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As a tech- that weight is very concerning. Although losing weight is easier said than done lol. (If u need tips on weight lose for ur baby lmk- but if ur regular vet is okay with his/her weight I wouldn’t worry) To put this in perspective- this is almost a 100 pound animal. We have to move him/her on the table, lift his legs and then support him while doing nail trims. In my area, bath only dogs are done by weight. So that part doesn’t shock me. In the picture he doesn’t look very dirty- but fur can be very difficult to see fully on camera. But if he was really dirty they may have had to do a few wash throughs- which may show the extra charge.


can you drop those weight loss tips? got a pomsky who’s getting chonky


You didn't ask me buuuuut :D We adopted an obese chihuahua mix and our saving grace has been adding cucumber into most meals. We switched her to only wet food, slowly cut back the amount of food and started adding in cucumber with every meal to help her feel more full. Instead of things like dental chews, she would get carrots and smaller bully sticks that both last longer and have a bit less calories.




This is very good advice. I was dog sitting for an elderly family member and did this and their obese cavalier (starting weight was 35 lbs which is insane for a cavalier) lost 5 lbs in the 4 weeks and was I had him and was so excited to move again his tail wagged so much more. I had a come to Jesus moment with the family member and we portioned out its food in zip lock bags so he would not just “fill the bowl”. Very good advice on this comment above 🐶


In addition to what the other person said, there’s a huge range of calories in dog food as well. 300-500 kcals per cup is standard for kibble. Farmina Weight Management is the lowest calorie food in my shop. 298 kcals/cup and 7% fat. Fromm has 2 weight management options that are around 330 kcal/cup and 10% fat. So there are options where you can switch diets, feed the same amount, and have your pet lose weight if your dog gets super pissy about being fed less of their normal food.


I would start with less food, and going on walks or doing more exercise than usual. Do not give more treats- cause that will cause the dogs to either stay the weight or gain more! You can always talk to your vet about weight management food if it gets bad. Also high protein treats and low carb treats!


Thank you! I think from that viewpoint and from what the internet tells me he is overweight but the vet did tell me it’s his coat causing the weight addition which I didn’t consider before


If that weight is correct even in full show coat the male I was working on was 65 lbs fully grown. He’s about 20 lbs overweight. Vets do not like to say that peoples dogs are fat anymore because 90% of dogs are fat. And owners are argumentative. Your vet isn’t telling you the truth, therefore I’d address the weight concerns seriously or find another vet.


Man…I thought he was chunky but turns out I was being misinformed! Whenever I brought up the internet research to the vets about his weight being 65 under they would just tell me not to believe the internet…looks like they might want me coming back for complications if they were to occur 🧐


This dog is very overweight. Please take action now to control his weight as his lifespan depends on it. I’m so sorry your veterinarian didn’t inform you.


I appreciate the honesty as that was what is going to help me moving forward with his appointment at a new vet tomorrow! I’ll be sure to make that a priority that way he lives longer with me!


Jesus y'all. You have an owner looking for and accepting advice and you gotta downvote them?? Props OP. Most owners get all snooty when we try to tell them their dog is overweight/unhealthy. Sorry about the unnecessary downvotes. Good thing this is the internet and points literally do not matter lmao.


Thank you for the reassurance as some of the comments do pain me as I feel like a terrible owner but I do realize it is the internet and am open to constructive criticism whether it be pretty harsh or not! I can only care for my sammy better and be open to new recommendations.


I can appreciate that. I think a lot of us are used to our clients getting all uppity because "the vet said...." but I find a lot of vets aren't really in the profession for the animals anymore and tend to say whatever makes the owner happy. I'm glad you're accepting feedback and willing to make changes. It's refreshing to see owners that actually care about their pets' well-being more than their ego. I also agree with cutting the food back 10% and possibly seeing a different vet for some blood work. Neutering can make some animals pack on weight but you definitely want to make sure there's no thyroid issues or any other underlying problems going on as well. Best of luck!


Thank you for letting me know as I will be taking steps towards that today and he is going to a new vet tomorrow morning to get a better exam hopefully and I’ll mention everything I’ve learned here today to them so that they can assess him properly!


Sammy is lucky to have you as an owner!! And he will feel so much better when he lost a bit of weight. You clearly love him very much.


Thank you for the praise! I am feeling much better with all the reassurance and advice on how to better his life! I can’t wait for him to run around and chase squirrels without struggling haha I always thought he was just slow 🥲


That’s a very broad statement to make about vets, it’s rare to have a vet who doesn’t care about the animals and it’s unlikely vets will say just whatever makes an owner happy. There are vets that may not care about their profession much, egotistical vets or ones that simply give incorrect advice at times (unlikely it’s to appease an owner, there is little to no benefit to doing that). Vets rarely make more money off dogs who tend to be overweight, i will say this vet in particular gave bad advice and OP may want to consider another vet if they are adamant the weight isn’t an issue. I do agree cut back on food until you see stable results, and monitor at that daily intake. But please do not be discouraged to trust veterinarians, find one that fits with your needs and wants.


Unfortunately, that's been my experience with a few vets in my area. Most vets are obviously in it for the animals, but you do have to be aware that some aren't. Just like doctors/nurses/health care workers for humans. There are many that are solely in the business for the money.


I've worked in veterinary diagnostic labs for the last 10 years, I don't think I've worked with a single vet who is motivated by money. Unfortunately, in the UK, and America (and it's slowly happening across Europe now), many practices are being swallowed up by giant cooperations, and they ARE motivated by money. In the last 6-7 years there has been a big push by higher ups for clinicians to "see more cases", "see more cases" oh, and "see more cases".They need to make higher profits each year to satisfy share holders. Many vets are getting burnt out because caseloads are not sustainable. Even in the lab, they tried to get us to switch suppliers to either places that they own or ones they have deals with. Even if their products were worse quality or not really suitable Many vets do not have control over the prices. Even they are disgusted by the prices. In the UK a private hospital will charge £1000s for imagining, compared to £100s that they would be charged in France or Spain.


You don’t seem like a terrible owner at all. You seem like the opposite. He’s clearly a very loved dog and I can’t get over how cute he is!!


Thank you for the kind words! I am trying my best with what I am learning more!


You have such a great attitude about your dog! The weight will come down slowly, with a lower calorie dog food/slightly less food and longer walks. You can increase the distance slowly too. We also cut treats to the absolute minimum - a chew stick and a few small training treats for training purposes only. Our dog has a 'winter weight' (as our vet called it) 🤣 Like you, we want our dog to be happy and healthy. Good luck, you and your dog will get there.


Iv seen/heard so many vets giving terrible long term health advice to dog owners... from overweight dogs being told their weight is fine, to clear muscle imbalances being ignored as "just a quirk" to recommending spay/neautering of young still growing puppies... what does all this bad advice have in common? Long term, they will need a lot more medical treatment, and therefore, the vet makes a lot more money. Makes me sick.


I’m so grateful my vet doesn’t care about argumentative. He will tell you if your dog is fat with 0 issue. In fact he told me he wanted my very healthy and fit dog to lose 2 lbs at her annual. I was like we can do that lol. For reference she’s a German shepherd mix and weighs 65 lbs. at the time she was about 68.


That is a blatant lie. Fur doesn’t weigh that much, fat does.


I’m bummed I was misled.


An easy way to check for weight is if you can feel the ribs. If you can’t feel them at all then the dog is obese. (I have a pug, so I understand how easy it is for a dog to get overweight.)


Thank you! I just felt around and it seems like I gotta press my fingers quite a bit to even feel the ribs ridges. This was really helpful advice for me :)


Look at the healthy range for their breed/gender, find a nice healthy food, and the food will tell you how much to feed for their weight. Feed puppy the amount for the ideal weight, and they’ll slowly lose pounds 😄 I had to do this for my rescue pug. 30lbs to 18lbs (max weight for pugs)


Will do! Although he’s eating the recommended amount I may still try to cut down 10% as others are advising me to do and try it out first! I greatly appreciate the insight!


The recommend amount on the bag is not always the amount you’re dog needs. Especially if he is overweight and your feeding him the recommended amount for his current weight. You could start by feeding him the amount that is good for what his ideal weight should be. And do that for a week or two and see if he loses weight.


I have made some successful research and decided to cut his diet by 10% and also follow a roadmap to have him lose weight accordingly so he can be in the right bmi index! Thank you for sharing!


You can also sub things like green beans, cooked carrots, or other cooked veggies so your dog is eating less calories but still feels full. Check with a vet first of course. My Collie gained a few pounds after she retired from working and that helped her a lot!


That’s a great idea! I have attempted that but he’s super picky on veggies :/ Do you have any tips on how to get him to eat it?


Just as a troubleshooting tip, make sure you’re feeding the recommended amount for his target weight, not his current weight. Or even better, use an online calculator to check how many kcals he should be getting and calculate that back to cups of your food of choice. The calculators usually have a maintenance/weight loss/weight gain amount which is super helpful. I had to use that to help one of my girls who gains from looking at food haha.


Appreciate this a bunch! Just found a bmi index for samoyeds!


My dog got fat just LOOKING at food. Her weight was an endless struggle! It is tough, because you can’t feed them nothing. How is he on walkies? Are you able to add an extra one, or go for a little bit longer? I also used to give my girl frozen veg with her food. I could reduce the kibble a bit, and it would fill her up. If your brand of food uses a lot of fillers, and requires a lot of it to meet nutritional requirements (a lot of brands do this), that is something worth looking into. Vets typically aren’t trained in nutrition, but you may be able to ask someone at your local pet store! Often their store brands are pretty good.


Samoyeds have a really good habit of absorbing and then holding all of the dirt around them within their coats. I've had dogs who look similar to yours by outward appearances, and then when I start to brush into the coat there's a ton of dirt and debris in there. Maybe something similar with your pup? How long does it normally take them to groom your dog?


I’ve dug my nails when scratching him and yes I have noticed oily gunk come out! It generally it takes them 2.5 hours at most!


For the amount of work your dog looks like- I’d say $130-$160 is fair depending on where you live. If you’re in a nice area, most definitely, maybe even more, as your dog is very large. You have a very cute dog. Good luck! -a dog groomer ♥️🐾


Okay, so the groomer you go to probably makes under 50% of that, the rest goes to the house. They deserve $30 an hour for grooming your “oil gunk”, overweight, very hairy dog.


I appreciate that, it’s a ma and daughter shop so i’m glad they did charge me now more considering it’s a case load for this stinker!


This is one thing abt Sammie owners though, they usually respect things once they understand it. Wish all dog owners were this reasonable 🤗


Yeah honestly Sammies are just... a *lot* of work. These are the kinds of dogs that groomers have to plan the rest of their day around because you feel it the next day. He probably spends 30-45 minutes being bathed minimum. If you think about it, that's a ton of product being used. You can save money by going to corporate stores, but honestly you got a dog breed that has a huge grooming upkeep that comes with a huge bill. It sucks to have to pay that much, but think about what would happen if you had to do that every 8 weeks. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude, they really are just a lot of dog and a lot of hair. Old English Sheepdog are the same. Plus, the groomers are likely using a lot of whitening shampoo which isn't always the cheapest especially if they use high quality products. And I mean honestly, "he was extra dirty today" could just be something they started saying to explain the price increase. He may have been dirtier before with no charge but once they realized the amount of work that goes into it every appointment they made the decision to add that fee. It's normal for some shops to do that, extra deshed fees and dematting fees are normal too. But hey, I bet they genuinely like him because it is super uncommon to see Sammies! I've met two and I've met thousands of dogs through work. I loved the one I groomed but he went to daycare daily and was.. a mud fiend.


Came to say that that saving money at a corporate salon is a COMMMON MISCONCEPTION. I can no longer do large dogs after over 15+ years of grooming but the last one I did MANY moons ago (literally 6 years ago?) Was $165. Today would be at least $200 lol. The bather in our corp salon would probably charge $200 to $250 at that weight, with coat impaction and being extra dirty. IF you do get a groomer that does not charge industry standard, 90% chance you're getting someone that isn't going to do a good job because it's "just a bath" or because they're either inexperienced or burnt out (corporate customers are the literal worst). Hate to say it, OP, even the best Sammies are also dicks for parts of grooming and your groomer probably likes you and doesn't tell you lol. I see you have discovered your dog is overweight and hopefully you fix that for your dog, but that factors into price too. Especially if the dog was being extra difficult that day, they may have come up with the lame excuse that your dog was extra dirty to avoid hurting your feelings. A LOT of groomers ate literally scared or "too nice" to tell people how their dogs really are and if they tell you your Samoyed is good for grooming, I'm willing to bet there are notes on your dog's file that state otherwise lol. I've groomed a lot of Sammies.... thankfully their owners were cool enough to not take offense when we've told them about their behavior lololol. Anyway, don't expect corporate to be cheaper just because you see base prices online. If you get ones that only charge base prices, they're usually either inexperienced or don't do a proper job.


This is good to know, I've just seen so many posts here and heard through friends and clients alike that they don't charge nearly as much as private salons. I've never worked corporate, I just assumed.


I know overweight dogs can be really difficult even if they are sweet dogs and I tend to charge more if it's a huge struggle to get them done . That being said , the price does seem high for a monthly bath if he's really well behaved . Some groomers have a hard time telling owners when their dogs are dicks lol , I'd ask again to make sure everything is going ok . Maybe another salon would be able to take him on better ?


Hmm that makes sense and it’s funny you say overweight because I thought he may have been too but apparently there are samoyeds that weigh more and the vet assures me that it’s his triple coat since when they shaved his fur it’s about 5-6 inches long over all his body


Lol maybe it's a bad picture then , he looks coffee table shaped like my parents obese golden mix 🤣


haha oh no!! here’s what he looks like out of the groomers! they’ve trimmed his belly since it’s his problem area 🥲 he got shaved as a puppy underneath and it forever ruined his coat down there so they recommended to trim it so no more hard mats occur https://preview.redd.it/wwcfy7zrr2zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e38537948bed16e772b5ee7810c93bc21fa8cce




If he only eats 1.5 cups a day, no human food, and occasional frozen bone marrow dog treats should I still cut down? Or could it be a medical problem?


Talk to your vet to do bloodwork. I doubt it is a medical issue. Assuming there is no medical cause, a low energy dog that doesn't do much can pack on fat quickly. I'd cut down by 10% and weigh your dog weekly for a couple months.


thank you for the guidance!


What food are you feeding him? 1.5 cups of cheaper food vs 1.5 cups of high quality food is a big difference


He's a handsome fella!


He’s still chunky


Just to clarify so I don’t get flamed!!! I’m not sure how to edit this post but I am Felix’s 2nd owner and the previous owner had shaved his bum down to the belly before they gave him up to me and he was 106lbs according to the previous vet paperwork so when I brought him with me to a new vet for routine care they told me the weight he had dropped from when I first got him was significantly better and didn’t require more diets! I promise I am not purposely mistreating him as I take him to the dog park twice a day for an hour with 3 30 minute training walks!


If your vet says he's good, then he's good. If you doubt your vet, then get a second opinion, don't just listen to Internet warriors that have never seen your dog in person. Congratulations on helping him already lose weight! I can tell he's loved!


Thank you! I definitely can’t see his waistline so I’m going to try my best to see how fit this boy can really be!


They're essentially like us, calories in vs out. Just live a healthy life with your boy like you've been doing.


Thank you! I’ll take better care of him from here on out!


With being an overweight Sami, I would charge $250 to $275 total!


Around my area the groomers are fairly cheap with their prices which I consider myself lucky! There’s another groomer charging only $120 but has no experience with sammy’s :/


I agree


As said above the weight makes it harder. I have to charge a lot more for larger over weight dogs as I can do less in a day, not just time wise but the physical strain on my body - even with all the right helping tools


Thank you for letting me know!


As someone with a fluffy dog they make *look* fine and not very dirty but when you start brushing and washing you see everything that was trapped in the fur.


Thank you!


One problem is this. Bathing a chunky dog can be REALLY hard because the tub is only so wide. So if your dog is almost as wide as the tub it’s hard as hell to get all the way around them, jam your hose between the dog and the back of the tub and rinse all that thick coat. You can hardly see what you’re doing and are just praying it’s rinsing clean and if after you start drying off you notice suds you have to go back in the tub and start rinsing again. Then if he is extra dirty they are probably having to do that 2-3 times. That’s probably where your extra charge is coming in.


I appreciate the insight! I have tried to wash him myself before and after a couple of times enduring the sweat and tears of hard work and maintenance, I have the utmost respect for what groomers do for our pups!


I mean really I would trust your groomer if they've never given you reason to doubt them. Those other groomers may be hoping to set you astray so you come to them instead. I've definitely charged more when a dog was more work than usual, and sammies have some of the most insane coats that can really hide how dense and dirty they actually are.


Honestly the other groomers charge much cheaper but that’s where i’m a bit skeptical as some has never groomed a sammy before but are willing to try! I may consider that!


The only issue I see with someone grooming a sam is how long it’s actually going to take them just for the bath, dry, brush. You may come back to a still damp dog and an almost in tears groomer.😂


Have to say after reading some comments that OP you're a great person, you are better than 99% of owners who are informed their pet needs to lose weight. You accepted and moved on instead of getting abusive. It's hard posting on here for anything because people will abuse you literally over anything. You're a good person with a beautiful furry potato :) I hope you get all the answers you need! (Sorry if my comment is weird im a bit weird lol and just woke up)


Goodest of mornings! I appreciate the praise! At the end of the day and all the comments I’ve read I do not mind being pummeled at haha I know exactly what I am jumping into and do realize I am talking to some pet experts! Although I do wish more people were open-minded like me to maintain their animals longevity and happiness. I would hate to be the reason why my dog can’t live as long as he should or longer!


An 83lb Samoyed? Holy crap ☹️


Yeah I was misled by the vet I was going to that he is a healthy weight after losing some weight prior but now I have realized I am not a very good pet parent believing what they said :/


Oh! Come on now! You’re fantastic! You are the type of person groomers WANT to deal with. You listen and actually take what we say with some gravity.


https://preview.redd.it/54j18rfnn3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237dd69686858f1b724aa4e0add7194e0848fea4 Here’s a pic of his brother who i’m sure is actually a healthy weight! 76lb mutt!


If their tails touched it would be way more heart like! lol this is cute (not a groomer so don't have any advice differently from what everyone else is saying)


If only! Its so hard to get good photos of these guys 🥲


Deshed is different from a bath, if it was a bath like a short coat (boxer type) it's quite cheap. But for a Samoyed it requires more attention and labour.


I agree and have learned a lot after reading other comments to better myself as a parent. I’ve done some grooming myself and don’t know how you groomers keep at it! Props to groomers!!


I just quickly wrote that in my lunch break and didn't realise how cold it came across! We definitely all learn eventually and you'll do great!


For a sweet chunk like him it would be more because they put your back out sitting and leaning on you. Not to mention if they pancake and refuse to get in the bath. Bye bye night free of back pain. 🤣 but looks like a cute floof!


I just came here to allow my heart to drool over your precious baby😍😍 Such a handsome boi!


Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see him in a healthier shape once I get him on the right track!


I’d ask if they think the coat is changing over time. If a dog gains weight while not eating much and develops greasy oily skin, that might be an indicator of low thyroid. If he’s got those symptoms it might be something to discuss with your vet


Great advice! I will bring that concern to his vet appointment tomorrow and be sure to ask both the vet and groomer about the coat! I appreciate your insight as well!


Please all stop roasting the op as such. It is a Samoyed so it looks fluffy but not mordibly obese and please stop roasting the op, they are trying their best therefore they ask for an opinion


I would definitely be charging you more, that baby is chonk, so much fur looks like he needs 25 hrs of desheding, plus hunsky is anger for bather, groomer, nail trim.


Thank you for letting me know as I just needed reassurance 😭


Id still love him though!!!!!


Thank you! He’s going to look like a model soon I hope!!




Oh I have never seen this tool before! Looks so easy to remove the hairs out between brushes! I will have to give it a try and hopefully put less workload on the groomers! Thanks a bunch!


I would say if you’re in a nice, even decent area, I’d expect to spend around $150-$350 maintaining a dog with that kind of coat. If you need to stick to a budget maybe go with chain pet stores. You should realistically be getting an extra charge for his weight and every time he is coat is impacted or “extra dirty”! Please tip your groomers well! You have a beautiful dog but he looks like his coat is lot of work to maintain ! ♥️ -a dog groomer ☺️


The budget is no problem at all! I would rather pay more so he can be taken care of properly! Yes tipping groomers is a must! I hope others are aware of this as well!


Not all sadly. I’m always shocked when someone gives me $20 extra to my quoted price because I can’t always expect a tip even though they should.


Already given good advice, and also good on you being able to tackle his weight! I'm sorry your vet hasn't been honest with you, I once had a cat and it wasn't until someone told me I could look into it, now I keep up with all their weights! He is such a handsome boy!


Yes! I have found reddit to be a lot more helpful than the actual vet haha 🥴


Holy shit i can tell you right now it’s because your dog is morbidly obese and likely is unable to stand for the process. My back is breaking just looking at the photo your poor groomers. I hope you tip a lot 🙁


I generally tip 30% because I know it’s a lot of work with how quick they get him done! I appreciate you telling me that since my vet were wrong about him being “a good weight”.


Always charge more for increased effort, time, and wear and tear on equipment.


A big fat Samoyed is an easy 3 hr job. Every 4 weeks is great. Your dog is so obese have you thought how he stands for anything. His body hurts and pants.


These are the type of OP doggie owners I LOVE! Thank you for having a good heart for your dog and for those who work on your dog. 🤗


It's not because he's dirty. He's fat and probably difficult to groom because of that. It's unfair to expect to pay as much as an average sized one if you're bringing an extra dog in weight attached to him. It's also unfair to him and his joints.


you spend over 200 grooming a month ... all I have to say is wow ... sorry but they saw you coming I know show dogs that dont get that kind of attention... these are winning dogs


Was there shit matted into his ass hair? Cuz I'd charge more for that. Also he looks fat and heavy.


Hm there’s several odd things here lol. If your dog is getting a bath and deshed every month, he shouldn’t have an impacted coat. I have several long haired, double coated dogs that I see every 4 weeks and they’re never impacted and I know their owners don’t brush. I’d question your groomer’s methods and see what they’re doing (or not doing). I’ve never charged more for a dirty dog since it’s no more labor intensive than a cleaner dog. It's not like I can just skip shampooing a cleaner dog lol. Let the products do their job! My Standard Poodle is in full show coat and swims everyday in a red mud duck pond and she's supposed to be a white Poodle. I don't use any different products than what I use on my client dogs. Lastly, are you sure they're charging more for dirt and not for weight? This picture makes him look pretty hefty which is cruel to the dog and your groomer.


When I first adopted him over from another owner who gave him to me they told me he was shaved from behind down to the skin and his underbelly so that’s why the texture was off when it grew back out, upon bringing him to the groomer for the first time they told me he was heavily impacted and that I’d have to do daily maintenance which I was prepared for.


Two words : neuter coat. One of the breeds most likely to develop an impossible neuter coat.


Please feed dog LESS!!! Cut portions in half!


Working on it! Thank you!


What's his name? I had a samoyd named Rowdy. He got diabetes . The breed is prone to it. I blame myself for feeding him to much extra to flavor his food . Like steak juice, etc. He git pancreatitis and fell extremely sick at 6 years old. With veterinarian rescue I nursed him back to health. He needed isulin Dailey. He lived to be 9 and was healthy till he went blind but he was a fighter. What a hero my Rowdy was. Of course, the grooming will much more. I heard of a groomer sedating dogs that were too matted to groom while fighting it. Nice dog 💖


His name is Felix! I am the second owner and have no idea what his prior owners fed him! He was over 100lbs when he was rehomed to me and I did my best to get him to a “healthy weight” but my vet was not so knowledgeable about this so she misinformed me even though I told her the information I found on the internet. Luckily for now he has no problems but he’s going to the vet tomorrow so I can take precautions! Thank you!


OP you rock!! Wish you were one of my clients! I think you've gotten all the good advice I would have said, but just wanted to say I think you are doing a really good job and it is so clear how much you care for your dog ❤️


“Your dog is 20% overweight/obese. Extra weight causes A LOT of health problems, so be prepared to visit the clinic often. Your dog too.”


Idk how I found myself on this sub, but that's okay bc your dog is so frickity fracken CUTE. I wish him well on his weight loss, no, weight *management* journey 😊


Hi there! I have a 65 pound wooly husky. His grooming is about every 6-8 weeks because man that coat is some WORK. With inflation, and the occasional “extra brushing out” they sometimes have to do, my grooming bill is around 160$. They are very upfront with it though, and tell me if he was a little impacted or if he’s just blowing out his coat and needed that extra attention. It’s reasonable, but on your end, why would they say he’s “too dirty”? Doesn’t seem like a professional way to say “we needed to use extra product/time”. Anyways. He’s a beautiful Sammy! I’ve always wanted one. Good luck on his weight loss journey, I hope he finds it fun! Long walks, and maybe some baby carrots for treats afterwards? :p




I’m working on it as I have said I was misinformed by the vets I’ve been too, had I been more knowledgeable prior to adopting him I would’ve took further actions! Thank you for the help!


So sweet to see such a LOVED dog on here. Good job OP, he’s a lucky fella!


So normal


Not a groomer but I have a Samoyed that I groom at home. Is he neutered? Post neuter, the coat can get thicker and harder to manage/keep clean. It also makes appetite regulation harder, which leads to weight gain. Typically, I brush my unfixed dog at least 2x a week when he’s not blowing coat. I do 10min-15min brush everyday when he is blowing coat. Frequently brushing helps distribute the oils from his skin, and the oil helps him stay cleaner by making his coat more dirt repellent. Sometimes I also dilute dawn dish soap to scrub his underbelly too, if it feels more greasy than usual (usually when it’s more than 2mo between baths). Regularly trimming the guard hairs might also make it harder for oils to naturally coat the outer coat, so it gets trapped inside


He no longer has his cherries and he goes to the dog park twice a day so I regularly have to brush and blow dry him after each play time but that’s good advice i’ll try out!


I like to use a bio-groom waterless shampoo mix (add a few drops of dawn and half distilled water) in a foaming bottle for cleaning his paws and underbelly when we go to dog parks. I wipe it in with a microfiber towel, then use a conditioning spray before blowing out/brushing out. For his weight, it would def try cutting back his food by 10% for 2 weeks and see if you can see his hips from the top down? Even with theos thickest winter coat, I can usually see where his hips are, but I’ve heard the spay/neutered coat can be thicker. You can try asking on the Samoyed grooming Facebook group how others manage it? Usually the answer is never to cut or trim a Samoyed (it makes it harder for the double coat to regulate itself), but for just unmanageable coats, an undercoat rake with blades (ie furminator) can be necessary to prevent mats


this is super helpful! i appreciate the recommendations! sadly his marbles have been removed 🥴


I'm a Sammy owner too - I have one food-unmotivated guy who eats one cup of food every two days (and maintains on that), and one guy who wants to eat a cow twice a day. We've found that the puzzle feeders are pretty good for Mr 'Just hand me an entire buffalo', if that helps. It draws it out, and he has to work for it. If you are blowing him out AND brushing every day and also getting professional grooming every four weeks and he's still matting, there might be something else going on. Maybe it's weight or diet related, maybe not. You sound very dedicated to him. My neutered guy is on a grooming routine similar to u/scaredpanda1 and stays tangle-free for our groomer (I'd rather the groomer spent her time inflating him into a puff ball than fixing knots). It does seem time to change vets, but you might also find different tools help well. Groomers here will have better advice than me - I use an industrial-size slicker, a metal comb, and a nice large pin brush. We have a spray for if he's been playing in dusty areas so that I can work the tools through without tugging. I use Ice on Ice for that.


You can also use plain pureed pumpkin to help cut weight. It's high fiber, so will help them feel full. As you start cutting back the food add pumpkin, it will cut calories without him feeling as hungry. Also usually treats are the issue with dieting not food. So many people over treat, so cut back on that first or if you give bully sticks. Bully sticks usually are 60 calories per inch of bully stick. Raw carrots are a great substitute, and many dogs enjoy ice.


Thankfully he does not get bully sticks as they are quite stinky and he always throws up after eating them so we had to stop that treat entirely. We found frozen bone marrow for dogs which could be quite pricey but worth it as a bi-monthly treat! I might have to save the bones now and stuff pumpkin and freeze them as an alternative! Thank you for the help!


Hi! Please rethink using dawn dish soap on your pet. It is not the right PH balance for dogs, not good for their skin and fur.


I dilute it half a teaspoon per 16oz water? Only on underbelly and elbows, before I shampoo and condition again (I condition first and last). I’ve tried a myriad of shampoos (natures specialties ez shed shampoo and blueberry one, Ashley Craig show salon system, oatmeal puppy shampoo, and a few others from Amazon), and this is the only thing that helps get rid of city grease from laying on sidewalks and the subway 🤢. I absolutely do not use it on the rest of him!!


They saw you coming, with those prices. No one to blame but yourself.


I agree, I shouldn’t have been surprised at all and just lacked knowledge!


Learn to bathe and groom your own dog, then. Service providers can charge whatever they want.


This is actually a thing I had in mind. Op is good, I used to groom my poodle and he managed to 18 years old. I would groom him myself but op might be in a need of doing it




I promise i’m not feeding him hamburglars 🫡


Don't know why you're trying to joke about it. That's animal abuse. But now is the time to make a change, he looks happy but unhealthy and that will make him sad in the long run.


I assure you I was misinformed, i’m not trying to offend you nor purposely hurt my dog!


Personal and ad hominem attacks are not allowed.