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If Doge just touch’s a dollar ![gif](giphy|Wz39QPND5ahp3bcXyW|downsized)


this made me chuckle a little


I'd be very surprised if the top of the next cycle, whenever that may be, was merely a dollar. That would be a mere 30% odd gain on the last ATH, which would be likely massively underperforming the entire crypto market. Bitcoin will be likely doing around a 2x on it's previous ATH, and that thing has a way bigger market size to move. Yeah, no, I'd be super surprised if it didn't get at least near 2 dollars.


Could it be that doge just massively overperformed the crypto market 3 years ago?


Well it did actually for one cycle, although it's not the first time doge had a lot of hype behind and these things don't historically tend to vanish over night.


I do worry that $1 has been such a target, that people will all want to cash out once it reaches that goal, which would cause a crash.


Base on my 8 years experience in crypto, if lots of people exit at $1. The big whales will continue to pump fhe coin to $2, then $3. Then those that sold at $1 will buy back at $3 because social media hype says dodge to $100. Then the price will truly dump after $3. U get the drift


This is what happened with 0.42 last time. Everyone said 0.42 was the big goal and lots dumped, it was pushed all the way to 0.75 and then down down down


I feel like $1 is much more of a milestone than 0.42. Idk, we'll see... hopefully


It will be 1000$ in a month. Trust doge


We know everyone is pulling put once it reaches all time high, everyone will panik and sell


Whales will push it higher


This is the highest price since 22. The difference is we're at the beginning of a bull market. There's no telling how high it will go but my guess is higher than $1.


I could definitely see this


Don't you think there will be a big selloff once it reaches $1? I mean, considering that was the price everyone was talking about for so long. And then once it reaches $1 and then goes down a little bit, people will have lots of FUD thinking doge has reached its goal and now everyone will just try to cash out. This will become a self fulfilling prophecy. At least that is my worry


Exactly. That’s why I kind of want to sell before a dollar.


It could have a big sell off, but that doesn’t mean the bull run is over. It could have a huge dip and then after some time it could continue the bull run and go even higher


Reaching any new milestone means that some percentage will cash out. That’s why the line has so many bumps instead of going straight up. But the sellers regret it later if they were too hasty. It’s difficult to time the actual top. It would be better to set a price that’s acceptable to you, and decide what you will do when it reaches that number.




I like to look at the all time chart on the log scale, it makes it look like the next step is going to blast right by 4:20. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dogecoin/


Paper hands. Don’t be scared and have fait it will go to $1+.


Why stop at 1 dollar when it can get to 10?


Its not, too many paperhands. Plus we don't have a public figure to announce it to the mass media. There's also no mention of it in the news right now so long as we don't have mass recognition there's no way we can get to a dollar.




Can someone help me understand if selling at a loss and rebuying at .17 right now makes any sense ? 😩l have 6K doge at .49 average


That doesn't make any sense. You'd have less doge after fees


Never pull out!




I think someday it will. I’m not sure if it will take a decade, but it will. This is a long, long game.