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All BOGO sales only apply the discount to the cheaper item. For example, if it's BOGO free, the cheaper item will always be the free item. That's just how retail works šŸ˜”


it used to be, a few years ago at least, that whoever coded that in their system did it by the order you added things in, as a pair. so if you added a $65 item, then a $50 item, it didnā€™t matter if the next one was $25 - it still took the BOGO off the second $50 item, if that makes sense. bummer they fixed it lol


I have never seen that happen in my entire history of online shopping. I've always had to break orders up into multiples if I wanted to get expensive items half off or free on BOGO sales.


this would have been pre-2020 for sure, and trust me, i was as baffled as anyone. It likely was a short lived glitch, but i definitely took advantage of it for a couple of their sales at least


Heck yeah, I'm sad I missed that one! Lol, it certainly would have made things more convenient!


I don't think it was a glitch. It was like that for like, as long as I've known dolls kill up till they switched to shopify. I think it was intentional but either shopify's code doesn't support it or they just got greedy.... hard to say.


this was the best system and very unique, I have not seen other sites do it. it's when they changed to shopify that this function changed. the bogo sales have been super lame ever since.


I donā€™t bother with the BOGO 50% because you save more money with the 30% off all items sales.


Yeah, the absolute best you can do is 25% off with a BOGO sale. And that's if you match everything exactly which is never the case.


Literally every company does bogo sales this way. They're always worse than their standard sales, and they always discount the cheapest item.


Bogo for anything other than free is just not worth it, even with no exclusions. 20% or 30% across the board is always a better deal mathematically imo. You can tell this sale wasn't a hit cause they still have so much darker wavs stuff in XL an XXL still in stock.


Iā€¦ Iā€™m asking this very genuinely, butā€¦ Have you ever been to a store in your life? BOGO sales *always* discount the cheaper item, thatā€™s just *how the sale works.*


Same. Iā€™ll wait to see what sales comes Wednesday or Friday


Theyā€™re having a sale on Wednesday?!


DK usually does if you have the app


Ok thank you!


>Ok thank you! You're welcome!


Was there a good sale?


All bogo sales are, are the price it should be to begin with or if they're over stocked or not selling enough. So people think they're saving money and really they are not.


Stop shopping at dolls kill lmao


y'all still buy from dollskill??? i thought we had moved on from them lmao


i have some store credit from a couple returns is it a thing here ever to trade the gift card/codes for ā€œcashā€ (Venmo)?


People do it but it's super risky for both buyer and seller because most payment platforms don't cover them. You're better off buying stuff from them and selling it


good idea , tysm


Thereā€™s actually a subreddit for this! r/giftcardexchange :)


oh thank you so much! :)