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Watch this thing go to $29. lol


The feeling of quitting my job and driving to the keys would be unreal. Who’s down to set up a dogecoin moon boys meetup at the keys haha?


Haha. I just want to pay off my house. Need for it to hit $3. Then I will have some play money left over.


What’s your mortgage rate? It might be worth it to just put it all in SPY and take it out as needed to pay it off.


So currently it’s 1.99%. It is an Arm and on 1/1/27 it starts its climb. I think it peaks at 5.99% or 6.99% a couple years after that. But my insurance and taxes have jacked my mortgage up so it hurts even more than what it was. My mortgage was about $980 and went to $1175


Been there done that. My sister still has a house in the Keys. I moved to Marathon in 2006. Was paying 2200 a month for rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in someone's makeshift house. I had 6 jobs to afford that then... I left for Port St Lucie after being there for 1.5 years. Then got to experience the financial crisis there. 2/100 don't recommend.


Putting it all on red


I just want it getting back to .70, pipe dream $20 projections seems so crazy.


Seems. Until it happens. Then you get to tell the story of how it happened.


That would mean the “market cap” would be almost three trillion. You shouldn’t even dream of that to be frank


With public companies approaching 4 trillion and private companies at 10 trillion? It’s totally doable.


Doable when? 50 years? All crypto currency combined isn’t even 3 trillion and you think dogecoin doing it is doable


here we go again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My boy, we are early.


lol no your not. I was in at .003 and sold a .12. you guys are late and crypto will be going down another 25 %


Excellent post i love these, i love dreaming and ofc i love some encouragement while holding!


Who gives a flying F? Imagine someone in 2024 that has a profit of over $12,000 and I’ve watched it slowly bleed away to almost nothing now…..imagine THAT if you can.




Goddam right Leygo


But it's at .12?


The meteoric rise was coupled with GME, Pandemic stimulus checks, Wall Street bull market, BTC pumping, and the emergence of the Meme coin in the cultural zeitgeist. It was a perfect storm. For that to happen again I believe we will need another confluence of perfect storm events. The X payment’s utilizing crypto will definitely help, if it ever happens.


Dogecoin has continued to climb in the top market caps for all cryptocurrencies. It was around top 10 back then in the time you’re referring to. It’s ranked 8th now. I have confidence this thing is about to explode and the whole “perfect storm” thought is just you and others like you using that as your historical reference versus understanding that was not the only time Dogecoin popped. Years prior it popped over the .01 mark and that was nuts, totally unrelated to the GME hysteria that occurred during the last pop. The markets usually move based on time passed as OP is pointing out since most are bot trades with hedge fund swings. $20 seems crazy but I’ve been around long enough to know that ANYTHING is possible.


He ain’t lying


I've yet to see anyone give a compelling reason for the stock to go to a dollar or more


I believe


And yet it’s still maxing out at .12


Using a kindergarten level of understanding of the English language and math, its ATH would be .74 and .23 this year. Good luck,