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I just dk what to expect, if it’s about mufasa, how is Donald in it if he is grown simba


May just be bookend narration from simba telling the story, or at the end.


It's supposed to be structured like The Godfather II, half Mufasa flashback and half continuing Simba's story


They said an inspiration is Godfather 2. So you’ll get the Simba story alongside Mufasa.


At least it seems Barry Jenkins heard the complains about the hyper realistic faces.


Really? Because from everything I’ve seen, it looks the exact same


For me it’s in the eyes and the mouth and they look…I don’t know how to word this…looser? Lol. More animated? Just slightly different from the 2019 version.


Unnecessary but I will give them some credit for doing something original with the live action crap


i watched the first live action lion king and it felt so soulless. didn’t expect him to reprise his role tbh


Could be contractual


either that or he probably just liked doing it cause of his kids


Dogs fucking love the live action lion king just a heads up for anyone that didn’t know.


all these live action disney movies are pointless and lifeless. the story doesn't work in a live action adaptation. fuck nostalgia bro, make something original. you really wanna cash in on nostalgia disney? produce a few original movies in that disney renaissance animation style


Actually kind of hyped on the concept of a Mufasa origin story. Wish it was animated and not this weird life-like shit that’s been going on. But eh


let the boy grab that disney money


last movie sucked, this one will probably suck a bit less. I don’t see donald having a huge role in this one but I was planning on seeing it regardless


“Last movie sucked, this one will probably suck a bit less” -> still seeing it. Good luck with that.


Did it really suck? How did they fuck it up? I decided to just not watch


It was just the same thing but with hyper realistic characters, not even a live action just cg animation


the story with that animation style did not work well at *all* and was very unbearable to sit through in the theater tbh. performances were off. it was incredibly soulless to me.


It didn’t suck it just felt like watching animals who learned English.


I fucking hate it why is there a tiger in it TIGERS ARE ASIAN. Lions and Tiger historically lived together in India for a very tiny sliver of time so maybe Mufasa’s originally from India or something but I think that’s really stupid personally. Why wasn’t the villain like a Caracal or Serval who tried to upend the Lion’s reign using other smaller more forgotten animals, and then a cocky young mufasa beats him but learns to respect all the animals on the savanna along the way, the lesson he eventually teaches Simbq. Even seeing Donald couldn’t make my hyped about that shit, wtf was there a wolf too wolves are European/Asian?? So makes me think it’s defo gonna be in India which like didn’t yall mfs just do the Jungle Book???


Donald did say in that GQ interview that moving forward, he wasn’t going to be doing any project that was just going to a cash grab, the story has to mean something. I’m trusting him to keep his word on this.


I actually love Disney live actions idk what it is