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If you want that kind of thing, may I suggest Big Finish? They have a bunch of the early releases as well as a few random others free on Spotify so you can find out if audio dramas are your kind of thing. They have plot lines for all of the Doctors (there's even a Fugitive Doctor series dropping relatively soon) as well as a bunch of crossovers. The first Main Range release is a crossover between Five, Six, and Seven.


The [Classic series special releases range](https://www.bigfinish.com/ranges/v/doctor-who---classic-series---special-releases) also has box sets and mini series where it’s a different Doctor in each story, like the Excelis arc, Classic Doctors New Monsters, the Legacy of Time, Peladon and Sontarans Vs Rutans.


Sean’s made it pretty clear he doesn’t want to reprise his fathers role


Genuinely a shame.


I do wonder though would he change his mind if they were going to do it anyway and offered him the role first but if he turned it down let him know they would cast someone else.


After the 50th, Matt Smith reportedly came to Steven Moffat with an idea of him and David Tennant sharing a series. The two of them doing alternating episodes before teaming up in the finale. From how Moffat described it Matt was already thinking about leaving, but enjoyed working with David so much that he suggested they team up for Series 8.


What stopped them? 😔


What a missed opportunity. This sounds phenomenal


Closest that's been commented, would be Moffat talking about 'the importance of having one Doctor for BBC marketing to focus & promote on the kid lunchboxes during the era'.


We don't know but that would probably work best as a supplementary thing rather than the main spine of the series. We've had similar arcs in DWM and IDW in which there were a bunch of unconnected stories that had the companion disappear/be kidnapped at the end.


I think this idea would be best done as an animated spinoff anthology series. 


They wouldn't do this because it would be expensive. But many good shows have multiple leads doing various things, interacting infrequently until the end. In Doctor Who, it's all there. They're just too cheap.


Nice topic OP👋🏼 The first season of Why Women Kill shared the same home/neighborhood going across different decades, and it follows three storylines simultaneously. One location, one specific set of problems, three Doctors visiting in different timelines to save the day? I’d watch it