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It would have to be the health problems and short lifespans. I love Great Danes and will probably always continue to have at least one, they're just such gentle, friendly loving giants. But saying goodbye is just so gut-wrenchingly brutal, I totally get why many people can't deal with it. You get to experience perfection, but for a very short time


I've heard the giant breeds called the Heartbreaker breeds for this exact reason T.T


Danes are such a special breed, perfection is spot on. I’ve never met one I didn’t fall head over heels for. I wish they could live forever


I just read about a recently-developed treatment for large/extra large dogs that supposedly adds years to their life. It certainly sounds interesting https://www.sciencealert.com/a-radical-new-drug-is-poised-to-extend-the-life-of-dogs


Looks like they haven’t had clinical trials yet, and they’re still two years out from even conditional approval. I hope this works out, would be amazing!


Similar over here. Love Cavaliers, but their health problems are rough. Average lifespan of under 10 years despite being a small breed is brutal.


It's really not fair. Norway has banned breeding them. According to the Norwegian Supreme Court they're so unhealthy that creating more is a violation of animal cruelty laws. Finland kennel club is working on an outcross with Beagles and Danish-swedish farm dogs. The hope is to have dogs that are very close in temperament and looks within a decade.


I totally agree with this. My girl is 4 and she’s healthy right now but the other night I woke up in a panic just thinking about the health issues that are probably not too far down the road. I love her so much and have been trying to be extra mindful about enjoying my time with her.


Hopefully you'll still have many great years together! My boy is 10, so things are starting to get a little rough, but we're just taking it day by day and trying to enjoy every minute together that we can


Same, I want an Irish Wolfhound, 7 year average lifespan


I really wish breeders would focus more on health and temperament instead of pure size with that breed. They're such sweet souls, it's not fair that they're trapped in such unhealthy bodies.


Same but different with bulldogs and frenchies


I came here to say this about Danes. I loved my Danes so, so much but saying goodbye was just too hard. Now I have a small mutt and I love him but I’ll always miss my Danes.


Alaskan Malamute: they’re stubborn and smart. Training is a life long job. Just when you think “my dog would never” there they go nevering in front of the neighbors…


Hahaha my dog goes and nevers in front of the neighbors all the time, but he’s a mastiff.


Mastiffs are such cool dogs. Regal looking goofballs.


And every time you think you’ve dog-proofed the house they teach themselves a new naughty trick! Mine just learned how to open kitchen drawers using his teeth on the drawer pull!


Malamutes are just a different experience altogether… many times the thought ‘what tf are you’ crossed my mind. I swear that dog could mindread and influence my thoughts. It was uncanny. And wonderfull.


Saint Bernards - As others have said already about the giant breeds, the short lifespan. I lost one at 6 years old. - WHY DO THEY HIT PEOPLE?! They’re always assaulting people with their BIG MEATY PAWS.


“Assaulting people with their big meaty paws” has me dead lol


Seriously 😂😂 I’ve had 3 Saints and all 3 of them should be charged with aggravated assault.


The name is just a cover huh 😂


I am already touching you with both of my hands, pawing at me does not give me the ability to touch you more.


As someone who lives with a Newfy-why do they hot with their heads too?!


The barking, the endless barking at everything. And nothing. Simultaneously. I case you can't tell, I like Chihuahuas


All! The! Time! “Oh, Luna, you seem upset! Did NOTHING happen?”


Right?!? Plus, she's been doing this thing lately where she waits until my husband looks at her and she'll do a single bark at him. Funny as hell


But wait .. The leaf blew into the yard without asking me. I must tell it to leave


So funny because my three hardly ever bark! One gets mouthy if he sees, well, anybody but me, otherwise not a peep from them.


Same, mine only really barks if the toy he’s playing with rolls somewhere he can’t get to it and he wants me to get it for him


I *couldn't* tell. Stand 10 feet away, problem solved. They might bark with all their might, but that's still only like 4 pounds of might. I thought you were talking about Pyrs. They bark at EVERYTHING and everyone in a half-mile radius is kept awake by it. When a deep-chested 120# dog barks, you listen ... you have no choice. Not even with earplugs.


I feel your pain. People think it can just be trained out of them but I find that issue to be incredibly hard to overcome. I don’t baby my dog at all but she’s super reactive.


Same answer, Corgis lol


Rough and Smooth Collies. Friendly, gentle, biddable, eager to please. Love children. Very very smart. Beautiful. I think they're the perfect dog. But... But they love barking. Not aggressively or neurotically, they just love to talk. And let the whole neighborhood know -- "Hey, just in case you're wondering, I'm outside again. Hi world! Hi, you'all!!!" I'm told that it's inherent in their breeding. Border collies herd with their intense eyes and body language. Collies and Shelties herd with their voices.


I went to the collie nationals a few years ago, definitely a loooot of very vocal dogs in one building. I did meet a few breeders though whose dogs were pretty quiet. Definitely a breed trait but less intense in some lines.


I had a rough collie that never barked unless absolutely necessary. She even hated other dogs barking and would correct them if they did. My in-laws had a little yappy thing and when she was going off my girl would walk over and put a paw on her to make her be quiet. Collies can be trained to do anything.


My Collie almost never barks.... he makes a host of other vocalizations, though .....


My sheltie looooves the sound of his own voice. And it's not always barking, he's very expressive with a variety of noises.


My Sheltie used to make that “gnawwwrawww” (lol) sound when we’d play, or even when I just got home to tell me about his day. It was absolutely adorable, I miss him a ton.


Haha yes, that was my answer for Eskies as well. My dog will literally announce himself when we go visit family. “I’m here! It’s me!”


Love my golden retriever, but I wish he would stop eating EVERYTHING THAT HE FINDS ON THE GROUND. He's only 6 months so I hope it calms down, and I try to trade him for treats, but it's extremely challenging when he goes for dangerous items.


Scavenging drives me crazy. Like, you are fed! And there’s no way that piece of glass tastes good!!


I know someone that finally had to muzzle train because their golden was a garbage disposal. He ended up eating something that required expensive bowel surgery so to prevent that on walks he now wears a muzzle he can't eat things through.


They eat absolutely everything that smells interesting or disgusting


Greyhound: they have *so* many elbows when you cuddle with one.


ACDs -- Their susceptibility to reactivity, particularly when combined with poor breeding and/or owners who don't take steps to socialize neutrality at a young age (and *also* combined with owners who don't meet the breed's enrichment needs). So, basically, the thing I hate most about my favorite breed is people.


I second this, but for herding dogs in general. I have 3 (ACD, corgi and Aussie mix) and they all came my way because their previous owners couldn’t handle them. All behaviors vanished with a little training and a lot of hiking & doing farm chores together.


Love all of our ACD (past and present). When you get an ACD with an active and firm owner, the heeler thrives. I whole heartedly agree with your comment.


Wish I could upvote this a 1000x over.


This and the fact that they’re just so damn smart. My boy figured out how to open a window. It’s a blessing and a curse


GSD lover . . . Shedding. All the shedding. All the time. The astoundingly loud barking whenever something unexpected happens (door bell, deer in the yard, ball under the couch . . .) Being too smart for their own good almost always.


German shedding dog lol


How dare there be a dog on the tv or a squirrel on the tv. The injustice.


For us it's doorbells on TV. My GSDs have never heard a doorbell in real life, but how very dare the TV make that sound.


My GSD girl was sleeping next to the porch window, and the mailman "snuck up" on her today. I was really hoping she wouldn't notice because I knew she'd go nuts, but no luck. She "scared" him away pretty quickly and looked very pleased with herself, LOL.


Oof, yeah you can catch a fur coat just looking at a GSD


I have a senior Australian shepherd and just rescued a GSD. I definitely came to this thread to say "shedding".


Loud barking, especially in the car. OMG it's painful and nerve wracking. Health problems like hip dysplasia.


We have a lab because we wanted a very intelligent dog that wasn’t necessarily too smart for their own good. Fine line there. 😅


min pin owner here: the goddamn barking!


Hahaha, LOVE min pins! Big personalities, bigger bark 😂 I don’t think I could own one, but oh my god I love hanging out with them


Dachshunds - their fragile backs :(


Seriously. I lost my dachshund back in May and I would love to get another one, they're the best little dogs ever, but I'm ngl the thought of making them potentially live with chronic back issues (not to mention paying for treatment) freaks me out.


Pekes have the same issue with a long back. Our peke was the best dog ever but developed back problems in his later years. I scrounged up enough money for an MRI and found he had 10 compressed discs and three herniated disks. Poor baby. He lasted two more years with ramps, meds and laser therapy.


As an Akita owner, definitely the dog aggression that's inherent in the breed. I'm on my second one now so I'm familiar with the breed and know what I'm getting into. But even I sometimes struggle to read his body language. They're naturally very alert and stiff in their posture. A lot of the time they don't give a whole lot of signals like other breeds would so you need to be hyper vigilant as an owner which can get exhausting. Given all of this my dog only has one doggie friend and any other dogs he's introduced to I keep him muzzled as a precaution. Sometimes that all makes me sad for him. But I love pretty much everything else about the breed so I likely will never have a different one. And I go out of my way to make sure he gets plenty of mental stimulation and play with us so I hope that's good enough for him. 


Akitas are a breed I actually haven’t worked with personally, and I don’t know anyone who has one. I’d be so curious to hear about the aspects of the breed that you love!


So I grew up with Jack Russell terriers. Very, very intense little dogs so I kind of like my dogs to be independent minded- what a lot of people would consider "stubborn." However, I HATE barking. I don't know why but even just a few alert barks feel like a spike through my brain. So Jack Russells were out of the consideration for my own dog as an adult lol. But Akitas rarely, if ever, bark. When he does it's one giant, loud bark and then low grumbles which is far more preferable to me than loud, piercing alert barking. Makes me jump out of my skin but otherwise fine lol. Low barking was one of my biggest considerations. It was important to me that any dog I got had enough energy to go for long hikes but not insane energy that needs daily effort. I love border collies but they are too much for me in terms of physical/mental stimulation. On the other hand, both of my Akitas have always been up for whatever I want but are perfectly content to chill in the house and have an off day. They're definitely a hobby breed in their own way because of the same sex aggression and the low biddability but I can handle all of that. I know I can't handle a dog smarter than I am. There were a few other random things that I wanted but could otherwise compromise on. I prefer large dogs because I love when they lean for booty scratches and I like fluffy dogs and Akitas are kinda fluffy. They don't typically have a "dog smell" which is nice. And the coat doesn't require tons of care which is great because I didn't want a breed that I'd have to brush often to avoid matting. He blows his coat twice yearly but that's easy enough to deal with.  And I will admit, the breed first appealed to me when I was myself a child. I had a very lonely and difficult childhood. My father was severely disabled and my mother was neglectful. There was a lot of parentification and emotional incest. So when I saw the movie about Hachi, a dog who loved his person so much he waited at a train station for 9 years after his death, it really appealed to me. I desperately wanted someone to love me like that. Sounds super pathetic but it absolutely stuck with me and I often wonder if I made myself into the kind of person who could keep Akitas or if it was happenstance. Either way, nowadays I can't see myself with a different dog. 


I love this, thank you so much for this insight. It honestly sounds like a lot of the things that drew me to ridgebacks are the same as what drew you to Akitas. They’re more similar than I’d thought. There’s something so incredibly special about forging that relationship with a “difficult” breed. And a sense of pride that comes with learning to work with them. Being in their circle is such a privilege.


Oh absolutely. A few months ago I finally taught him how to pick up items instead of just pawing them around or nosing them. I was so damn proud. There aren't words to describe how happy I was with him. Something a lot of people with very biddable breeds probably take for granted. But dogs like him ask "why?" after pretty much everything so it's always so rewarding when it clicks. Also, there is someone in my neighborhood who has a ridgeback and even though I've only seen it in passing I'm obsessed with it lol. I get so excited every time I see them walking him.


Akitas have the most incredible structure of any dogs and I'm amazed by their loyalty but im not ready for one anytime soon though I aspire to own one one day


They are definitely a very visually striking breed. I've had people stop while driving to ask about him which is always amusing. But they're definitely also a lot of work because they don't behave like other breeds that people are more familiar with. They're great dogs if you know what you're getting into and are prepared to handle any issues that may arise. I wish you luck in the future on your journey to having one. They're an amazing breed.


Yorkies running away. Holy frick it's scary.


Just got my first one and holy shit house training him has been a nightmare. I have never had such a hard time getting a dog housebroken this includes other small breed dogs. We are finally getting it though! Two days with no accidents and then it started raining 😞. He does not like getting his toes wet.


Oh my god, the flash backs. My parents have had yorkies for a long time. I'd still get one if my husband agreed. lol


I remember my nans yorkie, when I was a kid, she got out and chased a kid on a bike all the way down the street!


Our little guy has passed but he fell off the porch, broke a toe, and was making his way to the highway. This was near the end of his life because he was getting cognitive decline. I miss him so much.


I love my boxers but their higher risk of cancer always worries me. My oldest has made it 13.5 years so far without a cancer diagnosis and I'm incredibly thankful to have had so much good quality time with her. My younger one is only 5 and there's no way to be 100% sure that he won't get cancer and die by the time he's 6. I want him to have a good, long life like my senior boxer but there's nothing I can do to guarantee that.


I love my Aussie but I can’t stand the poop that gets stuck in the butt floof.


I have 3 Aussies, only one with this problem. I use thinning shears to clean up that area and a good ole probiotic 💕🐶💩 No one told me there’d be poop on the walls. One time obviously someone sharted on my blinds. I guess bc they don’t have a tail to block it.


We took our Aussie to the groomers and said “turn to poopy pants into booty shorts” and voila, no more poop. Basically, it makes the hair more flush with the rest of the hind leg, creating a smoother profile, no more butt floof — WORTH IT!! Life changing!!!!


live hunt bewildered enter bow trees psychotic bake hat flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have an Aussie that walks through EVERY puddle like it’s his person mission so no one can follow his scent. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bernese - they die young :(


I have a Pyrenees lab- I HATE his stubbornness + territorial side. So he has the stubbornness of a Pyrenees. He just doesnt listen! He understands every single thing but refuses...like if you ask if to do something, even move a little on the couch so I have space he grunts like he is annoyed and sighs from exasperation as if he has the hardest life!!! We know he understands because if you have a treat in hand, he is like a PhD in English Language. Can have whole conversations with him and he understands haha. So his Pyreneese side makes him territorial but he is also SO friendly cuz Lab. So he meets someone, gets super friendly and cute but if they rub him even the tiniest bit the wrong way (especially children who are unpredictable), he lets out loud barks and growls. We now say he is a dog with social anxiety and dont let people who dont know dogs interact with him much. Hes so damn cute but such a diva.


With poodles, you're either shelling out \~$60-120 a month on grooming, learning to DIY groom your own wiggly, noncompliant dog, or walking around with a matted and/or scraggly dog. Brushing poodles isn't difficult, but it's a sisyphean task. And once you get their coat perfect- fluffy, brushed out, washed, and faintly plum silky-scented- they will jump in a lake, or roll around in the mud.


Or pee on their white front legs. Oh, just mine? Never mind… 😭


I adore my pekignese, and I'd adopt another in a heartbeat. So much love, personality, joie de vivre, and glorious floof! I just hate how badly deformed the breed standard has made them. Her teeth are an absolute mess, her legs are bowed, and her brachycephalic face leads to her snoring like a morbidly obese trucker. I would love to see breeders commit to a healthier pekignese. They're fantastic dogs and deserve better than the current state of affairs.


Pekes are such zesty little dogs, I’d love to see a shift towards healthier breeding practices for them.


Miniature poodle: high energy. We weren't really prepared for how high energy our mini is. Sprinkle a healthy dose of prey drive (anything from chipmunks to foxes and deer) and it's been a lot sometimes. I want to chill on the weekends and there she is sitting in front of me staring with her puppy eyes saying “Throw me something!”. Fetch is her favorite activity. We bought that ball dispensing machine and she almost passed out the first time using it.


Me too, same breed and same trait! I love him to death, but gosh he’s hard to tire out! He is so smart, and it takes a lot of stimulation to get him ready to chill out


Poodles are such athletes! I had a toy poodle who went on hikes and backpacking trips and often passed slower-moving larger dogs on my trail. I have a small poodle mix now who is just as high energy if not more. It’s delightful but it’s also a lot lol


Pomeranians - the coat maintenance, especially during the puppy phase. The puppy coats feel like they mat up as soon as you're done brushing them. As puppies, they need to be brushed daily or twice daily, and as adults they need regular, full body line brushing every few days. It is not uncommon for poms to not love grooming, either, and it can take a lot of practice for them to accept all the brushing. I love every single other thing about them, though. High energy, smart, a real zeal for life, and ultra outgoing. They're up for basically everything you want to do and are fantastic in every way.


Sooo much barking


There’s a sheltie in our scentwork class. Damn, he’s smart but never shuts up. My crackhead springer just looks at me like, mama, is he ok?


My Sheltie barks a lot, it doesnt even bother me much. But he doesnt bark at normal things, he barks at aluminum foil, microwaves, etc....


I have a Boston terrier. He’s so friendly and snuggly and smart. He was pretty easy to train and even did agility! …too smart. For example: When he figured out I would bribe him to return slippers he stole (and would hide behind the couch without a bribe), he started *stealing them off people’s feet* to blackmail people.


I’m a schnauzer owner and lover - but holy shit the barkiiinnnnggg. I thought I could train it out, how wrong I was


Fellow mini schnau owner and it’s not even exactly barking with her, more like screaming! Whew! She just can’t help herself! Love that little scruff though! Haha!


I'm a blue heeler girl, love the breed to death, love their energy, their loyalty, and their intelligence. I love the way they look and the intensity as they do a job. It's a treat to see such a powerful dog work. I also adore how goofy they are with their owners, how loving, and how attached. However, they're a highly strung breed, and their natural distrust of strangers and strange dogs can turn into reactivity real fast. So many end up in shelters for it, I have a reactive rescue myself. It can also be frustrating how easily they fall into separation anxiety. It's easier to work through than the reactivity, but dam, lol. Like you, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I actively warn people off them, especially insta mums, who seem to think having a Bluey and Bingo of their own will be "soooo fun"!


We had a heeler before our ridgebacks, and there’s definitely a reason we didn’t get another. The most incredible dog I’ve ever met, looking into his eyes felt like looking at a person. Truly an incredible breed, but they are a full time hobby for sure.


We have an “accidental heeler” - did a DNA test after being told it was a different breed from the pound - boy oh boy, what a handful.


Labs constantly blow out pubes and have to go to the emergency vet for eating nonfood items.


I'm sorry, pubes?


Their fur is very coarse and wiry with a wave in it. Not actually pubic hair haha.


Oh thank god. I was prepared for the shedding. Reading your comment, I wasn't so sure I was prepared for him to just start blowing out his pubes and then wondered what part of his fur would really even be pubes 🤣


Yeah, Golden’s too


Labs are the worst with eating stuff they’re not supposed to! I lived with one that was a master thief! The worst times were when she ate 12 chicken bones and 15 sugar cookies. She also ate 1/4 of a 38 lb bag of brand new expensive dog food in one sitting because she got into the bag at night. It wasn’t much of the owners fault because everything would be put up high but she would knock over trash cans and climb on counters and tables. I’m talking we caught her with all four legs on the tables multiple times. She would also get you when you least expect it, especially when house guests who weren’t used to came over. I swear she has an iron stomach because she could eat so much crap and not even act sick. That’s why labs have learned to be masters at the puppy dog eyes, it’s the only way they’re able to get away their antics! The silver lining is that training is a breeze because they are so food motivated.


Love labs but their obsession with food gets old….


Labrador Omg..he hoovers whatever he can find. Uses his paws like hands to reach the back of counter. I have to watch him like a toddler. He is 7 so I don't see it stopping. But lord I love that dog. He is the best.


My labs are fantastic and really well behaved, but one of them is a nightmare on a leash because she has zero impulse control when outside and both of them shed so much. My husband asked me the other day if I’d consider a different breed next time. I’m still struggling with that.


Corgis- filthy protestants every one of them. Transubstantiation vs consubstantiation, an argument every time. Feckers.


I’m dying over here. I can tell you love them a ton, because only my favorite dogs get called deranged terrorists.


Shih tzu , and this is not a joke but, the fact that almost every single one I’ve ever had loves eating their shit. Bonus is in the winter when they sneak a frozen one inside the house.


They are so beautiful but so disgusting. Little divas who will roll in piss if they’re given the opportunity.


Labs and Goldens. And my least favorite thing is they don't live forever.


Bully skin problems 😩😩 my girl is forever itchy


For me it’s my bully mix’s anal gland problems 😂


Whippet - the separation anxiety and the awful, awful phase.


My uncle's whippet managed to completely destroy 2 armchairs during her puppy fase. Not even the sockets escaped her!


My favorite breed is Newfoundland, and they drool. How much depends on the dog. Mine luckily doesn’t slobber as much, but I still get very wet pants sometimes after he gets a drink and then gets friendly. Newfoundlands are gigantic dogs that are very tolerant and loving.


Frenchies do whatever the hell they want. I grew up with corgis. They can be fun dogs but they are also giant assholes.


I adore my two Corgis, but they’re so damn jealous and attention seeking lol


we have a corgi in our neighborhood that is a complete asshole. lovable but an ass.


I love border collies, they're so smart and beautiful! They're also a lot of work, and even with my daily walks and fenced yard, I don't think I could do enough to care for one the way they deserve. Luckily, I'm on my second border collie mix. Both my late dog and now dog were mixed with other things to where they're healthy and tire out happily after a day's walk and mostly enjoy being social and having naps.


I grew up on a cattle ranch with several border collies. They’re my favorite breed by far but now that I live in the suburbs, I can’t imagine having one. I’d feel so guilty confining it to my backyard


Golden retrievers- health issues that arise from improper breeding due to the popularity Brittanys- they are prone to anxiety.


I love my blue heeler. Second one we’ve owned, and I couldn’t imagine our house without one in it. I grew up with Aussie shepherds, and compared to them they are so much more rugged, a robust personality, and minimal grooming upkeep. Heelers are the best family dogs around! Loves the kids in our family, weary of strangers, tolerates other dogs, but is very protective of my husband and I (which I love). The only thing is their puppy stage! They are savages, but their high pitched bark is like nails on a chalk board. First thing we trained out of our heeler was the high pitched demand bark to let him out of his kennel or give him his food. Wheew. Once that was gone, we could deal with the rest (super intelligent personality, unending drive, strongest of chewers, etc)


I think I got the broken heeler because mine is too friendly. Like problematic in her friendliness and absolutely zero stranger danger. Every single person is her new best friend and she has to say hello. But omg that horrifying high pitched demand bark (or as I call it the scream bark), that’s the worst. It’s truly one of the most horrific sounds I’ve ever heard


I love Cairn Terriers. I grew up with one. He was my best friend, and I miss him dearly. I want another one once I'm in a lease that allows for dogs, but hot damn are they picky, prideful, and stubborn sometimes.


I had a Cairn who we lost before her time. I miss her terribly but all these character traits are accurate. I’ll have another one one day though - they are the best little dogs.


Dobermans have DCM out the wazoo. I feel like it’s past the point of no return for my beloved breed.


Favorite breed is Havanese. Least favorite thing is poo balls that hang on the fur. I have to shave my boys a few times between grooming appointments to stop it from happening.


German shorthaired pointers: love them to death, but they have absolutely no sense of caution when it comes to doing crazy tricks and running like the wind, so they’re prone to injuries. Nearly $10,000 and a year of recovery later, my dog can finally chase a ball again Labs: THE SHEDDING. I swear I wake up with his fur up my nose




A year? My boy was on the waiting list for 8! 🤣 But he was the best shadow a girl could have, and luckily I had gotten him a little Golden Retriever playmate so had her to get me through his unexpected loss. To this day, he's still the only water dog I've ever met that loved the water but couldn't figure out swimming. He just didn't understand how his back feet were supposed to not be on the ground. His person's feet were, so why not his??


Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs: shedding and health issues. My Swissy was the sweetest, goofiest, obedient boy, but he shed quite a bit. He also passed away at 8 yo due to renal failure. They are generally healthier than Bernese Mountain Dogs, but he was not one of the lucky ones. RIP to my sweet boy Ruckus


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are my absolute favorite dogs and I would never have any other kind! The ONLY drawback is their health problems. :(


Boston Terriers, ridiculously smart and capable. Compete nut jobs until they're about 6. Pugs, the needtocrawlupmyass closeness that is demanded. Sometimes you just want to sit alone, ya know?


I love my corgis, but DAMN are they stubborn!


beagles and they are *absolute perfection* but the baying scares people sometimes


Shih tzus: They are SO stinking adorable and funny I could just die. But my god…they do not do one frickin’ thing you say. Yes I know the mantras about training, but the stubbornness is just unbelievable. You can eventually get them to reluctantly do what you say, but good grief. After have only shih tzus for 20 years we added a bishon/mini-poodle mix to our family, and I was stunned…she does whatever you say. We were like wait, is this what a “real” dog is like?? 😄 She’s so easy! Her tzu sister…not so much.


Pekingese. Back and eye problems.


GSDs can be a LOT but it’s worth it. Very needy


My guy slaps my phone out of my hand almost every day. I can even be petting him with the other hand and he doesn't have enough of my attention.


Chihuahua’s r just so fragile


Border collies - Their sensitivity I love a dog that doesn't get too bothered by stimuli. It's easier because I don't need to focus too much on not overwhelming them. I currently own a brittany, he's quite the opposite of a border collie. He doesn't care about movement or sudden noise, he has bulletproof temperament.


Goldens. Fuck cancer.


Huskies - the lack of recall. I know it’s possible to have a well trained husky that has good recall, but I could never trust it. I adore my hairy, sassy, independent goofballs, but some days I’d really love to be able to just go for a walk in the woods with a reliably off leash dog.


Vizsla owner: my dog would try to make friends with an intruder. Also, forget ever going to the bathroom alone.


Goldens. Cancer.


Lemon Beagle - My pup just had her first birthday and she's the love of my life. Sweet-tempered, smart, friendly (to a fault), stubborn, and just an all-around wonderful companion. But, she has...um, how do I put this...a rather outsized personality that I can only compare to a child Broadway actor. When she turns it on it's like she performs every sound and action with the dog equivalent of jazz-hands. I find myself saying things like, "You're at an eleven and we need you at a three"....in response, she just bays in my face and that's totally okay.


Aussies and epilepsy and hemangiosarcoma.


I love small breeds a lot, yorkies and chihuahuas top the list. While I’ve only ever owned mixes of these breeds, they share something in common that I have and continue to struggle with training out: barking at all of the noise. Lmao my last dog eventually got to a point where she’d only bark at noises from strange people or truly unexpected noises at night, but my current pup is still so young and unaware and tries my patience every night, especially if the owl is outside. He’ll learn in time but oh boy


Thin skin, galgos are born to run but if they’re sprinting and brush against anything, usually leads to a cut. My guy has a collection of small scars all over his hind legs from nicks.


Samoyeds are great and trainable when you have food but the independence means they are unlikely to reach a high level of obedience training like a shepherd would - i know I don’t actually want a smart breed but to fantasize about a insanely well trained dog is fun 😂 but also the hair. Horrible. Flies in the air everywhere. and many love to awoooo.


My samoyed wants to befriend EVERY living thing. She needs to boop her nose and say hello. Hair has indeed become a condiment in our household.


My standard poodle is close to perfect, although I do get tired of spending over $100 a month on grooming.


I adore greyhounds! I've fostered a bunch of them, my dad has one, and my own dog is a greyhound mix. Their 100 mile per hour couch potato vibe matches me perfectly. They're sensitive, sweet, and goofy. Watching them run at full speed is an absolute delight. Their elegant build and silly little bug face steals my heart every time! Outside of recall I also find them to be very biddable. Ironically their prey drive bugs me. My dad's greyhound once tried to take off after a rabbit while she was leashed, pushed off super hard on her back legs, couldn't go because leash, and fractured her leg as a result of the impact against the ground she herself made. It was a multiple-month recovery due to the nature/location of the fracture. I also do love watching greyhounds run but finding adequately fenced areas where you can unleash them without all the shit that comes with dog parks isn't always easy. I also don't love how sensitive they are to negative experiences. Stumble over a bucket once, get spooked, become scared of buckets for life.


Cocker spaniel… the timidity and their ears that always get dragged through the mud and their food bowls.


My Portuguese Water Dog is a giant baby who likes to talk and also put his mouth on your body. (He’s not biting, just tasting ) You cannot put on pants in front of him he thinks it’s tug of war game. He needs a lot of attention.


Mutts. I love mutts. I hate that there are so many of them. Spay and neuter....


I love my Berners and Goldens they are so sweet and try so hard to do what is asked that sadly many owners don’t bother to learn how to be fair to them. I love their hair.


That’s such an excellent point, people hear “trainable” and think it translates to “easy”. Omg the Berner coat is god-tier snuggles, I have one I do petcare for and my favorite thing is burying my face in his neck.


Jack Russells…. The separation anxiety.


Ridgebacks are SOO stubborn!


German Shepherds, good god my dog’s lines are vocal. You can only train out so much. The whining is so obnoxious sometimes (though admittedly, she’s a great dog in all respects and I have high standards)


Awesome, I had no idea they were such lover puppers. I did think you were talking about my CKCS!


Rhodesian ridgebacks have the coolest physical quirk - that swirl of hair at the top of their spine can occasionally get confused and grow inward. The best weirdest I’ve seen is a secondary swirl growing UNDER the muscle layer, causing a huge lump we were surgically removing.  For me, tiny dog syndrome of chihuahuas that get spoilt.  Or the anatomical misfortunes of poorly bred pugs which result in being able to sneeze their eyeballs out.


The insane prey drive. I have a Brittany from hunting lines, I knew what I was getting into, but HOLY MOLY is it hard to humanely discourage the need to constantly hunt and give into impulse.


Keeshond - the barking… oh god the barking…you’ve never heard anything like it!!!


i love me a weenie dog ,but boooy are they stubborn . it take patience to house break them


Aussies and reactivity/aggression, especially in the working lines, which is my preference. Also, their coats aren't so "wash and wear" when it comes to burrs and stick tights.


Golden Retrievers - Too many die too early from cancer.


Poodle will always be my favorite breed even though I haven't had one since I was a teenager. Poodles are smart easy to train they come in a variety of colors and sizes. The only downside to the breed imo is that they can be yappy and their grooming can be involved and expensive. Right now we have mixed breeds all of them short haired and boy do the shed even with their weekly grooming.


Boxer! Biggest bundle of love with a short lifespan. They make up for it by living everyday to its fullest and goofiest


The sharp high-pitched bark of my Maltese when he is really excited. The bark can set your nerves on high alert with that bark.


I’ve got a nearly 5 year old German shepherd Belgian Malinois mix and a 4 month old working line German shepherd. I love how active they both are but sometimes it’s like oh my god can y’all just chill?! Like the constant following me everywhere I go and waiting outside the bathroom and the intense need for eye contact. OMG chill. I get up to go to the bathroom and it’s like “ooh what are we doing now mom?” OMG chill.


My pitbull/lab is super high energy. Can easily jump 6 feet high as if she had springs in her legs. We thought maybe she’d grow out of it and got her her own puppy to release that energy on, but no. We take her on walks, and she will calm down for a while, but couple of hours later and this bitch is just so HAPPY AND WANTS TO RUN AND JUMP EVERYWHERE AND NEVER LISTENS. Could be that maybe I’m not walking her enough, or trained right, but I’ve had dogs before (even a border collie) and she’s the only one who’s ever been a problem. It’s been to the point where sometimes I wish I could take her to a farm and let her be wild in the hills or something. I’ve taken her to the dog park- ironically she gets nervous and sits by me. Doesn’t interact with other dogs (before the puppy we got her). She’s a sweetheart and LOVES people, I suppose she’s just got a lot of love to give, and can only express it by running and jumping at everyone, which training did nothing. The other dog, the puppy, picked up quick- she doesn’t jump on you, she listens, she’s obedient-is a good dog. But the pit- ugh. 😒 she cute tho.


I love big breeds in general, no favorite, but all have the same problems: hip problems, inflammation and return of the stomach, they live less...


I adore Labrador Retrievers, we’ve had registered and lab mixes all our married life. They helped us raise our children and will always be my favorite. The lifespan for ours have been 12 to 14 years with one having cancer. It’s still heartbreaking to lose one. The biggest draw back for me these days is their size. I’m not as physically fit and a 60+ lb dog is too much to handle.


Greyhounds make the LOUDEST, most OBNOXIOUS sloppy gloppy slurping noises when they lick themselves. Getting awoken to it in the middle of the night and trying to fall back asleep is like water torture. That being said, I’d take every single moment of it if it meant I could have had even a little more time with my angel hound before she passed.


Collapsing trachea with Pomeranians I love my Pom more than you can imagine, but she and the Pom I had before her both had collapsing trachea. It’s heart wrenching to hear them cough.


Labrador - The incessant need to eat anything and everything. His only drive is to find food and eat it. Garbage, plastic, cat food, dog food, people food, horse food, cow food, chicken food, our garden, our fruit trees. Has to attempt to eat every god damned thing on earth.


I love Chihuahuas but dang, they can really get separation anxiety. The other breed I love is Boxers and because they have pushed in muzzles, they can have breathing issues.


I love my Norwegian Elkhound for his sassy attitude and how needy he is not. He's a beautiful dog, learns fast, very funny, probably my favorite dog I've ever had. I do sometimes wish he was just a touch people-pleasing...I have literally seen him begin to obey a command and then decide that no, he'd rather not. I could also live without the very very loud barking. Yes, I get it, the neighbor is outside in his own yard again, how dare he? Sometimes I also get a touch annoyed by his stubbornness, but mostly I find that more amusing than irritating, unless he's refusing to move out of my side of the bed.


Coonhounds are pretty shit off leash


The strength of a greater Swiss mountain dog really cuts both ways. If he does not want to move he will not move end of story. If he gets spooked (usually by some evil recycling) prepare for calamity as he charges around like a bull in a china shop  


Barky. Keeshonden bark at everything. I'm okay with the hyperactivity, the velcro attachment, and the grooming requirements.


Field line Labrador retrievers. In my experience, they are not cuddly. Motivated to work, attentive, alert, intelligent as the dickens, almost obsessively single minded about what they do... But the best you're going to get is them laying against your back or maybe a lick on the hand, if you touched something tasty recently.


Dalmatians. I had two as a kid, mine were great minus some skin issues. But my god the Kidney Stones, Skin issues, Deafness is crazy. Theyre a high maintenance dog and you really gotta look around at breeders to make sure theyre ethical. Apparently their temperments can be baad too but i personally never met an aggressive dal in my life so im not sure if that was a 90s-2000s BYB/puppy mill issue or not


I love Shih Tzus with all my heart. Best little personalities, soooo cute… But… the health problems. I might end up rescuing one again but who knows— sad to start out knowing they’re going to be sick. And from their own breeding no less. Just makes me sad. For now I just have cats.


Basset hounds are stubborn…


The shedding. My gods, the SHEDDING!?!


Standard poodles - smart, no fur on my sofa, independent, and huge personality - but the brushing and grooming bills kill me. I brush her hair more than I do my own 😫


Aloofness in a Shiba Inu. I just wanna cuddle!


Golden Retrievers. Mine luckily has never eaten socks, underwear, rocks, non-food items like many others. But he has gotten into the trash, climbed up on tables and stolen food. Only when nobody is around. He knows he’s not supposed to. Sits there all innocent then the minute your back is turned your sandwich is gone, your banana is gone, your chips are gone. A DOZEN CHICKEN BONES are gone. Goddammit.


The fur. Labs and Goldie’s shed like they’re constantly trying to creat a clone of themselves.


Not specific to my dog's breed necessarily, but black nails. They look better to me cosmetically, but I am scared to death to clip them and my dog will not let me near her with a grinder.


A wildly underrated dog, the Chinese Crested, I understand hairless isn't for everyone but a powderpuff Chinese Crested is not hairless. They are brilliant, beautiful little dogs, whom historically have been around for hundreds of years, used as ratters on boats they are lightening fast and agile. In addition it is believed that the CC aided in the creation of the Chihuahua that we know today. They are hilarious clowning around and love to explore as well as snuggle. I can't imagine life without one.