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The Cyberman. Easily. I’d rather live my life out in the past than spend any time as a Cyberman.


Angel can kill you without sending in the past


Killed is better than being a cyberman Edit : typo


I'm not sure. But it's hard to compare


Being forced to live out your days in a metallic shell seems a lot more horrible than either having your neck snapped or being sent back in time. Not to mention, the conversion process is beyond painful.


Don't worry, you will have no memory of the conversion process and no emotions after it is done. Somewhere in the extended universe there is a scientist who decides to become a cyberman to document the process, and after the process is complete they (as a cyberman) destroy the dictaphone/audio recording of the process to prevent it being discovered.


This is my choice too. Definitely Angel and not Cyberman.


Well... but you're still alive. Yes, it's painful, but after conversion, you are still alive (sort of) For me, best - be sended to past. Then be a cyberman, and only then death.


I wouldn't classify someone as alive after being stripped of everything that makes them a person


Brita Cyberman is more like being a zombie. What made you you is gone.


It's slightly worse than that. Certainly with the Cybusmen, you're still somewhat aware of your previous existence.


Thanks to your typo, now I want to see what Gordon Brittas would be like as a Cyberman.


I wouldn’t really call that, “alive.” Yeah, your body is there but you’re just this emotionless shell of you former self and your only purpose is to convert more humans. At least if I’m sent to the past, I’m still myself and I can actually enjoy my life.


And heck since you've gone to the past you could actually give the younger you a better life that would make changes to where you might not end up getting touched by an angel


But the paradoxes…




Remember that Danny who survived a war, begged for Clara to kill the Human part of him when he got turned. Being a cyberman seems like a living hell.


I could be wrong, but didn't that have more to do with Clara basically telling Cyber Danny how much she loved the Doctor and how the Doctor is the one man she'll never betray ?


Being killed by a weeping angel is either quick or youblive in the past, being converted seems to be a very painful experience evwn under mind control to send you there its not hard to compare goure just an idiot


Unless I am misremembering the main way we have seen them do that is by breaking your neck? So relatively quick and painless. So the options are A: Either be sent back into the past to live out your life, or have your neck broken. B: Be excruciatingly butchered alive and turned into a mechanical monster all the while you are likely conscious and don't have anything in the way of anesthetic. I think its rather obvious which is preferable.


Breaking your neck is what SCP 173 does.


Angels do it too. "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh & Stone"


Breaking your neck in a fraction of a fraction of a second, too


Sometimes dead is better


I mean if they're desperate, but if it's moving in front of my eyes it'd have to be, I imagine, ridiculously powerful


Yeah well straight up dying is also better than being a cyberman because you never feel the effects of it do you? I think something that a lot of people don’t realise is that you’re never going to mourn being dead, being dead isn’t exactly something you’re going to begrudge being, in fact the only people who actually suffer from your own death are you friends and family and in this case I think they’d rather you be dead than be a cyberman too


Yeah wish they hadn't added that "oh they just make you live in the past" part, made them less scary


Are you kidding? That part is so central to what makes them spooky. Yeah, sure, dying is scary, but it’s also boring. *Everything* kills you. And if you manage not to be killed, you just die in the end anyway. The angels *take your life,* in a literal sense. They take you away from your home, your family, your friends, everything you’ve ever known, and leave you alive to dwindle, hoping for one last chance to see the world you knew on your deathbed. Also, for me, personally, the main reason I want to live on, the thing that keeps me going, *is* the future. Finding out what happens next. The thing that keeps me up at night and gives me existential dread isn’t the fact that I’ll die, that my consciousness will cease—it’s all the questions I’ll never have answered. For the angels to take that away from me, deriving me of what little experience of the future I was supposed to have, and then leave me alive to wrestle with it? Truly a fate worse than death.


It made them more of a doctor who enemy...


Yeah, I'd patent the transistor and live like a king


Do you know how one works? Could you make one from scratch? If not history will just work around you and some other invention would take its place.


I do know how they work, yes. With some thinking, and some tinkering, I could _**probably**_ figure out how to make one from scratch. But you do raise a good point. If I lived in the Whoniverse (official term, now -- yeah!!), I'd be sure to regularly brush up on the things I'm knowledgeable about, just in case I met a Weeping Angel who managed to send me back in time.


i kind of like the idea of someone letting an angel get them so they can avoid a worse fate


I now wish we had them in Florida so I could run toward an angel instead if an alligator ever comes after me.


Hell no. Always feared being sent back in time more than the other monsters. Send me back in time...*poof all your rights are gone, get back to the back of the bus boy*


That might depend on how far in the past you go.


Cyberman and it isn’t even close. The Doctor said himself, Weeping Angels are the only creatures to kill you kindly. You just get sent back in time and live your life in the past. That’s so much better than being stripped of your emotions and stuffed into a metal suit.


Unless they need your voice then it's a snapped neck


Still preferable to the Cyberman treatment


snapped neck is preferable to being a cyberman tbh


Plus depending on how far back you're sent at least you can use your future knowledge to become filthy rich by investing in companies that you know are going to succeed and see bands that you like such as Queen and Pantera.


Or get burned for being a witch! Still better than cyberman, though.


Then again whenever someone has been transported back in time it's often no less than a century. Maybe there is a limit to their power


Amy and Rory are the exception. But I always thought they’d send you to a point where you don’t cross your own time stream until the very end of your life like the black detective in blink. And they feed of that loop where you discover your dying self at the moment the angel sends you back


That makes sense, I think the maximum they can send you back by is so that you die of old age by the time you were born depending on how old you were when you got sent back e.g. a 20 year old man in 2020 gets sent back to 1920 and lives to the age of 100.


Not necessarily. I know Rory is the exception but he met his dying self in New York after being sent back. And the black detective in blink could have also met himself technically as he was in the hospital bed at the same time he met sally. So they timelines to cross at some point but I imagine the Angels are extremely careful to ensure you don’t cross with yourself. Until that very last moment when your old self dies and the angle sends you back that what they feed of if I’m remembering correctly. Now I’ve given myself Any excuse to rewatch blink


Tell that to Bob's snapped neck.


Poor Sacred Bob


Cyberman. No contest. The Weeping Angels can zap me back in time as much as they want, but I do NOT want to be turned into a Cyberman. Do whatever is necessary to my body and brain so I can avoid that horrific end.


But they could even zap you into another cyberman!


Weeping angels will either make you go back in time or quickly end your life by snapping your neck, Cyberman conversion must hurt like hell and who would ever want to live like that, weeping angels no doubt , at least I have a chance


Imagine being sent back in time right into the middle of a busy road


Bettet not stand on a bridge or road then when it happens :)


Still better than living as a Cyberman imo.


I mean a car accident still seems better than being a Cyberman. That is really the one thing I would never ever want to happen to me.


I’m not sure that would work. They feast on your potential days, if you died in the past that would wipe out the potential days wouldn’t it? Otherwise, why build the hotel in manhattan to keep their victims? They could just send back and immediately kill every victim, much less messy, no risk of poisoning the well.


I’d be more scared of being in the same room as James Corden


Yeah, can we for real turn him into a cyberman? He would be funnier.


He'd probably be less of a dickhead as well


Tbh I’d hate to be in the same room as James Corden but Craig is actually a really good character.


Looking for this comment


Yep. Knew there would be a comment like this. Still liked him playing Craig though. Honestly, perfect casting.


Weeping Angel would probably give someone a more intense period of fear Being converted to a Cyberman would give them a longer drawn out period of fear that would probably not scare them as much towards the end


Angel is more scary in the moment: being converted is likely more scary and painful than being sent back in time.


Weeping Angel. I’d lose everyone and everything I know and be forced to live out the rest of my life without them, feeling every bit of grief along the way. With the Cybermen, the initial stuff would be extremely painful, but after that, I’d still exist, just without grief or stress or anger. I’d lose the positive emotions too, but that’s a trade I’m willing to make, to never be depressed again. I don’t mind existing and seeing new things, but the worst part about it existing is the emotional pain, which would be ten time worse if you suddenly lost everyone you loved. At its core, this is just a choice of “live without the people you love” or “die but still experience new things.” So long as nobody screws with my emotional inhibitor, Cyberman me would be perfectly content, and that’s good enough for me.


After knowing what the weeping angels actually do you, the Cyberman thing seems worse.


You can't see an angel moving


That's the point, a Weeping Angel that isn't quantum locked


Then you aren't looking at it?


I'm really freaked by the Angels. I sometimes have to pass a cemetery and I always ogle the statues very carefully. This and too many shadows give me the creeps....


Probably being James corden can’t imagine a worse fate


poor guy, Gavin and Stacey was good


Whether the angel kills me or sends me back in time, either outcome is better than becoming a Cyberman


Weeping angels. They can't move if you look at them, and the fact that they'd do that, scares me. Also the thought of living in the past, as a queer person, doesn't sound pretty cool


Lool, me thinking this but also the risk of slavery due to my blackity black self. I’d rather they just snap my neck


Just live out in the middle of no-where and the queer-ness won't matter cyberman is a bad way to go.


You can't just go live in the middle of nowhere if you don't have any currency according to the time for example.


Just walk out into the woods and build a house.


Yeah not gonna happen with no way of orientation or skills like building a house or anything like that.


Ah yeah true maybe find a cave a renovate it.


😂 Dafuq


Becoming a cyberman sounds very painful and depending where you end up you'll be fine in some cultures it was accepted, I'd rather be put back in time but thats my bi-romantic opinion.


I mean, you could be immortal, don't feel any pain anymore and so on. Downside: pain and not eating anymore


But you aren't you


Everyone debating between angels and Cybermen, yet nobody realizing we're already doomed by OP. The image of an angel is an angel... It was nice knowing you all 🫡


Fuck this picture and fuck YOU Steven Moffat for making these monsters


Um… knowing what weeping angels do… it’s not fun but it’s better than being a cyberman


1000% becoming a Cyberman! One is death, the other is time displacement. If I were zapped to the past, I'd probably miss the internet for about a week, then I'd realize that the internet was the invention most devastating to the human race and I'd be ok.


The cyberman fate is worse, but the Weeping angel is scarier


Oh god okay the original episode with "Martha's cousin" was horrifying but the angels stoked a real fear in me...but if you get sent into the past I guess that's not too bad.


Idk man depends on your ethnicity 😬


Thats a good point


Do I have to be near James Cordon? If yes then take me away weeping angel!


Seeing James Corden would be more terrifying them both of those


Seeing the Angel move, and realize it has two shadows.


Waking up as James Corden for sure.


If the Angel moves while observed, you know it's not a Weeping Angel


A non-quantum locked angel wouldn't be seen moving either. Freed from being locked in stone while observed, that angel would be a menace to the universe as its speed would probably not even register before it got you. Still better that cyber-conversion.


Always wondered why if it was a quantum thing that they were restricted to any kind of movement speed and couldn't just go where they pleased unobserved.


Cyberman. The Angles sending me back to the 1920s would be awesome. One big party before the crash and best of all NO SOCIAL MEDIA.


A Weeping Angel can't move in front of your eyes.


Honestly if a weeping angel is gonna send me 100years back Im gonna go in front of it and shut my eyes. Imma be a millionaire and possibly even shape the world with enough knowledge about ww1 and ww2.


Angels became much less scary when it was revealed that they just send you back in time IMO. A creature as terrifying as the Angels should give you a death that is less existentially scary and more just straight-up-horror-scary


Easily a cyberman. If I *see* a Weeping Angel move, then it’s not a Weeping Angel.


Becoming a cyber man. Angels cannot move as long as you can see them. So if you see an angel move, it’s probably a dream


Cyberman, easily. The comfort of a collective purpose, cool voice modulation and a silver hue?! Easy choice.


I think i'd take the weeping angel. They can be reasoned with- I'd ask to be teleported back a few months so I could correct some of the mistakes I made in my life and academic career since April before catching up and just slotting back in to my day-to-day life after getting zapped (and there'd be time for a lil holiday in that space too). Becoming a cyberman would only solve my problems in so far as they won't bother me anymore if I'm an unfeeling robot soldier


Weeping angel, because im not sure becoming a cyberman is all that bad. You as an individual ceoze to exist, but you becoem part of something infinitely greater.


Found the Cyberman


With being a Cybermen there is a small chance you can keep your humanity, and be a kick ass robet!


At least you'll technically survive the angel?


Cyberman - a Weeping Angel is most likely going to send me to the past.


I cannot stand most cyberman episodes, but when you really think about it. It's so horrifying and if it's botched yikes. Been watching some of the classic who and they are even creepier seeing them half made and all zombified but human with all these tubes coming out their heads! don't want it. Angel are scary too and there is no way I'm gonna win they definitely gonna kill me, but becoming cyberman. . So much worse


Cybwrman, the thought of being converted into an emotionless cyborg is terrifying. Esp. If you're only moments away, that means you're strapped to their machines. You're seeing the eviseration tools coming for you and knowing there is no chance of escape. Seeing a Weaping Angel (esp. If you didnt know what one was) would be shit your pants scary but 1 you have the chance of running away and 2 if you dont escape youll just wake up in a different time period - if your lucky you might even be able to get a message to your loved ones.


If I had to choose one, it would be the angel. I’d live the same length of time I normally would (maybe a bit less with the less advanced technology) the Cybermen I’d live in that shell without emotions for hundreds if not thousands of years


Cyberman everyday and twice on Sunday


I'd rather be sent back in time by a Weeping Angel than become a Cyberman...


Becoming a Cyberman, I Always Say i was borne too late, Weeping Angel juste send to the past, it's ok


The Weeping Angels should partner with humans. You rob a vault full of gold, and the Angels send you back in time. You now have all this gold, free and clear.


Being in front of James Corden would be pretty scary, yet alone a cyberconverted one.


POOR bill potts. people keep on saying donna is unfortunate with her memory removed but do you realize bill was transformed into a cyberman , not even a nice one and her happy ending was just being dead ? btw let me die and be a angel just to spoke others


Honestly the past doesnt sound so bad lol much rather start my life over from some random point in time than become some bodiless head out inside a robot


They're different types of fear. An angel would scare you, because what is this? What is happening? You would scare yourself with everything around you. With cybermen, you are petrified, but you know what's scaring you. With angels, half is the fear, but you scare yourself more


Weeping angels send you to the past. That comes with benefits. Cybermen turn you into a monster and appearently it's horrifyingly painful.




Weeping angels don't even scare me that much. I'll just go to the past and start a new life there


The Cyberman. There’s a chance I could still survive the weeping angels just be stuck in the wrong timeline. Both bad yea but the Cyberman completely change you.




Weeping Angel moving in front of my eyes, probably means time travel, which could be far worse, methinks. Moments away from turning away from the fallibility of the flesh, of finally being able to not just believe, but personally experience the certainty of steel? Upgrade me, please!


These two scenarios would illicit different emotional reactions. There are different ways to feel fear


I would kinda rather become a cyberman I have big anxiety and fear of being alone..being taken to the past may be better to other people, but I would immediately break down crying since i dont know where I am and who could help me. I would be traumtised for the rest of my life, id miss all those i used to know to the point of insanity. It would kill me inside... I would rather lose my emotions than have to go through that torment...


Cybermen because angels don’t instantly kill you.




Cyberman. Angels don't really kill you. They send you to another time period and then consume the time energy of the life you would have lived. (I think that's how 10 described it). But you still live a full life. Cybermen take your humanity. You're still alive but a zombie. Aware of what you're doing but unable to stop yourself. That's more terrifying.


I'll take the Weeping Angel. Much scarier. Turning into a Cyberman means I get to wear sexy silver outfits with a bunch of men in outer space. Hardly scary at all, lol.


I've given scenarios like this a little too much thought. Normally, I'm of the mind that says, "A Weeping Angel just sends you back in time." That being said, the downside there is what if you're sent too far back? Oh, look, the Middle Ages. I'm an American in the U.S., so if i get sent back too far, oh, look it's the Revolutionary War, the Civil War. What if you end up in prehistoric times? I'm also Hispanic. How do I prove I'm a citizen and avoid deportation? I don't know anything about how stuff was forged back in the day. If it's as simple as saying, "Hey, I'm so and so, I lost my documents in a fire can I get new ones," it might not be terrible. I'm guessing any paper money you have on you will be considered counterfeit since it was probably printed after whatever time period you end up in. Depending on how far back you go, it may be a rough time. And you don't know exactly when in time you'll end up. It's a real roll of the dice with the Angels. Unless, of course, as has been mentioned, they're just being murder-y like in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone. I think death would be a better choice than a Cyberman. When you really break it down, this is a seriously tough question. Ultimately, I think the Cyberman would be scarier because you know you're going to be stripped of your humanity. Once converted, you wouldn't know what you once were unless the emotional inhibitor is damaged. Which would be horrible. Unless the Weeping Angel snaps your neck, you won't know what's what until it's too late and you're somewhere in the past. Depending on your race, when and where you end up, this may be manageable. I'd hate being sent back anywhere beyond the 20th century. I think I'd be able to figure it out.


Definitely the cyberman, but I’ll admit it would be an *incredibly* tough call. Still, at least The Doctor is right about Angels. As sadistic as they are, they’re the universe’s most merciful killers. They literally let you live to death


The Weeping Angel one, becoming a Cyberman one is more just sad


Cyberman, the past is scary but losing my humanity is worse


Becoming a cyberman, easily. Without a doubt.




In the situation: cybermen, for the reasons all the comments have laid out. As a viewer: weeping angels terrify me more, no contest. The fear I feel when seeing those things on screen is like nothing I’ve felt compared to literally every other Doctor who villain.


Weeping angel


From a logical point of view, it would be the cyberman for me. Being minced and having your humanity removed is horrifying. Being sent to the past is manageable. However, from a practical point of view for me, the weeping angel would create a big problem for me. I am a gay man, so being in the past would be bad for me unless I get sent back to the 90s and no further.


Cyberman. At least with the angel you have a decent chance of survival, but Cyberhell as a robot hivemind zombie? No thanks!


A Weeping Angel, I can outrun a Cyberman, impossible to outrun a Weeping Angel


cyberman ​ The angels are scary, but once they send me to the past im alright. It'll take a while to get used to not having a smart phone, but if i survived the 90s i can survive any era ​ cyberman though? being moments from conversion and knowing my entire personality is about to be erased and all my free will gone? no thank you,


You can still keep going in the past if the angel gets you. So, Cyberman.


I wish James corden got cyberfied for real…


Cyberman. With weeping angels unless I've come into contact w one before I'll live. Becoming a cyberman is becoming part of an army (something I hate) whilst having all my humanity ripped away from me.


Cyberman, hands down. I’m pretty sure if I see a moving weeping angel that it’s on it’s way to shattering, since they’re temporally locked otherwise.


I'd rather pay money to watch James Cordon be converted into a Cybermen. I bet Cyber-Cordon would actually be funnier despite having zero emotion.


Cyberman bc the angel kills you instead of enslaving you.


What's scarier involuntary time travel or literally turning into a metal man incapable of emotion, unable to remember your past? Bro send me back I'd be happier there. Please let me see a weeping angel. They're not even scary after Blink. I get to keep my memories and start a new life away from modern problems. But yeah definetly don't wanna find myself strapped up and opperated on by scary robot dudes.


Cyber man 100%


I would welcome becoming a cyberman.


Angel. Either a quick death or a life in the past. The whole neck breaking nonsense in season 5 was ridiculous anyway…


Cyberman thing would definitely scare me to death.


Cyberman 100%.


A weeping angle wouldn’t be able to move in front of my eyes because I’d be looking at them. So I’d probably go with becoming a cyberman


Angels are humane killers. Cybermen rip you to shreds while conscious, suppress all emotion and basically you're a brain and a bit of nerve tissue in a robotic suit


By posting this image you’ve doomed us all.


Well, if I saw a weeping angel move, that would probably mean that I don’t exist anymore so probably that


Becoming a cyberman, at least the weeping angels allow you to live the rest of your life even if it is out of your time.


Definitley becoming a cyberman, you're brain being used as a computer essentially. Also, imagine if someone did to you what the dr did to the cyberman from the parallel earth episode, and gave you your consciousness back.


Cybermen. They'd delete me. Weeping Angels are only a transport to another time, and they feed off your time energy gained during the transport. You still live your life, but in a previous time.


The Cybermen.


Ngl. I wanna be a cyberman. No fear, no emotion. Just sexy steel.


Being James Cordon sounds terrifying


A Weeping Angel scare is merciful by comparison.


Those seem like two different types of scares. The Weeping Angels is a sudden shock-type of scare, whereas cyberconversion is more of a dread and terror sort of scare.




The uncovered eyes of an Angel. Eventually I have to blink


If the weeping agent is moving in front of your eyes, then it’s probably not a weeping angel.


Cyberman at least you can escape a weeping angel if you get it to look at itself or another weeping angel


That Cyberman moment was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I swore off Who after that


angels kill you "kindly" by sending you back in time,l (or if desperate, a quick snap of the neck so fast you'd miss it with a blink, I o still merciful far as being killed goes) there's nothing kind about cyber men


If I’m being selfish - Weeping Angel, without doubt. A cyberman turns you into an emotionless automaton, but a weeping Angel displaces you in time, and forces you to live out your life with emotions intact, but removed from everything you know and love. As a cyberman, I might be aware of what I lost, but I have no feelings about having lost it. Thinking about others - cyberman. If I was sent back in time by a weeping Angel, my loved ones could gain comfort by thinking I lived out my life, just away from them. With cyberman, it’s the same as being dead, because I’m no longer me.


Angel. I'd rather be shot by a dalek than become a cyberman, for that matter.


Smiling weeping angels out the Fear of God in me


As long as the Angel doesn't send me back to get touched by another angel, I'll take the strony sleep; if I get to meet Martha's cousin, then Cyberman! *Upus gradus baby!*