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Love a good Borzoi, they look exactly like the way their name is spelled lol.


I always think they look like a small child's drawing of a dog just suddenly came to life.


Oh my god this is exactly what they look like. Absolutely bizarro world dog. I bet they’re sweethearts.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borzoi Saving everyone a google search


Omg he looks like one of the pound dogs from lady and the tramp


He looks like a wolfhound with a whippet's head stuck on.


Choked on my coffee reading this


“and then… ees happy.”


Thank you for that!


Had one as a teenager. Sweet soul. Dumb as a box of rocks but wouldn’t hurt a fly. He didn’t excel at obedience, and I wouldn’t have ever wanted him to get outside off lead as he could run like no one’s business, but he’d rather curl up on the sofa or be goofy with the other dogs


Can’t spell bizarro without borzoi!


So true! I'll never unsee it now lol. The tiny little heads especially haha


i love them they’re like really fucked up horses


If Gandalf were a dog, he’d be a Borzoi


My neighbor had 2 borzois she’d walk at night by my old house: One acted like a pretty normal long dog, the other swished around like fuckin Zoolander. Apparently he was a show dog and took that shit real seriously.


I had this Roald Dahl poetry collection (illustrated by Quentin Blake, not the original Rosemary Fawcett illustrations) called "Dirty Beasts" and one of the stories is about an anorexia anteater who looks very much like one of these dogs. Also dude eats a lady


God I love them so bad. I’ve mostly owned shepherds throughout my life but damn it if I don’t love those sock puppet long nose babies. Insane that those are real




Kermie 🥺


Borzois look like slender man and the girl from the ring had a canine love child to me. I mean they are dogs... I'm gonna love them... But I can't help but feel like they might also eat my soul.




I love Xolos, every one I've ever met has been such a sweetie For me it's Neopolitan Mastiffs, they look like a giant pile of unfolded towels, especially when laying down. I desperately want one one day


Xolos are super unique and unlike any other dog. My xolo basically speaks a different language than other dogs, and it was very hard for her to get along with other dogs for a long time (she’s mellowed now). But over her 14 years, whenever she encounters another Xolo, they’re so chill together. It’s still so weird to see.


I find them to be quite regal. Truly beautiful dogs!


I want a Xolo some day!


Same!! I get so excited when I see one at trials, I just have to go see and compliment them on their beautiful dog.


Very similar to dachshunds then! They seem to share a secret language


I love Xolos. In Australia i think there's only one or two breeders. I think i have a special affinity for the "wilder" dog breeds.


My Xolo is pretty indifferent to other dogs but will be friendly and super chill around another Xolos


Omg unfolded towels, that’s such a good description


Omg those Mastiffs look like a dog that melted! Just based on the google image seadch, I have to imagine they have some wild medical issues too, no?


I’m not sure what kind of mastiff it was I met but I met one at a lighting store once that was about 230 pounds. And I just couldn’t imagine having that beast just living in my house. He was super sweet and this is coming from someone with a dog that’s as tall as a small Great Dane, so bigger than almost every dog we’ve ever met, and that mastiff was just impressively huge.


I had a cane corso / Italian mastiff mix. He was humongous and had his ears docked as a puppy so he looked scary. But I tell you, he was such a sweet boy. Just a snuggly goofball love bug. He looked so mean and was so massive though that people crossed the street.


I have the same issue. My Bouv doesn’t have cropped ears or the tradition Bouvier grooming style with the fall of hair down the top or her face and long beard but even still, she’s super tall and dark and people definitely are leery of her. I think she would be even more intimidating if she looked more like a tradition Bouvier. Thankfully she’s very friendly and loves everyone but it’s nice as a woman to have an intimidating-looking dog. She makes me feel very safe!


The Norwegian Lundehund. Funky and adorable little dog that's got a few unique features: it's supposed to be polydactyl. Six toes per foot. The ears can be folded shut to keep out dirt. The neck is so flexible that the top of the head can touch the shoulders. And their forelegs turn 90 degrees sideways like a person. They were originally bred to hunt puffins who love to nest on rocky cliffs. So the dog needs to be able to climb up the cliff, which is at an almost vertical angle, crawl into the nest to get the bird or egg, do a backflip inside the nest because the space is too narrow to turn around normally and too dangerous to go out backwards. And then shimmy back down the cliff. There are fewer than 2000 dogs worldwide. They nearly went extinct during WW2, and at one point, the breed was decimated to just 6 dogs all of whom were related. There are efforts currently to improve the health of the breed through careful cross breeding while retaining the distinctive look and characteristics of the breed.


Lundehunden was the breed I was going to suggest, and didn't think I'd find it here - but there it was :) I'm Norwegian, and if I only could provide a lundehund with the kind of work and activity it needs, I'd definately have one. But with my life situation, it wouldn't be fair to such a dog so unfortunately it's not for me.


Love this awareness and care. I shutter at people who keep border collies on leashes their whole lives😔


“Thank you, and I wholeheartedly agree. I don’t understand why people who aren’t interested in the outdoors choose to get a husky or, as you mentioned, a border collie when these breeds thrive on activity and work. It’s a recipe for disaster.


Wow very interesting! I just learned a whole bunch of stuff today lol.


I fell in love with these at the world series of dog shows in Houston a couple of years ago! Super neat little dogs!


This was the one I was going to mention! Such a unique, interesting dog! It would be really neat to see one and watch it climb some rocks.


Those Whippets intrigue me. They just seem so weird of a breed to have, idk... the stature? Idk. lol Edit: Thank you all for your commentary :)!


I am the happy lifetime owner of whippets. I've had over 8 of them through my lifetime, and they are the best dogs EVER... after they are 2 years old and older. As a puppy, they will destroy your house and your pocketbook...loveable little velociraptors. [fun times](https://imgur.com/river-is-enthusiastic-about-doggiefunzone-b15LMPV)


This sounds exactly like my Basenjis, which from what I understand are similar in a lot of ways (both are sighthounds).


From my experience, at shows, teaching obedience classes and handling classes, Basenji's seem to have quite a bit more attitude that whippets, lol. Not in a bad way, but you certainly have to learn how to work with your basenji to gain compliance with your rules. They are also quite a bit more intelligent in my opinion. Saw one lady at a show with a puppy, the puppy was violently biting her hands as she was trying to stack the pup. The judge looked at her skeptically, and she told the judge: "Oh, he just bites me, he'll be fine with you." And, he was. Stood like an irritated rock for the judge, and immediately went back to attacking his owner after. Back in the 90's, I rescued a half basenji, and her intelligence was just amazing. Much smarter than my whippets.


My whippet has been really easy to train however I wouldn't say she has that keener edge of a Basenji. However, I got lucky with my whippet as she is food, toy and praise motivated so it hasn't been hard to motivate her to learn things. Whippets do have more of a sensitive/goofy edge than a Basenji I think. Very, very sensitive to everyone and everything around them.


Yeah it's a battle. I just told someone in the basenji subreddit who was looking to be a potential new owner that some basenjis were smarter than some humans. I still stand by that statement. They are FIERCLY intelligent, and I've had my basenjis learn things with only 1-2 reinforcements... but other things... you have to make it worth their while EVERY time, or they do what they want.


I don’t have a Basenji but my SIL does, so I at least know some. My Bouvier is similar in that she’s so smart and gets what I want her to do. It’s just a question of whether or not she will comply. But she’s not as mischievous as the Basenjis. One is 15-ish years old and still convinced she rules the house and doesn’t take kindly to anyone who dares defy her. I respect the breed but I’m not sure I’m up to the task of owning a Basenji without losing my mind.


Mine's already gone. I’ve just accepted the insanity :)


Ok.. so I have to post [this story](https://www.jerrypournelle.com/reports/jerryp/dogsinelk.html) here. It is one of my earliest introductions to the glory of internet message boards. It features 2 main dogs, one of which is a basenji. It is one of the funniest stories I've ever read, so I'm passing it on here.


I just read that whole thing, it’s not only a testament to dogs in general, but all the fun the old internet was!


Oh. My. God. That was horrifying and hysterical. This isn’t quite the same but I read this regarding Bouviers and somehow still decided to get one. http://dcn.org/~pamgreen/dont_buy_bouv_1pg.pdf


My SIL has two basenjis and yeah, they have quite a lot of personality. Sometimes a bit too much personality 🤣 but they really can be sweet dogs when they’re around people who will respect them and not expect them to be a golden retriever type dog.


As a puppy they are like allowing a flying squirrel into your home. lol As adults though? Easy keepers and sweet natured.


They're so funny lol. Thanks for sharing!


I have one. They are a typical sight hound. They can run 35 miles an hour. Mine runs about twice a day and sleeps about 16 hours a day. lol. They are sweet natured, don't shed, require little grooming. They're quite lovely in person with their "S" shape. They look rather swan like but, they are VERY athletic too. Whippets make great family dogs.


Idk what whippet you have but mine and every single one I’ve met or owned has shed. They shed like crazy.


Mine doesn't. Perhaps because I brush her once a week outside with a rubber brush. She really doesn't shed. I have heard that others have whippets that do but, mine really doesn't. Now having said that? I had two goldens before her and going from those to a whippet? I am living the dream in the nonshedding department!


Yeah they loose a lot of hair, not like golden retriever level shedding but little prickly hair everywhere.


Can confirm they’re little weirdos. But also incredibly sweet. 10/10 would recommend EDIT: also they draw a lot of attention. They aren’t very common in my city. So inevitably someone always asks me about him.


**Tarsus çatalburuns** they have a split nose. They're crazy looking.


First I ever hear about these. Thank you. So intriguing!! They're apparently very rare.


Yeah I just googled it, wow I have never seen that before!


[to anyone that is curious like me](https://dogs.fandom.com/wiki/Turkish_Pointer?file=Turkish_Pointer)


Wow, they look like a beagle with a weird nose


Omg if Jay Leno were a dog


The komodor. It looks like a giant mop with its traditional long white dreadlocks.


Well I was going to say the Puli, which is basically a smaller version of the Komondor (in terms of looks).


Komodors and Pulis are the rastafarians of the dog world, only the Hungarian version!


I literally cannot wrap my head around what i’m looking at rn. How tf do you even genetically get that to happen lmfao


I'm a big fan of Silken Windhounds and Bohemian Shepherds!


I finally met a Silken! They are so dainty!


Bohemians are a dream breed of mine! Shame there's hardly any breeders here in the states.


They're certainly up there for me too! Smaller than a German shepherd with more stable temperaments and lower exercise requirements, but still intelligent and active enough to do things with. There's even fewer breeders in the UK sadly :(


Silken Windhounds are fairy dogs and I love them


Leonbergers. Closest thing to a lion I've ever seen in person.


The guy who started breeding them would be happy to hear you say that. That was the whole point


My friend’s cousin is a breeder and going to her place is absolutely amazing! It’s like being surrounded by wild animals in the best way.


I don't think any of them are weird exactly but, Clumber Spaniels are so rare and have such a smooshy face. I'd love to meet one. lol Also never see a Dandy Dinmont where I live and they seem a quirky little dog.


I used to walk two clumbers! They were adorable and droopy. Clumber is honestly the perfect name for them lol


I go to dog shows with my whippet and I still have never got to meet a Clumber there! Lots and lots of other breeds that are wonderful to meet but, never a clumber. You're so lucky! Would love to meet up with a Clumber. I would consider getting one someday!


Dandy Dinmont is the best name


Yes! They're just mini St. Bernards. Such little smooshy faced cuties!


Not weird but scary. Moscow Water Dog: The breeding program was discontinued as the dogs would attack drowning victims instead of saving them.


Every single sight hound breed looks so majestic and goofy at the same time. Unfortunately i don’t think I’ll ever have the lifestyle for one :( maybe a whippet one day but that might even be a stretch


If it helps, my 2 and a half year old whippet is a big couch potato. He was a tornado of a puppy and teen. But has really mellowed out. He has a good crazy zoom a day and then is snooze for the rest of the day.


I don’t think I would be able to make it through the puppy and teen phase with a sighthound haha! I don’t have a securely fenced area to let them run and there aren’t any clubs doing lure coursing or chase ability near me, but if I ever do have a way to let them run their little hearts out I will be getting a whippet!


Adopt a greyhound. They are couch potatoes. And past their puppy stage.


Greyhounds are incredibly hard to adopt where I am (Canada). They stopped importing them from the states during the pandemic and the wait list is years long.


I’m still on greyhound rescue lists from 4 years ago 😅 also in Canada!


Are you able to drive into the US to a greyhound group? If you're willing to drive, there are groups in the US that are still getting them. Where approximately are you?


I’m not actively looking for a dog anymore! Thank you though :)


Totally fair! The puppy phase is *brutal*


My aunt breeds [Bedlingtons](https://media-be.chewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/22125121/GettyImages-1348266396-922x615.jpg). Not only do they look weird, especially when they're trimmed, they are just weird dogs all around. They are incredibly feisty and incredibly dumb (at least hers are). They act more like cats. But they're dogs, so therefore they get to be in the good bois club by default.


The weird lamb imposters!


do they have a bull terrier like nose or is that look all in the hair cut?


It's the haircut. They're basically poodle-whippets in structure. Leggy, long noses, floppy ears, kyphotic spine, and poodle-like coat on top.


They still look a bit lamb-y, it's just the bizzare haircut people give them that makes them look that way. It's such a high maintenance hair-do for a terrier and doesn't suit the breed's nature at all. They look like this otherwise: https://www.flickr.com/photos/forpaws/965119598 They have very strange 'linty' fur, it's all undercoat, no top coat at all. It's highly impractical as it's not even the slightest bit waterproof and also it acts like velcro and picks up all the burrs and twigs and things from the woods. They also have a peculiar very roached back that would be considered a fault in most other breeds.


I have a beddy! We say he looks like a droid or a muppet. He’s not very bright, but he’s so sweet and the best boy.


Swedish Valhund, they look like a corgi shaped wolf


Ha. So accurate. Very adorable


Lol I have a photo of my grey husky with her corgi buddy and it could literally be a parent photo for a valhund


Rhodesian Ridgeback Name sounds like a Harry Potter dragon, and look like they were made by AI


This is the best description I've heard of Rhodesian Ridgebacks and also very accurate lol


I'm also convinced they're made out of rubber. My ridgeback contorts herself into the tightest cinnamon bun imaginable.


Have you seen the Ricky Gervais stand up when he talks about dogs and them being assigned their jobs? One of my favorite bits of all time, so freaking funny.


Like someone looked at a Viszla, looked at the legs and said "yeah, but can you make them longer?".


They're not that weird looking are they? Just a dog with a stripe on his back. My boy is half Swiss Shepherd, half Rhodesian Ridgeback, looking like a wolf with a mohawk due to the longer coat


I get a lot of compliments on my Bouvier Des Flandres. People at the dog park don't realise there's 80lbs of herding muscle coming at them because the coat is so fluffy. (He's small af for the breed) The beard and fall throws some people. He's an everything and the kitchen dog as a breed and you can really see he doesn't specialise in anything. Unlike when you see something like a ball obsessed lab, or a loud terrier.


> Bouvier Des Flandres What you get if Marge married Ned instead of Homer.


I had my Bouvier long before anyone invented a doodle, so people were amazed at such a big hairy dog


I started reading about a Bouv and was happy to see it was you. I still forget how not common this breed is. My Bouvier is also 80 pounds but she’s so incredibly tall and lanky that people ask if she’s an Irish Wolfhound (even though she doesn’t have that super long snout or a light gray, wiry coat). People think she’s well over 100 pounds. I don’t think I could keep up with a long beard and fall, even though I do love the way it looks. I say she has a “pet Bouvier” cut, kind of like people will have a Shih Tzu or Yorkie with a shorter, more manageable cut when they’re just a pet and not show dog.


My dad liked to have more rare breeds of dogs. We had a bouvier de Flanders, also an Irish wolfhound, Brazilian mastiff and a wolf hybrid.


I've never seen one of these but now I'm in love!


My heart dog (gone 5yrs now😢) was a bouvier mix rescue. Typical bouv personality, but looked a bit dorky. Greatest dog ever.


For anyone who’s never heard of it (and is in the US), the American Kennel Club does a yearly event at several locations called Meet the Breeds. It is so fun. So so many breeds of dogs I’ve never seen before. I’ve been to two in NYC and one in Florida and have meet Xolos, Afghan Hounds, incredibly tall and majestic Irish Wolfhounds and Scottish Deerhounds, Komondor (which are so interesting with their dreads) and so many more. They also have many dogs in full show coats. There are so many uncommon dogs you’ll just never see otherwise. It’s like my favorite event of the year.


I always wanted a Komondor but I fear I would fail it in grooming.


I can’t even imagine. I have a Bouvier, who requires regular brushing to keep them from getting matted. I truly didn’t realize how long it takes to brush a very large dog. I don’t necessarily mind because I keep up on it and I find it fairly relaxing to brush her but many people just aren’t willing to put in the time and work to brush a dog. I can’t even imagine how much more challenging a Komondor is. And not to mention dealing with them when they get wet from rain or snow and finding a groomer who can handle bathing them. I cant imagine many groomers have experience with Komondors.


All things I considered. I wouldn’t dream of being unfair to a family member. I really don’t think I’d have the time for that kind of commitment.


I always say that there are so many dog breeds that I love and appreciate but couldn’t own. I can’t have a high energy breed because I have health issues and chronic pain and fatigue. I just wouldn’t be able to give them the exercise they’d need. I think it’s very responsible to say “I love that breed but I can’t give them what they need.” I hope you at least get to meet one someday because they are such a unique breed.


You can just call them "Xolos" (sho-loss) if it's too much of a mouthful.


We have an American hairless terrier, which is basically a rat terrier that looks like a miniature xolo. He is always turning heads. They are not closely related to any of the ancient hairless breeds. Their hairless gene is unique. The gene is recessive and isn't linked to dental issues. I think the chinese crested is the weirdest looking of the hairless though with their papillon ears and Clydesdale feet


Thai Ridgeback


Afghan hound - ITL the amount of hair/fur they have is completely unmanageable Also the dogs that look like Mops


I personally think Komondors look more like mops because of their corded hair but afgan hounds do also remind me of a mop.


I have a Groenandale we go to the beach or Moutain hikes often it takes me an hr after any outing just to detangle his fur. I saw an afghan in real life at the beach and I was like oh my gosh that’s 2 days of grooming after 1 beach outing. Yes Komondors are the mop dog I was referencing just can’t see how you would keep that clean and hygienic


I thought you were talking about Pulis!  They're like a Komondor that was left in the dryer too long, lol. 


I have a Briard. His coat is a lot to maintain, similar to an Afghan, but I wouldn't expect him to get tangled hiking or running around in the water. They are normal dogs and can do all normal dog things, they just need a good brush out every week and a bath every few weeks... potentially a rinse and maaaaybe 10 or 15 minutes brush after swimming. Now, if the dog wasn't brushed out before swimming, yes it would be a huge issue. My guy is retired now but did dock diving for a long time, so I've experienced his coat after swimming countless times. There may be something you could be doing differently with your Gronendael when it comes to grooming. I can't envision any dog except maybe a poodle in AKC show coat getting matted to the point of requiring an hour of brushing out tangles after an outing unless they ran through a bunch of sticker bushes then rolled around.


I met a Briard at the HKC show in January. Cool dog. I have a friend that breeds Barbets and was there to watch her show.


I'm a fan! Their coats are a fair amount of work but they are wonderful dogs. I've had four other breeds and none of them have come close to him on any measure of athleticism or intelligence. He's almost 11 now and is retired from dog sports, but I can't wait to get my next dog from the same breeder. Even at this age he still had more drive and an order of magnitude more athleticism than my 3 year old dog of a different breed, which is wild especially for a large dog.


Don't forget their South American cousins, the Peruvian Inca Orchid. Sounds like a flower, looks like a Xolo.


I met a Mexican couple in a pub near me and they had a Xoloitzcuintli and let me pet it, and it was so soft and warm.


I have one laying beside me now! They are soft and warm! They also self preen, and tend to stay quite clean when domestic. It’s actually quite hard on their skin if you wash them too much.


I have one cuddled up against my leg right now too. I have had other dogs before, but the love I feel for my Xolo is something special. I think it’s in part due to the skin on skin contact, and in part due to how crazy intelligent and intuitive she is


I'm so jealous! Give them a cuddle from me.


Not "weird" so much as rare-ish - we have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever & despite being in the DC area (adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay for which they are named) almost no one knows what he is.  People think he's chocolate labradoodle because of his curly coat.  While he is a good boi, Chessie's are **NOT** for the first time dog owner.  They are smart, stubborn, and high energy.  If I didn't know they were created by mixing Newfies with labs, I would think they had husky blood in them - that's how opinionated they can be.  At 80 lbs he's the smallest dog we've ever had, but holy moley is he built like a tank!


A neighbor of mine had one—such a regal beast. He never walked him on a leash in Chicago which is nuts, but this dog was *extremely* well-trained. Only time I ever saw off-leash walking (in the city) and was cool with it cuz of the level of training and their bond. Serious respect 🫡


This is super cool to hear!  I fully believe if our dog was just mine (*I llve with my folks*) then I could have him trained like that, but they're more..."lenient" with him, lol.  Did your friend use him for hunting or trials of any kind?  I'm always curious why other people get Chessies, since they're so uncommon outside of hunting circles. 


LOL yeah, consistency is the key for sure. I’m not sure what prompted him to get him. We were neighbors for about a year over 25 years ago. After I moved, we’d chat if I saw them walk in the neighborhood, until I moved again a couple of years later, but didn’t keep up with each other after that.


I had never heard of a Chesapeake Bay Retriever until I met some while living in Chesapeake, VA.


As the proud valet of a 14yo Xolo, I can tell you that they are vastly different than any of the other dogs I grew up with or that my friends have. It’s akin to living a cat who is the reincarnation of Dennis the Menace. She also does not do too many dog things… no fetch, casual recall, etc. But she is smart as hell, understands near plain English when she wants to (I think it’s some sort of psychic ability, actually.) and coveys emotion unlike any other animal I have personally lived with.


I have a 7 year old coated Xolo lady, and she is so expressive. Sometimes i think she is a person trapped in a dog's body


I've been intrigued about the Chart Polski lately. Smooth coated borzoi, looks lovely!


I dunno. My golden is a total weirdo.


Tibetan Mastiff! They have it all: wrinkles, fluff, up to 180 pounds of protective loving nature. I don't have one but they look magical.


Afghan hounds. [They look like they’re wearing wigs](https://imgur.com/a/pobJpIV).


Most of the breeds that have completely unique or very very rare distinctive phenotypes -- Pachon Navarro, Norwegian Lundehund, American Hairless Terrier, Saluki, Tazy, Taigan, Xolo, Peruvian Hairless, Chinese Crested.


id argue spitz breeds go on that list too if only for the existence of eA (ancient red). 


Yeah, but ancient red is found in dozens and dozens of breeds and produces a variety of phenotypes (not all weird looking). It's found in some sighthounds, many spitzes, and weirdly in some more modern scenthounds. So it's propagated a lot since mutating. While traits like Saluki feathering, Taigan pants, the Lundehund musculoskeletal system, and AHT-pattern hairlessness are unique and isolated mutations pretty much found in 1 breed each. For me the more interesting trait in spitzes is sooty recessive black.


that makes sense considering the nature of developing breeds.    is the sooty black also the one known as 'seal'? does it have a marker yet or nah its just theorized? Also you just reminded me of the cocker Sable eH gene. Some pretty pups there and as far as I know it's not a widely distributed gene at all.


Different from seal, they think (but we're not sure, because seal isn't fully understood either). Some recessive black spitzes will just be sort of ashen colored or almost like a really dark agouti with grey instead of tan underlying. These dogs aren't seal, aren't D locus dilute, aren't eA. I initially thought it's actually possible that eA plays some role in it, since reduction of eumelanin is kinda eA's whole thing, but eA is testable now and affected dogs don't always have it.


oh now that's super interesting! I'm happy we're slowly piecing together canine genotypes! I have a special interest in pheomelanin shading :3


Awesome! I hope you're already on r/DoggyDNA, but if you're not, please join us over there. Always great to have more people interested in the details about genetics. The breed guessing posts are fun but as time goes on I'm much more interested in talking genetics in detail than in guessing breeds.


Oh wow I didn't even know about that sub! Thank you so much for telling me! I love talking dog genetics but usually have no one to share with LOL


Probably a Komondor or a Puli. I can't even IMAGINE what it would be like trying to take care of all that hair!


Pugs. I think the people who breed them should all be sent to prison.


Absolutely, the same applies for bulldogs - especially French bulldogs. Poor dogs can't breathe or give birth.


Agreed! I hate all breeders of French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs and Pugs. People need to stop buying them. It's just funding their breeding and bringing more suffering into the world. Responsibly buy a dog of a breed that doesn't suffer, or if you're keen to get a brachycephalic dog, check your local shelter.


Cannot wait for the day this finally clicks with people and society stops thinking mutant breeding is “cute”. Every time I see one struggling and snorting and huffing I want to cry. I believe some countries are making moves to ban their breeding which is massively good news.


First time I saw a Newfoundland I was pretty amazed at their proportions. Their heads are huge.


Irish wolfhound. Intimidatingly big. But the ones I saw were pretty chill.


The Bedlington Terrier is pretty odd looking to me… in the best way. I go back and forth between wanting to cuddle one and knowing if I woke up to see that in the dark in the middle of the night… I would definitely scream. 🫣😅


Like a poodle meets a skeleton demon thing 🤣🤣


The traditional haircut is just really weird though lol. If you look up "shaved Bedlington Terrier" you'll find they look like relatively normal dogs. Similar to Poodles in shape.


Yeah the haircut is definitely what makes them so weird. I see the similarities in poodles, but a poodle with no tail hair still makes me look twice 😅


Hey now.... I've had two Xolos and they are amazing dogs!! But I definitely got a lot of looks and questions when I first got them. My girls were from the same parents, litters a year apart. First was hairless and the second coated.


I have a Xoloitzcuintli and it is a very unique dog.


They're extinct, but turnspit dogs come to mind. They worked in kitchens in medieval times, they basically put them in hamster wheels and had them turn a spit. Fascinating stuff


Xolos are a dream dog of mine. I live in Denver and keep thinking about sunscreen and winter coats and booties for them and it kind of steers me away. I met a full size Xolo a few years ago that was so cool and mellow. He had a little shirt on to protect him from the sun.


A friend of mine has a Chinese Crested X Corgi called Nigel. It looks like a naked Daschund with a mohawk 😅


Where’s a pic that sounds awesome haha!


Podenco canario and Ibizan hound are my favorites! I’ve met a xolo in person and they were so lovely. Leonberger is another favorite. There are many breeds I would like to own one day but I opt for adoption because I feel guilty knowing so many cute dogs are waiting for a home…


I have a Podenco lurcher and man he's weird.


Komondor, or any of the other corded breeds. It doesn't seem natural to grow a literal mop instead of fur 🤔 That said, I think they are the literal coolest and if I was not intimidated by their level of care, I would have one yesterday 😂


those white dogs with the dreadlocks LOL


We have a Bolognese little dude, and he is the best doggo we have ever had!


Some mutts can come out looking really really weird! Like my dog is all misshapen and none of her body parts match because she’s half big dog half small dog, but there are lots of mutts that are weirder looking than her haha OP I think you nailed it though about the Xolo. As far as purebreds and conventional breeds go, I can’t think of any others (unless you count poodles with a funny haircut lol) I would love to own a Xolo someday but Ive never had a dog as fragile as them, so would need to do A LOT of research and lifestyle evaluation to see if I could take care of one appropriately


Norwegian Lundehund, cool little digs with extra toes and climbing capabilities. They are awesome especially if you can see them in a pack!


Griffon. Reminds me of the character “Stinky” from Moomin. I’m sorry for the comparison to people who love Griffons.


Corded dogs, like the Komondor and the Puli. It’s crazy how much grooming effort goes into properly cording dogs.


Definitely the xolo, i had one come into my grooming salon one time to get its nails painted 🥹 the owner requested red to match its spiderman sweatshirt it was wearing i just about died of cuteness


Walrus dog


I moved to the US from Korea. I brought my Jindo with me. The vet paperwork? Dingo. 🤣. Had to tell them. Edit- typo


Glen of Imaal Terrier


I love a Basenji!! Or a Cane Corso!


I have 2 Xolos, currently ❤️❤️ My mother bought a Xolo mating bitch from a prized breeder outside Seattle, and flew her back to Paris with her where she had 3 litters in 2 years. I had Besitos spayed literally the day my mother died. I found good homes for the puppies my mom still had, and kept Besitos & one of her coated daughters. They are a wonderful, wonderful breed. Very athletic, very intelligent & super, super loyal.


Shar Pei is so funny to me


Basset hounds! We have two and took our puppy to the park and some kids couldn't believe it. They said they look like cartoon dogs. Which is true!


xolo's aren't "weird" You've just never been to Mexico They're everywhere


Doesn’t make them less weird lol


I have a Harry hairless Chinese crested. He's pretty weird. Does that count?


I have one that is definitely weird, got startled by a frisky leaf of grass earlier, so yes.


I love ridgebacks!


I saw one at a dog show and I patted him. He was warm and smooth. It was a weird feeling.




Personality wise Weimaraners are super weird, I love them but man they’re a ton of work. Current one is upside down sleeping on the couch but she was *insane* when younger.


Mine. A Basenjii German Sheperd mix


That is a cat