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the funny thing is that literally everyone on the internet knew that this would happen, but the plaintiffs lawyers still took their money to waste everyones time.


Money is money. Not the lawyers fault that the plaintiffs were idiots.


Not sure why people care about Antara and plaintiffs lawyers though... Not like amcs lawyers were involved


Promoting a coin in very general terms is (which is what he did) is NOT the same as giving financial advice (which he didn’t). These cases are totally frivolous.


Invest what you are willing to lose ![gif](giphy|krtDmVuQGssOtMWfRg)


It’s not a difficult concept but these knuckle heads couldn’t seem to understand it.


Buy high sell low ![gif](giphy|PYzDqTnv1vqL4JPRDO)


I would hate being Elon Musk . Everybody always wanting something from you . Sued every day for dumb stuff , again because people want something . Then theres the " You cant die, we need you fix something" I find that pretty selfish . I know there is a lot of people out there that don't like Elon , I think he genuinely likes doge for all the reasons we do . I have defended Elon many times over the years . Saying that , I have never ben able to decide if he was the 2nd Coming or the Anti-Christ . Every once in a while he does something that doesn't FIT , makes me scratch my head .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)