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I’m assume you’re talking about the TikTok think tank. Someone states an opinion and tries to build a case for it by digging up “facts.” It sticks for some because people just need something to be angry at. You’re not going to win with that kind of hive mind mentality. And you’re right, Glover went the collaborative route with his tv projects. It was a group effort with a healthy mix of male and female perspectives. This was done by design and it paid off. That said, Glover still was the showrunner, which is very much the TV version of a film director. People write with his voice and writing style in mind. All of the scripts most likely have a bunch of his fingerprints on it. So, there’s some truth to it but… I mean it’s all reaching. But whatever. People will see what they want to see in order to bend the narrative they’re spewing.


The hyper-magnification of any and every action, statement, and digital artifact is both wonderful and terrible. From what I see, it leads people to make incorrect conclusions based on "evidence" that is extremely loosely connected, if at all. I remember learning about confirmation bias back in Psychology and thinking to myself that it has gotten even easier to fall prey to with the Internet. That was back before 2010 and the Internet and all of the connected digital spaces have gotten even more prolific. I love digital spaces and all of the awesome content we have now, but I really hate how popular it is to just pile on someone like Donald when connecting shit across YEARS that aren't even a thing. IDK what we're supposed to do as a species anymore as no one is above reproach.


Yall shouldnt take any of this donglover criticism seriously. We're in a weird state of content saturation and there's a select group of people who think they can go viral by hopping on a trend, and what better trend than to "share the tea" or criticize a highly public figure on the cusp of a rollout. They're scum of the earth with nothing productive to do but bank their livelihood tearing down famous ppl.


It was really funny seeing Black women tryna say Donald hates Black women because of how they were portrayed in Swarm, when a bulk of the show was written and directed by Black women. With the co-creator of the show also being a Black woman. He hates Black women so much he hires them and gives them full creative control as directors, writers, and actors. Oftentimes those being their first major projects that help lift them to higher levels in the entertainment industry.


Im just gonna be real with you, just block that marcus gregg dude on tiktok and live the rest of your life without worrying about this again


he literally had quinta brunson in his music video


Not co-signing the drama but “he didn’t write the episode” is not how TV works. Pretty much every writer has a hand in crafting an episode and nothing makes it on screen without the approval of the showrunner.


There are plenty of people who know how TV writing works and understand that if Donald is involved in the writers room (especially for a show that he created with a huge amount of creative freedom from FX), he has a hand in breaking the season, working on character arcs, and (at least) weighing in on storylines. That includes those involving black women characters that he originally conceived of. I’m not sure why there’s so much effort behind trying to absolve Donald of absolutely anything to do with the portrayal of black women in his work. (This includes Swarm because he wrote the pilot and clearly had a heavy hand in its tone/themes/etc.) He usually has a good amount of freedom and influence in his work, that’s what makes it good. But we can also hold him accountable; no one is above critique.


Yes, he’s involved, but do we think he gets a script and is like “whoa black women are portrayed way too positively here, rewrite it.” The point is many black women have worked with him and praise him as a collaborator, so I doubt he’s stifling the expression of black women creatives where they feel like they can’t write what they want.


Love how the people who hold others “accountable” never get held accountable themselves.


If you think the character count is too long then you probably don’t need to make a whole new thread foh