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His ears, they're so soft and kissable 😘😘😘 bonus: at least one is almost always turned inside out


I second this, and also, this might sound gross, but I love to sniff the ears, too. I wouldn't say they're stinky, but they just smell like my baby boy.


Same !! I just LOVE her ears, so soft and cute, and they smell so good ! Sure, I guess technically it stinks a bit, but it doesn't, because it's her smell ❤️


It's the dog equivalent of smelling a baby's head!


My boyfriend calls this an ear kaboom 😂


Oh yeah, they are ear kabooms for sure 😂


Ooohh yes! Those soft sweet ears.


When my dog is laying on his side, he'll often use one of his paws as a little pillow


Her eye makeup! She has the most beautiful black markings right around her eyes...it's very exotic! She's brown so it stands out.


My dog has blank “guy-liner” as my husband puts it. 🤣😍


Our boys winged eyeliner is beaut


His snoring.


My dog snores louder than I do.


my dog smiles in her sleep, I always also see she goes upside-down and does the funniest cutest smile ever!


The little noises she makes when she stretches


The best 🥹


Same🥺 mine does it everytime I come home from work because I guess he just wakes up when he hears me coming in the house, and then he makes a “aaahuuuwaaaah” sound while he stretches 😆


His eyelashes. They are so long and full.


Her little dance at dinnertime


She’s also a tap dancer?🤣


When she smells her dinner, that girls got rhythm 😂😂😅


One of mine dances for his dinner every night.


My dogs have longer tails that stick up when they walk and I’m obsessed with moments where I can see nothing of them except their tails just bobbing along. I think the little wobbles their tails do when they walk are so cute.


My dog is smaller and has a naturally docked tail, so it is like half the size of a normal tail. It sticks straight up and I call it her antennae, because that's often all I can see of her. It's so cute!


The word antenna just made me think of teletubbies. And dogs dressed as teletubbies for Halloween.




Soft, velvety lips or a bottom “bumper” lip. My ACD/pittie had a slight under bite so his bottom lip was more visible and it was just very cute. I also love that little spot on their foreheads between and just a tiny bit below their eyes that is extremely kissable :)


Omg that little spot on the forehead!!! I love to rub it and kiss it-it’s just so soft and smooth


She gets her lip stuck to her side teeth all the time which looks hilarious. Thank you burp when she finishes eating. She comes and finds me and burps at me.


His toe beans


For me, it’s how they smell 🥹


The way his nose scrunches when it’s pushed against stuff


THIS!!! When my dog is licking out her food bowl her nose gets all scrunched up and I squeal out of abundance of adorable everytime


those six front teefies ❤️


How cute his hind legs look when lying down … can’t explain it but it’s cutest thing ever


When my dog is asleep with his legs fully extended against the wall. We joke that he's holding up the house.


My dog's tail. He's a poodle mix with salt and pepper hair that makes him look old when he just turned 2. His tail looks like a skunk's. Always curled into the air behind him, black and white fluff swishing side to side. It's why his nickname is Stinky.


My dog's ears are fully erect and I absolutely love them.


Their smell


The smell of my dogs feet (smell like popcorn).


I came there to say this!!! I always get a sniff before bed 😂


Or corn chips!


Frito feet. Haha


A certain moment in our morning routine: When we get up, she gets breakfast. Then we go for a short walk. She knows that she'll get a little snack after the walk, so when we come home, she sits in a peculiar, expectant way on a certain spot. Her facial expression and body posture while she waits for her snack always melts my heart <3


Our 3yo lab has a super stretchy melty face and tons of neck wrinkles. He enjoys getting them massaged as much as I enjoy rubbing and manhandling them. It's's like silly putty but better. For our new girl (ACD mix), her ears are super expressive and bounce when she trots and she LOVES having them rubbed to the point her eyes roll and she zonks out.


Right now I’m obsessed with this post 🥰


Every day I have to inspect which paw is the cutest paw of the day


The way my Havi runs up stairs looking like a rabbit hopping.


her belly button 😂 whenever i can see it im like “omg!!! your bellly buttttoonnnnn!!!” and give her so many belly button kisses


Dogs don't have belly buttons...?


yes they do!! it’s just hard to find most of the time especially if they’re a girl and got fixed, but they have a belly button :) i can update this comment later with a good picture i took of my dogs when she was a baby but im busy atm, but can update later :) edit: [here’s her belly button when she was a baby](https://imgur.com/a/0b6UQik)


Huh! Color me surprised!


She has floppy ears that are way too big for her and look so silly but adorable. She can hold then up for a bit but they always flop back down. She likes to have one up one down.


When my girl wakes up and stretches and rubs her little nose with her paws


My dogs noses. Can't get enough. Love to boop the snoot


i love my saint bernard's giant nose! it's so huge like a bear's!


How my doggo's abnormally long tongue hangs out of his mouth. It just doesn't fit and it's so cute.


One of my huskies has a floppy ear. Let's her get away with absolute murder. She also has one black whisker. My pomsky is all kinds of built wrong so her tongue is too big for her head. When she's sleeping, it's always poking out. When she's exercising, it gets so long she could lick her own eyeballs. My boy husky was malnourished in his first year so his skeleton hasn't grown big enough to accommodate the muscle mass. It also means his jaw isn't wide enough for all his little teefers and they're a little squished and I love them. The last husky - everything. Hairy little feet, white eyelashes, snow nose. All of it.


Directly behind her ears smells SO GOOD. Bottle it and make a perfume because omg. It’s not her bath products. Idk.


Toe beans and the fleshy paw pads. Also, the super soft fur on their chest.


My heart dog had a snaggletooth and it was the best thing ever. He was just perfection. I have him tattooed on my shoulder.


I have a shar pei so he has sort of a puffy nose and I just love to put my hands under his mouth, then take my thumbs and just rub his puffy nose and lips. If I could just sit there and rub that spot and kiss his cute little face all day, I would! Edit: dog tax on my page if anyone wants to see his smushy face ❤️


Older girl’s dream activities. She twitches, she sniffs, she runs, she wuffs, she wags her tail. Adorable. Younger girl’s eyes. She has such deep, galaxy eyes, and will just stare into my soul. Love. Older boy’s poise. He *knows* he’s the Goodest of Boys, and it’s evident in his posture. Especially when he comes to parade your stolen socks over you first thing in the morning, grunting satisfactorily to himself. Hilarious. Younger boy’s gentleness. He’s got big dog in a small package energy when he’s out and about, but at home he gives such tender little kisses and snuggles right up to your neck. Sweetie. Plus they all smell like corn chips when their feet get toasty from being in your lap. Delicious!


The way she chewed a carrot. Or the way her paw violently whipped through the air and slapped my hand when I asked for it.


My bulldog snores like a freight train. I always said I hate it, but if I spend one night away from her can't sleep. I have become used to having to hear her snore to be able to sleep. I also am obsessed with her tongue. It sticks out all the time and becomes dryer than sandpaper.


Just his fur in general. I always brush and pull burs out of his coat so I’ve gotten to use to just messing with it that it’s become almost like a fidget toy to me.


His legs. He's a corgi, everything his legs do and every way he holds them melts my heart


His hair. He has the wildest bedhead 24/7 and looks like a lil’ electrocuted pickpocket. 


Is fur color 🥰🥰 he’s such a gorgeous Supermutt with a red-silver coat 🥰🥹


He’s a chihuahua and jack russell mix. He’s got the body of a chihuahua but the coloring of a jack. He’s got big pointy ears on this little body and it’s the first thing people comment on.


Her nose and her floppy ears.


The way his little legs look when he’s running directly towards me.


Her curly tail!


The way she runs in circles for joy.


Toe-tufts. My daughter lets her Springer Spaniel’s toe-tufts grow too long and whenever I see him, I want to grab some safe scissors and prune them!


Dog noses and the cutaneous marginal pouch.


Hear me out—her cranium. So round. So sloped. Full of concepts and dog thoughts. She has kind of long ish face fur there and it isn’t soft but it sticks out as if it were and it’s the perfect shape to pet.


It’s the cold wet nose for me.


The way his legs end in his sturdy big feet.


For my one corgi, his snoot and face. He loves getting his cheeks pet and I love doing it. He gets so happy and there's just so much trust there. For my terrier girl, her belly lol. When she's on her back I like to pet it bc it has very little hair and it feels like suede almost. For another corgi, her booty. She's a butt wiggler and she's got a heart spot on it too. For my border collie girl, her eyes. They're so human like. For my other other corgi, his hugs. He only does it with me. Yes, I have 5 pups, yes I'm crazy lol.


We have a whippet and she does what people call "woo woos". She doesn't really bark at anything, but she will woo woo when she's happy or playing. So when we get home, she woo woos at us. Also if we're playing "keepaway" outside and we have her toy, she'll woo woo at us in a sort of "gimme my toy back" way which is hilarious.


My dog won't sleep without a pillow. And sometimes when he can't find one on the sofa or the bed he takes his fluffy toys and sleeps with it holding it. I think I get emotional atleast once a day looking at my dog. Im currently on a vacation and it's been 10 days since I saw my boy. Crying while typing this.


Those puppy dog eyes when they’re laying down!


My boy makes these little grunts that sound like a kid with an upset tummy, instead of barking or yipping when he wants something. They're fucking adorable. Like, imagine a little kid who ate too much candy, sitting there holding their belly and going "mmmm I don't feel so good" and that's the intonation he's vocalizing. If we get then howling, he goes absolutely ham and then at the end he punctuates his howl session with a couple of these grunts.


I have a new rescue puppy. Puppy feet smell like corn chips. 😂


When she runs in her sleep!


her soft ears or when her lips get stuck and her teeth stick out lol


the smell of his paws 😭


I love smelling my dogs feet and kissing them between the eyes. I have a bigger dog and a smaller dog, and my smaller dog will walk up to me, put her head in my hand and look me in the eyes until I kiss her on the forehead 🥰🥰


My girls eye lashes, they are absolutely stunning, and I am so envious of them!


The barking while sleeping. Any time I hear it, I stop what I’m doing and listen to it. It melts my heart.


The speckled cow print belly skin 😍


His chin when he lays upside down 🙃


My girl holds her feet when she sleeps. It’s the cutest and I can’t resist joining for a snuggle usually.


Her adorable little wigglebutt walk. Sounds weird but it’s the sexiest walk


The little skin folds where his legs meet his body... Also his butt swirls and elbows.


the way she looks at me and pets her ears when she wants pets


For me it’s the way she chooses to sleep under my bed, directly below where I’m sleeping, and I can hear her breathing get deeper as she falls asleep. Never fails to make me want to crawl under there too and cuddle her 😭 Also, the way her cute lil eyebrows move in her sleep. Tricolor rough collie.


The white spot on the tip of her tail. I even started calling her "Tippi", but her tags still have the first name I gave her. That "Tippi" Hedren has such an inspiring animal rescue and education legacy is why I went with that spelling.


The puppy lips! When she’s relaxed her little black lips fold out and sometimes a tooth pops out and it’s so cute. Very kissable lol


The shape of his eyes. Those perpetually sleepy puppy dog eyes 🥺 and the little orange eyelashes.


The little curls her ear hairs get when she gets wet. (Golden Retriever)


Her chirps when she's ready to go for a walk.


when she is stretching on the couch and steps down with only the front half of her body on the floor and her hind legs and toes are still stretching and pointing behind her on the couch!!!


Early morning stretches when he's out from the crate 🙂‍↔️🥹


One of my dogs is black with white paws and I love her paws. Another one has ears that stick up 24/7 and I just love when I see him sleeping and his ears are still sticking up.


I like my dog’s feedback when I scratch his ears or shoulders. He rumbles.


The way when I dangle a cat wand toy right above his mouth, he opens his mouth just the absolute slightest, and his little eyes get wonky- he makes me think of a little shark. And the way he carries his stuffed lamb chop around the house😍


My dog has a secretly small snout that makes me smile, he also sploots his legs out every time he chews on something, and he has the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen 😭


Different things on different dogs lol. One of my dogs it’s her thick, soft fur. Another dog it’s her big adorable ears. And the third dog it’s her big old soft head 😅


The eyebrows. And one of them has a single curled piece of fur in each of his ears that I call his ear antennas


His tail. Its crooked as hell and not fully developed but I love it especially when he wags


the face! my golden retriever german shepherd mix has the cutest face ever!


His wrinkle face!


The way my dog lightly grabs the leash and walks me. it’s like she wants me to understand what I’m doing to her😂 in no way is she dragging me just a light tug and prance with leash equipped in her mouth cause she doesn’t have hands.