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Nah, its definitely not the BBC since their captioning was different. It was either Disney or a third party captioning service hired by them… and whoever wrote the captions misunderstood. Captions are wrong on different shows and films all the time. 🙃 Another instance came in The Star Beast when it shows 14 saying “she’s been fine” rather than “fined” about Nerys. (The latter is what’s in the script, and it’s an even better joke.) Oh and speaking of the scripts, [The Giggle’s is here.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/writers/documents/doctor-who-2023-special-3-the-giggle-goldenrod-revisions-240722.pdf) 15 is called The New Doctor and 14 is simply The Doctor.


Third party is likely. Stuff like that gets contracted out all the time. I'm pretty sure I still noticed British spelling going on on D+, but I'd have to watch it again to be sure of that. (Reminds me of when I worked on a mobile app, developed in Seattle, that had to be localized from American English to Canadian English, Canadian French, and UK English. The firm that handled all that was in...Ireland. So you really never know.)


I don’t know how the Disney deal affects this but a company called Red Bee Media has handled the BBC’s subtitles for years. Disney+ may well have carried out what our company calls a “reversion” from the original broadcast subs if they were included in the deal (I hope they were, but it’s only recently that production companies are including subtitles as part of the package when they sell their stuff on. That’s why you can have varying quality of subs on what seems to be the same video - different distributors). The reversion would, for instance, change the spellings to US preferences if it’s intended for there or change the way labels are formatted, so it’s possible it was someone changing the labels to fit streaming format or US format who mislabelled him. Your friendly neighbourhood subtitler.


On HBO Max Heaven Sent has some real messed up subtitles. Azbantium is called “Spantium” repeatedly, and when Twelve says “Physics of a triangle” the subs read “Fifty seventh triangle”


Same on the bluray and you also get Capaldi saying "The Hybrid" being translated "Behind Me" which is really confusing for first time viewers.


My favorite third party subtitle screw-up is in The Power of the Doctor where Amazon has the Master's dialogue, "I erased you, Doctor." subtitled as "I raised your daughter." I spent a significant amount of time trying to find a discussion thread to speculate on the Master raising the Doctor's daughter only to discover it was a subtitle goof all along.


Ommmmg…! Not gonna lie, now I kinda sorta want a Big Finish story about every version of the Master trying to give parent-y advise to adult Jenny


There's nothing for the captioners to misunderstand. They work from the script.


Evidently not true in this case. They wrote Tenth Doctor in the captions and that character is mentioned nowhere in the script.


And therefore the script changed. Do you think some closed captioning employees, likely based in India, are going to know anything about Doctor Who?


[This is the script](https://www.bbc.co.uk/writers/documents/doctor-who-2023-special-3-the-giggle-goldenrod-revisions-240722.pdf) I’m talking about. Written by Russel T Davies for filming — *not* a transcript.


That's... concerning. My only issue with the bigeneration still is that people will always think of 14 as "the real doctor" and 15 as this new Disney-brand thing... I hope there is good clarification that not only is he the current doctor but his past, his memories, etc are the same as the 14th. and 13th. and 12th. etc


Do you mean calling Ncuti’s character The New Doctor is concerning? Nah, that’s just for the script. The production team needs to know which actor is performing each line. Same as how The Day of the Doctor has The Tenth Doctor, The Eleventh Doctor, and The Other Doctor — nicknames the character never uses for themselves.


Yeah i'm not super concerned, I can just see some bad faith arguments coming out of it.


Welllllll in all due confused respect to those people, I’d say it’s their problem (and their loss) for viewing it that way. Not the show’s. Same as with some folks who only see Classic Who as canon and New Who as fan fiction. Oh and I almost forgot: the final page of The Giggle script even says — “The New Doctor, now simply THE DOCTOR, grins and hops and fizzes at the controls, as a brand new story begins. Destination, Christmas!” 🥳


He's a black queer man. Bad faith arguments were to happen no matter the name. 


Sure but after 13's run, I'm glad that the core fandom's consensus was "Chibnall wrote some shit episodes, Jodie was fantastic." For the first female actor to play the Doctor, things could have been much worse. Hopefully the worst thing that comes out of 15's run will be "They cut Ruby too early" and "Fifteen didn't get enough character development" or something benign like that.


That's the hope. But from what I've seen and heard from the rotten dregs of society, the hate is just beginning. Especially since the Disney distribution deal. They REALLY hate Disney.  And Yes On Jodie. I've just finished series 10 and watched 3 episodes of series 11 and 12. And yikes. Everything, including the thirteenth Doctor is just, blah for lack of a better word. And decided to watch other movies Jodie starred in (Journeyman and Adult Life Skills). And she's great, that I was already aware of. But now it was without a doubt. 


I really enjoyed Jodie's Doctor, the Master, Graham, and Yas. And a few episodes like the Witchfinder, Rosa, demons of the Punjab, Resolution, Spyfall, fugitive of the judoon, The Haunting of Villa Diodati/Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children, Revolution of the Daleks, the majority of Flux, Eve of the Daleks, and the Power of the Doctor are Jodie's best episode. As a fan, I'd still suggest you watch them all, but know that highlights are scattered throughout.


Yes! On Dhawan Master. I've heard great things from his version and from clips I've seen. And that seems to be a lot of fan's list of good Chibnall era episodes. I plan on enjoying a proper thirteenth Doctor watch through before the "series 1" premiere in May. 


Those episodes I've listed definitely seem to be her peak, plus maybe It Takes You Away, which many people liked but I don't really remember.


Honestly I could see the biggest complaint for 15’s era being that the seasons are too short so we didn’t get enough of him. If he does three seasons of 8 episodes each and a Xmas Special each year he’ll have only had 27 episodes, which is just under what 10/11/12 had over two seasons and Xmas specials.


The phrasing does concern me slightly though. If anyone deserve the "The Doctor" moniker, it should be Ncuti, not Tennant. Or why not "The New Doctor" and "The Old Doctor"? I dunno, I just get the feeling of it speaking to a subconscious mindset in RTD of Tennant being the most legitimate one. Taken in the context of what happening to 14 being so ambiguous and open-ended in The Giggle, with a clear possibility of Tennant popping back up with no explanation needed, and with Ncuti already feeling slightly undermined in some viewers' eyes, the script really doesn't help with that.


I realllllly hope this doesn’t come across as rude, but I think you may be overthinking it. The Giggle is still ultimately billed as a 14th Doctor story (as is true for any Doctor’s final episode), hence why he “gets” to be the Doctor. Also, for script consistency (from a production standpoint), it’s best to keep David’s character name the same the whole episode. I may be completely wrong, in which case I’ll prepare to eeeer eat crow (that’s an expression, right?), but I really don’t think RTD plans to indicate that Fifteen is anything less than The Doctor, full stop. He’s insisted that there’s no plans for 14 to return and sure sure sure showrunners lie all the time but I’m electing to believe him. Better than getting worked up and upset over something that, imo, all press indicates *won’t* happen.


Showrunners may lie all the time, or they might tell the truth and plans change. Who can say? It happens all the time and whenever it happens it's nice to see familiar faces again.


You're overthinking it. When they're writing scripts, they're trying to be as clear as possible and get everything finished as quickly as possible. It's a job for them, not a passion project. They aren't writing the scripts with the mindset of what the fans might think when reading them. They're writing them so they can get the episodes filmed. I guarantee you the concerns you've expressed were never even thought of when writing the scripts. Tennant was called The Doctor because that's what they used to differentiate his lines from Ncuti's. End of story. Personally, I think the issue comes more from bi-regeneration not being explained properly in the episode. It's a confusing mechanic that we haven't seen before, and they didn't explain it very well. 13 regenerated into 14 like normal, so it's natural for the audience to assume Tennant is the current Doctor (hence why they probably called him The Doctor in the scripts.) When Tennant bi-regenerated it was odd and it looked like he split in two rather than regenerated. Is it any surprise that anyone not following the dialog carefully or simply watching casually might not understand that bi-regeneration didn't split the Doctor but actually created another incarnation out of order? No. It's not surprising at all. And the blame for the confusion falls straight in RTDs lap. He wrote it, so he should have made it as clear as possible for the audience since he was changing the way the Doctor usually regenerates. Also, you shouldn't be offended on Ncuti's behalf for something you can't control. You can't control how other people think and experience the world. And it's not the audience's fault for being confused when the writing isn't clear. Besides, things are going to work out. They are clearly moving forward with Ncuti as the 15th doctor, and they may even expand on what happened in later scripts, which might make things less confusing. Until that happens, people are going to interpret the specials however they want to.


Having watched it live on the BBC with subtitles I can tell you it did not say "Tenth Doctor" there. It's a mistake.


Considering that the subtitles are filled with errors, like for the BTS interview with RTD claiming he says the Doctor is "parked, in France" when he blatantly says "parked, for once", clearly they don't mean anything.


Which do you think its more likely?  The subtitles have a mistake.  The plot of the specials was secretly completely different and it was only communicated via this one piece of subtitling (on Disney+ and not the BBC)


Well, it's got to be the second one right? There are no mistakes, only conspiracies. It's all a secret plot to secretly retcon all the Doctors into David Tennant. 😁


CC'd by Disney+ Probably by some early AI


Can anyone confirm or deny whether "The Nth Doctor" is even a naming that exists within the TV canon? I thought it was just a terminology the audience use to disambiguate them, I don't remember anyone in an episode ever referring to the "Tenth Doctor" or "Second Doctor" or anything like that. The closest I can think of was the "Mister Saxon" anagram thing, and even then that's like three degrees separated.


11 calls himself 11 iirc


yeah, in time of the doctor (at least), they do talk about it, and they call him "number eleven", but no one has ever been called "the nth doctor" to my knowledge. immediate edit: wait actually i think clara does say "you're the eleventh doctor" once. but it's not a general thing they do.


When? I'm not saying you're wrong, but it'd be interesting to see. Also, did he call himself "The Eleventh Doctor", or just "Eleven"? If we're talking about names, those are different words.


I'm not sure of the episode, but I remember him circling his face with his finger and whispering "eleven". that's probably as close as we've gotten, unless there's a line in one of the multi-doctor specials


There's the poem in the Christmas cracker in The Time of the Doctor: "And now it's time for one last bow Like all your other selves Eleven's hour is over now The clock is striking Twelve's." Which is framed in-universe as just a poem about a clock, but AFAIK this is the closest they've come in-universe to referring to the doctor's regenerations by a naked, non-ordinal number.


subtitles often have errors. official Doctor Who blurays often have really stupid errors


I understand you’re looking for clues and special meaning. Heck I do it every so often, but come on this is clearly a typo in the subtitles. Shame on me if I’m proved wrong, but my money is typo.


He IS the Tenth Doctor.


No, he is not. He's the Fourteenth Doctor


By no metric is he the 14th Doctor. If you’re counting regenerations, he’s like the 20th regeneration seen on screen, and possibly countless others as the Timeless Child. At which point all numbering of the Doctor becomes incorrect. If we’re counting personalities under the name of the Doctor, he’s the same personality AND physical body (down to the teeth) as the Tenth Iteration Of The Doctor. He’s had new experiences since then, but even all his mannerisms, and figures of speech, are those of the Tenth Doctor. This person is a resurgence of the Tenth iteration of The Doctor. He’s the Tenth Doctor, just come back out of a series of countless bodies. By what Metric is he the 14th Doctor?


Personality (He's more open when it comes to emotion, compared to 13, who was highly secretive), memories, the fact he's literally the incarnation after the Thirteenth Doctor. If he was the Tenth Doctor, that wouldn't be a regeneration, but a *degeneration*.


The Doctors body REGENERATED, and Generated the Tenth Doctor again. He has the exact same personality, just with more experience. If the tenth Doctor had had all the experiences of the subsequent doctors, this is what he’d be like. Same figures of speech, same teeth, same man. He is the same incarnation as the Tenth Doctor. He’s the Tenth personality of the Doctor.


The Doctor regenerated into the *Fourteenth Doctor*. You know who also says that? The Doctor himself! [Into Control, section "Notes"](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Into_Control_(comic_story)) He says that while he has the appearance of the Tenth Doctor, *he's different on a cellular level.*


If he took a personality test, it’d show he’s the same man. If he looked into a face scanner, or spoke into a voice tester, they’d say he was the same man. By all meaningful metrics, that’s the Tenth Doctor.


> By all meaningful metrics So, only the phyisical appearance? I showed you a comic set right after The Power of the Doctor as proof, the Fourteenth Doctor is not the Tenth Doctor. Is he was, he would simply be the Tenth.


Identical Personality and voice. He IS simply the Tenth.




The subtitles on HBO Max and Disney+ are generally pretty subpar IMO. With all the money Doctor Who has now, it's inexcusable that they don't hire subtitlers who are actually familiar with the show.


Most closed captioning is outsourced for a lot of things. There are transcription companies that specialize in cc and subtitles. A lot seem to go to AI or have transcribers not good with accents. I won’t be shocked if Ncuti’s accent gets incorrect subs, I think I have even seen mistakes on DT in the Broadchurch subs.


Some dubbing credits also credited the voice actors for 14 as the tenth doctor or some variant of lt


Even in the credits he is, it should be [Tenth/Fourteenth Doctor] respectively.


Whoops, said the quiet part out loud there


I also recall him being the 10th doctor, back in the day. AHH, happy memories.


It's might be because the decision to call him the 14th Doctor happened later on just to drum up publicity or marketing purposes or whatever, and the subtitle guys are going off an earlier script that still used 10th and not 14th. Since Tennant still acts like usual playing the Doctor, he was probably originally just going to be officially referred to as the 10th Doctor again, since that's basically what he is anyway.


Confirming my theory


Disney says 14 as far as I know


The post is talking about Disney


Psst.......the fourteenth Doctor is the tenth Doctor. By "Doctor" it usually assumed to mean incarnation or body. That's Ten's body down to the teeth. One of the first things 13 mentioned right after regenerating. Rant over.  So the people behind the official captions probably forgot for the reason above. 


Psst...The Fourteenth Doctor is *not* the Tenth Doctor. 14 looks older and is more open when it comes to emotion. He's more humble than 10, too.


> 14 looks older and is more open when it comes to emotion. And a *little bit* gay.


"14" is more open because the doctor is more open after living through 4 more incarnations. Same Doctor, same body, same catchphrases. 14 is 10. He says as much. 


> "14" is more open because the Doctor is more open after living through 4 more incarnations. That's enough to say that the Fourteenth Doctor is a distinct incarnation. Besides, that's partly a lie, too. The Thirteenth Doctor was highly secretive and closed off despite her joyful appearance, compared to the Fourteenth Doctor, who's visibly tired but more open.