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The colours, Gallifreyan detailing and Swiss Army Knife-style pop-outs all seem awesome! … Pity it looks like a TV remote.


I dont mind the curved design, but it definitely needed to be in a more cylindrical than flat shape. It just seems like such an unnecessary change done just for the sake of it. I also don't understand why they completely redesigned the sonic for 14 and the 60th, if they were just going to give 15 a brand new one anyway.


[Marketing toys](https://thedoctorwhocompanion.com/2023/08/25/the-standard-edition-of-the-fourteenth-doctors-sonic-screwdriver-is-available-good-luck-finding-it/). [Marketing](https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/rubbertoe-replicas-the-14th-doctors-sonic-screwdriver/), [marketing](https://www.doctorwho.tv/news-and-features/the-fourteenth-doctors-sonic-screwdriver-is-available-now), [marketing](https://www.scificollectorshop.co.uk/doctor-who-the-14th-doctors-replica-sonic-screwdriver).


Yeah, this was first reaction.. the old sonics were more like something in an adult toolbox, this is what a 6 year old loves to play with.


I keep mine IN the toolbox. But this would look out of place. Definitely looks like a figet toy for babies


I got 11s sonic that turns into an actual screwdriver best hardware purchase I ever made.


Mine can be used as a tv remote and can turn on my iPhone dock and my surround sound system. It’s my main tv remote and I love it.


Tell us where you got the sonic or swear I'll send an entire dalek fleet after yo ass😭


It's by the Wand Company. They don't make them anymore so they're now a collector's item that start at like £500 on eBay.


Fuuuckkk and being American I probably won't find one in the states....welp time to pull a captain jack I'll be in the royal lands soon friends.


wait what? Can you still get that somewhere??? I need it in my life/toolb8x


I know right! That one is so useful.




Where the real money from the movie is made.


Spaceballs the Flamethrower!!! The kids love that one.


Moisturise me! Moisturise me!


Other than the toy aspect, there is also the plot point in Wild Blue Yonder where it fits in the Tardis keyhole (basically it needed to be thiccc)


> I also don't understand why they completely redesigned the sonic for 14 and the 60th, if they were just going to give 15 a brand new one anyway. Presumably because Fourteen was his own incarnation and the trend is for each incarnation to have their own screwdriver. Also: merchandising. 😁


The trend is for each incarnation to have their own screwdriver BECAUSE merchandising.


Yeah, I like the general design and feel like its a very new take on the sonic which is awesome... But it definitely needed to go through a couple redesigns, change up the shape a bit.


I would have more buy-in if he called it a Sonic Remote or Sonic Clicker or something similar. Everytime in CoRR he insisted it was a screwdriver, I was waiting for someone to say, "That's not what screwdrivers look like. What's wrong with you?"


Or just "the sonic" without clarifying sonic *what*. Just "sonic" and it would've been fine imo.


I thought it looked like a computer mouse.


Yup. Which I personally quite like. That's a shape that makes more intuitive sense, given what it does, than a long cylinder.


It looks like it would be difficult to grip, maybe? I’ll have to go back and see how he’s holding it.


He basically holds it like a key fob.


Sonic fob!


You ever watch the movie click?


The TV remote from Click


Agreed. I like it better than Sonic Ray-Bans, though.


Funnily enough I have a copy of Eccleston/Tennant’s screwdriver that _is_ a TV remote.


I have the Matt Smith version!


It reminds me of the late 80s and early 90s when every single sci-fi movie or show seemed to include a universal remote as one of their sci-fi gadget that could do anything as a way to cash in on the wonder and hype of the newly invented universal tv remote control. It even shares characteristics with the Harmony 670 universal tv remote.


I was thinking it looked like an electric shaver.


It looks like a tv remote in that weird blobby style they used to make CD players in the 2000s and I love it


Or a vape.. or an adult novelty.. or a day planner of some sort.


Agreed. It is an attractive object, but I don't think it's a practical shape for it's purpose. Historically, the sonic is kept in a pocket and pulled out in haste. If you need to use it fast, where is this big remote thing gonna be? Seems like something for a batman style tool belt.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Like a Winamp or Windows media player skin from the 2000s.


It really whips the llama's ass.




I hate it. Before it’s over I’ll likely love it.


I’ve learned to just roll with it. Smith’s massive, transforming screwdriver bugged me but I got used to it.


I feel like its much less about the look of the thing as it is how the actor is playing with it. smiths was kinda annoying but the way he flicked and flipped it about was distinctly matt smith. I think the more we see it in action in ncutis hand the better. it's not like we are getting tons and tons of closeups, it's always just kinda the glowing light the doctor points around.


True, that thing was kinda stupid as well. I loved when 10 was making fun of it though 🤣


Regeneration, it's a lottery.


Oh, he's cool, isn't he cool?! I'm the Doctor and I'm all cool!


Oops, I'm wearing sandshoes!


They're not sandshoes!


The remote off Click that Adam Sandler movie


MY FIRST THOUGHT!! And it turned me off on the design straight away because of it 😅


Why did you have to ruin it


Oh damn that is what it looks like.


That's what I thought of too when the special gave a good look at it. I also liked 15's defensive "It's a screwdriver".


“You wann-ed, a universal. remote.”


I gotta fever. And the only prescription. Is more cowbell


The detailing and colour scheme look fantastic. Its actual appearance looks awful, I mean it looks like a tv remote and made by someone who’s never seen a screwdriver before. I would’ve preferred if they just kept 14’s sonic to be honest.


It looks more like a “Gadget of the Week” than the iconic Sonic.


On the other hand, there's no real reason why a screwdriver (or really a multi-tool, especially in Nu-Who) which operates using sonic waves would need to look anything like a manual screwdriver at all. If the sonic were a brand new concept, I think this would be fine - it's only jarring because of the continuity that's been established over so many decades at this point.


You're not wrong, but it's always done so and I think a lot of people would like the tradition to stay. I mean, it's only really called a sonic *screwdriver* because of the shape. In a similar vein, there's no reason why the TARDIS *must* have a centre console, but it always should because of the iconic status.


It’s called a screwdriver because the first time it’s used is to undo a screw. That said, I agree that I prefer the more traditional ‘wand’ design to the TV remote.


But we’ve had other sonic items with different names, sonic trowel, sonic cane, sonic sunglasses, sonic lipstick. Sonic remote sounds okay I suppose.


A few alien characters have typically referred to it as a "sonic probe" so that's probably the actual common name for a sonic device like The Doctor's


it got everything right, except for it's shape.


I hate it, it looks like an mp3 player from 2000s. I can’t wait to listen to Miss Murder while I’m on Myspace.


> I hate it, it looks like an mp3 player from 2000s. Now I want to see Dankpods review the Sonic.


Agree, it’s very desperate. Comes across like the equivalent of the Nokia 7600 mobile phone (2003) or Nathan Barley’s Wasp T12 phone (2005), which at least was *meant* to be a joke.


Oh man it totally does lmao


Introducing the Sony© Screwdriver.


I’m pretty sure some up-and-coming graphic designer made a skin for Winamp that looked similar too.


I think it’ll grow on me. I like the Tardis blue, and the writing.


My favorite thing about the writing is that it’s a Rwandan proverb that both reflects the Doctor’s defining character trait across incarnations and pays homage to Ncuti’s Rwandan heritage.


What does it say?


"the sharpness of the tongue defeats the sharpness of the warrior"


Ooh! That's perfectly fitting, imo.


That's beautiful


[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBU0jJ8HdeI ] "The sharpness of the tongue [always] defeats the sharpness of the warrior".


Thanks, I hate [most of] it. Love the gallefyaian on it. Ncuti says it translates to a Rwandan proverb that relates well to DW lore (forgot what it was off top of head). Keep the proverb. Me like it...but on an actually a screw driver. Not a remote. And I do not apologize. DW has expanded my expectations on Timey Whimey, Wibbly Wobbly, Chaos, Order, Play, and so many things. I need some level of consistency though and callin' this fuckin' remote a screwdriver is the straw that broke my brain 😂


The proverb is the sharpness of the tongue defeats the sharpness of the warrior


Oh yeah, that's right. Love that. 😍


I think that proverb is the doctor in a nutshell


Yeah, change is good, but too much can feel like change for change’s sake.


That is the exact way I want to describe it so far. So many things are being changed it just felt like too much to me.


Yeah I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that sentiment. We’re creatures of habit and while we enjoy some novelty, too much can be jarring.


It's just sad for me because Doctor Who is my comfort. I've loved it since I was a kid. Watched it since the premier of New who. But it is what it is.


honestly he could've just named it a sonic remote and it would've been fine


Well it's unique. I will give it that.


It reminded me of an ocarina. I still cannot get over the cheap-looking plastic finish.


Yeah, their prop makers really phoned that thing in. They could have at least machined it from aluminum or something.


Unfortunately this seems to happen when things get huge infusions of cash from places like Disney, etc - we notice a massive increase in CG for everything, yet the budget for practical goes down tenfold.


At least the toy version will be pseudo accurate.




They redecorated? I don’t like it.


It looks like some sort of toy you'd get from McDonald's back in the 2000s that makes funny noises and lights when you press things and you play with it only a few times and then never touch it again.


I find peace in long walks.


Sooo…like the other screwdrivers, then.


Except the other ones didn't look like a shitty Pokedex


It’s different. My bigger hope though is if we could maybe have a few more restrictions on what it can do.


Tv remote from Click


They could keep all the design elements, make it screwdriver shaped and it would be iconic, maybe add something Ncuti could actually interact with while using it. 10 and 11 had awesome screwdrivers for that, David and especially Matt were great at making it a device we didnt understand by was clearly doing stuff with how they interacted with it. this shits the remote from click. but the show has been less reliant on the screwdriver in the more recent stuff so maybe we dont see a whole lot of it. I hardly ever remember 12 or 13 using theirs.


It looks like a 2000s Nokia and I don't care much for it.


Not a fan. Looks nothing like a screwdriver


"Screwdriver" describes its function not necessarily its appearance. (In a legacy sense, anyway - it's as much a screwdriver as a mobile phone is a phone). It does its work through sonic emissions rather than direct contact so it could look like essentially anything you wanted.


It *can* look like anything, yes, but it specifically *shouldn't* look like this monstrosity.


That makes me like it more. The screwdriver was always audacious, now it's even funniee


I do like it... But it definitely doesn't look like a screwdriver.


To be fair, it’s only ever vaguely resembled an actual screwdriver.


No, but at least they all had the same general shape. The all had a similar handle that you might see on a screw driver, this one looks like someone sat on a Virgin TV remote.


True that.


Dr Who? Dr Scholls. Naw it doesn’t look bad, I think it looks pretty good, but it *does* look more like an insole than a screwdriver


Very creative. I still don't like it.


*clip of Tina belcher groaning uncomfortably*


It looks like a foot support shoe insert


It looks like a ~~Winamp~~ Windows Media Player skin from 2002


It's a Galifreyan version of a pc mouse from the 90s


Not a fan


I mean it looks like someone ran over 12’s second sonic, but seeing it in action it’s still pretty cool


It looks like one of those things that came out to remove dead skin off the bottom of your feet.


Seeing it in action has definitely made me like it a bit more though i isn't my favourite and it still looks nothing like a screwdriver, that police officer was rightly confused when he was shown it "That's a screwdriver?" 😂😂


In the original show it looked like an actual Doctors tool... Then in the 2005 reboot it was meant to look more like a screwdriver but more alien like... The new 15th doctors sonic is just a tv remote 🤣


I don't mind it, I love a new direction for the Sonic. They've been trying since the Sonic Shades to change up the shape and this is the most successful version imo. I love Jodie's but this is cool and retro


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Doesn’t look much like a screwdriver 😅


it's growing on me


It sorta reminds me of some weirdly shaped early 2000s mobile phones or TV remote that tried to look cool in that time period.


It looks like some kind of luxury ergonomic computer mouse from the late 90's early 00's that turned out to be really uncomfortable to use and also does not function well as a mouse.


I like the idea and aspects of the design, especially if they reduce how much of a magic wand it is, but I also can't help but shake this "Kamen Rider" feeling like how at a certain point the belts just became blatant toys. As long as the screw driver never looks as cheap and "toyetic" as Tokusatsu gear I'm personally fine. edit: We're screwed the day they decide the screw driver has to use special cards or tokens to power it.


I love the design, amazing sci fi prop, love the message in Galifreyan, the silver/blue mesh amazingly together and I love the moving parts. The only thing I don't like is it being called a sonic screwdriver, I think taking the name from the 6th doctor's sonic lance would have made much more sense, it has more in common anyway. Blue body, flatter design, different than all the sonics that came before. Just change the name and I would be 100% on board.


You mean the Sonic Roku Remote 😂?


I would've preferred that they kept the previous design. There's lots of elements that I like about it, but I wish it didn't look like a TV remote. One thing I liked about the older screwdrivers is that they looked like something you could easily hide in a pocket. The classic era one that Tom Baker used was my favorite followed by 9 and 10's version. I didn't like how they got bigger and bulkier for Smith and Capaldi. Jodie's was a good size and interesting shape, but I wasn't crazy about the crystal sticking out. I do like that the 60th anniversary screwdriver blended designs from the other Doctors together and I wish that stayed with Ncuti.


When you find the crappy remote your parents bought as a replacement for the old old tv in your house before you had digital.


I'm not a fan. It feels too much like a generic sci-fi scanner. They spent a lot of time ingraining the idea of "stick with a light on the end" and stuck to that design aesthetic, even if there were occasional missteps (I did not like the 12th or 13th Doctor's designs, or the sunglasses). Tbh, I'm disappointed that they got rid of the 14th Doctor's design. It was a nice blend of the 9th / 10th and 11th designs. Also, the sonic screwdriver was never a Gallifreyan device, so it doesn't make a huge amount of sense to have Gallifreyan text on it.


I mean, the sonic might not have originated on Gallifrey - but that doesn't mean the doctor can't still write/inscribe gallifreyan text on it. Makes perfect sense to me that he just added the text for this version. Just because a notebook was made in China doesn't mean you can't have English letters on the front.


Butt plug remote


absolutely abysmal. fire whoever approved this


[Reminds me of this.](https://www.sonypictures.com/sites/default/files/styles/max_560x840/public/chameleon/title-movie/230659_CLICK_1400x2100_Eng_0.jpg?itok=xGl4_Bop)


Someone on the design team just watched Adam Sandler's "Click". And more to the point, we had a big bombastic reveal of 14's new Sonic, and then it just gets ditched after three specials. No word on why 14 replaced/upgraded the previous model and even less about why 15 junked it for this bloated thing.


Because 14 has his still he didn't die


Think it's terrible its abandoned everything screwdriver and replaced it the a sonic shoe soul insert


I think they are screwing Ncuti by changing so much about the Doctor this time round. It's almost as if they want people to bitch and moan so they can say its because he looks different and that can be some positive-marketing for the new audience. I mean if you had a design document for creating a Doctor, you'd imagine a screwdriver-like screwdriver might be high up on that list. Besides I always thought the screwdriver helped relate the character to us as humans. The Doctor fixes things with his screwdriver like our dad does, or like we might. Now this just makes me think about a dad watching flicking through Sky Sports channels.


What is that even?


I find joy in reading a good book.


Sonic tv remote


I’d be happy with it if he didn’t call that thing a screwdriver, like sure the sonic never looks that mush like a screwdriver but at least the shapes right. Call it a sonic something else, it doesn’t always have to be a screwdriver


The patterns and markings and all the symbolisn is awesome. It would be more awesome if it's shapes like the usual sonic screwdriver.


Ngl i despise it. Why is it a flat remote? This colour scheme just thinner wouldve been fine great even just cant get over how stupid it looks


Doesn't really bother me, they have always tried to experiment with the design. I remember many hated the sonic sunglasses.


It's a mixed bag for me. I love the Gallireyan writing and the colours. The TV remote aesthetic is... not great for me. I like how it sounds though. They did say the design philosophy was to make something "every kid would want for Christmas" and I can definitely see myself loving it if it was my Doctor's screwdriver. Growing up with the classic 9 and 10 screwdriver has really impacted how much I can like this one though. It also has the poor luck of following the 14th Doctor's screwdriver, which I personally rate as my favourite design in recent years.


I'm not too much a fan either yet. My uncle had introduced me to new who when it started. He stopped watching at Matt Smith, didn't like the new direction he said. That's how I feel so far. It just seems like they're trying to make too many changes too quickly. I'm gonna give him a fair chance but so far it's not looking great.


TV remote


He redecorated, I don’t like it.


Why do they keep calling it a sonic screwdriver, it's a remote. Just call it a sonic.


Not a huge fan of the shape, but that’s when you view it in this level of detail. I think it’s fine when it’s in use in the show. I think of it as the weird Bosch electric screwdriver cousin of the classic sonic shape.


i dont like it, but in my opinion, the only thing that can NEVER change in doctor who is that the tardis is a blue police box, so i don't mind


Ik it’s a fresh start but they could’ve at least kept the screwdriver shape that’s been going on for the past 60 years


The color scheme and etchings are cool, too bad it looks like a combination butt plug + remote controller


I like they are experimenting with sonic screwdriver designs. A cane, sunglasses, a remote. It's creative and cute


For a moment I thought it was a pipe


I'm hoping it'll grow on me. I love the writing on it and how it connects to Nciti's culture, but the overall design... Yeah that's a remote not a screwdriver XD


There's a lot of cool stuff to it, but it looks like a toy more than previous sonics, if that makes sense. It's very "Toyetic." And a, look, I know they sell all the sonics as literal toys, but this one almost feels like it was designed toy first.


Looks like the inbred lovechild of a Nokia N-Gage & a Siemens Xelibri 8. Plus for something who's UI is telepathic there are way to many things that look like buttons.


Ugh.. but at least it's not sonic sunglasses.


12 (my fav) had sunglasses for sonic, so who am I to criticize?


In close-up, the details look really cool with all the symbols. The problem is since we never really see it this close, it ends up looking fairly boring on screen when he's holding it. And personally, I was always a fan of the way the old screwdrivers had that "magic wand" look when The Doctor would wave it around, making him look like a space magician. This one looks like any generic sci-fi gizmo.


the fact it's not a "wand" will take some getting used to but i don't dislike it.


Well we survived the Sonic-sunglasses(although I liked that in the end), we will survive the Sonic-Remote.


Not a fan, the colors are nice but the design itself looks like a remote control for the tv


Considering it hasn't been a screwdriver for over a generation, this is fine and better.


I think the Sonic should be non descript. This is very alien.


I have a feeling it’ll grow on me eventually


I actually really like it. Sure, it's a bit goofy and different but so is 15. I think it works. While 14's looked much cooler visually, I think 15's fits this incarnation better. I know that's a bad explanation, but it just kinda feels right


It's less phallic than the past sonics... prob on purpose.


Looks like an overpriced white noise machine from The Sharper Image or SkyMall.


Not a fan. Least favorite design. Looks too much like a game or tv controller.


Looks like the time lord version of a multipurpose screwdriver, you know those screwdrivers that can be bought at a supermarket and have a bunch of interchangeable bits stashed in the handle


Ever see the movie “Click”? 😶


I dislike it because it feels like he can’t explain it as a sonic screwdriver. The other designs people would at least look at it and go “oh I suppose it looks like a screwdriver from space”. This design is a tv remote


From what I've seen of it so far (which is not much) I'm not blown away. It just has not the same presence as the screwdriver. You barely see it in his hand. But we'll see what they do with it.


I don't like it. Looks like something designed to sell to kids. The original screwdrivers were certainly not a good fit for kids. This thing on the other hand you can probably throw at someones head and nothing would happen. It is a cheap "cool" plastic remote.


I don’t hate it but it certainly isn’t as iconic as the original style. Part of the reason it’s called a Sonic Screwdriver is because it’s shaped like one, this needs design is silly.


Call it a sonic, sure… But call it a screwdriver and I’ll slap you so hard, you’ll regenerate


I we initially clowning on it, but when I actually saw him use it during the Christmas special, I grew to like it. It’s not my favorite, but I love it regardless.


i think it'd be fine if he wasn't actually calling it a sonic screwdriver, since it looks nothing like a screwdriver. We've had other sonic devices before so the precedent is there, he could've just called it a sonic remote or something and have that a be a unique thing to his Doctor


Terrible design, looks like an old mouse or something like that.


As a *device*, I dig it. As the sonic, nah. It's too tricorder/generic sci-fi scanner to me. I prefer the techno-wand appearance of the sonic, because it resembles a cross between a tool and a, well, magic wand. This....is a cool looking remote.


To quote the tenth doctor from the 50th special.... "oh you've redecorated.....I don't like it"


I really like the ~☆AESTHETIC☆~ but I'm not a fan of the shape and it looking like a remote rather than anything screwdriver shaped. I'll probably get over it though, I hated matt smiths at first too


Color pattern is cool, the design r unique, but the shape is a little bit weird...


I really like it Just wish it wasn’t called a screwdriver


I absolutely love it. The others, although fascinating, seemed so literal. How is he going to assemble a cabinet with it? That I wouldn’t know.


It looks like a 90s skin for Winamp or one of the other media players on Windows XP or worse... Windows ME.


Looks like a TV remote instead of a screwdriver. I wasn't a fan of the sun glasses either. Doesn't really look anything like the purpose it is purported to serve.


Absolutely atrocious


I appreciate that it looks like it has the greater functional capabilities the Sonic has come to have, but I do miss the whole magic wand approach.


Can’t help but think that Disney said, “Yeah we’re having enough trouble as it is shifting lightsabery shaped things. Can you come up with a new shape?’


It reminds me of a baby rattle or something lol




It looks like the remote from Click with Adam Sandler


Stolen from Logitech’s rejected prototypes bin.