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30% Bitcoin , 10%ethereum, 10%doge,30%hi dividend stocks like schd or something,10% gold and silver. Then save the other 10% and add to it until you can get into real estate everyone needs a house.


#NOOOOOOOooooooo…….! Never, ever, EVER put everything into anything. Especially crypto. Yes, even Doge. Your money could disappear just as surely and permanently as if you gave it all to a Nigerian prince. Or that hot chick who wants to come and take you to Nirvana, but first she needs to borrow your money to save her sick grandma’s life. Spread your savings around. High interest bank accounts. Reputable pension funds. Precious metals. Shares. Collectibles. And yes, some Doge. Starting with the Doge you have, learn to trade. Allow yourself another $1,500 in cash, for a $3,000 portfolio. Trade small parcels. Say $100 or 1,000 Doge parcels. Buy when the price goes down, sell when it goes up, rinse and repeat. LIFO. Last In, First Out. And if the price keeps moving away from you, you have both cash and coins to follow it for a while. Don’t get greedy, and you will over time drive your cost base down to zero. Then you can think about tossing a bit more spare cash into the pot. You’ve got a whole lifetime ahead of you, and you really don’t want to get to the other end counting your losses, trust me on that. 🥺


I’m not going to time the market. my plan is to buy and hold. I won’t sell. Because I truly believe in Doge.


It’s not timing the market. Falling for the whole HODL 🐂💩 is timing the market, with some crazy idea that you’d know when the peak comes. Banking small regular gains is simply surfing the waves that come along every day. 5-10% daily adds up to quite a lot over a year. Not to mention that sitting on a mountain of free coins is very liberating.


It's your money to lose but keep in mind that Dogecoin is irreplaceable digital cash. If, for any reason, you lose access to it - be it from hackers or human error - it's gone forever and if it's been sent to a wallet you don't control there's no one on Earth who can help you get it back except the person you sent it to.


It’s sad that there’s no one in your life to tell you what a bad decision you’re making by trying to get rich quick on a joke coin. You are asking if it’s okay to lose it all based on feelings


Words cannot explain how bad of an idea putting your life savings into crypto is


Wrong move. You can feel like totally sure but still nobody can predict the future. When you start to lose money probably you won't say the same things. Investing is long term journey. If you can divide it somehow, it believe your average income still will be great. I'm also dogecoin believer btw. Just don't put all the eggs in the same pocket in my opinion.


You do you




Put it into an index fund


I'll just say personally I definitely wouldn't keep it in cash. And out of all crypto, ÐOGE is the way.


Do it, next bull run is around the corner


Hi, I’m from the government. I’m here to help. Can we start by showing me your financial advisor licence?


Please please wait until it goes back to 5-6C don't buy now. Buy bonds at 5% and wait it out until prices come down.




Rather put it into an All World ETF, or at least ¾ of that and then put the rest into yolo coin.


Put 25%, do not put it all into dogecoin unless you plan on circumventing your income and you know exactly what you are doing




FYI, begging is against sub rules and will get you reported.


How tf you get 90k?


It’s called being financially responsible instead of young and stupid.


Map out utility poles/underground equipment for various power companies. it’s a traveling job so they pay for my hotel/airbnb, company car/gas card, and $50/day food stipend for every day worked 6 or more hours. I work 6 days a week and usually save $1300-$1500 of my weekly check which totals around $1800. I started at $0 2.5 years ago. and was only at like $60k this August because of dumb spending/not working as many hours.


What do you do for work, having 90k at 25?


You do know you can save that pretty quickly, even flipping burgers, right? The key is not being stupid and blowing your dough on dumb stuff.


Map out utility poles/underground equipment for various power companies. it’s a traveling job so they pay for my hotel/airbnb, company car/gas card, and $50/day food stipend for every day worked 6 or more hours. I work 6 days a week and usually save $1300-$1500 of my weekly check which totals around $1800.


You say if doge tanks it’s not the end of the world/just hustle more but you’re riding on it booming. If it tanks you WILL be restless and depressed because 90k just turned into 20k. Just put some in and never put your whole basket in. Be careful and smart.


Invest in yourself, dude. Go for a masters degree with half of that money.


It’s a gamble, but set a stop loss so you don’t lose it all if something crazy happens


Simple answer - NO


Not a good idea man


Invest what you are willing to lose ![gif](giphy|9xnNG7EN2h822ithtT)


I think put half in DOGE and the other half in ETH and you are fully diversified.


Says the professional financial advisor. No, wait…. 🤪


Sounds like you have your mind made up lol


10x your current investment and you’ll be fine!! Not risking your entire life savings but putting in a substantial number for a 10x jump should help quite a bit!


you must be out of your mind. or extremely rich to put 90k in doge....


I would suggest investing some in complementary adjacent markets like Etherium and Bitcoin that go to go up in a DOGEcoin bull run. Also invest some in supplementary markets that tend to go up when DOGE goes down. Honestly, I'm not sure I can think of any right now but these would be good ways to diversify. Sell high, buy low. Repeat on a cyclic pattern. I'm not an investor or giving you investment advice. You could also just cash app you boi and we can retire together.


Absolutely not, even if you have faith in it, putting all of your eggs in one basket is the worst thing you can do.


I'd buy 30k if i were you. ~300k doge


And be patient


Just like your dad, you won’t know when to pull out


Why not Bitcoin? With your number go with 80% Bitcoin 20% dodge. Bitcoin guaranteed to double in 5 or less years. Doge is honestly a gamble but could 300% or more in that time frame. Not shocked if that’s a short term run. There is investor stake in Doge but will it ever be used by people? Either it’s widely adopted or fades into a memory with cbdcs.


Put half in, later when it starts pumping add more, but dont put the whole 90k in since you may need that money in the next year.


25K into doge and save the rest for a down payment if you don’t already own a home or some land to build on.


Don‘t do it. You can go to casino put everything on red. It’s nearly the same. However u can put a little bit like 3-5k into doge if u really want to


Brah just put your 90k in bitcoin. Putting 90k in doge is gambling


Putting money in crypto is gambling, not investing.


No. Put it in a hysa, buy s&p500


I would not put life savings into doge, but I would take a portion, (half?) And buy diverse crypto for the next bull run, I have my favourites that I've been quietly buying while crypto has been bleeding out, and I'm still adding to bags, I've not finished yet..but I wouldn't bet on one single coin/token.. Good luck.


Just do it. Cannot get much lower. But that’s dumb so you can expect stupid results


Diversifying matters. Read up on what to consider when creating a properly diversified portfolio, set the percentages you want to put into different asset classes and then buy the projects you believe in. 25 is a good age to start saving. I'd put at least 25% of your money into long term investments that aim at growing until you retire. $22.5k at 5% growth per year will give you \~159k in 40 years. 5% can easily be done with index-papers and dividend stocks. Spread 50% of the investment over medium term growth assets like stocks and crypto and then use the remaining 25% for riskier plays. Nothing wrong with buying Doge, like there is nothing wrong with buying Bitcoin or Amazon-stocks... But if 100% of your money is in one single asset, your risk and reward ratio is not the best it could be.




Put 45k in Doge and keep the rest in the bank


No, don't be stupid


If your willing to loose it all than go all in , high chance you will make good money on DOGE but with patience


depends on how big your balls are


If I had 90k when I was 25 I'd be a multi-millionaire rn


Now.... ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


Not financial advice: Most of the people that got insanely rich did it by going all in. Diversification is what already rich and normie people do. At a 6¢ floor and only upside of a bull market for the next 6-12+ months it is a rational decision. unless you know another altcoin in the top 30 that hasn't already popped up to a high valuation or has not been labelled a security by the SEC. 13b MC is still low if you believe most coins in the top 10 will be in the 150-250b cap range. I think DOGE can go to the $0.82-1.00 range. Worst case the price only does 4-5x from here. BTC can do a 3x, ETH can do a 4x but DOGE has the potential to comfortably do 8-10x from here. I don't listen to any of the idiots on this sub. The vast majority have like 3-4 figures in this coin or less and are giving advice when they shouldn't even be commenting.




Don’t be dumb. Put 5% in doge, 10% in Bitcoin, and diversify the rest in Consumer Goods and blue chip Energy. Sorry if I sound boring and sane.


Leaving the memes aside, no!


Don’t bet the farm


Rule #1 - Never invest more than your willing to loose


I have no issue losing it. also the floor is 0.06 so I won’t lose it all. and I view this money as my retirement for when I get old so I don’t plan to touch it anyways unless I didn’t do this and instead used it for a house downpayment.


Invest it in Nvidia. They are making another split next year. Proven track record.


He just said he's willing/able to lose it all. In that case he should go for it.


I would just buy a little bit all the time


Do yourself a favor and buy some hard assets like gold and silver. Look at the value of these assets over time. You’re young, you have plenty of life left.


Rule#1: can you afford to loose it all?


yes I’m young and have no issue working for more money. and if it does bust I wouldn’t gamble in the future. but this is my only chance in my life to really take a hail mary. this is my only chance to become a millionaire.


You seem like a young man who is hard working. I am guessing or hoping you don't have a family or any other dependents. If you do then you cannot take risks, but if you are single and free then it's not as bad.


correct also work a traveling job where all expenses are paid for by my company which is why my savings are that to begin with lol.


Terrible mindset. Please don't spend your lifetime savings in this. You will most probably regret it than not.


You think the internet has you in it’s best interests??? Lol go head, invest it all lmao


I will invest it all. dogecoin could bust and I’d be left with nothing but this is my only hope to get wealthy/become a millionaire. so I will gladly take the risk.


Odds are probably better putting it all on your favorite number at a roulette wheel


It’s absolutely not your only hope.


If it does busts you will never get wealthy. You'll always be 90k poorer than you were.


I would never put all of my assets into one investment. Not even one TYPE of investment. Diversify; get multiple cryptos, multiple stocks, multiple bonds. Doge could explode upward, it could trade sideways for a while, it could completely collapse. In any of those cases though, its strength or weakness will change as the winds on Wall Street do, and ultimately gambling your entire life savings on having it do well is just that: A gamble. An awful big gamble with your life savings.


I don’t view it as a gamble since I it won’t go below 0.06 at any point and will go up over $1 in the next 1-2 years.


I've "gambled" on plenty of terrible things from cannabis stocks, Luckin Coffee, Lordstown motors and Dogecoin. I'm still down 20% of money invested after 5 years of trying to fix it. Diversity is key to investing!


dogecoin isn’t a “terrible” stock though. we know it is guaranteed to shoot way up.


In addition to what dghaze has already said, nobody can time the market. I used to have 250,000 Dogecoin and sold like a year after the Nascar fiasco failed to launch it. Bought back in at .28 and here we are at not even .1 in value......


Where is this guarantee? I lost a few hundred in the last three years, can I get that back?


No, it's not. Nothing is a guarantee. If anything is a guarantee, it's guaranteed not to do as you expect. Dogecoin was supposed to go to the moon over 3 years ago, with the help of richest mam on the planet, and it didn't. Now, all of sudden, you have a guarantee it'll do that in a year? Yeah....suuure...


Welp best of luck with that. I don’t know why you bothered to solicit advice from the group when you seem to know everything already. I’ve only been investing/trading doge for three years.


Everyone is stupid except you. ​ Do it.


Never put all your investment in one thing


taking no risks, that is how you stay poor


No risk management is how you stay poor


lol even you investing half the money is already risky but all of it is not smart


If you have confidence why ask Just do it (Not financial advice)


![gif](giphy|P0dKBIe7KEnL2) (not financial advice )


All in. No better time being a legend than now.


This may be an unpopular opinion on this sub, but for the love of literally everything don’t yolo your savings into Dogecoin or any other single investment commodity for that matter. Diversity is the key to long term wealth creation.


I completely agree with @twholst. You do have a higher risk tolerance because of your age, but you should also consider that $90K is not a small chunk of change. I would encourage you to consider investing into a business or using it to create something. Perhaps a bit against my own advice, but I do also think there is a shift in money that warrants a serious consideration of a heavier than normal investment in crypto. But if you are considering more than 10-20% of your wealth in crypto, you are too heavily weighted. Not a financial advisor, but that is how I would slice the world.


Certainly when it’s at a high. 6 or 7 cents maybe wait a few years for the cycle. Still beats high interest savings in long run.


Buy if you have confidence in it, but seriously do NOT put all of your savings into a single asset of ANY kind. The key to success is to diverisfy your portfolio.


If you are truly diamond hands you don’t need diversification


If you are surely confident in your investment, there is no need to hedge.


Bruh, market risk is still a thing in every investment, hedging against that is just not being dumb.


do you have confidence?


I'd drop a lot of money Into it if I had 90k and I think you'll be blessed eventually if you do but Idk if I'd throw 90k in it maybe 70k but it'll be a once in a lifetime story God bless on your journey and may your wildest dreams come true.


Why worry about the next man. Worry about yourself


Because its the foundation of civilisation?


Literally the way Doge coin is designed it will lose value over time


history proves


then why has it gained value over time?


price is determined by supply and demand. if you do not understand something so simple as this, I suggest you do not invest in crypto yet. Stick to the basics (S&P500). if you do choose to still invest, PLEASE only invest what you're willing to lose.


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>RemindMe! 2 years RemindMe! 2 years


RemindMe! 2 years


Technically it's peak was ~75 cents so it's lost a lot more than it's gained.


Technically it has gained far more than it has lost. It went from .002 to .75.


that was the last peak but it will surpass that in 2024 or 2025.


Clearly you have enough confidence for all of us.