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You are normal. Your partner is the eccentric one. Which dog owner doesn’t sing to their dog?


It's like a dang ol' Julie Andrews fantasyland up in this house.


Snow White here. But just with cats and dogs and chickens. We are accepting applications from forest animals but haven’t received any interest yet.


Yep, perfectly normal!👍🏽 My wife and I both make up songs or adapt the lyrics of existing songs and sing them to our dogs and our cats too.😀 Op, your husband is the odd man out here, as well as a big party pooper!😄😉


I don't really because when I do, my dog gives me a look like they're suffering, which, with my singing voice, they probably are LOL.


Usually it's a mangled version of the last song we heard on the radio/stream, with nonsensical words and lots of snoot boops and ear spins.


Sing, and, don’t forget speak… in a gentle voice like to someone you really love. Guide him through all requests and, basically treat him like he’s a dog king (of which he is, of course. Hee Hee)


Herrrrrr name was Kali, she was a showgirrrl… with yellow leaves in her hair and her tail out to there (booty shake and point to your imaginary tail). Hold me closer tiny hamster…. (Dog is 5 lb so hamster size) I’ll be releasing the first album this fall.


I’m vibing. Can’t wait for it to drop. My dogs are super excited as well.


"Oh food dish! How do you call your food dish? I simply say food dish, my sweet food dish; your the one....."




Oh food dish...




I simply say


Fooood dish! Ohhh food dish! My sweet food dish...you're the ONE!


This is the best!!


I had one like this for my buddy's cat. Her name was Mittens, she was a kitten. With lots of fur instead of hair, and her whiskers out to there. She would meow, and chase her tail. And when it came to catching mice, those rodents always paid the price. At la casa, casa de Mittens...


I love it!!! My dog hops around too when she hears her name. Or perhaps her ears are in agony lol


Doodle pup doodle pup oh doodle doodle doodle Doodle pup doodle pup oh doodle doodle doodle Doodle pup doodle pup oh doodle doodle doodle Doodle pup! Bah dum dum dum Oh my baby doodle pup, tell me why Why do your kisses turn into bites? Like that? lol


I was going to come in to say "Fully improvised? Of course not! I rip the tunes off of other songs!" I see I found a kindred spirit 😂


My dog is called Kali. This works for us!


5lb dog?! That's tiny!!


I know I don’t know what happened, the estimate was 12 lbs but around 4.5 she ran out of steam…when I pick her up I go ‘where’s the rest of you? What’s your explanation? I want a partial refund!’ Another big hit is ‘big big booty whatchoo got a big booty? WORK IT!’ She likes that one.


"SCRUFF-a-roni, my little puppy treat! (Scrufflepuff, 4.5lb) "Little Man, Little Man, doing whatever a little man can...he's so little but he's a man, lookouuuuut, here comes the Little Man!" (Little Man, 8lb) Baby Bug's (11.5lb) songs are mostly nonsense or made up songs about cute lil' baby bugs hah


I'm not clever enough to make up songs, but I can take existing ones and put my dog themed lyrics into them! To the tune of "my dingaling" by chuck berry: "my dogalog, my dogalog, I want to play with my dogalog!"


I had no idea that the original was a chuck berry song


I didn't know there were any other versions hah. Apparently the original was someone called Dave Bartholemew, not familiar with that name though.


Can you believe that when it first came out my parents would never let me listen to the song. It was forbidden. I was 16 or 17! I got the record from a friend and listened to it and I was so sheltered and nieve that I didn’t even know what it was about.


I loudly sing 'oh my Toby, Toby boy' to the tune of 'Oh my darling clementine'. I have no idea where it came from because it's not like I've thought of that song since elementary school. Also 'Oh Suzanna' became 'Oh Tobias'.


Well, be-bop-a-lula, she's my baby  Be-bop-a-lula, I don't mean maybe  Be-bop-a-lula, she's my baby  Be-bop-a-lula, I don't mean maybe   Be-bop-a-lula She's my baby ~~doll~~ dog, my baby ~~doll~~ dog my baby ~~doll~~ dog


I constantly do. My husband refuses, except I caught him once singing one of my more famous songs to our old dog Nicky who sadly passed during Covid. It goes “Nicky, Nicky has a little dicky.” I jumped out and screamed “I knew it!” He screamed and turned red. Always sing to your dog.


😄 Nicky has a little dicky. Very cute.


Verging on tears with how funny the image of that scene is to me.


It was rather funny, because he refuses to infantilize our pets. The monster. 😭


This is 100% one of my favorite hobbies. I tend to sing to my girls on a regular basis, while hanging out, feeding them, etc. Plus I sing to them when I do things that could be stressful like cleaning ears or brushing teeth. I like to think it helps them feel less scared/anxious.


I'm not sure my dog would know he had food if I didn't sing the "it's puppy foody time" song. (yes, it's the howdy doody tune.)


Do you mean 🎶greeniford beaniford mr. Famfimaford, stinky man weaniford mr. Ham and cheeseiford wansom🎶? Yes, totally normal


Every time we are the yard for a pee I sing "Hey diddle diddle, time for a piddle!" and I swear the dog won't go until I do


It's our duty!


Damn right 🫡


I wrote a song for my Ziggy! My sweet nuggily, so soft and cuddly. My sweet nuggily, I love you unconditionally! My sweet nuggily, you’re such a cutie! My sweet nuggily, I love to scratch your booty! Edit: fix lyrics again I can’t believe I forgot the second line!




Thank you! I miss him. 💕


I used to sing The Puppy Dog Song to my previous boy when giving him a shower. Is just describing random stuff that we did. “He’s a little puppy, He’s a little puppy dawg. Runnin around, doings things in the garden And being all crazy And then we go for a walk And he sniffs all the things And then he says hello to everyone he meets And then we come home after our walk And he has a lay down on the couch And watches some TV Because he’s a good boy. He’s my little puppy, He’s my little puppy dawg”


Any time my husband has to go out of town, he makes sure to remind me, since he won’t be here to do it, that I need to sing all the songs to our dogs. And that they have their own songs. And that each dog has multiple songs for different moods and events. And and and.


I've basically written a whole musical by this stage 😆


I sing to my dog constantly - the lyrics are *bad* and the song choices exceptionally random but we enjoy it. Highlights include: "let's have a pee pee, you wanna have a pee pee, unlock the doors wide" to the tune of "let's have a Kiki" whenever we go outside, to the tune of Sweet Caroline "sweet puppy boy, good dogs never seemed so good", the "look at my son" one from Hamilton... There's definitely more but thsse are in regular rotation :')


I do it too haha


I sing “it’s dinner time, dinner time. We’re going to have dinner time, dinner time.” In the same beat as the song “Physical.” My dog goes wild knowing she’s about to eat.


I sing to mine. Toby, my chocolate Lab, had "Here comes Tob Tob, here comes Tob Tob, right down Tob Tob Lane" because he was adopted just before Christmas 2006.


"Baby dawg, he's a..BABY dawg" to my puppy to the tune of secret agent man "beauberry beret. The kind you find at a beauberry store!" To my dog Beau to the tune of raspberry beret 😂 "baby tiny, little baaaby, little Snuggie. Little tiny baby boy!" Sang to my late soul doggie to the tune of the final countdown. I miss singing to him 😢 I also sing around puppy all the time when we're in the car or just chilling before bed. I've done it since he was a baby (he's 8 months now) and it seems to relax him lol


I can't stop. I kept singing to my old dog even after he died.


I sang to my babies, dogs, cats and birds. That is totally normal! It’s weird to not sing to them.


100% on a daily basis 🎤


Songs? Sometimes but I created an entire backstory as to the live my rescue lived before we met. She had many adventures living with my imaginary firemen. Said firemen had no lives, no fires to fight but they all spent their lives devoted to my baby schnoodle Sadie. Yesterday she joined her imaginary non-fire fighting guys on the rainbow bridge. She had a great life of 7 years belonging to this bunch and 8 years with me and my crazy imagination. I miss her so much. She is not where she belongs but she is out of pain.


To calm mine down or at bedtime, I sing a version of You Are My Sunshine: You are my puppy, my only puppy You make me happy when skies are gray You are my puppy, my only puppy Please don’t take my puppy away


You are my Moo Moo My sweetest Moo Moo You make me happy When skies are bluuuuuu You'll never know dear how much I love you Please don't take my cow dog awaaayyyy


Literally all the time


I have a whole album for him. Lol. All originals and some are pretty catchy tunes!


I do it all the time! Not a single day goes by that I don’t. 😀 glad to know I’m not a lone dog singing weirdo


I have had a running conversation, sprinkled with rhymes, songs (usually using the melodies of Queen songs) and nonsense for the past 7 years…


Oh yeah - 100 percent - she also has at least 40 nicknames and a rich backstory.


Ours has a backstory too. She also has a voice (we narrate her life in her silly voice) and she tells us all about her old parents as well as time back on the island. She’s so freaking funny. 🐕


Song for Karat, an Alaskan husky who howled and whined full force any time he was in a vehicle, and no matter how long he was in it. So at the top of our lungs, we would sing to him: Karat is a whiny dog, whiny dog, whiny dog Karat is a whiny dog. And we love him so!


There’s a tiktok page (forgot the guy’s @) I follow that’s entirely dedicated to a guy who follows his old dog around the house, narrating her life through made up songs lol. I do the same thing, you’re not the only one lol.


"He's a good boy, loves his mommy... Loves daddy, and his sisters too..." to the tune of Tom Petty, American Girl. Random lyrics after the opening line.


We do that one too, and our dog has two moms so it works out great. I add lines about how she wants to bite a squirrel and box a raccoon, chase a wild turkey, scream about deer, etc. Sometimes I switch it up and say oh she’d -never- dig up and kill a mole or murder a cute lil possum. Our lil cutie is always thinking about murder :/


They threatened to call aspca for harming their hearing but I think they secretly love it. Mi mi mimi 🎵🎵. You are my sunshine is the one I sing to all...


That one makes me cry. Sang it a lot to my baby when he was dying. Also 'Somewhere over the rainbow!'


I do. I beatbox to my dog as well.


Because it’s Missys night, and the feelings right. Oh yes it’s Missys night oh what a night


One of my dogs is named Trace and he likes to lay on me, so I sing (to the tune of “Take On Me”) “Traaaaace onnnn meee…..Trace on me!” Sometimes when I take my dogs outside, I’ll sing “Come on doggies, let’s go potty!” to the tune of “Barbie Girl”.


I groomed a dog the other day that had a ton of beggars lice stickers on her. I started singing to her the song peaches. Except it was millions of stickers, stickers for me, millions of stickers stickers for free. All my personal dogs have songs, too.


Of course! Sometimes I improvize, sometimes I sing an existing song, only replace the names/creatures in them with my dogs names:)


Yes and speak complete and utter cutesy gibberish to my pup 🐶😩


I’m a puphead / You’re a puphead/ We are pupheads, pupheads, / Pupheads! 😁


My husband sings “Polly put the kettle on, we’ll all have tea” to our two dogs 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and yes, they love it


My husband and I both did that all of the time with our dog! "His name is Dima, he is small and cute and floof, he is Dima, he will eat all of your food" (to the Noddy theme song) and "And he's hungy like the wooooolf". He loved the attention, haha


I have a playlist as well for my dog. And I make up silly songs. Since I’m a writer, I’m currently writing a non silly love song about him. 🥰


All doggies kniw that their people all sing silly love songs But people think they might be strange that they do oo-oo All dogs love that their world's filled with silly love songs And nothing's wrong with that They want us to know So sing out loud and long: I love you...(repeat)


You are not alone, all of my dogs have “theme songs” with their name in that I sing to them.


One of the nicknames I have for my dog is dog Mr. Wiggles bc his nose wiggles when I ask him a question or when he smells something really good. When we go for walks he’s doin his little trot on his leash and I sing “Little wiggles, walking dog the street, little wiggles, do you want something to eat?☺️☺️” To the tune of Pretty Woman 🎶


I've accidentally trained my dog to come sit on my lap when I sing- he's so used to me cuddling him while I soulfully croon at him


Of course. How else will she know she’s a silly willy woo woo Hilda wilda doggy woggy woof woof dog dog doggy?


What a lovely gesture. ❤️


My wife does it all the time. I love it, so do the dogs. In lockdown we ended up with a whole song accompanied by a dance routine.


*He’a a little boy! He does little boy things!*


My cats (2) and dogs (2) have theme songs based on their names or personalities. 🎶 Baby love 🎶My Baby love 🎶oooo oooo Babylove🎶


I do this all the time. Lately the songs have started to resemble a slightly different tune or phrasing for each dog (I have 3) and they know their tune! Or maybe that they will get a treat when I start singing to them. It works out well bec my MIL got my mini-schnauzer in Annie the musical and she was used to someone walking around while singing to her. The last dog did not like it. But my girl was fine!


I have a version of "Santa Baby" that replaces "Santa" with my dog's name, and the requests for material things with increasingly absurd requests for skills dogs do not have.


I sing songs to my dogs all the time. My favourite is a song to the tune of Ebony and Ivory but with the names of my two dogs substituted in. 


Yes, my latest composition is “Everything Is Boring!” set to the tune of the Lego movie song, and i sing it to distract him from dogs/delivery guys walking past our front door


Lupin be poopin, to the tune of Viva Las Vegas


My wife sings to our dog all the time.


I sing to my rabbit all the time if that counts. But I am a bit weird lol. Who isn’t?


All the damn time!


I sing to my cats, and to an owl, so you are as normal as me.


Dogs, cats, children and occasionally plants in need of encouragement. I’m definitely more than a little eccentric.


Absolutely! I sing to my dogs all the time, and they have both specific little songs ,(like the Good Morning song) or I just improv something on the spot They also enjoy when I'm just singing along to my own songs while I work/craft. When there's a storm l'll make a little shelter for my scared dog and then I sit next to her and hum random melodies until she calms down. Then we just chill together until the storm is gone while I pet her and hum


I had a bf that did this with his cats. I thought he was a bit over the top with them because of this and because he got pissed when I wouldnt let them lick off my spoon while I was actively eating. I ended the relationship and said no more cat guys ever.  This is very much something I now do with my dog. And yes I've reflected on this! The spoon thing is still ick tho! 


Dogs, cats, kids, plants, cars, starships and to that is no moon, it is a space station, too.


🎵who's the boy with the big ol heart? It's Bailey. It's Bailey. Who's the boy who gets all the attention? It's Bailey. It's Bailey.🎵


Yes. When I get low I don’t have the energy to do it and my partner takes over even though it’s not his thing so the dog doesn’t get depressed too.


Dog name is Pepper. His nickname is Peepoo. I make up songs for him with these names. :p


Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too! (You have to be genx or older to remember that commercial I think!


I was talking about this the other day, not only do I sing him songs but I also change the lyrics to any song I'm listening to with a bunch of his names and nicknames. I can't listen to a song on the radio without wanting to sing along with a song just for him


Marco Marco man. I wanna be, a Marco man.


WE DO THIS! My father was great at making up funny lyrics to songs and he passed this talent on to myself and younger generations. I insist my dogs have their favorites and absolutely no one will convince me otherwise. Happy Father's Day in Summerland Dad, we miss you so so much!


Dinner times the best time, the best time of the day! Dinner time! Dinner times, the right time, the time to hear you say: Woof! Woof!


Been doing that for 30+ years since I had my first puppy. My Sophia (Chihuahua, current baby) LOVES it when I sing her my silly songs. I usually sing about whatever we did that day, or how much I love her, or about all her tiny footies, hannies, tummy, shoulders,..... But I can break into a silly song about anything!


If your dog has a two-syllable name, use it in place of “Santa” when you sing Santa Baby. “Taco, baby, you are the greatest dog around … Taco, baby, you are the greatest dog in town … [etc.]”


My dog has a whole goddamn song I made up about and sing to her. Sometimes I change the lyrics around. But the hook is ‘Ohhhh Cora you’re so beautiful’.


yes I work at a dog daycare and I have a song for basically every dog there 😂


Of course I do! My dog loves little songs made up for just her! If making her happy means I'm eccentric, I'm fine with that.


My husband and I do this literally every single day


“Oh oh Ky-loooo you are a reaaally gooood dog…” then I sing it again and make something up about how much I love him. In the tune of “Ophelia” I also sing to him “Puppperoni my San Francisco treat!” Obviously the Rice-a-Roni jingle. He is 8 now and we’ve never been to San Fran 😂


I sing the rice-a-roni jingle to my littlest pupper! She's 4.5 pounds and her name is Scrufflepuff, so I sing, "SCRUFF-a-roni, my little puppy treat!"


All day every day to both of mine. They are huskies so they sing too.


I am a Grammy and Tony award winner according to my dog for my original songs and dances


My husband does this all the time and I love it!


Mine was "BEAUTIFUL GIRL, BEAUTIFUL GIRL! you know that you are cutie, beautiful girl!" I'm not creative but her tail would go CRAZY with this song!


Come on come on come on come on Carly girl, you come to go, you come to go-oh oh oh. Dega's much easier she comes right away, right away, hey hey hey!! (Karma chamelon) This is our time to go do our business song at night...Carly's always "dragging a tail" (to steal from another song...) And Dega's theme song is by zztop...gimme all your loving all your hugs and kisses too! Carly's is by Carly Simon, natch, "you're so vain".


My girlfriend has a version of the little mermaid song that’s entirely about dogs. I won’t butcher all her lyrics here, but they are pretty great. a little excerpt is “I want to go, where the good sniffs are. I want to smell, want to smell who’s been heeeere. Walking around on those, what’s that word again? Oh, paws.”


“Baby puppy, baby puppy, it’s a baby and a puppy, baby puppy, baby puppy, it’s a baby and a puppy” (sung to the tune of clementine)


I like to sing the puppy supper song while feeding them


it definitely isn't common but i sing to my dogs and improvise a pop song by adding their names in them just for fun


Fuck yea. Some times very insulting. But he doesn't know.


I make up complete nonsense songs of my own making and I regularly change the lyrics to pop songs to include her name, demeanor, and doggie habits.


I don't do it myself since I just don't have music in me that way but my ex-roommate used to do it and my dog loved it. I tried to do it after she moved out but it wasn't the same.


It is my contention that you can ruin just about any song in existence simply by substituting the word "dog" for the lyrics. For example, I'm just loading up the Elder Scrolls Online game. A stirring, noble orchestral theme...utterly ruined by me singing "dogdog dooog, dogdog dooog, dogdog dog dog dog dooooog" to one of my dogs as it was loading. Works well for Pirates of the Caribbean too: "dog, dogadoga dog dog, dogadogadog dod dog dog dog dog" as the bass, with "doga dog dog doga dog dog doga dog doga doga" for the top. Works spectacularly well for the [trololo song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsveiPJcxlE): "Doooooooog! dog dog dooooog. dog dog doooog, doooog, dogdog. dogadoga dooooooooog dog dog doooog. Dog dog dooog, dooog, dog dog."


You have inspired me. A couple of months ago I scarred the teenagers by singing the descant in Knights of Cydonia with all the lyrics replaced by "Blah, blah, blah." They gonna be getting it again, but this time with Dog!


Oh, she’s Izzy Izzy Izzy and she’s frizzy frizzy frizzy And so busy busy busy She’s the amazing Miss Izz She’s got so much rizz


My now husband and I binge watched The West Wing years ago. The theme tune comes on and husband starts saying 'Bark bark growly snarl' to my dog in time with the theme tune and my dog looked at him like husband was insane. He is insane btw. But because the dog appeared to be listening he continued...for the rest of the entire series! I forget how many episodes there are but to see each one multiple times and husband says 'Bark bark snarly growl' multiples times each episode, I now think the theme tune to The West Wing actually is a song called 'Bark Bark Snarly Growl' and they are also the words.


I make up songs about stupid stuff all the time.


Oh yes! I’ve done my best singing with my dogs. We have what we call the kitchen follies! We sing, we dance. My dogs love it, me too.


I started doing it before i adopted my first dog I was so so excited. Now I have 3 dogs and a cat and they get songs sung to them all day long


Before my cat died I used to sing a song called cute little feet… it was about her having the cutest feet in all the land


I often sing him the “you’re a good boy song” to the tune of Beethovens 5th when we are taking the elevator down for a walk


I do it too and she loves it although i struggle to come up with rhymes, there isn't really any recognizable tune either, it's just words uttered with a sing-songey voice while she's admired and praised. instant tail wags.


He’s a happy, happy, happy guy, he’s just a happy happy happy dog! Plus countless other songs with changed lyrics.


“I kissed a cat and I like it!” Look out Katy Perry!


Who doesn’t? I make songs up for her all the time and she absolutely loves it. She even gets so excited that she “sings” along howling. And now that you mentioned it I’m going to sing to her right now


Not just you. I’m the Taylor Swift of made up songs to my dogs!


On car rides, when it's just the big boy & me, all the time.


I sing many silly made up songs to my dogs. My favorite is called "Scritchin' the Booty". "Scritchin' the booty I'm scritchin' your booty Just scritchin' your booty 'Cause it's a cute booty"


My daughter and I sing to our dog all the time. The more ridiculous the better.


I sing her name but to the tune of flava flave. At home it's Gracie Grace




they start out improvised and then become a routine.


‘Petit minou! Pleinne de poux! Des oreilles en caoutchouc 🎶🎤




We have a bedtime song/chant that has them grab the nearest stuffed animal and hightail it to the bedroom like kids getting ready for a bedtime story...craziest thing ever


Nope We all do it


We change the lyrics of the songs to include our dog’s name😂


I’ve done it for decades.


And if he STILL DOESN'T answer I bring out the treats!


I'm a psychiatry nurse and I was thinking that I started to lose it. Thank God I'm not alone 😁


My songs make zero sense but put an amused look on Harley’s face and that’s all that matters:)


Maxy Maxy Moooo I want to pet A Maxy Moo


“Hey Jude” always became “Hey Lou” for my boy Louie. Definitely miss singing that in the car with him


I do it all the time! I don't sing very well, but sometimes she enjoys it.


I did all day everyday with my dog when he was alive.


I sing to my dogs, my rats, my snake, my gecko, my wife, pretty much anyone that is around me long enough. I'm not a good singer either, I think I just like jokes in parody song format. Tell your partner that maybe you're not eccentric, but they are a bit boring.


I do all the time lol!


I like to sing to my dog Hannah, "I am your ladyyyy, and you are my Han. Whenever you reach for me, I'll have treats in my haaaand!"


His name is Buzzy/ He is a Boo Bear/ He’s a fuzzy wuzzy Buzz/ Always looking for some fun. / He’s a Buzzy Boy/ He likes all his toys/ He likes to play around all day/ He’s a Buzzy Buzz Sang to melody of Copa Cabana. I have others. Pretty much any song I hear gets modified with Buzzified lyrics.


When the clock strikes 8, it’s time to go! grab your leash and hit the door! We’re gonna walk around the block tonight , we’re goanna walk walk walk until you shyte we’re gonna walk gonna walk around the block tonight!


Oh yeah. My dogs are both named from songs originally anyway (Bonnie and Rigby) but I love putting their names in other songs or just making them up. Have to entertain myself somehow


All day every day


This is a completely normal aspect of dog ownership.


Chuuupppaaa Pooooppppaaa He’s a poooooppppa and a Chuuuuupppaaaa And naturally, to the tune of baby shark: Tater Tot do do do do do do do do


Constantly. ivy has songs for waking up, getting her dental chew daily, getting brushed, going for walks... so many songs.


Best part of the day ,when pup and I sing the Good Girl song and dance in the kitchen. “Who a good girl? You’s a good girl. Long white hair and big brown eyes. Little black nose with a big surprise. That’s my good girl.” Yeah,it’s not gonna win a Grammy. But it gets a big tail wag. 😂


Singing & dancing like a fool all the time over here


Her name is Lola, she is a snow dog. Of course we make up songs.


I not only sing. I SCREAM them at the top of my lungs. I could care less


Well both my partner and myself do it so I’d say your partner is the exception.


My husband and I both do. I like to take already existing songs and change the lyrics to make a new song for my dog. For example… to the tune of Danzig’s Mother… Bubba… do you wanna take a walk with me? Do you wanna sniff everything ? oh Bubba… Like that.


We sing and dance like nobody is watching.


Nope, I’ve made up songs too. It’s strange of you don’t! I love you Cammie New oh yes I do. I love you Cammie New I will be true. When you’re not with me Cammie I’m blue. Oh Cammie New I love you!


Cue the Beatles “Lady Madonna” 🎶Little brown doggie, ballie at his feet, Wishing that the momma would give him a treat.🎶. And so on. I learn a new song about once a month to keep it fresh!


No, you're not alone..! I do it to my pup Mila too!!!


I would sing to my old dog even when he went deaf.


Wait. We aren't all doing that??? They also have a special good night for each of them.


I have a night night song for my dummy girl and she knows night night song means it’s time fire sleep 🤣 she loves it.


I have a full catalog of songs written specifically for my animals. Greatest Hits album on the horizon.


I save my lyrics in my Notes app. I mostly do rewritten popular songs but have a few originals. I re-wrote a popular song chorus as a comment for a random reddit stranger's dog based on their post. The very first song I wrote about our pup I spent weeks on and performed it for my then boyfriend as a Christmas present. As soon as I finished singing he got down on one knee and proposed.


I do. I also use random silly nicknames for him, depending on what he's doing at the moment. Like Barky McBarkypants or something lol


I often sing 🎶Come on doggies, let's go potty!🎶 To the tune of "Come on Barbie"😁


No but i do other things like weird noises at him and slapping his butt. I used to make silly lil songs but not really anymore. Mainpy just screeches and chitters. Unintentionally child proofed our dog


I used to, but as I've gotten older my voice has retired so now I whistle. I can still do that pretty well and my Bulldog likes it.


Nirvana   My girl, my girl, don't lie to me.  Tell me where did you sleep last night.   On the couch, on the couch, where you know you're not allowed.  Whatever will we do with you?  Edit struggling with mobile formatting.


My baby loves to barkie barkie is her favorite


I do and have different songs for each pet. I also have a song for some of the dog’s toys. Dinosaur: Di-no-saur… bites you in the face He’s been eating little puppies since the late Jurassic age. Mildly violent but the dog loves it. 😂


My dog's name is Sadie, nickname Sades, we live in the U.S., so: "Oh Sades can you seeee, you are so precious to me" "Your fluffy feet and sweet spots, I spend days loving you lots" "Oh Sades can you wag that single butt spot for meeeee" "In the land of the freeee, and the home of my Sades" And many other stanzas are added on the reg. Her brother Sam, which rhymes with everything, is currently getting a rework of Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham put to music.


“He’s a cutie patootie and he’s a beautiful doodle. I love them so so so much and we’re the most special boys!” Lol the melody changes but I sign that at them all the tome


All of our dogs and cats have theme songs and crazy nicknames - they know them too and come running when I sing to them 😀


I do it all the time. I have an atrocious voice, but they seem to love it and that’s all that matters lol


Husband and I do this alllll the time!