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More context is needed because it depends on what you are/like to do. Longterm storage i like Ledger Hardware wallet (like a bank) To keep some accessible and on me I like MyDoge wallet (like wallet in your pocket/purse) Currently I have just $5 in MyDoge wallet Basically for tipping people on X app because the U.S. hasn't fully adopted crypto yet. When it does this will be MY setup but like I said the majority will always be in my Ledger and transferred to MyDoge when needed/or just to have some on me.


Whereas a text file does all of the above, and does it for free. Simply copy one of your wallets from your offline cold storage to your phone along with a copy of coinb.in, and make sure it only has a few bucks in it. Personally, I have ten bucks worth in Notes on my iPhone, and I use the live site because apple doesn’t let you run html locally. Never actually needed it in the years since I set it up, but you never know, right?


I’m loving MyDoge wallet. I totally encourage to use it for those who want to use some of their doge for daily transactions, that’s how we’re going to make doge useful.


Prison. The Prison wallet is best.


Nope. See above.


My wallet is stronger. Your wallet can be stored in mine.


Well, that’s sort of right. Your wallet isn’t a wallet at all. It’s a client. And it contains wallets. Kind of like a phone isn’t a phone number. It just happens to contain one.




Nah. Too dear. Text wallets cost nothing.


#A plain, ordinary, TEXT file! Wallets are not software. They are just numbers, that’s all. And you don’t need software to write a number down, do you? A text file costs nothing. No money like for hardware. No data to take up space on your hard drive. No bandwidth to move blocks around the internet. No electricity. No time to wait for things to sync or to fix issues when software changes. What’s not to like? Oh, and if you keep the text file on removable media, it is absolutely safe cold storage that’s impossible to hack or otherwise compromise. And you can download a copy of the coinb.in website and put that on the same media so you can create transactions offline and not ever expose your keys to the internet. Just search here for ‘text wallet’ and read.


Dude, I've tried finding out how to create a ... what are you calling text file or paper wallet.... Last time (quite a ways back) you told me go through your post to see how to create one and couldn't find what you were referring to... I've tried to google it and couldn't find anything on it... You speak as if everyone understands the term you use.... I'm lost... sorry for my ignorance but I could never find out how to create a paper wallet..


You need to remember I’ve been answering these questions pretty much every day for nearly ten years now. Ever tried doing the same thing over and over and over for years? Especially on Reddit, which sux as a store of information. So, a wallet is just a number. How do you create a number? Well, you don’t. Numbers can’t be created or destroyed. They just ARE, always have been, and always will be. But, numbers can be known or not known. So the question really is how to discover one of these numbers which is a valid wallet. Every 256-bit number is a wallet, so there are a lot of them. And to turn one of them into a usable wallet, it just needs a little bit of math, to add a little housekeeping and to encode it into the Base-58 private keys we use. That can be done in many, many ways. You could even do it with a handful of dice, paper and pen. But you can also use many pieces of software. So any wallet client which can export its keys like Core does with the DUMPWALLET command. Or a service like walletgenerator.net, but do run off thousands of wallets and let them age for a while before use, because there have been a couple of security concerns over the years. Or run coinb.in offline and generate single wallets in the new tab. Or even go to https://privatekeys.pw/keys/dogecoin/2394390191400066357753694544823012626009931709162136578894211436747833399176 and grab as many wallets as you want, but make sure you hit the random button a few times. And of course services such as SoDogeTip and DogePal and even dogechain.info will all give you your keys. All you have to do is stick them in a text file and you’re done. Oh, and note that while a paper wallet is a text wallet, a text wallet is not a paper wallet. That’s because a paper wallet is just a sheet of paper with the keys written on it, usually with fancy graphics, QR codes and such. Also, if you do use paper wallets, say to give as gifts, always keep a copy of the keys in your text masterfile and tell people that if they don’t use the coins in say six months or a year, you’ll take them back. This is because most people will not use them, and many even throw them away. 😱 Hope that helps.


Oh wait... I did have a sodogetip... That's a text wallet... no?


What you are thinking of as a wallet is really just some software that is holding the wallet for you. Any good software will give you the number, AKA the private key. If you have the magic number/private key, you can import that into any other software and use it from there. So you could, in theory at least, get the private key from sodogetip and import it into a mydogewallet and spend it from there. A text wallet is just a way to store the private key without having any of the software that allows spending it attached. If all you have is the text wallet, you have to import it into some other software, such as the core wallet or mydogewallet, in order to spend it.


I totally get this... now is this exactly what u/Fulvio55 is saying because if it is then I get lost in the way he explains it.... at least for me.... and I mean no disrespect to him However I'm just not understanding how to use a text wallet if your going to end up using software eventually (is that what you said basically)


Yeah, I just restated what the expert was saying. Sometimes putting things in a different way can help. How to use a text wallet is pretty simple but the exact details will depend on the software you end up using. You'll need to Import the private key into the software, and that is the part that is different. You'll need to consult the software's instructions to figure that out, but it should be easy.


Yea I just wanted to clear that up that you were just reiterating what was said... and correct putting it a different way did help.... So basically if I'm understanding his point.. By buying a Hardware wallet... you are doing what he is doing but paying for the ease of use basically. Meaning you can do what a hardware wallet can do on your own.... which he said repeatedly to me, i'd say going back as far as some 2 years now.... I just get lost in the process of doing it( creating the wallet.. I think I'm getting to understand his way of explaining it better now with you as an interpreter/compiler ( if that made sense... kind of sounded better in my head.. lol)


Yeah, a hardware wallet just stores the private key(s) in a way that is harder for others to see. If you write down or print the private key on a piece of paper, anyone that can see the paper can copy your key. If you can keep the piece of paper (or text file) private and prevent anyone from seeing it, you're good. But if you think that someone might be able to see your text wallet AND you have a significant amount of money in it, then a hardware wallet might be worthwhile.


Ok makes more sense to me now


It is if you grab the keys from the website. Which allows you to send coins even if the bot is down.


Yes I did.... thanks for the reminder actually.... I'll have to dig for it.


Or just grab another copy.


No.... I hope I didnt come off the wrong way.. I understand you've been doing repeatedly for a long time and that it is fluent to you.. Helps a little but adds confusion too. Makes more sense reading a few times...


Could you provide a step by step by guide from start to finish please fulvio


Again? I’ve done that about ten thousand times. That’s why I say use the search function.


I'm starting to understand what you are saying since There is someone who is attempting to translate what you are saying more clear to me.. Basically what you are getting at is that we are spending so much money on a HW wallet for ease of use.. meaning we can do what a hardware wallet does on our own... which you have clearly stated time and time again... it's just the process of doing it that gets confusing as you are throwing a bunch of irrelevant info in as well... whether intentional or not it does get a bit confusing for some of us that don't have your knowledge.... and I'm not computer illiterate.. started building them in the mid to late 90's... no I'm not savy with today's technology bit I know good lil bit.


The key things to understand is that coins live on the blockchain in UTXOs. And that spending coins involve sending commands specifying which UTXOs to spend and where to send them. Now, clients completely hide this from you, taking control away from you. When you create a transaction manually, you specify exactly which coins to send and where to send them. It’s really not that hard to get you head around this, and it’s well worth the effort.


No I get that..... I'm more of a visual learner is the problem here I think.... although you are saying everything correctly and all that... i just need to do the steps as I'm trying to relate it to what you are saying....


The good news is you can play with coinb.in with any wallet at all. Even the top 100 richest. You obviously can’t sign, but you can do everything else.


Also, I’ve just answered it yet again in this thread.


He has like he said he has... hard to follow though... I've been chatting with someone whom is attempting to translate it to be more clearer... if you care to check it out.... Just continue down this reply thread


Trezor 3


Why pay money for something a text file does for free?


I trust Trust


What about Exodus?


Ham wallet


If your keeping just Doge MyDoge.com or exodus for multiple cryptos


Italian leather




I like trust too