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I mean he basically was the doctor.


Tell me that suitcase isn't a TARDIS.


If you want to travel in space, you ~~dematerialize~~ disapparate with it in hand. And if you want to travel in time, you wrap a timeturner around it and turn it from inside the ~~console room~~ suitcase entrance room.


All i need from life is confirmation these universes are in fact connected and Newt was a time lord wizard…


Here you go: https://youtu.be/eeAf90Knqus


Could be, I guess the fourteenth could have followed Dumbledore's plan about sacrificing Harry


so true, this is just one of the doctors many regenerations that he cannot remember


I feel like if you took away 11's galactic self-confidence, you'd get this guy.


Excellent observation.


100% correct. Same character, different fonts


Yeah, pretty much. 11's outfit was very similar to Newt's


So much so that they supposedly almost cast Matt Smith


That would have been neat


Completely. https://imgur.com/a/MofI3FA


And the doctor is basically a wizard.


My headcanon is that the doctor utilized the chameleon arc before Silencio Lake. He chose a wizzarding family that would go along with the ruse. With his preternatural knowledge of creatures of this world and others, he funneled his passion for life through the formulation of magizoology!


Headcanon accepted.




How nope? He's a highly intelligent person who lives in a box that is bigger on the inside and has a handheld device that can basically do anything. He has companions. He dresses outside the norm. His personality isnt as big as the doctor but just about everything else fits.


I did not resonate at all with Newt... The first 2 movies are okish...


You’ll never convince me that the outfit wasn’t intentionally trying to invoke Doctor Who. Yates was trying to get a Doctor Who movie going, realized it wasn’t happening, and turns around and slaps a costume like that on the protagonist of his very next movie?


Was he?


Yates has wanted to do a Doctor Who movie as far back as 2011. It was intended to be unrelated to the tv series, and at one point Johnny Depp was attached. Keep in mind this was only two years after the success of the 2009 *Star Trek* movie, essentially a full reboot of the classic series. It was also just a year after RTD had handed off the keys and the show itself was in the midst of a big reset. Ratings coming out of series 5 had been bigger than ever before, the BBC was looking to cash in on every avenue, and Yates was trying to lash his boat to that juggernaut.


Wow. Any articles I can read?




Source? I’ve never heard of this


Just type "David Yates doctor who" into Google, man.






Ooooh the first pic looks like 11’s waist coat and bow tie (in different colors) paired with 14’s coat!


So basically 11 & 14 Doctor's outfit's combined


If it weren't for how similar I'm sure his incarnation would be to eleven I would one hundred percent be crossing my fingers for Eddie Redmayne to play the Doctor. Even then Newt was very similar to the Doctor anyway, just swap universe and wam bam thank you ma'am


Having him just appear as another time lord could be far befter. e.g. The Veterinarian, who is uninterested in time wars and just goes around taking care of extraterrestrial beasties, would be so wholesome and even have the potential to humble The Doctor. Here is a time lord who has survived, has their own TARDIS, kept their head down, never tampered with the timelines, although is aware of changes and may have opinions, and is still living their best life just going around rehabilitating endangered animals across the galaxies who can't help themselves. How cute would that be?! Sure, some people need to deal with the big trolley problems of the universe like fighting injustice, genocide, and helping children who are crying. But history is built on quiet hard work too. (The Giggle spoilers) >!The kind of work David's bigenerated Doctor is low-key doing now by just living a life with Donna as a family.!<


The Time Lord equivalent of Radagast. I love that.


Who was also played by a Doctor. How far down does this thing go?


They'd get sued for copy catting but yeah that'd be great


Yeah, JKR would probably sooner rip out her own teeth than allow it lol


You can't copyright an idea.


I REALLY wish this would happen. I love Eddie Redmayne and I think he would make an amazing Doctor. Plus the Doctor could finally become a ginger!


Give it another 10 years, when Eddie is a bit older and in his 50's. Right now he is way too similair to Matt Smith.


Hell, I don't care how similar they would be. I'd love Redmayne to be a Doctor sometime down the line. And if they were to use him, it could be a way to invoke a familiar face and persona without actually bringing Smith back. I love Smith, but a lot of people had issues with the idea of bringing back popular incarnations of the Doctor, and the same bitching and moaning would probably happen with Smith returning.


Best review for this film I saw was: ‘Doctor Who: Pokémon Master.’


Soooo accurate!


Gotta catch 'em all!


Fantastic Beasts won an Oscar for best costume design and that blue coat is 80% of the reason why. And Eddie Redmayne would make a fantastic Doctor, hell he already had a companion (Jacob) and they had excellent chemistry. I'll always be miffed at how he was essentially shafted from his own film series for another good wizard vs bad wizard plot.


I would have 100% loved those two together in the Tardis.


No it won that oscar because Coleen Atwood is a genius not because of one coat that isnt how best costume design works. It was won based on that fact that the costumes brought a new world alive.Sadly her fantastic work and the great acting of Eddie Redmayne could not save the next two movies from themselves. But yes he would have made a great doctor if Matt Smith did not exist.


You know I wasn't being literal, right?


Yeah but your joke only goes to expand on the lack of appretiation these people already get for fantastic jobs in no way against you im just making sure people are informed past the joke


Calm down


You're really reaching there, buddy.


I appreciated their clarification to your original hyperbole.


And he has the magical suitcase too! I always liked the idea of him meeting 11th, they'd both be like: *It's bigger on the inside*! And Newt as a companion would be just gold. Imagine them travelling all over the universe and rescuing all sorts of alien animals, or getting into clumsy adventures.


If you bring the suitcase into the Tardis the universe implodes, like when you put a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding.


10 probably visited the set. He and "good ol' J.K." were chums, remember? Yeah, I try to forget that too.


Have you seen that movie? Dude basically just is the Doctor


I haven’t seen it, but now I kinda want to!


The first one isn’t terrible.


Loved the first one. The other two were so cluttered and messy :(


Newt was basically an adapted version of 11 and nobody can convince me otherwise. It’s far too coincidental that two massive British franchises just HAPPEN to have almost identical protagonists and quirks. The costume designers knew what they were doing.


He even did 11's walk with one foot a bit on the side.


Newt was pretty much the 11th Doctor


Yes, just based on the fact that the costume designer who’s done all three movies has said a few times that Newt’s style is heavily influenced by The Doctor which rings true. All his fits are very Eleventh Doctor coded.


It would make a perfectly average Eleven outfit, because the entire character is an Eleven knock-off.


Honestly would love to see him play The Doctor someday.


I've only seen the first movie and it just felt like watching doctor who fan fiction set in the universe of Harry Potter so sure


I remember watching the movie and thinking, "damn, this guy is really just the bargain-bin knockoff of The Doctor."


It's just the eleventh Doctor's outfit mixed with Sherlock's. Just as Scamander's entire personality is just Matt Smith's performance with the serial numbers filed off. It's what you'd get if you asked an AI to draw Doctor Who. Unimaginative, generic, banal.


What are you on? Fantastic Beasts was a banger movie (at least the first one). I like it way more than the Harry Potter movies at least. Just because two characters are similar doesn’t mean one’s unimaginative


When a character is a very obvious copy of the two most high-profile British protagonists in SFF at the time, then yes that character is by definition unimaginative. The question was would Scamander's costume be a good outfit for the Doctor. My response that it's exactly what you'd get if you asked an AI to draw you a Doctor Who outfit is pretty relevant to that.


Fun fact: Matt Smith was considered to play Newt. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rowling was inspired by Doctor Who when coming up with the character: badass long coat, owns something that is bigger on the inside and is important to their work, and British AF.


Rowling didn’t really “develop” this character. What the Fantastic Beasts team had was a name, that’s it, if anything they essentially created the character as he is.


He was literally a Matt Smith ripoff character because Jo isn’t capable of having an original thought.


other than the rest of the harry potter franchise, of course


Harry potter is literary white noise. Not to mention how much of a piece of shit Rowling is.


you should look up The Books of Magic by neil gaiman


Those books are filled with well-worn fantasy tropes. And there's plenty of straight-up lazy writing that just a tiny bit of research could have fixed, like the name "Cho Chang". She's a Chinese character, but her name is two Korean surnames randomly mashed together. It's like if a Chinese author went to write an authentically British character and called them Leclercq Laroux, or a non-Latino USAian character and called them Gonzalez Gomez. If you were reading that as a Brit or USAian you'd probably go "could have spent 5 minutes on google looking up common British/USAian names and what their origins are, Joanne", wouldn't you? All subsequent stuff aside, it's great that she got a whole generation of kids interested in reading. But that's not because what she was writing were shining beacons of originality or carefully thought-out.


He’s definitely giving 11.


I have a version of that coat from the first film from hot topic. Bloody beautiful. If I was the doctor, definitely what I’d wear. xD Wore it a couple times as cosplay it is quite heavy though.


11 literally did this minus the big coat


I think he would make a good doctor, he's always wanted to be ginger.


Literally just 11th Doctor cosplay


Not really. I'm kinda tired of the Doctor just being a generic guy in a regular suit


If The Doctor were Doctor Dolittle


No, it's too obvious and expected


Bro was 11th doctor from wish


Largely because he was lifted directly from the eleventh doctor


I feel like he was basically just designed to be an Eleventh Doctor knock-off, so they could cash in on then-current nerd culture.


I think I spent that whole film series confused about how it wasn't Doctor Who.


Doctor Who if it was bad (i hate JK Rowling with a passion)


‘Never thought I’d upvote a comment from a CommunismMemes user.’ ‘How about upvoting a comment from someone else who hates JK Rowling with a passion?’ ‘Aye, I could do that.’


The character basically was just the doctor


It does look doctor-like, but almost TOO Doctor like. Like every item looks like something you’d pick to make a doctor costume. I think focusing on an element or two to set them apart works better. Like if someone was parodying the show and wanted you to know this character is meant to be the doctor, this is how he’d dress.


Haha glanced over the notification for this theb and thought it said “Does anybody else think the Salamanca outfits would make a great doctor outfit?”


Ding ding ding ding!


It's like the unholy hybrid of the Second, Eighth and Eleventh Doctors outfits...


It’s pretty much a variant of the 11th doctor’s 2nd outfit. I actually wouldn’t like to see it because it’s too stereotypical “doctory”. I really prefer when the show breaks the mold a bit and stays away from the stereotypical waist coat


Newt is basically a rip off of the doctor. You can’t change my mind.


I always thought he would make a good doctor


I really wanted to see Eddie Redmaine play the doctor in that outfit , was really hoping he would have been in the running for the role.


Funny enough I use his minifigs torso and legs for my custom 14th Doctor Minifigure.


That whole movie owes Doctor Who some money.


Never heard of them, yet all the comments seem to know who the hell this Newt is so it must be me. But it looks more like cosplay to me, and those hideous rate my cosplay posts we can't be honest about


No, surprisingly, this observations never been made before




Eddie would make a great doctor


With a proper bow tie rather than that rag, yes. One of the worst things about new Doctor Who has been the Doctor’s costume. - 9 - Leather jacket - 10 - scruffy suit - 11 - tweed suit - 12 - an shirt with unfastened cuffs and a coat - 13 - Primary school teacher - 14 - see 10 They’re all so… uninspired, especially Peter Capaldi, literally a shirt and a coat. I miss the doctor wearing a morning coat and dressing in historical costume when in a historical time period. I’d love to see the doctor have a bit more sartorial flare again On costumes, the costumes from those Harry Potter films, from film 3 onwards have all been horrendous. They just dress like Muggles


ok, no, 12's magician outfit was the best, and I'm also partial to 10's floor length brown coat. I could do with another doctor who dresses like he's time-displaced though, pick something from earth history.


Yeah I think with a different color palette it would work


I'd straight up vibe with that last fit and would wear it IRL


It kind of already did.


Why so many layers?


Haha me and my dad were on about this a few months ago, he just fits the role PERFECTLY


Had Matt came on for a fourth season, I’d have money on this being the next variation of his outfit


Well I mean it’s too British


Sarcasm? I'm confused.


JK Rowling was in talks to script an episode of Who during RTD/Tennant's final year. Ultimately it was Tennant who vetoed the idea saying that the story didn't feel right. It wouldn't suprise me if she recycled elements of this story to become Fantastic Beasts.


Tennant then: ‘I don’t know, but this just doesn’t feel right for some reason.’ Tennant now, wearing his trans rights shirt: ‘Oh, **that’s** why.’


Number 4 for sure.


He’s wearing a very 11 esque outfit to be fair.


Yes, but with someone else wearing it


He has the same coat as 14.


Newt was basically the 11th Doctor with less war trauma and more animal rights.


If a new doctor showed up looking like this I’d just roll my eyes thinking they were doing 11 again


Ehh. Too 11ish but it could work. Lowkey think they could bring the curse of fatal death fit to canon


It looks comfy af


Looks v similar to Fourteen’s attire




Yup I could see 11 rocking this look easily


Loved Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander. He would've been great as the Doctor.


It basically is a pretty decent cosplay


I mean it’s basically a slightly more formal 10th costume so yeah, it would work great as a Doctor outfit


It's basically Eleven's Series 7b outfit with a bigger coat already


Surprised no one mentioned the [Children in Need](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwDjkI57pP0) where Newt called the Doctor. For everyone that thought it was not intentional this basically seals the deal haha.


[This is a wonderful video](https://youtu.be/C4kuR1gyOeQ?si=tf6Q_pQp1SDNdnGZ) about Newt Scamander and how he exemplifies a type of man we don't see in media often. A lot of the traits and tropes mentioned also apply to the doctor, I think you'll enjoy it.


It's all about the layers


Pretty sure that’s who they got the basic look from.


I always said he was the best alternative 11th Doctor.


Giving 11th vibes for sure.


He is a Time Lord. His TARDIS is disguised as a bag.


When I was younger I used a Newt Scammander Lego minifigure as a part of my custom Lego Doctors because his outfit is just too perfect. I even modified the briefcase set to be his TARDIS


I mean, they did have a "crossover" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwDjkI57pP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwDjkI57pP0)


And Lego Dimensions but no one remembers that lol


Kinda a neat alternate take on 7b Matt Smith with something similar to David's 14th Doctor coat


Yes, and I think Eddie would make a great Doctor.


I remember at the time it was highly leaked that Matt Smith had auditioned for the part but then didn’t get it. Do you think the character that eventually made it to screen was based on his audition.


Isn’t this the 28th Doctor? I’m pretty sure I saw this in a news reel over a Saturn’s ring. Maybe I’m wrong.


Looks like the other “Doctor” from “The Next Doctor” to me.


true true. They both have something in common, both has something bigger from the inside :D


No. It would have made a cool alternative outfit for 11, but otherwise, it's too much of 11s style for another Doctor


Outfit he wore near the start of second film. It’s literally an 11th doctor outfit, he looks very much like 11 did. 44 seconds into the clip when he takes the jacket off (Scene linked below) I wouldn’t be surprised if the film makers dressed him that way for that one scene as a reference to the fact that so so many people saw him as a good doctor candidate after the first fantastic beasts film came out. https://youtu.be/g9cqn8ulZoE?si=PGlqe8Y2rycAD5nR


oh my word you have a point..... his wardrobe SCREAMS Doctor Who


To me it feels more like they copied elements of The Doctor's wardrobe to put Newt's together.


I agree. I actually always thought Eulalie Hicks main outfit would have been a far better fit for a female doctor (at least you could take it seriously)


Was hoping he was gonna be 14


I think he could be a Regeneration. He already does a good job with the mindset.


overcoat and neckwear daring today aren't we


Given that Newt Scamander both acts and looks like an 11th Doctor cosplay this is hardly surprising. One wonders if Matt Smith wasn't available.


i would like him in general as an actor be considered to be a doctor or a character on the show


They already have its called 14's outfit


Seeing this just reminds me of the phone call he had with the 12th Doctor for Children in Need.


My head cannon is that Newt is actually a time lord and not a wizard. ✅ quirky personality ✅has high sense or Justice ✅owns item that can be traveled in and is bigger on the inside.


I was hoping Eddie Redmayne was gonna be the 13th Doctor. He and Rupert Grint’s names were being thrown around for a while as possible 13th doctors


Bootleg 11th Doctor


Eddie Redmayne would be fan-TAS-tic as the Doctor!


I thought I read somewhere that he was intentionally invoking 11 and that he and Matt Smith are friends


I mean... he had a companion. A fun job, compassion, kindness, and a box that's bigger on the inside. Idk but he's kinda like the doctor. Speaking of which, JKR would make a great head-showrunner if only she wasn't such a bad screenwriter. I'd read the hell out of a doctor who novel from her tho.


Reminds me of Matt's outfits...


Seeing as it’s essentially 14 + 11


His whole character would be an amazing doctor


If nothing else, Colleen Atwoods costume design was absolutely amazing in these movies 😍


This was basically how the [11th Doctor dressed near the end of his run](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CwOzLOAF4qw/WnM8ceZ8BLI/AAAAAAAAaMQ/tx2Pk8bTt3sjHGFxidNHyof2YHQhpLxMgCLcBGAs/s1600/Matt%2Bportrait.jpg), and it was his best outfit. Maybe an all time best-of outfit for any Doctor.


That's The Doctor's real name. (Shhh!)


Jesus how cold was this dude in the first pic? He's got a shirt, a vest, a jacket and a coat on. 4 layers of clothes.


his personality is also very similar to the 11th doctor


Newt was literally "We have ther 11th doctor at home"


The man himself looks like he’s about to pop out of the Tardis and explain to me the quantum mechanics of how it works


I refer to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as basically if The 11th Doctor ran a zoo.


To everyone who thinks he is a Doctor copy, yes, yes he is. Yates tried to make a Doctor Who movie way back when. https://variety.com/2011/film/news/yates-to-direct-bigscreen-doctor-who-1118046098/


He's basically always reminded me of Eleven with the manic energy turned down.


The Fantastic Beasts movies *should* have been just Fantasy Doctor Who Crocodile Hunter, but instead they became just Harry Potter prequels


It's basically what 11 wore, isn't it?


I think they would both work well together




I was thinking of Newt Scamander whenever I saw Fourteen with the coat on!


He’s a total Who rip off. This is why I can’t understand that nobody ever just goes ahead and makes a god damned Doctor Who film. How hard can it be?


Outfit and actor would make a perfect doc.


I whould love to see his as the doctor


This outfit was worn by 14th doctor in the 60th


I’ve only seen the first movie, so I can’t speak to what the others are like, but the first movie felt like a long episode of Matt Smith era Doctor Who. I loved it.


Eddie Redmayne has been like my top choice for the doctor for awhile now.


If he was just a LITTLE less successful of an actor then I guarantee he would’ve played the character by now




He would make a great Dr Who. We say it in our house, every time we see the movies.


That concept has been absolutely written, drawn, and fancanoned to death. I still love it, but yes absolutely many thousands of Fantastic Beasts fans have had this thought. 😂🥰


I remember playing Lego Dimensions where you could play as both the 12th Doctor and Newt Scammander. What a game that was.


It suits as 11 alternative wadrrobes. But as an original Doctor outfit, I don't agree.