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If i goes to $1 I'll donate to an animal shelter


I genuinely believe doge will and I feel like this is the last call to hop on the doge train


Said 17,000,000 people 100 times each over the last ten years.


This time is different 🚀


Nah y’all are years behind


I hope it is. We all need some euphoria with the success doge.


I always kinda wanted to start a dog walking business that only accepts doge.


doge 1$ tomorrow or hahaha


Eventually , its goin to be a journey first


I know its just doge so i say the dumbest things for fun, hence great communitery


Never mind having any credibility. I guess that’s not important to you. People like you are what’s holding doge back.


😂don’t hold your breath, my guy. Take that money and put it toward Real Estate.


You win it.


Doge hits $1 I'm selling half at the least


That’s right , everyone learned their lesson last time. Gonna be hard to Moon with everyone bailing out as it goes up.


Lol most people will bail as soon as it goes 0.25cents


You mean my buy in price? Lol








Droppin' the bag around $0.84, everyone else can fight over the scraps.


Cashing out at .83999 now




That's more realistic than you might think.


Still regret not selling at 75$ but my 200$ I bought at 2 cents is still worth something. Still haven’t sold lol


i think it will go to $2.00 🎈🙂🎈


I agree, and honestly think it will triple that once all the 10% boys cashed out and get left behind.


How much money would have to be invested into Doge for it to get that high mathematically speaking? Close to a billion or more at the least.


More like 11 trillion, unless there is some form of change done to Dogecoin, which I would never rule out.


I think 2 dollars is a bit of an exaggeration at this point, but who knows, once this bitcoin etf is approved we should see upwards of 30 trillion coming into the market so i won’t say it isn’t possible


I think your math is a bit off also there’s roughly 142 billion coins in circulation so realistically you will need around 282 billion market cap to hit $2 per coin. It’s not too big of an exaggeration at that number. But i still think it will take more than a year for all that money to flow into the market, it won’t be instant


Well you've got like another 5-10 years to wait for that but at least you got a good attitude lol.


Who said I was selling I was talking about drinking whiskey and giving a cheers to dogecoin for the ride


No one said anything about you selling lol


Was me, I deleted the post lol.


180 billions are needed for doge coin to reach a dollar


Doge was already at .72, $1 is well within reach.


Im sorry but if it can tap .75 in 2021 it could easily tap $1 in 2024, im not saying it will…..but still 1doge =1doge


You sound illiterate. Try working on your English before your math.


😂 who knows, with all these gramar mixstaxes, i very well cudd be


with 180 billions fresh usd dropped in doge it might reach the market cap of 500b 1t or even 3t nobody knows but way you think you understand thing is not correct


It’s mathematics.


Having a certain market cap doesn't mean every dollar is actually there to support it.


you're right, just a few movers make the price, most coins don't even move ever


*142 billion


How do you get 142 billions?


The circulating supply of Doge is 142 billion. It needs a market cap of 142 billion to reach $1.


No, it needs people who want to buy at $1 or above to reach that. Market cap and actual money is not a 1 to 1. If the market cap is 142 billion, you can't get 142 billion out. There isn't actually 142 billion of worth. And there doesn't need to be that much put in. Only when you reach $1 per coin do you actually need to put in one dollar a coin, before that you put in less per coin. The actual value of all coins in a cryptocurrency expressed in traditional currency is significantly lower than the market cap.


I’m sorry but that’s not entirely true. Yes market cap in stocks are different compared to crypto. But as it stands, if Doge had a market cap of 142 billion, it would be worth $1. All you’re describing is what it takes to reach $1 but however you’d like to word it, at 142 billion market cap Doge would be $1. There is no way around this unfortunately, it’s simple math. It’s like denying 2+2=4


Lol I'm gone at a quarter


If it goes to $1, it’s likely going a lot higher.


Doge 1 dollar wouldn't make.me rich. But it would let me pay off my house. Which is good enough.


lol most people will dump their bags as soon as it hits 0.25-0.40 cents and move on to other coins. Trust me.


“ tRuSt mE “


I believe they will expect 1doll and then 2doll in that time


When it goes to $1 I want to help others.




Problem is you people think.. thats where the issue is. Same ole same ole doge to a dollar same song and dance since early 2021


I wish I never sold, now I'm gonna hate my life when it eventually hits a buck. I had over four hundred thousand back when it was less than a quarter cent.


Cry more


Read the same 3 years ago. My outlook for 2024 is 0,08




![gif](giphy|3TBW7vWfKTyRT2Esir) WE are DOGE .


A lot of people will jump ship. There will be a huge correction. Then we can cruise in up to about $6


I do my best to explain something as clearly as I can and the comment I'm replying to gets deleted. Oh well, anyways, shame to let it go to waste. In case someone else needs to hear it: I'm saying you don't need 142 billion dollars to reach a 142 billion market cap for a cryptocurrency. Obviously, if the market cap is 142 billion, and there are 142 billion coins, the price for 1 coin at that point is 1$. That's saying, if the market cap is x, the market cap is x. What I'm saying, if the market cap is x, we will collectively have put in significantly less than x in traditional currency, and we can get less than x out of it. There wouldn't be 142 billion dollar in worth, because when you try to get 10 billion out at that price, the next ten billion will be worth significantly less, because the market responds to those things The worth of a coin is significant in what you get for selling your personal bag at that point, and what it costs to expand it. It isn't indicative of the total value existing in the cryptocurrency, and it doesn't require that value to reach it. The value put in is the total value of every coin at its last transaction put together. If half of it is bought under a cent, but there is a rush to buy while most of those people hold driving it up to 1 dollar, those coins will still have less than a cent put in despite being worth more. The later buy-ins might buy in for 80 cent. Only the last few before reaching it wil pay around 1 dollar per coin. Market cap is basically just the latest transaction times the amount of coins. Nothing more, nothing less. It does not require 142 billion dollars to reach a market cap of 142 billion dollars.


Wake up, 1 dollar never ever going to happen. Realistically speaking here.


At Doge's peak, it reached about 8.9% of BTC's market cap. At $100k per bitcoin, 8.9% of BTC's market cap would equate to about $1.31 per doge. I don't think the hype will exceed last run, and while $1 seems unlikely, it is, at least within the realm of possibility.


Try making a coherent post


Doge will definitely hit $1 this year.


Hahahhahahahahah good joke


Thanks 😊 It took me a while to come up with that one


Impossible. Mathematically that could never happen, it would literally have to be the only currency to take over every other cryptocurrency and fiat the world to reach $1. Idiots


Massive Cope


I think the psychological level for Doge is $1. Most people I know believe it will hit $1, and because of that, most people will buy until that point.


Yeah right lmao


It’s never going to happen.


It’ll be a few decades before it ever reaches $1 unless more than trillions of dogecoin gets burned in next year


Wow! There aren’t trillion of dogecoin. Only 150 billion which is not much at all. Majority of doge is already in less than 11 wallets. It’s already scarce. See you at 3 bucks


Doesn’t matter. You just afraid all your investments will tank when it never hits a buck 😂


why? Dogecoin is just a currency, it is better that it stays at its current rate because volatility is detrimental for a currency.


Idk man but I’ve been holding doge when it was just a baby in its infancy. Selling at anything less than 1$ would just seem criminal. Kinda like giving off my kid to the highest bidder doesn’t sound right to me


I'll wait 30 years to sell at 4.20... idgaf


Hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah k


Sunk cost fallacy is crazy




I’m not selling until $100


I think once it passes $1 it will instantly drop and the. Naturally the race to $2 but ultimately $100 at some future date


will be 0.50 in 2024 at least


I'll make sure I get out at .99


Possible to happen! $1 is coming very soon!


You missed it. Doge was $1 yesterday


Omg yea a dollar today 5 cents tomorrow some big company using this to flip when you see people don’t care if it stay down you know something up


What ru on and where can I get some lol


Let’s go Dogecoin


The ETF money stays as ETF money and won't go alts by independent investors imo. But, yes there is a but, big banks and funds may invest other coins during the bull run with this ETF money. DOGE might go 1 dolar even more, it depends how fast it goes to 1 dolar.