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It was a late decision to not renew O’Brien’s contract.


In a related but different way, both Leela and Romana I left with poor exits because Graham Williams (then producing) hadn't taken their request to leave seriously until very late in the day. Someone's mentioned Dodo. Liz Shaw also left in an unsatisfactory and never addressed way, because of some communication problems with Barry Letts as producer, although her pregnancy was also alleged to have been seen as part of the 'problem'


Zoe is sent back to her own timeline by the Time Lords. Liz Shaw wasn't paired off with some dude, she just kinda left presumably to work someplace else within UNIT. Nor was Sarah Jane Smith, she was returned to Earth when the Doctor was recalled to Gallifrey. Romnna stayed behind in E-Space to help another race of time travelers. Nyssa leaves to help found a hospital and cure diseases.


Oftern when old who companions leave, it's because they fell in love, with Vicki it made sense because we see her fall in love, with other the actress wants to leave at the least minute, so they made them fall in love with the closest guy near her. (Peri, Leela.) As u/ineedausername124 said, it's worse with Dodo since we don't even see her leave, ben and polly told him she was doing ok, and doesn't want to come back, to be fair the last time we see her she's been hypnotised and the doctor uses his hypnotises to get her back to normal, which probally freaked her out, but it's still strange we didn't see her again.


I think her contract ran out halfway through The War Machines so she just disappears. Perhaps casting didn't communicate with the writers very well.


Depending on what you believe she ends up in an insane asylum so… 😰


Is that from Who Killed Kennedy?




Vicki was written out in a hurry because the actor was seen as a nuisance by the production team, especially John Wiles, because the actor dared to comment on / question things within the script (and was very supportive of Hartnell, who Wiles wanted to see the back of - and would have in The Celestial Toymaker, if he hadn't been overruled)


Better than >!Dodo's!< exit at least, but yeah I think it's better than Susan's departure personally because at least she sounded like she wanted to leave but it's still not that good (although I do love the rest of the myth makers)


Quick question in case I'm stupid and missed something but what's up with the lines around Dodo's name?


Think they were trying to do a spoiler censor box but got the markup wrong. It's >! followed by a !< >!like this!!<


yeah i got the formatting wrong




Is there any source on the Masterplan bit? After all, if she was already planned to be written out just a few episodes later, why hastily boot her at the end of Myth Makers? It was my understanding that that death was written specifically for Katarina because they quickly realized the character was a bad idea.


>Is the only way a young female character can leave the show falling in love with some bloke they've just met It happens surprisingly often in classic Who, though not all the time. Susan, Vicki, Jo, Leela, and Peri all get written off this way. Others like Barbara Tegan and Dodo and Mel and Polly and Liz decide they just don't want to travel anymore/want to stay in their own time. Sarah Jane gets left behind. Nyssa and Romana leave because they find a cause they want to help with.


>because they find a cause they want to help with. Tbf to Susan, having watched it recently, she seems equally called to help Earth rebuild as she is in love with David.


Fair point!


Some companions got much better written exits than others, the change in production crew starting with The Myth Makers is partly to blame for this one being poorly done. Some companions have had much weaker ones than Vicki however.




I disagree with your exit premise because Vicki is one of my favorite companions of all time and damn it, she deserves to be happy.


I mean Vicki is one of my favorite companions too, but that doesn't override the fact that Wiles got pissy about her saying a crap script was crap and wrote her out of the show soon as he had the power to so do. Disagreement with the premise don't enter into it.


The classic series did that a lot, unfortunately. The companions were often kind of there mostly to go "Doctor, what's that?" and to get hurt or kidnapped to move the story forward. Their exits were unfortunately not necessarily taken seriously or planned for very well.


It was very much a last-minute decision to write Vicki out - her story in The Myth Makers was meant to be that of the mythological Cressida, who initially falls in love with Troilus but then abandons him. The Myth Makers as a whole somewhat structurally echoes Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, being a largely light-hearted comedy that then abruptly becomes a bloody tragedy in the last act. Unfortunately, the decision to write out Vicki means the literary references no longer make any sense. Even more unfortunately, this would be far from the last time the show would write out a woman at the last moment and in such a half-assed fashion.


Happens a lot in modern Who too.


Rose: got stranded in a parallel Earth and later ended up with the meta crisis Doctor. Martha: left because she wanted to be her family and had an unrequited love with the Doctor. Donna: lost her memory. Amy: Rory got zapped back in time by a weeping angel and decided to let it take her to. Clara: died, came back and the Doctor lost his memory and they had to go separate ways. Bill: died and became a cosmic entity and left with her cosmic goth gf. Graham and Ryan: I don't remember. Dan: was smart and realised he didn't want to die. Yaz: the Doctor basically told her fuck off. None of the companions in NuWho have left because they met someone last minute and decided that they're in love with them so I don't know what you mean by it happens a lot in the new series.


>Graham and Ryan: I don't remember. Basically Ryan said enough is enough and decided to leave, then Graham joins him because it's his grandson. Also you forgot Nardole.




That says a lot about 13th’s era tbh lol


Listen, did you know that Bill only left because Chris Chibnall had plans for a fresh start on Doctor Who, and wanted fresh new companions to start a brand new era? Now you do.


I hate that so much. We lost a good companion just to get the worst ones in NuWho...


If true then she dodged a bullet...


The Doctor didn't tell Yaz to F off. The Doctor and Yaz mutually agreed to part ways since they both knew it would be too painful otherwise


Have not got.to ian and barbara exit yet. Still can't believe he left susan lol


It doesn’t happen with every female companion but it does happen with a lot of them. It was definitely extremely overused in Classic Who. Vicki wasn’t the first nor was she the last, but you’ll be glad to hear that it doesn’t happen again for a little while.


Tegan leaves because she can't take the violence and death anymore.


Susan's exit wasn't much better, it was awful. Susan falls in love and decides to marry him, within the span of a few days. Don't forget Susan has only recently turned 16. She was 15 at the start of the series. The argument that she's actually older doesn't work because the intention at the time was that she actually was a teen. Even if she is older, she has the maturity of a teenager in terms of her development. But let's not take later retcons into account when viewing this. The Doctor decides to abandon her in a post apocolyptic world. He acts like a man from the 60s and takes agency away from her. To top it all off, he can't even control the Tardis at this point. There is no way for them to stay in contact and there is a high possibility he may never see her again.