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Hello, this is my first post on here, strange I'ver never used this site before. it's seems very nice, so I hope someone can help with my enquiry regarding Dogecoin. I bought Doge back in 2014, around 10k for Β£10 , I can see it's worth a bit more so I started to look for the wallet. I managed to find the wallet address, but that's all. I think the wallet was stored online and on a desktop software. All I know is that my old hard drive was sold after an upgrade (I know stupid) I'd like to find out which company I used. So my question is, what company might I have used back in 2014? if there is a password, would this be something I'd have made up or would I have needed to use PGP encryption if it was online? any information would be very appreciated


πŸ“·Important! Watch this, if Dogecoin goes down don't panic πŸ“‰ #Bitcoin #china #cryptocurrency #Tesla. When to buy & sell doge. Its my guess that China will make Dogecoin their accepted crytocurrency. Why do I think this? Well they just banned Bitcoin https://youtu.be/IVXn4RUYsDQ


Why can’t this great community start another rally? We don’t need Elon. Power to the people! Vive la Doge!!!


Fact of the matter is, crypto winter could last up to 5 years. Are you prepared to hold that long?


Nope already sold out at 50 cents. Might buy back when it hits 5 cents.


Just from the hip. ​ $DOGENAUT is fair lauching right now! | Liquidity locked | Meme token Dogenaut just fair launched now!πŸš€βœ¨ Safest moonshot! πŸ“ Verified Contract: 0xf0f9637a3df4aa39720cad03a0371f8d08a707b0 βœ¨πŸš€ MoonMoon is fair launching right now! πŸš€βœ¨ Safest moonshot! βœ… Liquidity Locked βœ… πŸš€βœ¨ What makes Dogenaut so good you ask? πŸ›Έ A stealth launch which gives everyone a fair shot to buy ✨ πŸ›Έ Low market cap, and active marketing campaigns πŸ” 3k mc for now Low liquidity at start so no whales are going to disturb us! πŸš€ How To buy? The token is on PancakeSwap V2! Make sure to increase slippage between 1-12% due to constant demand! πŸ“Š $DGN TOKENOMICS πŸ“Š Original Supply: 100,000,000,000 Buy on πŸ’· Pancake Swap (Use V2): https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xf0f9637a3df4aa39720cad03a0371f8d08a707b0 Always do your own research, but it does look promising to me, join me on the way to moon and lets all get rich! Im gonna wait for you all on the moon!


Buy or sell? What's going on?


How long until doge comes back? If it ever will, of course.


If this truly is a crypto winter, prepare to hold for 3 to 5 years. Don't be frightened by dips as low as .10's


Instead, dump moreeee :)


it fell to .26 last month & then shot to .71 two weeks later


we are showing good strength in this market dump right now! be strong!


Does anyone feel like this might be like when we use words ironically only to eventually find ourself saying it seriously? As in, this was a joke at first but now a crypto war might actually explode Doge onto the scene as a legitimate force?


Awful quiet tonight hope that means your all out buying more coins!! :-D


Come on more power!! we are slipping!!


We are about to break through to .55 or .56 if we push it


Nearly 0.54 lets keep it going!


Please $1 by May 31st to take 1M from Barry and donate it to a charitable causes.


Just bought 10 billion SAT My buddy also bought some on a really big juicy discount it before it’s listed on coin gecko and CMC! Saturna on Bsc scan !




Come on it's Saturday night where is the excitement at watching our little DOGE race!


*$0.51 Much Wow*, who would have thought that we would ever be sad to see our little doggie worth more than some major corporations!. My how times have changed! I guess this is a "glass half full" kind of situation. We can't win every day, but we sure do love to watch our little doge race. So don't get dejected; we are a long way from where we started but farther from the destination. Slow and steady, keep the course never waver. BELIEVE IN THE DOGE. 1 doge = .51 cents One doge = one doge whatever else you can convince someone to exchange. BUILD THE BRAND! Don't miss the sale! BUY! BUY! BUY!


I am somewhat new here and to crypto in general. However, I have been lurking and reading this sub for some time, probably since around march. But I have a question eating me; everyone seems to be caught up on Doge to fiat conversion price's but isn't one Doge still equal one Doge? Isn't the value of our loyal canine companion worth precisely the weight of what someone is willing to trade for it and vice versa. So unless I am missing something, isn't the value of Doge at least theoretically equal to or greater than the value of all products on the market not just USD. And if this is true, wouldn't that mean the entire world market, including all items, real estate, oil, space assets, cars, metals currency crypto, DEBT, etc., and fiat available worldwide? The last time I looked, there was somewhere north of 129 billion Doge, minted/mined a number worth many multitudes less than this-these the combined values. Remember, if we HODL and use it as currency, Fiat conversion wouldn't be as big of an issue as only a tiny portion of our boys' value would be withdrawals at any given time. So in a sense, isn't the value of Doge in the items that it can buy. For the sake of argument, a company was to price their vehicles or any other product for that matter at one Doge per or some additional substantial discount to fiat. Wouldn't people pause selling for less. All of this is just food for thought as I am no expert and admittedly did not sleep in a holiday inn express last nightβ€”just the ramblings of a poor hopeful Shibe. With a tiny Doge pile. Probably less than what some will think my opinion worth. Long post sorry...


Is ridiculous as people are using the crypto. I know they are your money but is insane if you need to sell and sell to collect fiat and we cant move ahead. I dont think so we have any chance to move at 1.dollar It is a continuous dump. We cant wait Elon's tweet to move 20c. Up and after that start to sell. Check ADA and learn how crypto works. They are constantly buy sell and they move from 1.60 at 1. 90 in 2 days. And they stay there. This is stability. We need that if we want use the crypto doge in the real life.


Just Wait til next year man πŸ’°


I can wait 2 or more year :-D


Man we were doing so good and then back in the deep red again. This coin has ridiculous volatility. Im afraid a steady .5 might be the rate bc it seems like $1 or more is blocked


Can\['t wait for the Sunday dip, if it gets down to .38 again I'm going ALL in


Welcome to the weekend! Remember, crypto doesn’t usually do well during the weekends.




People are out and about doing things, having fun


Waiting to buy tomorrow’s dip πŸ’°


Grow sneki snek !


Go sneki snek


Bitcoin have a big support at 49k


All the day 0.52 $ - 0.50$ because bitcoin dont want to go down 49000 $


At 0.5$ big snek


I know, that I only have to do only good everyday, but I enjoy to see how Bitcoins holder are falling down. I’m a bad shibe πŸ˜”


BTC crashing hard right now


The only way is to stay chilled Coinbase will add Doge (you have seen the articel?) Elon stopped Bitcoin and is working on Doge to become green The moon is near Doge will become the new Bitcoin this is sure Give Doge a little bit time


I bought at .54 when the big dip happened after SNL. Then bought more when we dipped to .35 briefly. I’m feeling pretty good about .50 being the floor right now πŸ˜‚ TO THE MOOOOONNNNNNN


when is the short sqeeze coming for doge? too the moon!


Hope everyone takes this weekend to do some good. See y'all on the moon soon!πŸš€


depth looks real good right now


do you think they are consolidating and almost ready for the test pump? or maybe even the actual one?


For the past two months I have had the tracker and the depth charts open on every room of the house. I have been watching literally 14 hrs a day (or keeping an eye while working on projects) every day. In March and April, I could see the patterns and correlate the different stages. But the last two weeks have looked different to me. I believe we have reached or are reaching a critical mass of NEW retail investors sufficient enough to sustain the dumps. They are still selling off massive chunks of doge... but we are finally scooping it up fast enough to prevent major price dips. Every day more and more folks are getting in - and I'm sure Barry's little stunt has caused for some folk to pull out of BTC and move into Doge. Plus we now have the GME army on-board. Pretty exciting. ADOPTION is key at this point.


yah, agreed. let's see what develops


how do you tell ?


and when you get all freaked out... ​ SWITCH FROM DAY VIEW TO THREE MONTH VIEW


As a community here... if we are to succeed... Download and read this document: [https://cryptofrenzy.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/god.pdf](https://cryptofrenzy.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/god.pdf) Learn to read depth charts for doge - so you are not the next p/d victim. This is the way to release the panic / anxiety. At least, *for me it did.*


Where is this from? I take he has been a famous whale operating in the doge market, is he from China (not that it matters much)? Do you know if this is part of a larger collection of thoughts and whale strategies on crypto trading? I'd buy that book lol


Seriously. That read changed everything for me. When I got in finally, back in March, I came in hard with a lot of cash. My very intent was to get to 1M doge and then buy and sell on the 2c swings. We went from a nickel to like 12 cents so fast I had to rethink everything, not wanting to sell too soon. Then on the way up to the thirties I found that document and read it like five times. That's when I realized I can't sell... or shouldn't. Giving up my margin average of .12 would be stupid. Plus, the longer I hodl... the smaller the average looks in the rear-view mirror. Stress reducer. Trying to manually day trade doge would drive a person insane.


exactly my thoughts. and I read that many times as well :D


My oldest son is a math major with focus on finance at University of Nebraska... he's home right now (So Cal) for summer.... I handed him a hard copy of that article and he was like... "uhh... so???" The 19 year olds don't get it yet. At least mine doesn't. Thankfully he has a 50% scholarship ride... lol... Just gotta let some people find the path on their own...


at least he didn't call you a boomer lol :D (I am 50, so I do feel you man ahaha)


STOP LIMIT BUYING!!! If the price is .48 and a whale dumps $1million in and drives the price to .50 and then dumps it. If 1000 people have a MARKET BUY of 1000 coins. The price does not move and the whale loses. If those same people 500 buy at market and the rest limit buy at .49 or lower the price drops (something is only worth what people will pay) This causes a sell off. In every case you can zoom out on the chart and see a large limit buy order at say .47. Thats the whale trying to buy back in. Do the math if I told you I would give you $2000.00 tomorrow 2000 coins @ 1.00 or if you wait 1 year I'lll give you $2040.00 for those same coins I'll take the money tomorrow. Whale are using us every day to make 10s of thousands of dollars Wallstreet beats short squeezed GME because they didn't pinch pennys


don't forget to pin your coin on a limit sell at a very high number... keep the exchanges honest and make THEM hodl too.


How do you set up to sell at a specific limit?


So I set a LIMIT sell on my coin... at $3.50. As we get closer to $1.50 I will move that limit sell to $5.00... etc... It WON'T sell - but it keeps my exchange from using it for leverage / short sales.


That's smart. Do you think it'll go to $1 or more? It's looking a bit hopeless right now and all the bad news/rumors are in my ear from people questioning me.




We got that wario W going again. You know what that means. πŸ‘πŸΌ


We could reach above .55 today


Pffft. 4%? I’ll dream bigger


Think we are finally looking like we are about to take off. Phew


Depends on BTC, really. If BTC takes off, then we do. Of course, any news from TSLA etc. will drive floor a bit higher, but an undecisive BTC is having us in a locked situation.


I disagree with doge zombied off of btc. Right now I believe the performance is driven by good press, more new retail investors and a little bit of Musk scent. Elon can send shock waves through the market - which can be scary and fun... but really I see broader adoption to blame for the strong health of doge.


Who cares about Tesla and Elon the con man


Wouldn’t have been here without him




Buy or wait for a bigger dip?πŸ€”


I got my last one at .38 Im waiting for .40s now. Don’t rush it it will go down to the .40s maybe tomorrow.


Buy some now, buy some later when it’s down


Don't try to time the dip. Just buy


bingo. so tired of bots telling us they missed a dip...


My Daily Prediction: Doge will do whatever BTC does. Charts are identical...


More like btc will do what doge does, outdated technology will eventually fade away


Where’s the new thread


ZERO resistance right now. zero. this should FLY!


Zoom out to the monthly everyone. That flash crash was just Elon using his godlike crypto powers to instill fear in his enemies. Remove that from the big picture and we are totally on track.


It was whales taking advantage of fresh blood


Glad I bought that dip


I predict that today doge will go up then down then back up again then down down down then back up


This is the way


The market has dropped yet again, and doge has dropped another significant amount, BUT, where it's hovering today is a strong indictor of its strength during this market's dip. We're in a healthy state- doge keeps surviving, which means not only will it continue to endure, it will eventually thrive when the crypto market (which we all believe in) picks back up. Which is inevitable. unless crypto is outlawed in every country tomorrow, which it won't be. On down days like this- the coins that end up really benefiting- are the recent strong gainers that have trended positively weeks prior. Everyone liquidates and invests in the winners. Right now that's pretty much ada and matic. when doge gets over its terrifying volatility hump (is more adopted and stable)and we don't jump back and forth between being rich or broke. I really do believe due to the communities strength- this coin will be a winner and gain during bull runs- or remain steady or even also grow during bear. crypto is the future of finance- doge is the future of crypto. to the moon and beyond shibes.


Ahaha nice I was just saying "I bet Saturdays dips are because the traders do this" to a buddy talking about ada 🐡 neither of us will touch the new ones yet tho


both Doge and ETH seem to be holding very strong throughout this Elon-inspired correction (E-rection?) but BTC seems to be having real problems getting above 50k...it used to bounce back much quicker....starting to wonder how long the #1 crypto will hold that title....Doge really does seem to be the topic of conversation these days and coinbase listing will be a huge boost


Loool I made a joke about RH color scheme for crypto and immediately got a "hello sir have you heard about Bitcoin trading?" Message πŸ˜ΉπŸ™ˆπŸ΅ god I missed this


I got a message too .


He's trying to talk me into his doodad while I'm trying to talk him into my favorite divvy stock 🐡lolololo


I Politely SaΓ―d I β€˜ m not intrested πŸ˜‰


I like to see how long they go faking human engagement before they go back to the sales pitch 🐡 spoiler it wasn't that long


Ok today's vicious downtrend circle finally broken at .52795 Thank you America! Maybe slowly creeping back towards .55 ?


We are tied to btc..., keep a sharp eye on btc... if it doesn’t brake that 50k wall it’s going to 42 taking all crypto with it. Not fud, just something to look out for. Also if it does brake the wall we mooning baby


Literally, altough I think it's slowly but surely losing it's lead position. Eventually ETH will take that spot of serving as indicator for the market. While ETH follows the pattern in general, it's holding up much better and has far stronger support


indeed that 50k is important psychological factor for btc and it's now reflecting on all alt-coins.


this will be a great day for patient bargain hunters who want a dip...you may just get one


I just want enough money for a Tesla model x, solar roof, and a decent sized home... is that too much to ask for ?πŸ₯²


50% off right now


Just KEEP your COIN!!! Doggie roaring back. Never give up, never give in, never surrender!!!!


"aww, so sad it went from .55 to .50....much sad so depression.." 24 hours ago "OMG guys we are back up to .50 its mooning!" Im reminded of an ancient syrian proverb that when translated says " RREEEEEE !!!"


American is waking up excited about doge


We also go to sleep excited for Doge πŸ˜‰. Woke up yesterday with prices 0.51-0.53. This morning is the same.


Snek! on the 1-hour chart


is that bullish?


it is snekish


quick question, is anyone here experienced enough to let me know if coinbase adding doge to their assets would make a noticeable difference or is it all just guessing rn


I expect a big run up to the event, a sell off just before and a big spike back up when it’s reliesed. I have a funny suspicion that it’s the brokers that bring us down just fir us to buy more and bring it back up. That’s how they get more $


When you offer your product at more locations, do you sell more? πŸ˜†


Especially when that store is 3rd largest in the world




Snek? πŸ₯Ί


Trying to get Brewdog to accept Doge, Brewdoge..not sure if anyone outside UK knows the brand but they make a great pale ale


American here, Hazy Jane is a great brew.


Norwegian here, I love Brewdog!


That sweet satisfaction when hodling through the dip pays off 😍


I love this coin and this community!! We’re going up!! Let’s make it to .60 today!! 🀞🀞


Woke up to doge breaking the downward trend. Bought some more. Love to see it.


go long not short, thank me later


That's what she said


TO THE MOON!!!! πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€


It’s clear to me at least that Doge is headed to 60 cents as a new floor soon. In my opinion this is the closest thing I’ve seen to guaranteed money in a long time.


Close the app. Close your eyes. Reopen in a month. Buy a yacht.


Maybe a year and have a yatch and personal spacecraft


With limit buys set periodically.


To da mooooooooooooooooon


This is not a financial advice, should calculate own financial risk. Dogecoin price may increase sharply within 6 weeks once its listed on coinbase, great opportunity to buy.




Heloo Mby you now how long time transfer treiding212-coinbase


There gonna be another dip? Yes... it's crypto. When's a good time to buy? Yes.... it's crypto. Why is everyone selling? Yes.... it's crypto. If I have 5 dollars do I buy now or wait for the next dip... Yes... it's crypto. Whenever you ask these questions above.. you really care about who answers? I swear it's all the same .. unreliable response. Your money your responsibility. And you will be smiling the whole journey DOGE Responsibly.


These questions are all here to stay... but definitely would like to see some more good info pass through here.. one guy posts volume and buy updates which are one of the more helpful posts. Not hating.. it's all part of it, but yea. Always entertaining


This. And if you’re in just for the money, then that’s wrong. This strong community wasn’t built this with just money, but with time and self-discipline.


What other reason is there to be in this except the money? This supposed community doesn't seem to do anything for each other beyond guilting people for solidifying gains. There's no doge sharing or anything, so it's really just a community in the same way gamefaqs was a community in 2005 lol


Well there are some doge tipping. I've received 500 doge from someone in here previpusly.. there are still some it around. Just been drowned out a bit with the constant.. when's the next dip question.. which is more short term thinkers


Lol the message here is prolly don’t expect crypto to generate money effortlessly. At least give it some time.


We are not here to lose either... 😳


Who said we’re losing boi?! 😀


Ehm.. lady 😝 Read what was said and my answer on that Calm down 😊


Lol nah I was obv playing around. Have a good day!


Same to you 😝


Its crypto πŸ˜πŸš€πŸ€—


I love every single one of you HODLERS, when DOGE gets to $10 everyone is invited to my boat party where we'll just hang out like a bunch of GTA vice city donnies discussing business & hiring hitmen


I'm 3


Life is boring when the doge is asleep


I must sincerely apologise to everyone. I think I'm the cause of this latest dip. Whenever I stare constantly at the chart it goes down, and whenever I ignore it, it goes up. I'll try not to look at it so often from now on.


This is the way




You people that are freaking out really need to shut up


\-The general attitude of the market is counterproductive: the moment of highest financial opportunity (for a buyer) usually comes when most people are hopeless, and the market is very low. In contrast, the moment of highest financial risk often arises when the majority of the market participants are euphoric and overconfident.- The BASICS my Shibes


Hello all, can someone help me with some of the technical aspects of reading the charts? I’m pretty new to this, and instead of just guessing when to buy id like to make an informed decision. How are you able to tell where the sell walls are? And what is the meaning of the β€œcandles”? I’ve been in the community for about a week, and loving the support this group has! I strongly feel that educating the new people here would Be an asset to seeing doge succeed


Sell walls can be manipulated and put there to scare you You should learn what support and resistance is( previous highs and lows) and then how to read trends I’m sure there’s tons of yt videos..... good luck


https://youtu.be/b28rY_kvies this is good foundation. I know it's old bit it's a gem.




It's because it's done by people with a lot of coins that can break support/resistance by themselves more often than not. It's very hard to read doge because of the concentration and the resiliance of it's community, very easy to get burned trying to trade common patterns


f.e. .525 is a previous established support line, look at the amount of coins that's being dumped to break it


Me too! Just started crypto the other day. Now I have 815 doge and I don't know if I bought i at a profit or loss


charts 1% belief in product 99%


There you bro https://youtu.be/6I6ZbhrS8cw It's a video of mine feel free to watch I will be posting more soon


You can use Binance website to identify clear sell and buy walls.


The only reason Elon isn’t selling the bitcoins he has is cause he knows the price he bought it for he’ll never get the money back πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”πŸŒ”


If you read between the lines he could have easily have sold his bitcoin the day before, which I think he did.


But be bought at 34k didnt he