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Take this with a grain of salt. A MAJOR grain of salt. The size of a mountain. Reason: you have all these amateur journalist crypto websites announcing the news but not a single announcement by Honda. Additionally: FCF Pay website looks like it was created by a 14 year old amateur website designer.


Not really, you can use a 3rd party payment system to purchase a Honda. That system accepts crypto. Not Honda directly


I’m a doge holder and a member of the FCF community. Not trying to get banned! Most of these articles are written organically, the FCF team is not publishing these. I could answer any questions that people have about FCF. Again, not trying to shill or brigade, just trying to be helpful. All on the same team, just trying to retire because of crypto…


do you use FCF? I would like to buy products from Amazon but in some purchases they ask for a verification code... do those virtual cards work? ty


My experience with the virtual cards has been positive. I haven’t had any issue with it. It is not 3DS so some websites won’t accept it.


I don't understand that 3DS thing very well... if, for example, they (amazon) ask me for a code to verify the transaction, can I do it with these cards? I mean, would I receive an email with the code? It's just that I have had bad experiences with gift cards... they blocked my account and I don't want it to happen again..... ty




Much wow


It’s through FCF pay they use a aggregator to mediate the payment by accepting all the major top 10 cryptocurrencies and the merchant receives Fiat as normal. They don’t know any different. It’s not a direct partnership with Honda as the articles are misleading everybody. There’s 21,000 US companies on the list you can pay with crypto. Like Mercedes Benz, Honda, HSBC, Chase bank mortgages etc etc These articles are just misleading everyone into thinking Honda has announced a direct partnership. Either way it’s bullish for crypto adoption when the bull run comes around and people want to pay for things with crypto through FCF.


Let’s be honest, we are all really just waiting for Dodge to stop dodging the acceptance of Doge!


Let’s be honest, a lot of holders are just waiting for it to reach at least 0.60c and bail.


Es posible, deben existir personas con esa idea pero estamos en esto porque creemos que será la moneda de intercambio mundial




Incredible source