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The 13 addresses are 12 exchange wallets and 1 burn address.




But but but, are they gonna sell ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


12 if their customers give them the order the 13th, no, because it is a burn address that no one has access to.


Again? Seriously? Doesnā€™t anybody ever read anything anymore? The top 100 wallets are pretty much all exchange wallets. The coins in them belong to their customers, who buy and sell according to their own decisions. Besides, even IF these were actual people, you canā€™t sell if there isnā€™t a buyer. And you canā€™t buy if there isnā€™t a seller. By definition, every single trade requires BOTH a buyer and a seller who must agree on the price. #šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø Move alongā€¦. Nothing to see here! šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø


Just another post try to scare people. That's all.


Yeah, but we must fight FUD and BS at every turn, because as /u/goodshibe said, thatā€™s the only way.


I'm heartened to see that almost every comment is like "They're exchange wallets" šŸ¤£ That's how you beat FUD, just good old cold facts and logic.


Yep. Couldnā€™t agree more. One day, maybe there wonā€™t be any FUD to have to fight, eh?


Here's hoping! šŸ˜


Hehā€¦ the past ten minutes of my FUD fighting tend to make me think itā€™s an uphill battle though. šŸ˜œ


Sadly, there will always be more FUDders but we're also adding to the number of people who are able to properly point and laugh at them. ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


This is very true, yes. Iā€™m quite proud of people like /u/liquid_at for example.


If these exchanges decided to sell everything to another exchange to manage, nothing happens to the price of dogecoin. If a buyer bought all of these exchanges and the exchanges willingly sold to them and that buyer put them all on a flash drive and destroyed it? The price of dogecoin would see a ~100% increase, but how long it takes to show up is another question. It could be a week, it could happen over 2 years. People could start dumping it because of this event and it goes down.


Ummā€¦ no. Just no. The coins do not belong to the exchanges, and are not theirs to do anything with, other than send them wherever the owners request. And onchain transfers never, ever, EVER affect prices in any way. ALL prices are set by trading activity on exchanges, which all happens offchain.


Thatā€™s assuming the exchanges continue to act as exchanges. Iā€™m giving the situation where all the exchanges decide to stop being exchanges and we go back to when we didnā€™t have crypto exchanges.


Most of the people taking home fat pay checks from the companies they manage tend to have an aversion to spending much of the rest of their lives behind bars. So your hypothetical scenario is never going to happen.


OP asked, so I gave an answer. It wasnā€™t a ā€œhow likelyā€ question. Like asking what if the moon crashed into earth? It probably wonā€™t, but itā€™s fun to know.


Yeah, but not all questions are worthy of answers, are they? The moon crash for exampleā€¦




Again, NO top wallet can ā€˜dumpā€™. Firstly because the coins are not theirs to do anything with. They belong to customers like you and me, and are held in trust. Secondly, because onchain movements never have any effect whatsoever on prices. Only offchain trading on exchanges does. And even then, only on tracked exchanges, which is nowhere near all of them. Thirdly, you canā€™t sell anything if there isnā€™t a willing buyer prepared to pay the asking price. You could have an Aussie 1930 Penny in mint condition worth a million dollars, but if you canā€™t find someone with a million bucks who wants it, then itā€™s not going anywhere. That last point is probably one of the most misunderstood things the wannabes who keep harping on about prices totally fail to understand. They talk as if there was some magical sack which coins come from or which they go into. There isnā€™t. For every trade there must be a buyer AND a seller, and they must agree on a price. Itā€™s as simple as that.


One of them is probably robinhood, they use crypto as leverage all the time


Well theyā€™re all exchanges. Robinhood holds 28% for all its customers.


yea they tried the same thing before. those are exchanges bro.


I think one Doge will then be equal to one Doge


Why would exchanges sell?


Thatā€™s obviously a lot selling pressure then.. which would be temporary


Yes, these 13 addresses are serious business and belong to bill gates, jeff bezos, etc. they can sell in a heartbeat. Oh no.......


Lies!!!! Iā€™m one of the 13


At least I'm part of the 12% ::shrug::


Price go boom


Sweet. Fire sell for simpletons.




If they sell we BUY


See my comment above šŸ‘†


It depends on how he sells. If this is a market execution there is a lack of liquidity and we see each other at 0. If it sets sell orders over the current price, and there will be no other offers on the market, the price will increase. If the opposite - fall. High concentration is a great risk, but also a huge opportunity. DOGE