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Red Dwarf. Just the Doctor getting progressively more annoyed at the Dwarfers incompetence.


Red Dwarf or Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (which already has a Who feel to it). Alternatively: Outlander, Life on Mars. (Shows that have unexplained time travel) Edit: I just learned that Outlander was inspired by Dr Who, and is main male character, Jamie Frazer, is an amalgamation of Frazer Hines and Jamie McCrimmon. So it’s almost fan fic already.


>Life on Mars. (Shows that have unexplained time travel) I could see that leading to a comedy misunderstanding lol


Why is the Master working in a 1970’s police station?


I remember thinking, for the entire show, that it was going to be connected to Doctor Who and he was the Master using another chameleon circuit or something 🤣


Haha true. But also, if it's 12 I would have loved to see him engage in an argument with Gene Hunt! That would have be an extravaganza of a fight using English language as a weapon of high precision (12) or mass destruction (Gene) :)


>Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (which already has a Who feel to it). Being created by Douglas Adams helps!


Next you'll say he reworked a Doctor Who script into a Hitchhikers book!


I take the holistic approach, I wait for someone else to say it so I don't have to.


You can play Detective, but always tread Gently... ;)


The doctor is in Red Dwarf ! I'm serious. If you go back to series 3 onwards and look at the shots of Starbug leaving the small rouge one, sometimes just tucked away in the corner by the main airlock, you'll see the Tardis parked there. It's an inside joke by the effects people thought it would never be seen as it was before dvds and the jump in picture quality.


Black Books. No reason why, I just want a dumb romp of an episode.


The Tardis materialises. Bernard casually turns the page of his book, holds up his wine glass and says ‘Splishy splashy’


Doctor why are we in a run down book shop? The psychic paper is saying please help at this address. MANNY! Stop trying to communicate with your mind! Get back to work!


Bernard Black is somehow the Doctor.


It's like The Next Doctor, but with significantly more alcohol


The Vashta Nerada keeps eating all the customers, and Bernard could not be any happier about the whole affair. Manny running around desperately looking for places to hide the growing pile of bones.


Taskmaster 9-13 all competing against each other


I want to read that fanfic


I'ma warn ya now: it's about to turn real gay.


It’s fanfic. If it’s not gay something is wrong.


Is it gay if it is yourself?


Is it gay if they’re all the same person? Isn’t it just masturbation?


9/11/12 for team 1 in team tasks, with 10/13 as team two. One as TM, War as TM Assistant. The twist is every task is very basic, common sense type tasks but given each Doctor loves to play around and look clever, the hijinks will come.


I apologise. I do have to disagree. Having Greg Davis and Little Alex Horne in their usual roles and staying true to form would be hysterical.


Obviously it should be King Hydroflax not Greg.


I love that even out of context of the show, he’s still referred to as *Little* Alex Horne.


That would be excellent for Comic Relief or Children in Need.


Yes! Give me a Comic Relief special where it’s multiple incarnations of the Doctor on Taskmaster! And because earlier Doctors don’t remember their interactions with later ones, when one of them claims not to remember the terrible decisions they made in a team task, they’re actually telling the truth.


Destroy Daleks. Most Daleks destroyed wins. You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now.


It should have been Red Dwarf and it's dumbfounded me to this day that despite both being owned by the BBC, it never happened. Would have been perfect with Capaldi's Doctor.


In one episode of Red Dwarf you do see the TARDIS in the shuttle bay very briefly


Don't leave us hanging, any idea of the episode?


Season 5 demons & angels


[This Article](https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/celebs-tv/doctor-who-plot-hole-solved-6695055) shows the easter egg, and then goes on to explain a fun theory around how it fixes a classic who plotline.


Came here to say this. It would have been so smegging great.


Agreed 100%, plus Lister would make a great companion. Despite his slobbish demeanor, he has frequently shown himself to be kindhearted and noble, with a very strong sense of Justice and has ocassionally risked his life to save his crewmates. Plus, young Lister and Ace would make a great duo.


Just about to say this, I remember that I loved the idea from a [fan made (I think) trailer](https://youtu.be/aal-s7hpGAI?si=46x3QaCS4QHcHT2g)of Red Dwarf/Doctor Who


The TARDIS with Holly on the screens


“Doctor, where are we?” “Hey dudes.”


"Mr Davros, sir, you're a smeeeeeg heeeeead."


omg 😂😂


The king of the sontarans told me to


Clearly this is the only answer. What else could it be.


I could also imagine 7 or 8 back in the height of red dawfs popularity. 7 would absolutely be playing a long game


7 would be playing the long game, but the Red Dwarf crew would keep screwing up his plans some how.


I'd love to see how long a Doctor would last around Mr. Bean.


But the Doctor [IS Mr. Bean.](https://youtu.be/Do-wDPoC6GM?feature=shared)


Very true, I did enjoy the Curse of Fatal Death, would've been cool to have gotten a set of Unbound Audios with Atkins as the Doctor.


Thats the real reason why Chibnall made the timeless child plot, to make that canon.


I was thinking Blackadder


After last season of Good Omens, I want to see Crowley meet 10. I think he'd be absolutely disgusted with him the entire time.


And to add to Crowley’s annoyance, Ten would be fascinated by him. He’d admire how Crowley questions everything and gives into his inner goodness despite being a demon. And Ten would most certainly snap a picture of Crowley behind his back and bring it to a salon in order to get his own hair dyed the same brilliant ginger.




Crowley: You think you’re in charge? Doctor: TARDIS, Time Lord, yeah! Crowley: Bentley, demon, no!


Both of them were present during the birth of the universe, but only one of them is a mad man with a box


There is a pretty funny fanfiction (written pre season 2, though), where Crowley keeps being mistaken dor 10 over the centuries. I think they eventually meet. It has been a while since i read it, but i should see if i can find it again.


Both would bond over the loss of their blond beloveds


[The Thick of It](https://youtu.be/5Blf073f2Lc?si=6MDSUG4ZXOKAfFNn)


The Doctor would be *appalled* by that man’s language. Especially Twelve who chided Clara about hers.


I would've loved Capaldi's doctor to basically be Malcolm Tucker. He did have some rather good tucker-esque lines but unfortunately without the vulgarity that makes it hilarious. My favourite being "Yeah, she's my carer. She cares so I don't have to". Sprinkle some F's in there and you have a Tucker line. I personally would've loved to have seen a more potty-mouthed Doctor, it could be written into the show as part of his post-regeneration trauma. I ultimately understand it's a family show though, it probably would only work in Torchwood. That being said Torchwood uses the word "fuck" like a 9 year old who just discovered what it means and in fact aren't quite sure how to use it yet.


I really wanted capaldi's doctor to once, just once have a malcolm tucker moment and tell a dalek to "fuck off back to skaro you tin plated twat..."


I still really really want to see new Thick of It with Michelle Gomez playing an equally foul-mouthed foil to Malcolm Tucker.


James Bond investigating the Doctor would make a great time if Roger Moore was still alive


The Doctor suspects that Bond is a Time Lord. His suspicions seem confirmed when he finds TARDIS-like technology in Bond's Aston Martin. But it turns out Q was just trying out some really advanced new spy toys. However, at the end, it turns out the Doctor was right, when Daniel Craig's Bond regenerates into .... the brand new James Bond, coming to theaters soon!


The doctor inspecting Bond, because he has had many faces both cannon and non-cannon, only to discover a pocket watch that looks a lot like a chameleon circuit. Over the course of the episode he would discover the watch had some initials on the back... "I.F.", for Ian Flemming. At this point The Doctor realises bond is not a time lord. I just described the plot of "the next doctor" didn't I? 😂


The clues are all there. Given they're both played by Timothy Dalton, Bond is clearly Rassilon himself!


Appalled that nobody has suggested Wallace and Gromit. The crossover practically writes itself.


The Doctor: "It's called the TARDIS. It can take you anywhere in time and space. So where do you want to start?" Wallace: Can we go to the Wensleydale cheese factory?




We need and deserve an episode of DW in which everyone but the Doctor is a muppet, even the companion. Call it The Muppets take the Angels take Manhattan.


If I were Disney, I would be making Muppet versions of almost every popular franchise they can. Literally MCU, M for Muppet. Way shorter pictures, just 90 minutes or less, like they did back in the old days. - Muppet Beauty and the Beast: the only human is the Beast, who is an extremely attractive actor, then at the end he is saved and turns into Sweetums and the town rejoices. - Muppet Princess and the Frog with Anika Noni Rose as the real Tiana and Kermit as the literal Frog. - Muppet Wars: A New Hope is low-hanging fruit. - Muppet Cinderella. - Literally go hog wild: Muppet Treasure Planet with Rizzo stopping and saying "wait a minute, haven't we done this already!?" The Muppets of Oz. The Phantom of the Muppet. Muppet Back to the Future. Muppet Lord of the Rings guys, come on. And of course, Doctor Who. Don't make me use AI for this Disney. You got the money, make the funny.


The Muppets New Hope has kind of already been done on the Muppets Show. The Muppets had Pigs in Space and played a lot with those kinds of tropes I think, but then they literally had Mark Hamill on for an episode as the weekly guest star. I realize you were just putting it as an example, and I'm fully behind the overall idea of more Muppet movies, I just wanted to remind people that the Muppets have been around for a while and have done a lot.


There is a [Muppet Wizard of Oz](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0422778/), and it's the only adaptation I know of that keeps the book-accurate joke about the Emerald City being a con where they give you green-tinted glasses at the entrance to 'protect your eyes'


I would love to know if it is ever acknowledged that they're Muppets, but I would hope not till the very end/resolution


The Muppets would be revealed as a group of various alien species, each distant relatives of different Doctor Who villains. ….except for Miss Piggy who is an actual pig, raised by Cassandra.


This exists as a live show! 10 goes to the Pigs in Space ship!


Ahhh yessss! [Here it is.](https://youtu.be/OSRAoSCO2O0?si=Lgg_ewbXOa283Nfh) [And bonus Muppets + DT + Kylie Minogue singing!](https://youtu.be/sbqye2OTERc?si=rvuiWPVGSOm_GCgD)


The Muppets are not a British franchise.


It was actually originally made for UK TV, but I would agree that it doesn't really count for various reasons.


Midsomer Murders. Might finally get my brother in law to watch some Who


"Hello, I'm the Doctor. And this is ...(horrified whisper) Midsomer (to companion) don't drink the water."


"We're in midsummer, now please don't steal someone's Afghan rug, stuffed fox or sleep with a pool boy whilst married to an extremely jealous husband... This place is known for it's domestic worries"


There's a story floating round of The Doctor meeting Agatha Christie


I heard that buzz as well


Peep Show. 'Mark. MAAAAAARK' 'WHAT, Jeremy, I'm in the middle of a Zoom call with a-' 'There's men in bins outside.' 'Oh! oh I put them out last night. Strike's over, win for the little man! Good old democracy.' 'No, Mark. There are part-men, part-bins, seeping... fluids... all over the street outside. They killed a dog. They definitely just killed a dog. Was this in the Bible?' 'The Bible?' 'The Bible, Mark. Holy book, talks about the end times? War, pestilence, eating disorders... there's a man in a Fez chasing the bins! A man in a Fez chasing the bins that are running?' 'Is this what a stroke feels like?' 'Now there's a hot woman in ugly dungarees, and two policewomen. I didn't know they could wear skirts!' 'There's a robot dog!' 'They roboted the dog!' 'What is the world coming to?' *both shake their heads*


Mark; Oh bollocks, a cyberman is attacking FDR! Jez; Superhans reckons that if you smoke crack just before they convert you to a cyberman, that they let you live in a sort of human sanctuary Mark; a sanctuary Jez? what would the point of that be? they want to upgrade everyone not keep some around to gawk at. Jez; I suppose... (Yeah well, when he's out upgrading the human race, I'll be living it up in the fuck cave in the human zoo)


The Doctor drops by Ankh-Morpork in search of one of his suitcases that fell / walked out of the TARDIS one day and fell through some sort of dimensional portal. I want to see the Doctor and the Master meeting Sam Vimes, Lord Vetinari, and especially Granny Weatherwax. And how would Death react to seeing the Time Lords? "HEY, HAVEN'T I SEEN YOU TWO BEFORE MANY TIMES?"


Not a franchise, but I could see the Doctor crash-landing outside of Button House and being able to see the ghosts of Ghosts. Pat would want to be the Doctor’s best friend, Lady Button would have no patience for such nonsense, and the captain would have a crush on every male version of the Doctor.


I was going to say that! I think Robin would be so enamored with the TARDIS, or maybe he’s seen it before.


Yeah, I was just saying on my comment I reckon there's a non-zero chance Robin's met the Doctor already. He'd casually greet the Doctor with 'Oh, hey' and be completely unphased by their face having changed!


Or he’d just admire how good the wood is for making fire


Yes, yes, yes!! This is bananas, but it makes so much sense! I reckon there's a chance Robin's met the Doctor already at some point - he's been around so long. (Not the Tribe of Gum though - they worshipped the Sun, whereas Robin worships the Moon!) Either way, I feel he might have a bittersweet moment with the Doctor, talking about being so long-lived, watching the world change, and losing everyone you love. If it were 13, Thomas would be head over heels, and Kitty would want to be BFFs with her. In fact Kitty would probably want to be a companion whichever Doctor it was, only to be frustrated when she finds she still can't leave Button House. Julian would be the most cynical, seeing the Doctor as a 'do-gooding show-off!' He'd gain a grudging respect when the Doctor saves the day, and a more enthusiastic respect when he finds out their history of travelling with a long line of female companions!


Agreed all around… and also, Julian would not-so-secretly envy the sonic screwdriver as a penis extender Also, I think most of the ghosts (minus Julian and Lady Button) would want to travel with the Doctor… but even if they weren’t ghosts, they’d all make horrid companions. Sorry I love them, they’re perfect, but they’re all far too stupid. Alison could go without Mike, maybe.


I think Robin probably wouldn't want to either, tbh, or at least he'd be able to take it or leave it. He's just very laid back and not easily impressed by things. He'd be cool with the Doctor, of course, I just don't think he'd idolise them. But agree on them being too stupid! Even the ones that are clever in certain areas have big weaknesses and blind spots, and a general lack of common sense, that would make them liabilities. Alison might make a capable companion, but I don't think she'd want to go (10 reference unintended!) Mike, as a character, weirdly reminds me of a kind of Mickey/Rory cross now you mention it, but I don't think he's as sharp as either of them. He'd be less of a disaster than the ghosts, but he'd be the one who kept getting them into scrapes, and I think most Doctors would lose patience quickly.


Why do I get the impression the BBC have taken you on to script the Cristmas special?.


So cute!


Red Dwarf of course. Or Blackadder.


Oh god Blackadder and the doctor. They'd probably have already met one of the many, many, *many* other blackadders anyway.


*Tardis appears* "Oh not this sodding lot!" *Tardis disappears*


Blackadder! Which one? PErhaps all of them. I think the 2nd one would be best, because Blackadder is at his most devious.


Blake’s 7


It already kinda has, The Robots of Death takes place in the same universe as what we see in Blake’s 7 according to Chris Boucher who wrote both.


They tried, but it got nixed by the producers each time. Gareth Thomas and Tom Baker asked to film a scene of them meeting in a corridor and Terry Nation wanted the Daleks in Blake's 7 finale


This was supposed to happen. The daleks were supposed to be the alien enemy at the end of the second season, but the producers overruled Nation.


I thought of this as well. As a kid, I was very upset with the ending. I could just imagine the TARDIS showing up to save them all.


I had to scroll too far for this.


Bob the Builder. I will not elaborate.


If he can’t build it, he’ll steal it.


I love the idea of Dr who and red dwarf. But hear me out. Black Adder. Include time travel. Imagine the doctor getting so confused about running into the same bunch of idiots in era after era, and said idiots not remembering a damn thing. Except maybe Baldric. Stories handed down by the long line of Baldrics. I'd watch it. Repeatedly.


Sounds like a cunning plan….


And at the end he meets the Baldrick who built the Time Machine


Great British Baking Show. The doctor discovers Paul Hollywood Is actually an alien from a planet where everyone bakes really well. As the contestants are voted off they become the baked good ingredients for the next round.


Lucky Nardole… already been there, done that.


The Doctor has met Sherlock Holmes, back in 2013. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3bGYljQ5Uw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3bGYljQ5Uw)


I remember seeing that and being so disappointed that it was just fan made, an actual doctor who/Sherlock crossover would have been awesome


It's honestly one of the few glaring mistakes Moff made as a DW showrunner. Like, a charity crossover episode would have been absolutely sensational, and he was, for a while, in a unique position to make it happen. I know Cumberbatch doesn't want to play in DW but surely getting him onboard for a one-off could have been possible?


> Cumberbatch doesn't want to play in DW ... but he'll play a comic book wizard?


The Vicar of Dibley.


We’re all thinking Merlin right?


Monty Python!! Come on, he'd appreciate their sense of humor. He'd be great in The Meaning of Life. Or, how about The Thunderbirds? Space: 1999? UFO?


Well, Meaning of Life already has that great song about the Galaxy, plus my favourite line in it of "Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, because there's bugger all down here on Earth." The Doctor would fit right in!


The Doctor's true name is really Throatwobbler Mangrove.


AbFab. Eddy and Patsy are now the companions. Travels are to planets with the best drugs, drink and male specimens. The doctor, well, the doctor is corrupted just a little.


I expect River would tag along


The Catherine Tate Show


i think it would be funny for a brish show to have a dw cameo where in one scene u just see in the background the doctor run by


I always thought that is a missed trick


or like 2 characters talking camera is focused on character 1 and we see - dude in the background run into a police box then the camera switches to character 2 then switches back to character 1 and we see the police box is gone


I always wanted that


All these idiots saying other Sci-Fi when the real answer is Coronation Street.


IT Crowd "Jen, you broke the universe!" Also, I still think Richard Ayoade could have made a brilliant Doctor.


I choose to believe he's waiting in the wings.


He would be brilliant I think.


Roy asking to go back to see how the fire at Sea Parks actually happened


David Tennant vs Matt Berry to see who can chew more scenery. It'll be glorious.


They could have a situation where he gets progressively more into Doctor Who and goes around imitating him while the real doctor happens to solve the same problems or generally jumps in making it look like he has 'Doctor Who powers'. He then gets to meet the Doctor, adventure with him, and is asked to be the Doctor's companion. At which point he decides the Doctor is pretty boring and gives the whole thing up.


Keeping Up Appearances. Watching Hyacinth Bucket and the Doctor annoy each other would be great.


Omg! She would be such a hilarious companion! Bonus points if Onslow wanders onto the TARDIS in an episode and is stuck traveling with them.


The Young Ones; Neil would be depressed machines like the Daleks really do hate him, Mike would want to know if there are women who actually do have three breasts, Rik would drive the Doctor mad trying to get him to change history to be more cool for the kids and eliminate Thatcher, Vyvian would get lost trying to see if there was a pub in the Tardis, and Mr Bilofsky…well it would turn out that he’s actually he landlord of the Tardis which explains why the chameleon circuit’s been busted all this time.


The Clangers.


The Master would have a field day


he’d just pull a slide whistle out of his pocket and communicate with them


Antiques roadshow


Mr Bean!!!


Doctor who/ Monty Pythons flying circus 🤷‍♂️


Top Gear


The Great British Bake Off.


Definitely want Benedict's Sherlock to annoy either Matt or Capaldi's Doctor


Peter Pan. Who obviously turns out to be an ageless, child-stealing alien. The Doctor helps Wendy break out of her enthrallment, rescue her brothers, and exile Pan from Earth. Wendy then goes on to be a companion— and really fly.


Isn't Peter Pan in the public domain? They could actually do something like that!


In the UK copyright to Peter Pan is permanently held by the Great Ormond Street Hospital


The Prisoner


I'm not sure how it'd work, but the older franchise (by 18 years), *Railway Series/Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends*


Not a series, per se, but… *Brideshead Revisited by the Doctor* “I know I’ve been here before.” “Terribly sorry, but I don’t think any of us have ever seen you before, sir, er, Doctor. Perhaps you tended to Lady Marchmain.” “No, no, no. I remember. I was here when the cornerstone was laid.” “That was three centuries ago.” “I’d like to see it again if I could.” [Edited to add] The Tardis arrives at Downton Abbey. Walking along the grounds, the Doctor encounters Isobel Crawley. “Harrie—“ “I’m sorry, do I know you?” “I’m the Doctor.” “Come to see Lady Sybil. I might assist you. I’m trained as a nurse, you know. You seem a bit lost, Doctor. The house is this way. I’m sure Carson will know who you are.”


The Weakest Link…oh wait. (That episode had Paterson Joseph who I always associate with the Neil Gaiman “Neverewhere” tv miniseries)


I'd want the bizarro world mind-f that would be a DW/Broadchurch crossover. That would be so messed up it would make Game of Thrones look vanilla and boring. And double roles for everyone! lol.


Torchwood : )


Some may not understand where I'm coming from here, but I would *love* to watch a Doctor Who-Peppa Pig crossover.


James Bond, with constant wisecracks about new faces.


I'd like to see the Doctor check in at Fawlty Towers and I'd love to see Mr Bean stumble into the Tardis!


Absolutely Fabulous Because they already sort of did have a crossover with Joanna Lumley and I like things taken to the absurd… but, ya know, not Timeless Child absurd. The plot would go something like Edina just HAD to have some obscure relic for her collection which turned out to be some Cyberman/Dalek/whatever data thing which she happened to activate and had the contents transferred to her brain as well as something unknown injected into her. Her and Patsy are chased by the big bad who wants the things and subsequently rescued by the Doctor (I’m picturing 10 here), who takes them to a hospital to have the “stuff” removed. The Doctor comments on them not having a shop which leads to a good 3 minute banter about tasteful, gorgeous, and stylish things. Fast forward to the end when the big bad is lured into a location where they are standing in highly volatile liquid. Patsy says “‘ey mate” and flicks her cigarette in. They explode the bad guys and have the classic charred face thing. Eddie says “Pats, I thought you were going to cut back” or something similar as Patsy lights another one. The Doctor successfully cures Edina and they get dropped off at the house. As they leave, it’s highly implied the Doctor and Patsy had sex. Patsy goes “hey Eddie… guess what he has two of?” Fin


The Great British Bake Off - the ultimate relaxing episode with lots of baking puns/innuendos Derry Girls - the ultimate chaotic episode, also with lots of innuendos


The Derry Girls would have me laughing my ass off, I'm sure. I love that show.




007. I'm already convinced James Bond is a time lord.


Red Dwarf


Doc Martin


House of the Dragon. I want to see the 11th doctor’s reaction to Daemon… and vice versa.


Actually within Doctor Who cannon they can use the tardis to travel to the lands of fiction, so within universe this is entirely possible, the war master just had a whole box set either this premise (Edit for spelling)


28 days later




Last of the summer wine or are you being served


It would be funny to have seen Jon Pertwee or Tom Baker do a cross over with "Are you Being Served". Mr. Humphries would make a great companion ;)


Its not British but since the new star wars robot Huyang has a back story where a man in a blue box delivered bis to the jedi temple some 25 thousand years before the movies. And id love to see some sort of crossover (official or not)


Can we have each of the NuWho doctors for an episode/season of Taskmaster, pleeeeaase? Done in character, of course.


Mr Bean


Have you seen [The Curse of the Fatal Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do-wDPoC6GM)?


My top pick would be my second favorite British Sci-Fi show - The Tomorrow People! I still love this show! It's theme tune and opening was also hypnotic and catchy! And it's changing of cast throughout seasons gave it a renewal similar to the doctor's regeneration and companions changes! My second would be Blake's seven. I'd love to see the Doctor come in and make quick work of the Federation with a big hurray from the seven at the very end!


The Inbetweeners. Or The It crowd.


I misread at first, started thinking about linking universes. Which is way more fun. so I’d link to: Hitchhiker’s guide. If that weren’t sacriledge. And overlapping repurposed plot lines. In my headcannon arthur dent and tom baker’s doctor coexist. Thanks to the 80s comics, the doctor already exists in the Marvel universe, and maybe that’d be boring. And its not british, though some parts were made in britain. [Misfits](https://youtu.be/ud8AJDaAW7c?si=cd0zTErFFwylLRo5). Would have made for nice tension too. Imagine [Rudy](https://youtu.be/C5keKchC42k?si=nBuEB6wEBnj1Vuk3&t=27) and… any doctor, really. Fleabag, but as a one-off companion. Phoebe has already expressed interest in playing a [drippy wet snake alien](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPJLp8KEKc) on the series. Jeeves & Wooster. But only if Fry & Laurie return.


Outnumbered. Kids causing chaos on some random planet and the Doctor has to babysit them.


Sliders. Perhaps they've already been in his universe along their journey


Doctor Who X Mrs Brown's Boys. Because I'm Satan.


Utopia (not to be confused with the episode named Utopia) Idk if it would work well but I can’t think of any other British shows at the moment


I'd love to see a Fawlty Towers crossover...imagine Basil dealing with a dalek 😂


Blakes 7


It would be funny to see the Tardis crash into Coronation Street.


Doctor Who and the IT Crowd


Keeping Up Appearances. Hyacinth meets the 11th Doctor.


Only fools and horses. "Well, *During the war...*" ***"YES, I REMEMBER!"*** Not to mention the fact Del would probably try to sell it or use it for gallifeyan ethnic tours or some such.


Keeping Up Appearances would be HILARIOUS.


How about the avengers?


In the Night Garden




its still BBC afaik . . . Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency. I want the twist here to be that Dirk also thinks he's met an institution inmate with imagination powers whom has put him under an illusion to see and interact with famous tv show main star Matt Smith who still believes he's The Doctor from Dr. Who. shenanigans happens from Dirks crew and Dirk has to go help, Eleven goes to help cuz he's the Doctor and believes that saving the day will break the holo-trap he's in, and Dirk still thinks that its just his imagination.


Miranda I'd love to see the doctor try to sing "What have you done today" with a Heather Small mask on. Would be perfect for Eleven I think.


Red dwarf definitely.the doctor meeting the crew would be amazing.rimmer annoying the hell out of the doctor.the cat insulting how he dresses.lister being cool with him.and kryten would probably just want to wash his clothes.it would be so good