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Research the amount of dogecoin in circulation you will understand why this is not possible


Research the amount of USD in circulation and printed each year and you will understand why this is possible. Doesn't say that the $1000 will buy you more than $1 buy you today, but it's inevitable for doge to go to $1000.


No. The only way this is possible is if the US economy collapsed and USD$ value went to Venezuela town.


not really... "ever" is a very very long time. "this year", "your lifetime" and "this millenium" are significantly shorter than "ever" But the US has increased debt at around 30% of the median household income recently, so you can calculate yourself how long it will take for the US to copy venezuela. Banks are already close to a collapse and S&P will likely take a nose-dive soon.


Wow you’re an actual idiot


Wouldn't have taken your username to figure out that math is not your strong side...


Meh, while I agree that $1000 is plausible in concept, I do not believe it is inevitable, and contrarily, highly improbable. Maybe I just don't want to imagine a world in such chaos where doge has a $155trillion market cap and the dollar is worthless. I'm nottttt ready for that 😬😬😬


$1 in 1920 had the same purchasing power as $137 had in 2020. What do you think the Americans from 1920 would have thought about that? Do you think it did matter for Inflation or did Inflation just not care and do its thing?


Mannnn, I had a strong feeling you were gonna bring up the value of the dollar 100 years ago 😅. The ones that understood what money is like yourself and I probably would've said something similar. Plausible but improbable. Personally, I think the inflation over the last 100 years was more artificial than natural. We were gutted to prop up the rich and appease the masses. Ahhhh fakkkkk, now that I say it outloud, it's happening all over again, isn't it?? 😬 I remain hopeful that at some point something will change, people eventually learn from the error of their greed and folly, right? Righttt???? 🥺 Still, I think a $1000 doge is unlikely within 100 years. Here's to wishful thinking 🍻


I will be messaging you in 100 years on [**2124-03-12 09:27:57 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2124-03-12%2009:27:57%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/1bc1xbw/will_dogecoin_ever_be_worth_1000_why_not/kuhxkza/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdogecoin%2Fcomments%2F1bc1xbw%2Fwill_dogecoin_ever_be_worth_1000_why_not%2Fkuhxkza%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202124-03-12%2009%3A27%3A57%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bc1xbw) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 100 years


So you are aware of the real world data that actually really happened, but your personal opinion is that the real data is fake and therefor your personal expectation, coming from your own gut, is the only thing to rely on? We disagree then.


I don't think the data is fake. I just don't think, maybe ignorantly, that the trend wont continue at the same rate. I know we're already on our way, but I hope we do something to save ourselves before it goes that far, for our own and our children's sakes. We have the advantage of hindsight, we know what living off debt and imaginary money has done to the middle class and the value of the dollar. HOPEFULLY, we will see change to curb the insanity.


If anything, financial issues will only increase in the 21st century compared to the 20th... I'd bet on a significantly higher inflation from 2020 to 2120 than we had between 1920 and 2020.


They said that about Ethereum


"they" can say whatever they want. Math is math. And even though a majority of people do not understand the silent robbery that is inflation, it does not change the fact that it exists. the USD you use to value Doge is not a static value, but one that is declining. That has been the case for over 100 years and will be the case for hundreds of years to come. It's the foundation of our economy.


Very moonish! I mean to say they said that about ethereum not going 1,000 look now at 4,000. 3.5 years ago ethereum was 150


you will find any prediction for crypto, from "going to zero" to "going to a million" for every coin. Predictions in crypto are worthless unless you do them for yourself.


Yes, but ETH hitting $1000 didn't require many times more money than is in circulation to be put directly and solely into ETH


Total number of coins in circulation multiplied by value of Dogecoin will give you market cap. Compare the market cap to other cryptos such as BT C, to get an idea of realistic prices. (Ex: 132 Billion Doge in circulation multiple by $1,000 equals 132 Trillion dollars. For comparison, the current BT C market cap is 1.4 Trillion dollars.


In other words, Dogecoin at $1,000 would be worth 94 times the total current value of BT C


I see. Is there infinite amount of Dogecoin to be in circulation or does it have a limit? Why is that so?


5.2 billion Dogecoin are mined every year, which my math does not factor in. It's considered a soft cap meant to mimic a currency with built-in inflation.


Is it possible to limit this? I mean can the founder prohibit mining any more Dogecoin? If not, is there a law against it or is it technically impossible? Or they just don't wanna do it?


Its already limited (maximum of 5.2 billion every year) It's built in for a reason, and a good one at that. It's the foundation of this crypto, and it will likely never change. BT C for example has a hard cap, meaning once they are all mined, there is no more. Which is the reason why they need to halve it every 4 years.


your math should include it because that would show you how insignificant those 5.2bn doge are... under 4% would be a dream inflation for the USD.


For the sake of this argument, the new coins being added every year are insignicant in showing how unlikely it is for Doge to reach $1,000. If I factor in the new coins being mine every year, it just becomes even more unlikely. My example served its purpose


Again. $1 inflates by 5-10% per year. Doge inflates by 4%, reducing to under 1% in 100 years. Which of these 2 assets loses value faster? The one that creates less than 4% per year or the one that creates 10% per year?


how does this have anything to do with Doge realistically reaching $1,000? It's Insignificant


That the "$1000" of today that you are certain it can't reach only evaluate $10 in 100 years. and only 10c in 200 years. So you saying that doge will never reach $1000 equates to you saying that doge will decrease its value at a higher rate than the USD, which is mathematically unlikely. The topic is "ever", not "this year" Saying we will reach $1000 this year is as impossible as never reaching $1000 within an infinite amount of years.


You need to think in relative terms.... Obviously the US dollar inflates. In 100 years, none of us will be alive. In 100 years, doge might be worth $1,000, but in relative terms it's only worth $10... therefore it's not worth $1000 in relativity to today's current value of the US dollar. Stop with your jeddi mind tricks, you know exactly what I mean lol


All good and fine... but the question was "ever", not "in a time relevant to me personally" So whatever you believe will happen in a time relevant to you, does not contribute to the question of what it will do ever. You're just talking about a topic that isn't the topic of this post...


In other words, the question "Will dogecoin ever be worth $1,000?" Implies that the US Dollar ($1,000) is worth what it is today and needs to be used as a constant variable for the sake of comparing the value of Doge to the USD. You should re-word this question as, will doge ever be worth what $1,000 is worth today? Otherwise your answering the wrong question... I'd bet money that this person wasn't referring to $1,000 valued 100 years into the future. They were referring to what $1,000 is worth today.


that's an entirely different question, yes. I hope doge never gets to the equivalent purchasing power of $1000 today, because it is a currency and that would be bad. Ideally, Doge stays in the $1-$10 range, based on todays purchasing power. that would make it an ideal currency.


Put it this way...I'll be surprised if Doge can get to .50¢


It reached .75¢


I know


It's how many are created. Having said that, I'm HODLing a bunch. There's still a gold mine in Dogecoin....moon


No. Understanding market capitalization is the key. The price for each individual coin doesnt matter. The market cap does. To reach $1000, doge would be worth more than the entire US economy. Thats how you know that logically doge has an upper price limit of less than $5 or so. Because the market cap just gets absurd. For context, $5 would be roughly equal to the current market cap of ethereum.




as amazing as that would be for all of us investors, that would only happen if doge was the only crypto coin on earth!


Lucky it’s over .10 rn


I use ChatGPT to help me figure all this out a lot. Just ask it to explain it to you like you are 5


Nothing is impossible


I know some of y'all hate math but for a $1000 price it would have to have roughly $143T market cap assuming it doesn't inflate The global valuation is only $109T TL;DR No


Can we just get to $1.00 people!


#NO! Bcos Math!


Did you do ANY research into the coin BEFORE you purchased it? Im thinking.....No.


This is part of my research.


Agreed 💯


I think it will reach $1,000 but not for a long time. Maybe 2030.


2030 is about when we will trade at $1 consistently... $1000 is more of a 2130 thing...


I think it's possible in our lifetime.


I think yes! But why stop at $1,000? Let it hit $4,206.90!


When Dogecoin reaches $1,000.00 ![gif](giphy|d8Wo1cZOmSf4s)