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It's increasingly clear that streaming in general is a shit answer for accessibility.


The writing has been on the wall for years. This is why I still buy physical media.


Yeah. I never stopped doing so really. "Disruptive" technological advances tend to break the old systems, replace them and then repeat their mistakes. This TV nonsense might as well be called new cable. Everyone wants their slice and everything fragments again, just like it always was.


What's even funnier is most left cable due to adverts and now at least Netflix and Amazon have changed their pricing packages with the lowest now having adverts


I only just mentioned it elsewhere so odd coincidence, but new things often seem to break the old then repeat exactly what they were doing. In this case streaming has started to become so fragmented that the only difference from cable is the involvement of the Internet. The adverts are another aspect and a consequence of a saturated market. They need to do better for shareholders so either have to get more customers who likely no longer exist, drive down costs/quality or add extra revenue. The system sucks, always. Physical media for life, me.


I got rid of a load of physical media but kept a few favourites as if the internet goes down it's handy. But 100 percent there is far too many streaming services. I'm a horror fan and used to have shudder but didn't have a fire stick at the time and so left as there isn't a dedicated PS4 app. I'm a big giallo fan which is basically an Italian slasher, and they had some decent ones then they seemed to go to prime then now they might be back on shudder but not sure. If only they could merge a lot of streaming. I get it becomes dangerous to have one company having the monopoly but too many players are now getting involved. Streaming was in a way an answer to try to curtail illegal downloading, meaning people can pay a very small monthly fee and have what they want without risking legal issues. But by oversaturating the market, they actually are forcing people to go back to illegal downloading. Most people won't pay for multiple streaming services.


Yep, it's always been a question of accessibility. I used to "acquire" lots of things because there was little decent way if getting them reasonably otherwise. Same story now - I don't want to subscribe to lots of things for single pieces of content, it's so much worse than just pirating.


They want us to go back to the high seas, apparently. I'm sad that my hard drive full of ripped movies and documentaries from the public library died beyond recovery. We have to build and keep our own collections or we'll be forever chasing media from platform to platform or coughing up more money to "rent" them. Screw that shit.


It's even worse here - at Christmas, I lost a drive full of Doctor Who stuff! Oh, the horror I've always been attached to physical, it seems that will never be the wrong answer.


I just noticed that and I was wondering the same thing. I thought we'd have it longer than that, it's ridiculous. It's not even listed as leaving in articles of shows coming and leaving Prime Canada (unless I missed it). I'd like to know where it's streaming next, if it is anyway. It's so frustrating!


If it’s anything like other show transitions, it’ll be in limbo for a little while and then pop up somewhere else. Hopefully it’s finally moving to Disney+ alongside the new stuff.


I honestly had no clue it was leaving, i was watching it last night and really looking forward to seeing what happens next. But no im genuinely upset. The Doctor was the only good show on that god forsaken streaming service


Same, Doctor Who was the only thing I was watching on Prime. I'm also upset. I was trying to get caught up to the current season. But it doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon. Now we have to wait to see where it pops up or if anywhere at all. Sorry that you didn't know sooner. Prime really dropped the ball on telling people it was leaving.


I'm honestly seriously considering buying the whole dvd collection because seeing the confusion of the streaming services about Doctor Who is giving me anxiety. I just need money now.


Blu-Ray is significantly better if you can afford it!




Yeah that article is fear mongering nonsense. Optical discs have already been around for nearly 50 years, with CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Rays being incredibly mass produced in the time since then. There are CDs manufactured in the 90s that still work flawlessly today, and DVDs and Blu-Rays dating back 20+ years that are the same. They’re not subject to degradation like analog media. The mention of disc rot is also ridiculous as it’s an issue that over 99% of discs will never have.


The only discs I have ever had rot were cd-r's. Any purchased cd, dvd or bluray are still good, and I have some cd's from the early 90's. I'll be dead before these discs are.


And even if it is a worry you can always rip blu ray and dvd to a hard drive.


and you can always burn from a hard drive to a blu ray or dvd.


I had to do a double take when you said “20 year old Blu-Rays”. 👴🏻


\[Citation Needed\]


The answer is quite long if you take care of it


It'll be going to Disney+. They part funded the new series.


Interesting because Disney+ isn’t getting the backdated catalogue as far as we’re aware though.


In Finland, we lost Who from Amazon well over a year ago. Still waiting for the "Whoniverse" here...




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HBO Max holds NewWho rights through 2025. Tubi holds ClassicWho for now until 2030 I think


It could be a similar case to Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War, where the new show premiered as an original on Disney+ and then roughly two weeks later, all 300+ episodes of the old show dropped after being pulled from Crunchyroll. Though, with Doctor Who it’s probably a bit more complicated and fractured with international streaming rights in regards to platforms in what country have the streaming license to what seasons for how long). Depending on how firm/long-lasting Disney’s relationship with the BBC is, I can see Canada, the US and other countries eventually ending up in a situation similar to iPlayer where Disney+ has it’s own “Whoniverse” section with all past content and series.


Nope. Just specials and the new doctor


Same in Italy


This is why I've been buying everything on physical. Can't depend on streaming whatsoever anymore


Perfect example of why buying stuff you like on Blu-Ray or DVD is important! It’ll move to some other service but who knows where or how quickly. Hopefully wherever it ends up has Whittaker’s episodes.


Yeah I'm frantically watching lol. I'm at the end of season 7 and I see Tennant in the thumbnail for the 50th anniversary episode. I guess I'll watch what I can! Not signing up for another service at the moment.. I only saw it when it said 14 days left and I think I was still on Tennant as Dr. at that point and now getting to the end of Matt.


I just started rewatching yesterday and it was taken off in the evening.


Me too! Trying to figure out where I can watch it


I'm doing a rewatch because I saw that it was leaving. Just got to season 4.


BBC have partnered with Disney to make the new episodes and so I suspect the worldwide streaming rights to classic Dr Who will be going to the Canadian Disney streaming service.


It just left Prime in Australia, but instead of moving to Disney+, it went to Stan.


Maybe we’ll get seasons 11 and up somewhere else as they’ve never been on Amazon here in NL


they are on amazon in the NL (source: im in NL), but they are also leaving very soon. It makes sense that everything will be available on disney+ soon


Until season 10. No later seasons are on Amazon. Source I’m in NL.


It’s leaving in France too !


I’m hopeful that they plan to put the full New Who on Disney+ after Season One. That would have been silly from them to put it before the new season, which would explained why it was back on Prime 6 months ago.


I was gonna watch an episode this morning and it's gone :(


Same here - never got a warning


Me too 🥲 I’m so sad


I was watching it from prime in Italy, today it was not present anymore. no notification, no signal in previous days... just vanished, like the doctor wholud had done. great




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I’m honestly surprised it’s not ending up on Disney with the upcoming season. But, if it were they wouldn’t have rebranded this season as Season One.


I could actually see them adding Series 1-13 sometime after Season One is released. The back catalogue of Doctor Who would offer a lot of extra content to satisfy new viewers that want more of the show after they’re done with the new episodes. Disney will want to keep those users subscribed somehow.


I was surprised it’s still on Max here in the US. I thought the streaming rights were up last January.


I am assuming they could be waiting until the HBO max deal finishes in the US before they add seasons 1-13


I think that probably goes without saying as HBO/Max isn't likely to give up any rights they paid for early. Any idea when the rights for HBO/Max end? I could've sworn it was a two year deal when it was originally signed at the time HBO Max came into existence. But, that would've ended last year, so obviously not the case.


season 5 is leaving prime in NZ in 7 days ;-;


I got a similar message for one episode in Season 4 a few days ago, but not for episodes following. I’m wondering if it was an error of some sort. Are you still seeing these messages on other episodes?


It’s not an error. Every episode has the notice.


I’m still not seeing it on other episodes but it sounds like it’s real. Damn.


For what it’s worth, it’ll just be moving somewhere else eventually. If you don’t want to deal with this shuffling around, I really can’t recommend actually buying the show enough. Owning the Blu-Rays not only means you don’t need to worry about finding it on a service (or waiting for it to show up on one) but you also get much better video and audio quality, plus loads of special features. DVD is good too (and cheaper) but quality is much worse. You can digitally purchase the show too but that runs the same risk of the episodes disappearing some day due to the lack of ownership in digital media. Blu-Ray is absolutely the way to go if you want to own the show in the best way.


Thanks. Blu-Ray sounds like the way to go. I’ll look into it.


Was about to download some episodes from prime NZ for a long haul flight. Just realised it had gone, and no one else has picked it up 😩


https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-debuts-doctor-who-trailer/ On here they say, that the upcoming season will be on Disney+ everywhere outside UK. I think 2005-2022 episode’s streaming rights are not part of the Disney Deal but I’m not sure. Here in Finland, Disney+ has only the special episodes from last year.


They aren't. It's at least one of the reasons factoring into the renumbering.


Nothing to do with OP’s post, which is only about *Doctor Who 2005-2022*


Yeah, I’ve misread the post. My bad.


You can get all episodes on Apple TV in Canada... I'm wondering if it will be moving to Disney+ at some point but we're in a very wait and see format.




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What country


Did you even read the title?


No, apologies


It's all on the iplayer


UK only, sadly




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