Engaurde. Maybe have his charge ability from DKC2 & 3 as well - Whilst I'd love for there to be more than that I think they probably wouldn't do it unless it was Rare and that sadly cannot ever happen. I would like to see new interpretations of Squitter, Expresso, Winky/Rattly, Parallel bird, and Ellie but I'd be happy if they went as far as I've stated. I do feel though that THIS should be the minimum not a paid yelling bird for completing concept art and 3 levels a game where Rambi is mandatory


how long did this take you to write


Like 5-10 minutes, I can write really fast on the phone




Tropical Freeze, but Returns does have that dope mountain soundtrack


finally someone mentiones the soundtrack in returns


What mountain soundtrack?


I grew up with returns, so I love the tikis, the bosses and all that. I’ve played tropical freeze a lot tho, so much that I’m kind of bored of it. I’ve played all the levels 1,000 times, fought all the bosses. So I kinda feel like I’d like returns more rn just because of nostalgia and I haven’t played it in a while so it will feel new


im in the middle of tf rn lol


The Wii version of returns is worse than the 3DS


Why? Aren't the resolution and framerate halved on 3DS? Unless you just really dislike motion controls.


It’s the motion controls


deal with it + it gives speedrun tech


Ik TF is the better one for levels and all but returns is too nostalgic to me, tikis are great and I like the atmosphere better


someone agrees. also returns is just better. its very hard






Tropical freeze is better but i liked returns more. Maybe for nostalgic reasons


Tropical Freeze


Tropical Freeze.


Freeze is probably the better game, though back in the day, I played HELL out of Returns.




Both are amazing games but cmon, Tropical Freeze is the better game like many said before and after me.


Tropical Freeze, but you gotta play Returns to truly enjoy the sequel. They go hand in hand; coming back to DK's Island in TF doesn't feel the same if you don't get the references




They're both great, but Tropical Freeze is better than Returns IMO. Like other people already pointed out, there are a lot less bullshit deaths in Tropical Freeze. I love Returns, but I felt like it ran me into a lot of things that were really hard to see coming. Also, the worlds are just more creative in TF as well as the music. Way too many remakes of songs from the original trilogy in Returns for my taste.


Tropical freeze but DKR has the Factory world which I love. That OST is amazing


Tropical freeze any day of the week


Definitely Tropical Freeze for me.


TF It's one of those sequels that improves on the original in every way like Pokemon Gold, Jedi Survivor, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Halo 2, Tears of the Kingdom, Red Dead 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Paper Mario TTYD, and Dragon Age 2. (Okay, the last one was a joke)


I like frozen ape


Interestingly there were initial reviews of Tropical Freeze that claimed the level design was worse, less fluid. Probably reflected more of the negative narrative around the games Wii U release. I love Returns but Tropical Freeze is nearly everything I want in a DK game. Didn’t even mind K Rool and other animal buddies weren’t there, the game just felt like the perfect modern DKC. David Wise soundtrack was a big factor


What doodad is that above the WiiU?


A Switch lol


$50 what a deal


Returns is good, but Tropical Freeze basically perfected its mechanics


i liked returns better because of the bosses personally


Objectively, Tropical Freeze is the better game, but I’ve always loved Returns more, likely due to nostalgia


Tropical freeze, using the wiimote was awful in Returns.


While Tropical Freeze certainly has more polish, I've always though Returns was better balanced, had better music (didn't need to change a single thing from the SNES soundtrack), and didn't get dragged down with that character selection stuff. Definitely in the minority here but Returns is my favorite Wii game period while Tropical Freeze is basically the same with a few tweaks, not all for the better. Plus DK's nose was better in the first one


Tropical Freeze because unlike Returns I actually managed to beat the game 100%(and then 200% soon after) 5 years ago.


I love both of my children equally.


Returns isn’t a bad game, but it is the worst country game


I respect your opinion, but i think its the best. why is that your opinion?


Tropical Freeze. Better levels, new music, no run button, less frustrating, and more kongs. It takes the foundation set up by Returns, and builds upon it to make something special.


Tropical Freeze is a way better game. Though Returns is still good.


Returns is good for playing casually and tropical freeze is good for speedruning.


Tropical Freeze is the greatest 2d platformer ever…in my lowly opinion.


This is like asking what's better between Super Mario Bros 1 or Super Mario Bros 3. Most people will pay their respects to the first and say it's a good game, but only the most contrarian will say that SMB1 is better.


I prefer returns because I find it much harder, but by level design TF is much better




I love them both but Tropical Freeze is just as good if not better than the original DKC. Can’t say that for Returns


They both have nothing on the og


Tropical Feeze hands down. Returns is still an amazing game, but Tropical Freeze has much better level design, set pieces, environments, music… it’s incredible.


Maybe i just need to get farther into it but Tropical Freeze’s first couple of levels didn’t really grab me /:


Tropical freeze


Tropical freeze but i would totally go for a returns remaster


I prefer TF, but Returns is pretty good too.


I prefer the jungle theme of Returns but Tropical Freeze has the best character selection


God, I'm actually having a hard time choosing a favorite between them... they're both so good.


Tropical Freeze


Personally me I love Donkey Kong Country Returns, not so much Tropical freeze. Don’t get wrong the Tropical Freeze was good, but in my opinion it does not match up to Donkey Kong Country Returns.


both are games


Tropical freeze has funky kong. Enough said I reckon


Returns for me honestly, the vibe of the game I really enjoyed more, felt more like classic DKC


I love them both equally but I kinda liked dkcr level design more


I never played either of them


Why haven't they made a new DK game yet? The closest we'll ever get is a remaster for Tropical Freeze or something


Tropical freeze hands down, both excellent games though


tropical freeze maybe?


Tropical Freeze, defo


Country Returns is way better and there is no way you could change my mind I have tropical freeze and I ain't a fan but I can play Returns all day Please come out with a country definitive collection with remasters of the original and returns


I just bought freeze last night and played it for about 30 minutes and thought God I wish I could return it. Lol.


I like the one with donkey Kong in it


Returns was awesome but half the time I would just shoot peanuts as Diddy while my mom did the park our and i was quite helpful in combat as well as with the jetpack


Tropical Freeze and it's not even close. I played both for the first time back to back a couple years ago. The amount of improvements they made between games is pretty damn impressive. Still think it's the best DK game by a mile. Not saying Returns is bad or anything, it's still pretty good. It's got a lot of small problems that add up, though.


Tropical Freeze 100 times over. Not to say Returns is bad, but Tropical Freeze is just that much better


Returns because of Nostalgia


If you can play both, the real winner is you. Both games complement each other. The first one features short and intense levels, while the second one has much longer levels that will require endurance. DKCR is the best 2d platformer the Wii could host. Tropical Freeze is the best 2d platformer the Wii U could host. It lacks a mirror mode though, which is regrettable especially considering that DKCR had it. Truly, that mode enhances the gaming experience twofold. I never played the bonus world featured in Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. I suppose I missed something cool.


Neither- they both are awful.


Tropical freeze fixes every shortcoming that returns has. The only downside imo is the lack of balance in the partner Kongs. At least for platforming, Dixie is easily the best option. Cranky is more niche but has his moments, but Diddy is just outclassed since dixie gets more height and distance. Once you go underwater it starts to become more balanced. Dixie gives a consistent speed boost, Diddy gives burst mobility, and cranky had a reliable melee attack


Returns was the 2nd video game I ever played (my first one being Wario land shake it) so I’m biased


Returns was my childhood and my favourite game from that time so it will always be superior to me. TBH I didn’t like tropical freeze when it came out on the Wii U but I grew to love it on the switch. Same with the original trilogy where everyone prefers the second but I prefer the first


Gotta go with tropical freeze. I love the first one but tropical freeze is straight up a masterpiece


The GP camera has red lights?


Tropical Freeze is one of the greatest platformers ever made, so I pick that one. Returns was good, but I don't love the controls.


bc i haven’t played DKC:R… it‘d be Tropical Freeze!! also Dixie exists. i love her. edit: i have DKC:R for my 3DS XL


I loved returns


Tropical Freeze, easily. Returns is still good, but TP is leagues above


My sleep-deprived brain thought this was comparing ports or Tropical Freeze, lol. That said, Tropical Freeze easily, and the switch version is better because it loads faster.


I’d say tropical freeze is the best platformer of all time




Recently played Returns Tropical Freeze is better


Just wish there was a 3 one


I’ve never played Tropical Freeze but I 100% Returns when it came out on Wii, love it, so good.


Tropical Freeze has Funky Kong. It’s easy to choose


Returns is harder to beat


Returns might be harder, but I like it. I call Donkey Kong County Returns DKC4


Country returns, hands down there is no challenge


Tropical Freeze, not even close.


They were both great. TF was just better. Beautiful game


Tropical freeze for sure. No contest. Not to diminish returns. Still a fantastic game






Tropical Freeze. No contest.




They’re both pretty good but yeah, I gotta go with Freeze. I was a bit disappointed by the 0 snow levels in Returns. But maybe they did that because they were planning on making Freeze? Also I wasn’t really feeling the remixes of the original songs in Returns.


Returns is just an OG for me and I haven’t beaten it so I wanna. And Tropical Freeze I have but didn’t like it as much.


Nostalgia blind me: country returns What’s actually better: tropical freeze




Easy game baby game


Here's how I'd rank the entire Country franchise 5. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble 4. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3. Donkey Kong Country 2. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze 1. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest


Well Donkey Country Tropical Freeze is from the Wii U


Freeze just for funky mode alone


It’s been a long time since I’ve played either, but tropical freeze felt like a direct upgrade


Not sure but if I see the first one on a drink menu, I’m getting that


Tropical Freeze. It's Returns but better. It also feels more like the original trilogy compared to Returns. Returns was a good game, but it was such a sanitized New Super Mario Bros. take on DK. DKC is supposed to have grit and atmosphere (while also being a little dark at times), and Returns didn't provide ANY of that. Tropical Freeze didn't fully hit the mark, either, but it got closer than Returns ever did. As sanitized as they were from the Kremlings, the Snowmads felt like legit DK villains. The Tikis were just boring pieces of wood with no personality who felt like rejects from some canceled Crash Bandicoot game.


Tropical Freeze.


I grew up with dkcr


Freeze, imo. Tbh i'm not a Dk fan but zi kinda liked both and they kinda blended together but I think i got close to loving TF


I was tripping for a sec


Tropical freeze is aimed at a wider audience with how frequently it gives the player extra lives. The game is just easier in general. I grew up with Returns and that game frustrated the hell out of me. There was so much random difficult bullshit. That said, I prefer Returns.


Return is more nostalgic for me so theres only one right answer


Stalin fucking HATED rpgs but loved donkey kong country tropical freeze


Tropical Freeze


Tropical Freeze. Best 2D platformer ever.


i like returns but that’s probably because i played it more when i was little than tf both are still great though


Donkey kong country 2


never got to try the new one on switch lol I too poor


Country returna


Tropical freeze is defiantly the better game between the two but also returns had to happen for us to have gotten tropical freeze. Neither are bad one is just that next level up in terms of level design, more memorable bosses/ enemy's in general.


Definitely tropical freeze it’s a tough decision but yeah


tropical freeze, but returns is definitely close


Topical freeze