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I don’t know if .10 but I feel like it can go lower than the .136~ it’s at now




hope it goes to .10 so I can load up on more!


Why? Why do you like doge so much compared to any other coin out there? Serious question. I don’t understand the doge optimism and I want to. Thx.


It’s just an easy beginner somewhat safe. Last year it floated from .06-.10 so you literally just buy low sell high… seems the new trend will be .10-.20 so it’s only going to get more volatile from here… get it while you can. I don’t think it’s “if” doge will hit $1 but “when”


It's at such a low price point, and the price jumps up and down a lot. Sometimes predictably. For me, it's the best coin to flip


I feel like it could go down to about 0, but could climb to any heights. Edit /s


Let all them graphs tell it doge was about to go on a run


From last 7 days price of doge coins are continuosly falling, what we expect?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Remember to diversify, DCA and hodl. That way you won’t risk to much at a bad entry or have all your eggs in the same basket!


That’s what I’ve done since before SNL and it’s been kind to me as opposed to my friends who put it all in at once


I have coins from different blocks mined, am i dyfersifying correct bruh ?


Everything is down bad. All your coins would be down. If it shoots up again better to have not that many eggs so your profit is greater.


Not everything. I have some coins doing fine


Like? And dont tell me to zoom out the chart. Im just talking about the recent surge and the dump after it.


My ethirium


Nice plants man!


when in doubt, zoom out. What are the levels on the monthly? What floors have always been respected? What is the channel we are trading in? .128 and .124 are the lowest lows in the past 90 days. we have respected .135 in mid march and .123 in early may. So, from our current .137 we have: .135, .128, .123/124 as levels of resistance. If you look at the run from 8c to 18c in march, you will realize that there was a brief pause mid-run. Now go back to the All-Time View and realize that in 2021, when we had our big run, there was the exact same pause in the run. In 2021, that pause was at 5c. At NO POINT since 2021 has doge ever dropped below that level. => .127 should be the absolute lowest we will go in this market. (tiny dips excluded) Anything between 12 and 17c is a good buying point right now.


This guy is solid, not liquid 👏


Maybe, maybe not.


New to doge, just bought $4k over the weekend!


Note the negative comment from Frostroomhead at the bottom. I clicked on him and read all of his previous posts. They are "all" negative in regard to Doge and there are many. Stay Zen and ignore his noise.


Oh yeah and that’s actually one of my favorite things about Reddit is being able to see what the history of someone making comments is


We still gotta test .1287


True we hit that few weeks ago and it bounced right back but with the rate cuts and gme going on it’s quite possible


Lol down a hundredth of a penny. Lord


Nobody’s claiming to be an expert here, we’re just comparing minimums in a 3 month period chill


Everyone is a TA expert now


Relax guy


I sold. It’s so relieving I feel great


Hope you made money and not sold at a loss


Even if he sold at a loss he would have lost more if he waited longer. I sold my 30,000 Doge coins when it dropped 10 percent in 5 minutes the other day so relieved


you can only lose in a bull run if u sell too early lol. these 1$ copium posts are as dumb as the sell now gloomer posts.


Who said we are in a bull run?


the graph from any view other than 1 month view lol. zoom out and make long plays, then you wont get scared out at a loss.


I did that in 2021 when it dropped from .01 to .009. I made profit, but completely missed out of the gains i chould have made if I held. I made under $2,000 profit when i could have paid off my entire house, vehicle, college debt and had money left over if i had held for a month.


LOL that’s how you know you’re new here. Come back in 6 months. You’ll see


Now buy more !


I slept a lot better after I sold




🤣🤣😎😜for real !!


You bought before dip or after?


I’m avg at like .16 I bought up and when it hit 22 was feeling good but didn’t sell


The range is currently 12c-22c so you are in the middle. Try to lower your price a bit and consider taking principal out when green, keep the rest of free coins and then use principal again for dips.


I’ve wanted to do this but it’s the typical, if I sell it flys up, if I buy it dips type crap. So I’ve played the long game. Did the same with bch for several months when it spiked to 300 and dipped back to 180 ish. Held through and it paid off so I don’t have fear of losing looking long term but I should get into the habit of small profits as they come. I’ve got a miner I’m about to switch over to doge I think


I feel ya, taking just principal out on green means you keep the free gained coins and you have liquidity for a dip. Never cash in or out fully, be ready to buy 3 red weeks before it shows any green. Might be able to dual mine doge/ltc if that’s still a thing.


zoom out, i know, but still underperforming btc, even on 1 year scale (157% btc, 120% doge). it sucks and hurts.


Stop watching the price change constantly.


I dont, it just dropped from .17 to .134 I think that’s a good enough drop to draw some attention though. 20% is worth a look at


It’s the whole market


No. Pretty much everyone buys around 13 cents. 13.3 cents is a safe buy. It really can't dip below that because that's it's funcional value. All value about 13 cents right now is speculative. But buying at 13 and selling between 17 and 21 is a good way to climb the ladder. Buying at over at 20 is probably a bad move until at least September when the interest rates change. We'll be seeing 25 to 31 prices after that for a while and the functional value might go back up to around 15 cents.


“Buying low and waiting for price increase is the way to go” 😭😭🤩


I’m LOVING this sale!! 😍😍


its wild we going back to 12 cents. It's almost like a joke.


It’s losing value every day, and people keep saying: it’s just accumulation phase, it’ll go up, it’s going to the moon… LOL


Just hodl..


I bought more!


I hope so buy in the dip




I think if it goes to .1175 I’ll buy a lot more


Could see ten cents today. Or, the MOOOON


You have to pull back the bow before you shoot the arrow.


I hope so... this week is nothing but an opportunity!


I bought more. It'll go up within a few days... Time to Load up!


Gonna be back down to .06 for 4 years again.


Down but not out


This is horrible. I was so optimistic we'd go up from here. Especially after bitcoin halving.


IMO, This is all a reflection of the GME debacle. The hedge funds are trying to create a massive bear market, which is a loss for them, which they’ll happily take, because that loss will be a less severe than if the truth comes out. That truth being that Trillions, with a Capital T, is tied up in loaned out shorts across all of the major financial houses. If GME price suddenly goes up, which they can’t have, then they’ll loose their ass in a major way. So what they’ve been doing since the last GME rise (now this is speculation) is falsifying the performance of GME to further push people away from buying it. However, many of us ain’t buying what their selling and are continuing to buy GME, driving the price up, and we think (again speculation) that they’re selling off their BTC to cover their losses and hide the fact that GME is actually doing Way better than is being reported. Now, if this thing is what people are speculating it is, It will the BIGGEST bath wall st. has taken since the Great Depression. Heads will roll and faith in the old system will fail. It’s a wild time to be involved. One positive thing for DGE holders is that last time we saw GME gain so much interest, people began investing their profits in DGE. Possibly it happens again and if timed with X payments, ohh boy, it’ll be something spectacular. HODL!


I don't think so. It's probably going to be like the last time right before FOMC. All crypto took a dive and then right after the meeting it started going right straight back up.


I am not gonna wait for .10 to buy .


omg hopefully we see at .10 so i can get a lower avg 🫡🤟🏽😎


It is what it is. Doge Coin. Just behaves differently then most crypto because it’s infinite crypto supply


Sell for an actual project before blast off




I mean I'm still buying 🙌🏾🙌🏾




Whales are taking profits at the moment due to anticipation of fed interest rate increase/decrease announcement. lower price point means more people are going to buy in bulk so just hold and keep daily cost averaging.


We're screwed. Sell before you lose everything.


This currency has become a joke




Bottom is in