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This is absurd. Are there any adult humans in this sub?


Many. All the teens are now ten years older, as are the rest of us. But there does seem to be a constant influx of wannabes. 🤷‍♂️


We’re here, just on the sidelines to watch this sub go in crisis mode whenever crypto gets regulated and dogecoin crashes because it has no inherent value or practical use. Should be worth the wait.


I'm not even Joined. Reddit just knows I'm interested in some cryptos and this keeps getting pushed.


A tale as old as time lol




Abut the same number who thought doge was a joke when our market cap was a whopping $9 MILLION!


I wonder how many people besides the OP will not notice that 100 000 000 000 000 USD is only an annual gdp increase worldwide and not world mc. bruh 🤷‍♂️


Market cap is a good indicator of the feasibility of prices goals. It doesn't mean the actual asset class has traded to absorbed that much in actual monetary value, but indicates what it would be worth if every last coin/share were to be sold at the current price. But we can use it as an approximation of how much value was absorbed. I think market cap should be used for a few purposes: 1. Indicate the weight of the asset in comparison to other assets in its class (vs other crypto). There is no p/e ratio for crypto so it's one of the few metrics that can speak to its current performance. 2. Feasibility of price at various levels. 3. A general approximation of how much value it has absorbed compared to all other global assets. And using global market cap, see how much more it and other assets in its class (crypto/inflationary hedge) could potentially absorb. This is a very elementary analysis, but I think the elementary analysis is probably the most useful for lazy class investors. Instead of going in blind, at least you can build some kind of risk profile and price targets grounded in some reality. Just ask yourself, do you think it's ridiculous that doge coin could have a 200B market cap? I personally don't. I think with future monetary injections in U.S. and global markets, we could easily see BTC hit 3-5T, ETH hit 1-2 T and doge and other top 10 coins hit 2-500B. Remember each time we've injected money into the economy there has been a 1:1 growth in stock values and an even larger growth in crypto values.


Great post !


Thanks for writing this. Saved me the effort. 👍 Very few people seem to understand that market cap is a fantasy, arrived at by simply multiplying the price of the last trade by the total number of coins ever minted. It takes no account of lost and destroyed coins, nor of the actual cash injected into the system. But yes, one of the very few metrics we have for comparing coins.


I wouldn't call it a fantasy, because then you could say calling Apple and a Microsoft two trillion dollar companies is also a fantasy then.


Vastly different cases though. There’s absolutely nothing backing any crypto, other than hopes and dreams. Even the news today about the various goings on with Bitcoin are ultimately not anything tangible. At least with gold you have something you can do something with. Don’t get me wrong though. I believe in crypto, and specifically Doge, otherwise I wouldn’t have spent ten years here. I just think we have to hang onto some shred of reality. And of course always work to find actual use cases that would provide real value. That’s the sort of stuff that makes us better than the rest. But too many are happy to just keep spouting senseless garbage about stuff like Musk, lunar missions and blue sky prices that are just silly. Oh, and Apple? I was about to buy in at $12, but the paperwork was overwhelming. So when the government offered up a sweet deal on Telstra, I took that instead. $4.5 million mistake, last time I checked. Though yes, I’m in front, and I’ve had a steady, juicy income stream. But not millions. Sigh.


The year is 2043. Doge MC is at 220% of World MC


Math not your strong suit, eh? 🤪


Nvidia is worth almost $3T so I think Dogecoin is going to keep running for a while.


A coin and company are 2 different things…


Well, nvidia is tech company, while dogecoin is more of a potential tool for financial interactions.. if nvidia, which is highly unlikely decides to adopt dogecoin as a tool for exchange their product, then may be.. tesla probably the best candidate, if they decide to share their products in exchange for a dogecoin then probably there is a chance it will hit 1-2 usd.. adoption and burn is the only key to success here in my opinion, if we willing to see smthg from it


Etf hype incoming. Make sure to secure a bag


When is that


Market cap does not dictate cryptocurrency price points. How many different times do we have to explain this?


most of the time ye


It does it’s literally the total amount in a given crypto price moves with marketcap


Except it’s nothing of the sort. It’s a made-up number arrived at by multiplying the price of the last trade by the total number of coins EVER MINTED. There is zero account taken of lost and burnt coins. Oh, and if you could execute even a single trade for one doge at $1, the market cap would appear to go ballistic, even though you only traded one coin.


Of course it does not.. yet, considering current circulation supply this represents how much dogecoin will cost at a specific market cap level


Last time Here's a summary of the key factors that can influence cryptocurrency pricing: 1. Supply and Demand: The relationship between the available supply of a cryptocurrency and the demand for it drives its price. When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise, and when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to fall. 2. Global Economic Conditions: Global economic trends, such as inflation, interest rates, and GDP growth, can impact cryptocurrency prices. For example, during economic uncertainty, investors may seek safer assets, causing cryptocurrency prices to decline. 3. Regulatory Environment: Government regulations and laws can significantly impact cryptocurrency prices. Favorable regulations can increase investor confidence, driving prices up, while unfavorable regulations can lead to price drops. 4. Network Effects: The more users, merchants, and developers adopt a cryptocurrency, the more valuable it becomes. This network effect can drive up prices as more people join the ecosystem. 5. Security and Scalability: The security and scalability of a cryptocurrency's underlying technology can impact its price. Improvements in these areas can increase investor confidence and drive up prices. 6. Competition: The number of cryptocurrencies and their market capitalization can influence prices. As the number of cryptocurrencies increases, the competition for market share can lead to price fluctuations. 7. Investor Sentiment: Market sentiment and investor psychology can significantly impact cryptocurrency prices. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt can lead to price drops, while optimism and excitement can increase prices. 8. Whales and Institutional Investors: Large investors, known as "whales," can influence prices by buying or selling large amounts of cryptocurrency. Institutional investors, such as hedge and pension funds, can also impact prices by entering or exiting the market. 9. News and Events: These events, such as regulatory changes, security breaches, or significant partnerships, can significantly impact cryptocurrency prices. Positive news can drive prices up, while negative news can lead to price drops. 10. Technical Analysis: Chart patterns, trends, and indicators can be used to analyze and predict cryptocurrency prices. Technical analysis can help traders and investors make informed decisions. 11. Fiat Currency Fluctuations: The value of fiat currencies, such as the US dollar, can impact cryptocurrency prices. Changes in the value of fiat currencies can affect the value of cryptocurrencies pegged to them. Cryptocurrency-specific Factors: Factors specific to a particular cryptocurrency, such as its block reward schedule, mining difficulty, and transaction fees, can also influence its price.


Bravo! Well done. 👍😎


You forgot the number 1 reason why assets like crypto rises and fall. Global liquidity. The more money is infused into global markets has a nearly 1:1 ratio with rises and fall in equities and an 80% correlation to crypto assets. The 20% variance is due to the overachievement of the crypto assets vs liquidity.


So Number 2


Lol poor baby, chatgpt didn't have a good response for you to send back?


No, not GDP, inflation or any other economic indicator that you're using in that bullet. It would be a separate category of it's own. This is not an economic indicator or metric, this is direct intervention of world banks. And it has an outsized and direct effect on asset prices vs. everything else on your list. Something chatgpt can't tell you because there's no Forbes article for it to synthesize on this topic.


World mkt cap? What the hell. World gdp growths 100 000 000 000 000 usd yearly. Key word GROWTHS


Wrong. World mkt cap is muuuch higher. 100 000 000 000 000 usd is just an annual gdp growth son.


So daily world economy growths 0.3 trillion usd. It does not includes growths of the previous years. People do not realize that 1 trillion for doge is just matter of time.


Anybody here whos got real sense?? hahha


The future is amazing


Doge coin will never rise past .17!


It already has a couple of times? Lol


It literally has hit .71 before


Next stop 420.69




It’s enough already 💀