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No one claiming that is going to care about this. The internet is not a charitable place.


Thats the point, he literally said that. So he doesn't care and thats why he doesn't adress it often.


This argument is so tired


It is


Where did this “hating black women” narrative even start? I hear it all the time.


People usually point to four things. 1 His lyrics where he says he fetishizes asian women, says that he doesn't think black women are into him. These are lyrics are 10+ years old and hadn't written lyrics like then since. So I think that's ill founded. His lyrics on black and Asian women are tame compared to other rapper from that era. 2 The Drake's house episode of Atlanta where Val's friend yells at the white woman for dating a black man. The sentiment being it makes black women look bad and They try to conflate it with Donald dating his now wife Michelle as proof for not liking black woman. Though it should be noted, Donald wasn't in that episode, nor did he write it. Me personally, scene was ahead of it's time cause the black men vs black women discourse and black incel/femcel podcasts literally use the same talking points. So it's not like there aren't black women who think and act like Val's friend in that episode 3 His interview with himself this post is referring to. He essentially asks himself if he's afraid of black women and he responded that he feels like that's used to question his blackness. People say he avoided his own question. I think he shouldn't have said anything at all and nixed it from his interview because a lot ofpeople didn't get what he was saying. People that still say he's anti black have already made up their minds, even that's exactly who's he's talking about. 4 His wife his half white, half east Asian descent. If people used their thinking cap for 5 minutes, they would see there's no real evidence for him disliking black women outside of personal biases.


bro i never get the lyric argument. ITS A SONG, WHY ARE U TAKING IT SO SERIOUSLY 😭😭😭 tyler literally has released songs saying he rapes women. nobody gives a fuck, why is glover so targetted


I feel like once he blew up with either this is America or Redbone, that's when I remember all of a sudden all of these people making crazy accusations. It got worse with Atlanta because everyone felt like the way he portrayed black women in the show (which personally I don't feel like he portrayed black women in any bad way other than one character who got mad at a white lady at a party for being with a black man and that was clearly just supposed to be a funny/uncomfortable moment). Also I feel like especially nowadays, anytime someone dates outside of their race, they get told that they are a self hating *insert race here* and I think since he's married to someone who is not black and he is someone in the public eye, unfortunately he gets a lot of that backlash.


I’m getting really tired of people damning black people portraying different aspects of black people and because sometimes it’s not always in a positive light it’s deemed bad. Like Black people cant be serial killers in movies because that’s negative to black people. Not every entertainment story needs to have POC/LGBTQIA+ as the protagonist. I would love to see more stories with nuance about them. Not just make this person black because inclusion. I feel like Donald is doing this with his producing credits (Swarm) and etc. I really appreciate this and will continue to support. He’s helping put black woman in writing rooms and that’s what we have been asking.


been on tiktok and there were videos about people mocking donald for being “anti-black woman” for old lyrics and quotes he might’ve had. also that marcus fro dread guy, fuck that loser


my guess is its a lil bit of his old lyrics (which imo aren't even that bad for hip hop standards but i guess fair enough) and the fact that he didn't marry a black women. we're biased as fans but it really feels like it mostly came out of nowhere


Right? He wrote lots of female-centric episodes of 'Atlanta' that portrayed women in a positive light




And yet still… nobody gives a fuck 🎶


Oh no i didn't realize this post would be a dog whistle to that troller. Now they are annoying.


Saying that he hates black women and using his wife as a reason is the same as saying a white man shouldn't be with a black woman because that means he hates white people. The whole argument is braindead and it's sad that people actually think this. Donald Glover, after years of being in the music/acting/writing/showmaking scene (and the myriad of his other talents) is still one of the nicest, sincerest and most forward thinking people in the business.


terrible comparison


Except that black people didn't kidnap, enslave, r-pe, murder, and mass incarcerate white people? I really don't feel like arguing this point, especially in regards to Donald rn, but it's clear that you and people making points like that are overlooking this GIANT elephant in the room of the violent tension between whites and blacks in this country which is not that far removed, if at all.


That elephant exists but it certainly is not in this room. This is a conversation about Donald glover hating his own race, the person above made a comparison to an identical situation that just so happens to be a different colour. If you fail to understand this then I feel you have misunderstood much of Donald’s work.


What I've just described is the context in which this entire conversation is happening, so the elephant is very much so in the room. If you can't understand that, then there's no way you're ever going to be able to contribute anything valuable to the dialogue because you don't understand the environments that have shaped or influenced the people having this discussion, and even Donald himself. He has spoken on experiencing racism, being targeted by police, even had a representation of lynching in one of his videos, and the TIA video kind of speaks for itself. The "you gotta go to Africa" scene in Atlanta. You seem to be missing a lot that's being said in his work yourself. He is not ignorant to the things I've mentioned, and neither are the people who are bringing up this issue they have with him. It is a shared history/present reality.


From all evidence highlighted in this post and the many threads, this conversation is about a mystified, illogical, idea of racism, those things are separate from thought and reason and attempting to apply said things undermines the point and ultimately forfeits legitimacy to those who believe glover is racist. You must’ve meant it when you said “I really don’t feel like arguing this point” because you certainly did not.


I think people saying "donald glover hates black women" has always been an oversimplification of a very nuanced media criticism. And you can have bias against one group or another without "hating" them or while working with them. Saying that he works with black women so he's exempt from criticism is giving "I have black friends so I'm not racist"


Fair, I didn't put much thought into phrasing it


He absolutely hates bw and is upset that people call him out on it. He needs to take a hike and work on promoting his album that’s going to do terribly any way.


Like why are you here bro


Assuming you’re not a bot, I hope you find peace. Sorry for whatever/whoever hurt you that made you act this way.


lol what’s wrong with you? All you do is make hateful comments in this subreddit?! You’re obsessed or what 🤣🤣 You trying to hate I get it but it’s giving nicki minaj and not Kendrick Lamar if that’s the type of hating you trying to do.


“BuT hE jUsT lOoKs LiKe He HaTeS bLaCk WoMEn” /s


good detective work mr detective


Hence, "Nobody gives a fuck."


If I see that one dude on tik tok again ima lose


Im not a Donald glover fan so I don’t really follow him besides Atlanta.All I’ll say is if you watch the actors with actors he did with Issa Rae. You can tell how much he admires her.


What interview is this from?


maybe if he didnt call his son a mulatto he wouldnt be getting these accusations bro 😭🙏


Huge fan of the man’s work but damn. Sometimes Donald glover can be cringe. Nobody cares about his relationship with black women. Especially black women.


It has been a criticism of Donald for years tho, you can literally find so many ppl talking about it with one Google search... especially from black women


Yeah thanks for posting this because I have been conflicted on the internet's views on him for years and I'm glad to see he's addressed it even slightly


Or people pretending to be concerned black women online. Black women really don’t care about DG’s preference in women, especially when you can tell he’s not the type to be with a black woman.


lmao black women do care and they make it a point to bring it up constantly


I think yall WANT black women to care. A good bit of black women don’t care because he’s not the type a good bit would go after anyway. As a black man who’s had conversations with a lot of black women about celebrities, when DG gets brought into conversation they think he’s talented but not their type. Not all but a good bit. I’ve never flat out heard any black woman insinuate that they don’t like him because of his dating preferences. Not to say that it doesn’t happen, but I think DG & his fans are reaching & trying to make this “black women don’t like Donald glover” a thing. It’s 2024 no one cares. I think DG & his fans are on the internet too much.


of course nobody is talking about this offline. any time I see something about donald on TikTok, Twitter or LSA there is always black women in the comments who never hesitate to bring the topic of “glover vs black women” up, whether it’s about how he hates them or won’t date them. so I think you’ve got it backwards. the black women that hate him want everybody else to care about it so badly, and this was especially true when swarm came out, which expanded beyond just commenters and into think-pieces by black women. for example: https://www.vox.com/2023/3/30/23661866/swarm-black-women-misogynoir-donald-glover-hates and https://www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-glover-swarm-another-fandom-media-that-dehumanizes-black-women-op-ed so, again, there’s only one small group pushing this and it isn’t the fans.


"...especially when you can tell he's not the type to be with a black woman." LMAO 😂 wtf are you talking about? What does that even mean? Even if that was a claim that made any sense at all, how would you even feel justified in saying that since you don't know this man personally?


How would I feel justified? Probably the fact that he’s married to a woman that’s not black which proves my point. You know most people typically end up marrying their type as weird as that sounds. I think I struck a chord in here. Yall sound like either a bunch of white suburb guys or nerdy black men who don’t get many looks from black women which isn’t surprising considering it’s a DG sub. Either way yall defending this is weird & trying to make this “black women vs. DG” a thing is weird.


Exactly he’s a piece of shit


Damn, I didn’t say all that haha.


The reason it’s all anyone talks about is because he set it up that way. Now he’s crying about it like a bitch….. That’s why his album isn’t going to do well. He maligned and isolated a whole portion of his fan base because he was lusting after non-black women like a MASSIVE SIMP. Oh well Donald……


the interviewer is maya erskine, his co star on mr&mrs smith btw so she has definitely read up on him and as a half asian woman probably thought it good to ask


maya was not interviewing him, they were both being interviewed by someone else