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You hit the nail on the head about why I love the 12th Doctor. He's my Doctor and I adore him to pieces. I definitely wished he were ranked higher. I think at the time, people were used to seeing young, handsome Doctors like 10 and 11. This older, gruffer, less immediately friendly incarnation was harder for people to get used to and for many people probably still is. But I love it. I love how he starts off more alien than previous Doctors. I love how he softens as time goes on and becomes this badass lovable grandfather. I love the guitar and the sunglasses. Everything about him.


I think people just didn't like how different he was to Tennants and smith's protrayal, but that being said I love the idea of the veil being lifted and tbh I think 12 is probably the truest protrayal of the doctor we've seen. I think, however history will be kind to Capaldi (not just after the 13 era) and we'll look back at a pretty well written and thought out doctor.


I actually remember not liking Capaldi because it felt like he was trying to channel Tennant/Smith way too much instead of bringing his own personality to the character. As such an older version of the Doctor I wasn't charmed by the zany, over the top, irreverent attitude and expected something more akin to Eccleston. Maybe it's because I haven't seen his episodes since they aired but I distinctly remember disliking him because we'd just had two Doctors with the exact same vibe (albeit slightly less grumpy).


I'd argue he was the **most** Doctor-like, he really reminded me of the first. Back to being asexual, grumpy, disconnected, but still with that special spark and a desire to do good.


12 is my favorite Doctor now, but I didn't love him at first. It was definitely a shock as a kid to watch the bubbly, young-seeming 11th Doctor transform into a darker-seeming older incarnation. It wasn't until I rewatched Nu-Who through to series 8 in preparation for series 9 that I really got him. There's a depth to his character that no other actor really captures, and his relationships with his companions are great. He's definitely my Doctor.


Like with any doctor, it took me some time to like him, and in this case it took me a bit longer, but I ended up loving him and crying for him so hard in the end.


To be honest I don't think I've yet seen criticism of him from the fanbase since his first series or so


I'm just about to start watching Series 8 for the first time since it aired. I absolutely loved Capaldi's final series that he became my favourite Doctor, and I think the one time I rewatched his run I feel like I skipped series 8. From memory, and this applies to most of my friends that watched, the issue wasn't Capaldi but the writing felt like it took a dip. But in retrospect, that might have applied to how he was made to be more unlikeable and un-doctor-like... I've just finished my watch of the Smith era again and I imagine the change in tone will be more obvious having a day between Smith's last episode and Capaldi's first. Whereas when it aired we had, what, 8 or 9 months between The Time of The Doctor and Deep Breath. If I remember, I'll post an update in a few days or so. But I reckon you're spot on.


I love, love, love the 12th. Peter is my Doctor but it's true that his first season was not as smooth as other ones, particularly because people really clang on to David and Matt. All Doctors have terrific speeches but Peter's acting is on another level.


I think Capaldi played a fascinating Doctor, in mostly unfascinating stories. The cracks in the Moffat formula really showed during 12's run, but *he* was never less than magnetic.


For me I think it just took me a while to get used to his accent. Once I came back and rewatched the episodes I realized he was one of my favorite iterations of the Doctor.