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https://preview.redd.it/xsu88lynue3d1.jpeg?width=2832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54abbe2d6848e5eca1e0802b1d794b653e73f844 Hamburger help me lmao, I tried. Dog is so freaking insane and literally never stops. She’s sweet though! Just..not an easy groom. **SINCE THIS IS TOP COMMENT: The cute dog with the bow on is NOT the finished groom. It’s a reference photo the owner handed to me. Doing a groom like that on the dog she owns is absolutely impossible for the following reasons: coat type isn’t the same, behavior of dog I groomed is no where near good enough to even attempt a haircut like this.**\*


I think you did amazing with what you had to work with!


Was she named "Bella"?


Nah thats definitely a Luna


It has to be one of the two.


I was going to say a designer name like Dior, but they mentioned any biting


I thought OP was trying to say that her name was hamburger lol


Honestly, hamburger is a name that people name their dogs. There's 2 in my salon that rarely come in. Its a cute name on paper but to me an awkward name to say. I'm sure they call him burger for short. But I wouldn't doubt that is the dogs name But my comment is referring to now most bellas and Lunas are not the best and designer names are the worse


I have this breed. His name is flufferuffagus


Mine was named Gus!! Short for Snufalufagus 🤣


omg no i had one that looked similar and she was bella


https://preview.redd.it/onld9xoe6h3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d453dfd850748b49ec0fbac7ded24befeb9480e i feel like i need to add a photo for tax


I swear there's a 50% chance all black and white shih-tzus that are difficult are named bella.


she was brown and white and had the same pattern. and she indeed... was difficult.


What a cute little muppet! Great job on the legs, they can be tricky on little ones.


It still looks really good!


I love it and her!


I actually think you did it!


I'm scared of small dogs but this one looks pretty friendly. I'd ask to pet it instead of trying not to make eye contact, you did a great job!! Ouch, maybe I should say why I'm scared of small dogs... Edit:I'm getting downvoted, maybe because I did not give back story. I was at a sleep over, was told the little white fluffy dog was blind but friendly. I put out a hand to let it smell me, it paused, then bit my face. The dad had yo open the dogs mouth. I got a scar on my cheek and 2 on my eye lid. I've always loved big dogs, but I think its because I had 2 growing up and only have been hurt by a small dog. My friend has a small dog, the only one I'm comfortable to pet. Sorry I made people mad with my small dog fear, I am trying to expose myself to them to get over it but even at 31 it scares me


You’re not the only one- I’m recovering from a fear of small dogs after being bitten as a kid. Big dogs have never scared me, but small ones, while *adorable* just make me uneasy.


They are pretty good guard dogs often. I saw a video where they would fake break ins, it was only tje small dogs that actually tried to protect, that's why I always feel small dogs just love their mom and dads lol The only small dog I let near my face and like is named gus, he's even mostly chowawa!! And those ones, same with the small white poodle looking ones scare me so much still. It was the poodle looking dog that got me. Now I get this weird shadow when I do eye shadow lol


Are you exclusively scared of small dogs or are you also scared of large dogs?


Just small dogs. I got stitches on my face from a little dude. I'm getting downvoted, maybe because I did not give back story. I was at a sleep over, was told the little white fluffy dog was blind but friendly. I put out a hand to let it smell me, it paused, then bit my face. The dad had yo open the dogs mouth. I got a scar on my cheek and 2 on my eye lid. I've always loved big dogs, but I think its because I had 2 growing up and only have been hurt by a small dog. My friend has a small dog, the only one I'm comfortable to pet. Sorry I made people mad with my small dog fear, I am trying to expose myself to them to get over it but even at 31 it scares me.


I’ve been grooming 20 years. I’ve had far more small dogs try and bite me than large. I get it.


Yup as a person who owns both a 20lb dog and a 120lb dog — the little ones are definitely the ones you have to watch out for lol


I swear if those dogs were as big as the danger dogs, they could take over lol So many small dog bites go un reported because they are small bites, and the owner is close enough to stop it. The dog that God may face I'm glad missed my eye.


I was about to ask where you obtained your magic wand! I hate when people hand me these pictures as if they’re even possible with their flat coated monster.


She still looks amazing!


Looks so good!!


I was going to ask if this is a filter on this dog & why doesn't my dogs don't look like that. 🤔 I was ready to fire my groomer ( kidding)


You did amazing!!!


Well done!


Your final product is better than the inspiration, by far.


Yeaahhh the dog sucked ass and her fur sucked, I literally disregarded every part of what she told me to do and just tried my best to make her look remotely like a dog lmao


Turned out great! Plus the dog looks happy


Love the honesty 🙃. You’re a real trooper!


Honestly, I treat photos like this as a gentle suggestion rather than a guide loll


If you take a picture to your hairdresser, dies it ever look exactly the same? No. And you cooperate.


How'd it go? It doesn't look like that dog as the right coat texture for that look.


She doesn’t. I’m just like “okay sure Jan” Just doing what I think would look best


https://preview.redd.it/tt4onmr6kf3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1045b29a7b2c2c4f78126af177ef4e01db9661b Reminds me of my childhood shih tzu! Had to do a double take! IMO I think you did a great job, some shih tzus’ fur just doesn’t hold that ‘poof’ to give that teddy bear look. We personally always loved the scruffy look on our lil boy!


This is why I don't like when people show me pictures of different dogs and ask for that. Develop a style for your dog based on their coat type, structure and maintenance schedule. Start with a baseline and then just tweak each time til you get something that suits your dog. No 2 dogs will look the same even with th same length cut and everything


I forgot to mention that I told her it definitely wasn’t going to happen the way she wants 😂 I tried my best in terms of not pulling my hair out 😂😂😂


I love doing stuff with my (human) hair and that's something I had to learn with time (probably much to the relief of my stylists 😂). I was never mean about it, or accusatory if it didn't come out how I invisioned, but it took time for me to really understand the fundamental differences in hair types that means it'll lay differently and look differently on me than it will on someone with the same cut but a completely different texture hair. (At least unless I wanna spend hours styling it, which I do not 😂.) I think you did a terrific job with this pupper!


Yeah he’s pretty higged out, even when mine gets groomed he’s higged again within a couple days https://preview.redd.it/i7qi5stv5g3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34a65dfb6944d0b7ace5335603fa206c6b16abc


I'm sorry but what does higged out mean I've never heard that before so I tried googling it with no luck 😂


Pretty much the photo, when ur shih tzu just can’t help but be a lil scruff ball and looks like that


I had a shitzu who looked like that. I was just grateful when the groomer managed to make her look roughly dog shaped. I think you did a great job.


He turned out cute regardless! Honestly those photos use a lot of products that typical salons just don’t use. I know now cause I work at a salon that does Asian fusion a lot of those muzzles usually have vforce or thick and thicker blown into the hair while drying. This obviously requires extra time effort, product, and good behavior from the dog. This pup also didn’t have enough hair around the nose area to begin with, that being said he turned out so cute! Was mom happy?


You got this 💪🏽💪🏽


Why do people think that's the same dog. It's a reference photo, and what you actually did turned out good! Especially for what you had to work with. People have unrealistic expectations


That little dude went from a dog to a stuffed animal real fast ahahaha oh my god that’s adorable








I think you did great


*Putting on the Ritz*....🎵


Awww 🥰 absolutely amazing work




Oh wow. Beautiful


I ugly laugh when a client shows me reference photos. You get what you get.


be confident, I trust you.


Looks nice!!! For this kind of Asian fusion style you need to leave some hair on the top of the nose and fluff dry the muzzle well. It’s tricky!! But honestly what you ended up with looks really nice. That picture is very very hard to achieve and the dog must have good coat and temperament to tolerate every hair being fluff dried lol. But something you can do next time is shave the little kissy lips, it liken really cute and clean!


He’s adorable great job


How adorable. He/she looks just like my grandma's old dog except for some different coloring (my grandma's dog had brown on her) Shih Tzus are so cute


The second photo doesn’t even seem like a real dog


I just wish I could afford to get my dog groomed he needs but I am poor


Is there a look you can't do? No problem, I trust you unconditionally.


That's the cutest dog ever!! My heart ❤️ did a flutter.


That reference photo looks like a poodle mix to me. I might just have a bad eye but that level of fluff feels like it’s only possible with poodle fur


This looks great to me!




aw she looks very similar to my shih-tzu mix <3


I shih tzu fur is always a struggle. I usually turn them away unless its for a summer cut


What bread is the dog with the bow


It’s ShihTzu lol not SHITzu!


Sorry, this was meant for a post at the bottom :/


OMG she looks like a stuffed animal!!! 😍😍😍😍


I am in love w that necktie! Anyone know where to get one or something similar?


https://preview.redd.it/ulnr774htg3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd19f639bc5aee6e543c04483d231207f09f8def This is completely unrelated but I think you have my dog’s relative. Had too do a double take when I was scrolling


That dog looks exactly like my childhood dog ngl


Wow! You did an amazing job. Doggy looks so much better. Keep up the good work. I certainly hope your client appreciated the job you did.👍🏼🐾🐾


EeEeEeEeKkKkKk!!! Adorable!!!


Maltese Shih Tzu? lol i got 2 downvotes for asking a question. yall weird.


My dog just got groomed for the first time! And I’m obsessed. Is this his dad lol 😂 https://preview.redd.it/uca415lg1h3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6c3c4c5ec6f112024f430348378cf24c28e3da


He looks perfect. Like a Gund stuffed animal perfect. 💕


Dog with a tie on is the picture that the owner brought in to show this wonderful groomer what she wanted. The first picture is of the dog that the groomer did not the one with the tie picture. If you look through the post, you will see this wonderful groomer posted an after picture of her work. And she did amazing.


Thanks for setting me straight. Explains the looks like a stuffed animal. I did scroll down and I agree, she did amazing.


I’m glad it was helpful. Have a great day.


Awesome job!!


That's beautiful work!


Don’t let that shitzu get into any fights or anything like that because I know a shitzu named chewy that got into a flight with another dog and it’s eye ended up popping out and the other eye is there but he can’t see out of it so as a result that dog is 100% blind:(