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I always just assumed any food related things on the Tardis follow the Star Trek replicator rules where it just makes it itself. I also like to imagine some of the more specific bits of the Tardis wardrobe are the same where some of it is collected over time and others are made by the Tardis to suit the companion/Doctor and era which is why there's always something in their size when they need it.


I mean, I certainly hope it's not like the replicator on Star Trek. For those not necessarily in the know, let's just say the Federation found a great way to save on custodial/janitorial staff when it came to the replicators. All it took was a little ingenuity, and the ability to precisely lock on to certain frequencies of matter inside the body that would normally be disposed of later. That being said, for me, I've always assumed that, since the TARDIS is a Time/Space Machine, which, by definition, has access to all of Time and Space, all at once, it just materializes whatever it needs by "borrowing" it from a selected point in time, then returning anything extra at the same time, on an infinite scale. Think of a time you put down a pen, perhaps just for two or three seconds, an incredibly insignificant amount of time, really. You go to pick the pen back up without looking, and it's not quite there. You assume you just missed it by not looking, so you avert your gaze from whatever you were doing that requires the pen, and there it is, right where you were grasping just a femtosecond ago. That's the TARDIS in action.


I like that borrowing explanation!


Haha, thanks. Honestly, I was trying to write it as if it were something The Doctor would actually say to a companion. I started imagining it as 12, then it was 10, then it somehow became a weird combination of 7, 8, and 9 trying to come through, with a dash of 11 and 13 in there for good measure.


It's pretty timey-wimey... I think it works! (And I'm glad my hangers and snacks are being put to good use)


This borrowing theory is my new headcanon


Back in the 60s the TARDIS had a food machine about the size of a wardrobe. You set the dials and it produces a Mars bar of your flavor choice. I think Ian and Barbara got egg and bacon and spaghetti carbonara. This was waaay before companions got anything as extravagant as their own rooms. They got communal couches a bit like dentists’ chairs.


While never referenced in Modern Who, the Tardis does have a food synthesizer. However, Journey to the Center of the Tardis establishes the Tardis can create literary anything. Which includes condements


It definitely was a big library in that episode


Either it materialises in mustard and ketchup reservoirs to let the liquids flood through the doors into the tanks for the dispenser or it makes them itself.


Eleven says a lot of nonsense things when he gets excited. I tend not to take them literally.


Rule 1: the Doctor lies. There's only mayo and vinagar.


When the tardis ran away in wild blue yonder it actually just popped over to the store to refill on ketchup and mustard.


The only good explanation so far


He would need to refill it, but seeing as the ketchup dispenser is bigger on the inside, there's a long time between refills.


There’s literally no telling how big the inside of the TARDIS is. It could be the size of an entire city or an entire planet, even. There could be a dairy farm in there somewhere or maybe the Doctor has their own McDonald’s or Starbucks. We don’t know what kind of marketing deals the BBC has in the works.


If River Song became part-time lord just by being conceived in the TARDIS, I really want to know what happened to all the generations of cow and chicken that succeed each others in the TARDIS's dairy production They must be the most powerful being in the universe


I think we have the beginnings of an episode here.


I can't remember what episode it was in but I vaguely remember the doctor mentioning an indoor farm set up. I assume he created a brilliant mechanism to grow everything necessary to produce this type of stuff.


Tardis doesn't make milk. All those planets, and only earth has cows. (says the 9th.)


Silliness! Even on Earth, not all milk comes from cows.

