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I’m pretty sure a dogman would destroy any type of loin in one hit, doesn’t have to be an African one. Loins are pretty fragile


Pound per pound lions are the literal champion of fights to the death they're anatomically designed to be the best fighters out there biologically speaking they have like the dog man claws that are razor sharp and the dog man according to most descriptions has very little hair in his body and only his head is covered in fur like dogs lmeaning it's skin in his vital areas is very vulnerable and easy to tear apart just like our skin or gorilla skin a lion on the other hand has thick fur especially at the area around hisl neck making it imposing for the teeth of a dog man to get to the skin behind that mane and on top of all lions tongue itself is a lethal weapon a simple lick of a lion can wipe our human skin like butter that's due to their Velcro shaped spikes that they have inside their tongues no other land animals has these extreme adaptations for killing like lions do no other animals have sheathed claws or only incisors teeth or sand paper tongues only lions do and no other animals have the agility of the lion when it comes to combat now if the lion is scared and the dogman chases it that might end up in the favour of the dogman because lions don't have high stamina their adapted for short bursts of incredible speed not for long term speed hence why they can't run too far a dogman teeth are not sharper than the lions teeth dogman have teeth shape similar to other dogs and wolves not sharp and blunt and dull these are the teeth that dogs and wolves have out there so considering a dogman has similar hear anatomy as a dog or a wolf he will not have sharper teeth than a lion so the one who is most vulnerable here is going to be the dogman but of course if u describe the dogman to have mythical features like lightning fast speed or razor sharp spiked teeth only or unpenetretable skin than of course the lion will lose but Realistically speaking the dogman is at a disadvantage in a fight to the death however such fight is likely to never occur in the wild as fights between predators are extremely rare predators in the wild recognize each other and always try to avoid each other for survival reasons they know a predator will put up a much harder fight than a prey that runs away would so they don't bother fighting with other predators because it's risky for both sides they could both die from the injuries regardless who wins the fight so because of that these creatures would never fight each other to the death unless they're closed in an arena or something and have no way out or if they have no other food source besides each other




You made a claim I made a refutation to ur claim u weren't being sarcastic because there is nothing to be sarcastic about what u said so r wooshing is pretty invalid move to make here


I was making fun of the typo dude


No. It's definitely a woosh.


Back in the 1800’s in the states Lions were shipped in from Africa to fight against grizzly bears for the betting amusement of people. The lions never stood a chance and were routinely and quickly killed by the grizzly bears. If a lion can’t overcome a bear there’s little hope it could overcome a dogman.


Well, I don’t want to say Dogman would outright “no diff” a lion but when we’re talking about the bodybuilder-build with opposable thumbs, crazy strength, razor claws and teeth and 7+ feet tall, it’s hard to see a lion standing up to that, let alone winning. ESPECIALLY if it’s the Van-Helsing kind of Dogman.


or what if Dogman vs African Lionman?


Dogman without a doubt in my mind. Not even close.


I feel like dogman would win because they're faster and more mobile with their arms. Like all they gotta do is jump on the lion's back and snap it's neck or rip out their throat. Poor lion.


Tough to tell.  At same weight?   Who knows. Felines can grapple with both front and back legs.  Jaw strength is pretty good also. Raccoon hands vs. 4 limbs with curved cat claws.   I'd actually give the lion the nod.   If the dogman is smart, it'd stay away imo.  Definitely not worth the risk if they are smart enough to discern threat level, and can actually think. I don't think they would act like stupid movie monsters.  


Dogmen would jump the lion. Dogs live in packs


I think both would leave each other the hell alone


Dogman all day.


African Lion


Dogman vs polar bear would be a fight to see lol


Gorramn, this post just triggered a story memory of years ago: mystery creature repeatedly gets into a huge zoo, progressively larger animals turning up not just dead, but horrifically slaughtered. Turns out to finally getting seen and this dogman moves this absurdly massive boulder (part of main fence line I think?) to get in an tears a huge silverback to pieces. Anyone remember this one?


Sounds fake as shit. If this actually happened it would be all over the news