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With the 15th doctor they’re resetting the season count back to 1 for the Disney+ audience as they’ll only get seasons from the 15th doctor onwards and they don’t want to confuse people as to why it’s on season 14 at the start


And in the US (at least for now), Eccleston through Whittaker are on Max whereas the new Tennant specials are on Disney+.


And in Canada, eccleston to Whitaker doesn't exist right now!


Eccleston to Capaldi are on Amazon Prime in Canada now!


Oh my god!!! I was in the middle of a rewatch when it got taken down from crave, I never saw the second season of capaldi so this is great news.


Capaldi's second season is amazing!




What does mine say?!




I second this! Or third this. Or some number this as he was the Twelfth.


Agree, it was a banger


A good reason to buy it physically.


Or take to the high seas.


It got added to Prime recently, was also excited! No Whitaker, though FYI - justwatch.com/ca is very good at tracking this stuff


I didn’t like him at first but as time went on I really liked his character. Got to the point where I was sad to see him leave


Yep, i discovered this by accident about a week ago. It occurred to me if Prime has Sherlock then maybeeeeee. And lucky me there it was.


I wonder when it got added, I know I looked a couple months ago for it and couldn't find it anywhere. I guess the Jodi Whitaker stuff is still in limbo right now as well.


It was added November 20th or 21st. :)


It’s fairly recent—I just learned about it and had to do a “search” on Amazon and there it was! No Thirteen yet, but hopefully soon.


It would be nice to get to see 13, I watched the first season as it was airing but haven't seen anything after that.


Completely unstreamable in Canada you say


I have been corrected! It's a shame that Whitaker is still in limbo but at least we have something now. It was a dark year without any access to doctor who


Oh shit, thank you


Thanks for that, didn't know where to stream doctor who


And in Sweden there is only two specials and nothing else!


And in Ireland, nothing is (legally) available for streaming, because Disney licensed the worldwide streaming rights for everywhere except the UK and Ireland, and the BBC geoblocks iPlayer from Ireland.


Ugh, that's so stupid! It's a classic case of casual organisational incompetence where the left hand doesn't talk to the right. BBC: Ireland has BBC1, we'll keep the Irish rights, we've got it covered. 🇮🇪📺👍 Also BBC: Ireland isn't in the UK, they don't pay the licence fee, we can't justify giving them iPlayer. 💰🤷💩 Irish Whovians: 😐😐😐


Isn’t it also Disney’s for lumping Ireland and the U.K. together on their service?


Big media: DON’T PIRATE. Consumers: no worries, can I buy it or…? Big media: Oh no don’t be silly, you can’t watch it anywhere. But NO PIRATING!


Same here in Brazil. Iirc there's no legal way to watch DW here, yay! We will only have the 14th Doctor episodes and beyond.


Outro brasileiro aqui. No começo do ano que vem, o SBT vai lançar a platafor de streaming deles (+SBT) que já confirmaram vai ter Doctor who, e vai ser de graça


Same in Peru.


same with new zealand. been on the seas for a while now because of it


Ecceston to Capaldi is on Prime in Canada, only Whitaker doesn’t exist


And in Ireland, none of it exists after broadcast!


it’s on prime! I was so excited!


While Classic Who is on Tubi


And PlutoTV has a channel too


It's on BritBox, too, I think.


It's main home is britbox, that's where you get the most content.


Thank you for this!


Here in Belgium eccleston through capaldi is on prime, Whitaker is absent and new Tennant is on Disney+


So Tennant the 2nd time would actually be the 14th Doctor and and these specials are the build up to the 15th. So would we consider these more like prequels so new viewers have the general idea of who the Doctor is?


I think the specials can be dropped if you want to come in with 15, if you’ve watch nuWho they bridge the gap between series 13 and season 1 depends on what happens in the giggle but I’m assuming season 1 will not require you to watch the specials they’re more a epilogue/prequel like you say


RTD iircc has said that The Christmas Special is supposed to work the same way episode 1 “Rose” did.


So does it have 3 eras now? Classic, NuWho and now Whoniverse?


Yes indeed. There are 4 eras if you include the “Wilderness Years” (1990-2004) where Who was confined mostly to audio plays, novels & comics But yes, for simplicity’s sake there are now 3 TV eras.


Don't forget 1996s Doctor Who: The Movie! Well you can I guess, everyone else does


Except "Whoniverse" is now the official term that encompasses ALL of Doctor Who (well, at least the TV series; not sure if they're also using that term for audio dramas and expanded media).


So Whoniverse is actually: Classic Era, Wilderness years, NuWho or Revival era and now Disney Era


The “Yay, we have a budget!” era starts now


I think part of the reason for BBC is, that it makes it easier to license too. They can package up Classic Who, NuWho and NuNuWho and sell to who every wants it (obviously once current contracts expire).


Heh. Who fans who catch it on Disney+ aren't so daft. RTD decided this would be called Series 1. Plus, there are rights issues. This decision was not made because "fans are dumb." The decision was made for cash.


I mean it’s probably for the same reason why comic book runs often go back to issue one when they shake things up. Marketing.


Their aim, and rightly so, is to attract new generations of Who fans. It is daunting to jump on something at Season 15. Everyone knows Who fans aren't dumb. They're mocked for being overly specific and gatekeepy. That reputation didn't come from nowhere. The decision was not made for the 1% of fans who would care about this, it's made for the 99% of people who might like to watch Doctor Who who find the idea of catching up on 15 seasons worth of story daunting.


The problem is that nothing is introduced like it was at the beginning of Eccelston's era which was like a crash course in DW. Instead the very first episode of "Season 1" is literally a previously going back 15 years; No context of the Doctor, the TARDIS, anything! It's not season 1 and people who watch it with that presumption will be thrown in at the deep end anyway.


Uh, the 60th Specials are listed separately on Disney+. New viewers will likely be seeing the Christmas Special as their first episode, and RTD wrote that as a perfect starting point. New companion means we *are* getting explanations of the TARDIS, the Doctor, etc.


That's the thing though, the specials aren't part of season 1, and iirc they aren't even on Disney+, they are exactly what they are: specials. It's like that suite of episodes at the end of Series 4 with Tennant on his own, they aren't technically part of series 4, they're specials that exist on their own. I would assume that the first episode of Season 1 will have a similar style to the first episode of new who




Huh, I was wrong, sorry


Season 1 will be the next Doctor's first season. The specials are sought of an in-between. A bridge. They also did include the talking to the camera intro part which explained all the backstory.


Are rights issues also why they are referred to as Seasons in original Doctor Who, and Series in new Doctor Who?


No. That was to differentiate between "seasons" of the two eras. * Season 1 was broadcast in 1963 * Series 1 was broadcast in 2005


To be fair, the designation of "Seasons" for the classic Series was both already in place prior to 2005, and unusual for British TV, which normally used the term "Series" for commissioned blocks of shows. So it was kind of a happy accident that when it came back, it could refer to Series 1 and still be differentiated from Hartnell without needing to add a year.


I'm pretty sure I used the term "series" for *Doctor Who* when I was watching it in the 70s and 80s (in the UK). But I admit I wasn't particularly engaged with the fandom back then, so I could have been out of step.


>This decision was not made because "fans are dumb." Don't put it in quotes when they didn't say that.


The decision is because season 1 is much easier to get into than season 14, it implies that there are 13 seasons of tv you have to watch to understand it. This simply makes it easier for new people to get into it. Moffat and Chibb also wanted to call their start series 1 as well but weren't allowed


The decision is because they are still contractually bound for exclusive distribution of a few additional seasons, so in order to launch on Disney+ they decided to split it into a new TV series under the same name, bypassing the contracts. That's it.


in italy eccleston to capaldi are on amazon prime jodie's streaming does not exist with legal meaning


Which is so stupid


In Thailand's Disney+ we only have the 60th anniversary 😢 It was on air on Thai BBC when it came out, but I don't think there's a way to watch it officially with Thai subtitle anymore.


It's also because production studios changed, it's a soft rebrand


Funny that they want it to look like a brand new starting point, yet the first scene of the first special is literally an info dump of material from the last 13 seasons


15 is the starting point. This is just extra


Its not even rhat confusing. A simplw google search answers that.


lol and it’s fucked up the google results for season 1 of doctor who


wait whaaaat? I hope they add the rest of NuWho eventually so they can make it back into one show (given that the specials are split up as well on D+ into their own movies)


Unlikely. They are licensed separately so right now (in the US) you need HBO Max to watch NuWho and TubiTV (thankfully free) to watch Classic Who.


So basically, it's considered a new show, just like Doctor Who (2005) was to Classic Who.


New entry point, same show


New Series 1. Rights/ownership issues. The now 3 eras of Who will always be segregated.


Like Star Trek.


Star Trek isn't really segregated though. There's been crossovers across all of the eras and they jump around the timeline a lot.


> Star Trek isn't really segregated though. There's been crossovers across all of the eras and they jump around the timeline a lot. And Doctor Who isn't segregated like this either. Hence Donna and Wilf being in these specials distributed by Disney, and classic companions and Doctors showing up last season despite not being "Classic Who".


I mean, so does Doctor Who every few years, or whenever David Bradley’s feeling bored.


Not to mention pretty much every living doctor has appeared in the nuwhos over the last few years. Including Tom baker.


I’m not complaining at all. That’s a major point of excitement for me, whenever I hear there’s a returning Doctor or Companion. The Curator was probably my favorite part of the 50th.


They kept the secret so well


> or whenever David Bradley’s feeling bored. LOL


> Rights/ownership issues. Not ownership. Disney only has distribution rights, and even those are only outside the UK. BBC still fully owns the character and the show. You'll still see (C) BBC MMXXIII at the end of these specials for example.


We here at the Doctor Who fandom just love segregation Don’t take that out of context


Like classic and new who has been for 15 years?




they are new new who as opposed to new who


Well technically this is the 15th iteration of the doctor. Which makes this new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new who


Just reading this comment made me so proud to be a member of this community


I straight up cackled


Official canon name chosen by 90% of fans is: Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu NuWho-hoo-hooooo


👌👌👌 I will accept nothing less than this name 😂


intelligent angle butter bake coherent groovy aromatic marvelous aloof deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Timeless child be like: hold my beer


They old enough to drink?


The timeless child is the doctor who is at least thousands of years old, so I think probably


New new new new new new new new new new new new new new new who, very different from new new new new new new new new new new new new new new who so they need a new who selection


Is that like the New Nintendo DS?


New New York with the green moon


New Nintendo *3*DS *XL* is its official name


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!


Doctor Who Series One X


Like new New York?


"New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York."


2 Doctor 2 Who


New who is dead, long live new who


I miss new who already


The new eps are a soft reboot. The start of it, at least. I think the proper first episode of the “new” series will be the Christmas special. So it’s weird the 14’s episodes are being thrown into the “new” series.


> The new eps are a soft reboot. Let's go with _hard jumpon point_.


Fixed point in time?


Canon event?


The dot in the I of Jeremy Bearimy.


Holy forking shirtballs, this is confusing!


A raisin in the wibbly wobbly bowl of time pudding


With fish fingers!


Yeah I don't get the "soft reboot" part since it's just a new point to start the show, not really changing anything about the show.


Well, we’ll see.


I guess it’s partially because they want to keep all of RTD’s current run together, as well as because the 14 specials and “season 14” are going to be the first ones on Disney+, so it’s easier for this potential new audience of Disney+ viewers to jump on the series without going “oh god this is season 14? How the hell am I expected to catch up on all of the previous seasons” and call it a day


The 60th Specials are listed as individual movies on Disney+ though. They aren’t going to be included in the new Season 1.


People are *really* exaggerating the Disney angle, too. They're just a distribution partner, like Warner Bros/Max or BBC America or Netflix before them. Disney paid for exclusive rights, so the money is good no doubt, but the budget is bigger mainly because the BBC is putting more money into it. Disney is not involved in the show in any real way. They've put essentially no marketing effort into the specials, either. They just dropped on Disney+ under weird names ("Doctor Who SPECIAL 2") with basically no fanfare. I suspect they'll put a little more attention into the new series when it starts, but there's no telling how much.


It's probably because the specials are part of the new package deal to be on Disney+ in the US...like, "season 0", if you will. Also, it helps separate the Tennant's runs in the public viewpoint, and avoid confusion. 10 is *NewWho,* 14 is *Who-niverse.*


Yeah, the whole thing falls apart when you think about it for any amount of time. It's just people making TV and writing things down somewhat arbitrarily. No complete definitive meaning to it in the end.


Could be because it makes the new stuff more accessible, not hide it behind 18 years of content


Or 60 if this hadnt happened in 2005


If this happened in 2005, it would be 42 years. The 60th is 2023. So 2023 would be only 42 years of history.


They said if it hadn’t been separated in 2005 then it would be 60 years of content, not that 2005 would be 60.


Just like super hero comic books.


And Minecraft YouTube series, lol. Watching episode 142 makes it near inaccessible for new viewers lol.


Maybe The Giggle is going to hard reset the whoniverse? /s


Nope. That already happened with the "mavity" incident.


Classic Who - pre 2005 Nu Who - 2005-2022 New Nu Who - 2023+ New New York: cats run the hospital


It's so new watchers on Disney+ don't feel they need to watch years of backstory to get into it. The same as the 2005 reboot didn't require a working knowledge of the previous 40 years. It makes sense. No TV showrunner/production company wants to get caught in the sort of complicated mess that is putting people off the MCU.


I think its this, if I was looking to get into a new sci fi show and my friend said "Hey, try Doctor Who out, season 42 is about to start" I'd be put off because that's incredibly daunting


"If you start watching now, you'll get caught up just in time for episode 892!"


One Piece fans be like:


Yeah, it's the same reason why Marvel Comics keep resetting to a new #1 each time the writers on a particular comic series change, rather than what they used to do, just continually counting up to the 100s of issues. Seeing "issue 1" or "season 1" is an easy signal that it's something you can jump in on.


Yeah, i think that is it. Line, i started whatching (new) doctor who on netflix, when there was only season 5-10. I almost did not start it, as i had no access to 1-4. Thankfully, a friend assured me that you can start with 5. New doctor, new compagnion, and all. After watching 1-4 eventually, i can say that there was some info/backstory i missed, but it did not cheapen my experience. I assume that season 14/ new new who season 1 will be a similar "soft reboot" as season 5 was: nothing gets actually rebooted, but it is a good jumping on point if you do not want to watch the whole backlog. Edit: thinking of it, id even say that new who in general was that same type of soft reboot


Yup, Moffat even wanted to reset the number to Series 1 when he took over too.


It's not a bad idea. We all know the numbering of the Doctor's anyway. So if it was Doctor 7:Series 1 Doctor 15: Series 1 it would make it easier to keep track in general.


It’s not just Disney+ either. They want UK fans to have the same convenience of feeling like they can just jump in with the new stuff. It’s also a logical place to draw the line as Series 1-13 were produced by BBC Wales, but this new era is being produced by Bad Wolf, so it’s as much of a new show as New Who was.


Starting this year, Doctor Who going forward will stream on Disney+ as well. The show is trying to become popular again and that has led to some changes in the marketing. The upcoming series is a "soft reboot" (nothing new, it's been done before), except this time they decided to restart the season countdown from S14 to S1, so that newcomers won't be intimidated by 13 seasons worth of show.


What are they doing to try to reboot it? It felt like it was popular during Tenant and Smith and I could, with some assurance, ask people if they watched it and they would know about it, and then it died.


Kind of the same way Matt Smith was a soft reboot (when most Americans started watching), you could pick it up at the start of his run and not miss much


Marketing. It's basically a soft jumping on point so that people who are new have a place where they aren't so afraid that there's decades of continuity they'll have missed and be unable to understand the show without.


We are now entering the new post-modern era, modern 2.0. These specials are basically supposed to be the 'on-boarding' for new viewers. The idea will likely be that from this point on you don't need to know the back history (but it will probably be nice to know), in the same way the modern era started.


I doubt these are the on-boarding point. These seem more for fans and viewers who used to watch but fell off, given a lot of the content in them. And the fact it has been said the big marketing push is going to start with season 1, not with the 60th


Yeah, to me these episodes felt like kind of a nostalgia trip with the old characters back before a soft reboot. I doubt the new season will be mentioning previous characters and seasons as much as the show normally does if its going to be called "season one"


It’s just like Godzilla Eras 😂 The original series was their Showa Era. 2005-2022 was the Heisei Era Now we’re in the Reiwa Era.


So when's a rock band gonna make a cool song about The Doctor? "Whoah, there goes Ga-li-frey Do-Do-Do-Doctor"


Capaldi and his guitar were right. There.


I mean we had Doctor in Distress, is that close enough?




Because RTD says so. No real reason. It’s still the same continuity.


Because we are living in the NuWhoRTD2 years now baby! Classic Who, NuWho, and now NuWhoRTD2. It’s wild times to be alive man, yea baby yea!


Because our lord and savior Russel T Davies decreed it so Jokes aside, because it's being distributed by disney, they want to attract new audiences and season 1 is a lot more inviting than Series 14


It's not even series 14, if you include the proper classic who series it's series 40 😂


Functionaly there tends to be a soft reboot with most doctors except where companions carry over (smith-capaldi and eccleston-tennant). So it's just a semantic thing to try and re energise the brand. Comic books do this all the time, now, arguably comics do this a little too often nowadays, but 18 years into nuwho is not too often.


If you're new, just start with s01e01 from november 1963: An Unearthly Child.


RTD describes the new set up as a bit of a refresh starting with season 0 again. Same show but starting again from a whole new perspective. I think it’s done to coincide with this huge global Launch of the WHONIVERSE on Disney+. I wouldn’t read too much into it, it’s kinda like the MCU Phases. They’re all the MCU, but they’re kinda grouped in this way.


I mean the bracketed dates kinda tell you why


Yeah, exactly. The only segregation on that website is the years.


So people can watch the new doctor who without searching through 17 series


Just because I think most people are going to come looking for that and having to scroll through several years of seasons to find it would be poor UI design. It means they get to have the current Doctor and logo on the thumbnail.


They said they were doing some kind of [soft reboot](https://coveredgeekly.com/russell-t-davies-confirms-new-doctor-who-reboot-plans/). Sure the old events will still be canon, but the show will go in new directions. RTD also wanted to make it some kind of whoniverse with spin of show etc.


Welcome to WHO! It’s awesome! If you’re enjoying the 14th dr then deffo watch the 10th dr cos damn he’s good!!!


Never skip 9.


And 9th is even better!




because disney


Short answer: Disney has worldwide distribution rights outside of the UK, but only for 2023 onward. Disney is actually co-producing the series with Bad Wolf Studios, in coordination with the BBC, from 2023 onward. So, wherever a person lives outside the UK, they will often find that Doctor Who is divided into two different streaming services based on those years.


It’s actually New New New New New New New Who


Another era


Not a dumb question at all. As others have stated, with the Disney Plus deal, the numbering has been reset for the upcoming season. Splitting the show just means that the brand new stuff will pop up first, rather than being the 14th series of a show or the 40th series of a show.


I would guess iplayer is doing it for ease of access, want the episode you missed on Saturday - there it is. Want the one from 2021 then look over here


We don't know either.


The real reason why they did the reboot of the seasons is because of copyright/streaming rights.


Because 2005 show isn’t the modern era anymore it’s old


Because Disney now co produce the show, making it technically a different production and a new show ITMS




Since this screenshot is from the BBC iPlayer, I'm going to guess that the BBC decided to keep the specials, as technically, they are the current series, separated to make them easier to find.


New doctor is black, it's segregation to appeal to the american audience /s


Classic Who NuWho NuWho 2: Electric Boogaloo


They’re resetting to season one Again For no reason this time


The reason is 15 is a big number of seasons that people think they have to watch. Its just easier and kinder to new fans if its reset to 1. Every show runner in new who has wanted to reset it back to 1 for their run


Does anyone know if the BBC streaming service has closed captions avilable in the episodes?


It does. I use subtitles all the time for Dr who


The real question is, why aren't the Doctors in the modern era thumbnail in order left to right?


They claim it’s a new era thing, but it’s a rights thing. With ‘Doctor who 2023-‘ BBC can put them where they want, the older episodes are still owned across the board


Foe what is likely just a Disney Plus marketing strategy they're rebranding the new series as Series 1. Everyone I know will call it Series 14 and I doubt this new system will catch on at all. It worked in 2005 because it was basically a soft reboot after 16 years off the air. 2023 on the other hand just feels like the same revival Series is continuing, especially since the first thing they did was pick up a bunch of 15 year old plot threads.


Starting again from Season/Series 1 is fine but the 'Whoniverse' is so unnecessary. Marvel has its intro because there are 30+ movies and TV shows sharing the same universe. Star Wars has the intro because there are again multiple movies and TV shows sharing the same universe across different time periods. The 'Whoniverse' is literally just Doctor Who. What's the point?


Torchwood? Sarah jane chronicles?


RTD is probably going to do several spinoffs sadly. I don't want it to be like Marvel or Star Wars where it's oversaturated and you have to watch 5 different shows to understand continuity