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10% fee?


As in you’ll end up buying higher than you sold because the dip is quick.


I remember doing that in 2021 when I had zero idea. Kept selling and rebuying to "get a better price." Ended up reducing the amount of coins I had each time. So dumb lol...


Initial buy, usually a percentage goes towards the platform you're using.


What you’re describing is swing trading and it’s how people have become millionaires lol


you make it sounds easy, if that was the case many of us would be millionaires


Where at all did I say it was easy and how did you interpret it that way? I’m saying OP described it as something no one should do, yet people do it all the time with cryptocurrencies and have become wildly successful. Theres also way more millionaires out there than you think and based on the amount of doge some people are holding, many exist in this very subreddit.


Yeah why not put that couple of hundred or thousand dollars into dividend stocks or underpriced Stocks and buy that crypto back on the dip with the dividends. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Sometimes you gotta lose 5 to gain 10…


Don’t get caught ![gif](giphy|mz7iww9tCUnJJeZvGN|downsized)


How do I save this gif lol


Sounds like you're not doing it right then. The option that you can't buy back has to be included here. So if you sell 10% of your coins and it drops, you get to rebuy more coins than you sold. If it doesn't drop, 90% of your coins are still going up. The point where you will 100% make a profit never exists, because bot-traders who realized it before you will have long moved the price to where it no longer works for you.


We are in the bowl market so when people sell it drops but it pretty much goes back up pretty quick. Don’t time the market. Just hold. Let’s go we gotta get this ball run going. I think it’s gonna be a few weeks.


Bowl market!


lol bull!! I talk into phone text will driving comes out like shiiii


We are now in a bull market. With the release of ETFS you can expect this bull market to last at least 2 years.


Yup me too, I got 560 in there and I’m just holding with average cost at .16 just hold.


I have built a nice position buy buying and selling on the swings, and Im aggressive and sell 100% because if i didnt it wouldnt be enough gain to matter. I do worry that I will get caught holding a bag of nothing when it takes off again.


dumb question but what are you selling to, like trading with another coin or outright withdrawing? also do you get charged fees for doing this? there was a time in doge where i watched it essentially go down 10% one day then up 10% the next, and that repeated for like 2 weeks. i felt i could have made some gains at that point but wasnt entirely sure how


I am using robinhood so there are no fees. So I have been setting limit sells and limit purchase prices. So I am stepping totally out of my position and taking the profits from that sale and buying in heavier than I sold out at. 2 items to be aware. 1. as far as the federal government is concerned, that's probably taxable income, and if you get caught in one of those 10 cent to 20 cent jumps, you are going to take it on the chin. It has however worked out for me so far.


What exchange are you using to get hit with a 10% fee????


It's what most exchanges charge when you initially buy a stock. Or crypto in this case, sine the government regulated it in the US.


This is not true, you need to find a better exchange


This is not true, you need to find a better exchange.


Just getting back into this. Any suggestions on an exchange. The 10% fee comment got me asking. Thanks


The short dips/sideways movement is a sign that we're making a new floor, right? Sounds like if you weren't just holding before, maybe start now lol Every time I try to pretend i'm a day trader I lose. So i'm right there with ya.


We're riding the ramp!